182 research outputs found

    Goa e as dobras da história literária em língua portuguesa : o como e o porquê

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    A presente tese tem como objetivo principal fazer uma análise crítica da historiografia da literatura goesa escrita em língua portuguesa, composta por textos publicados entre a segunda metade do século XIX e a segunda metade do século XX (1864-1999). Em primeiro lugar, comparo três obras que se configuram como os maiores repositórios historiográficos de informações sobre essa literatura, a que dedico bem três capítulos. Estas são, designadamente: Literatura indo-portuguesa: figuras e factos de Vicente de Bragança Cunha (1926), Esboço da história da literatura indo-portuguesa de Filinto Cristo Dias (1963), A literatura indoportuguesa de Vimala Devi e Manuel de Seabra (1971). Pretendo estudar os seus parâmetros de edificação, a voz autoral e o seu discurso, os critérios de seleção – inclusivos ou de exclusão – de autores, obras e géneros literários, por meio dos conceitos de narratividade e abrangência, e quando for possível, a finalidade dessas obras, bem como o tipo de público a quem se direcionam. Além disso, não será negligenciada a relação dessas obras com algumas problemáticas genuinamente goesas, como a questão da identidade cultural e a residualidade da língua portuguesa em Goa. Estas três obras são, ulteriormente, postas em relação com outros textos, de natureza secundária, que também se interessaram pela sistematização da literatura indo-portuguesa, ou goesa de língua portuguesa, e que servem para reconstruir uma genealogia da historiografia literária de Goa e estudar as ligações entre um texto e outro, olhando para as possíveis influências ou divergências. O aparato teórico de referência é o da teoria da história literária e da literatura comparada, sendo que os primeiros capítulos são dedicados ao debate sobre a crise e a reforma da história literária, enquanto âmbito de estudo, mantendo sempre constante a relação com o caso goês.The main goal of this thesis is to make a critical analysis of the historiography of Goan literature written in Portuguese. The latter is composed of texts published between the second half of the 19th century and the second half of the 20th century (1864-1999). Three chapters are dedicated to the comparison of three works that are considered the largest historiographic repositories of information on this literature. These are Literatura indo-portuguesa: figuras e factos by Vicente de Bragança Cunha (1926), Esboço da história da literatura indo-portuguesa by Filinto Cristo Dias (1963), A literatura indo-portuguesa by Vimala Devi and Manuel de Seabra (1971). Taking these books into analysis, I study how the authorial voice and its discourse are articulated and, through the concepts of narrativity and comprehensiveness, which selection criteria were used to include or exclude authors, works and literary genres, as well as the type of public to which they are aimed. Besides, I consider the relationship between these works and some genuinely Goan issues, such as Goan cultural identity and the residuality of the Portuguese language in Goa. Apart from these three main works, I also take into account other texts which have had an impact on the systematization of Indo-Portuguese literature (or Goan literature in Portuguese language) and that allow us to reconstruct a genealogy of literary historiography of Goa and study the links between one text and another, looking for possible influences or divergences. The theoretical apparatus of reference is that of the theory of literary history and comparative literature. In the light of that, the first two chapters are dedicated to the debate on the crisis and the reform of literary history, as a field of study, always maintaining a special focus to the Goan case


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    In this interview, Goan writer Vimala Devi remembers her life as a writer and translator, «a life turned into a life of a certain lyricism». She tells about the experiences she shared with her husband Manuel de Seabra – also a writer and a translator –, who accompanied her throughout her literary and professional path, until his death in 2017. Vimala shares the memories of her life in Goa, her move to Portugal first and to London and Barcelona later, the memories of the time of Salazar’s dictatorship and, last but not least, she talks about the most important book on the history of Goan literature in Portuguese language, A Literatura Indo-Portuguesa, published in 1971.Na presente entrevista, a escritora goesa Vimala Devi lembra-se da sua vida de escritora e tradutora, «uma vida convertida numa vida de um certo lirismo». Ela conta das vivências partilhadas com o seu marido Manuel de Seabra – ele também escritor e tradutor –, o qual a acompanhou durante todo o seu percurso literário e profissional até a morte, acontecida em 2017. Vimala partilha também as lembranças da sua vida em Goa, da mudança para Portugal e, sucessivamente, para Londres e Barcelona, das suas memórias da ditadura salazarista e, não menos importante, da publicação da maior obra de história da literatura de Goa em língua portuguesa, A Literatura Indo-Portuguesa de 1971

    Miradas desde la intermedialidad: poéticas de subjetivación/ estéticas de desaparición en la modernidad e hipermodernidad. Lecturas y relecturas culturales de la ciudad actual en la literatura y cine europeo e hispanoamericano

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    El proyecto incursiona en la problemática del espacio urbano que se plantea en la modernidad e hipermodernidad a partir de la pérdida de sentido que ocasionan las nuevas tecnologías. ¿Cómo es la mirada del cine y la literatura sobre la urbe moderna? ¿Qué diferentes visiones/versiones encontramos en el corpus de textos que analizamos? Partiendo de estos interrogantes, realizamos el análisis de películas (Blade Runner, de R. Scott, 1982; Nueve reinas, de F. Bielinsky, 2000) y de novelas y microrrelatos: ¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas? (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?), de Ph. K. Dick (1968); Tokio ya no nos quiere, de R. Loriga (1999); La ciudad (2005), microrrelatos de J. J. Millás, y Lord, de J. G. Noll (2006). Se trata de un corpus de textos europeos y americanos (Norteamérica e Hispanoamérica) de los siglos xx y xxi.El trabajo crítico se desarrolla en el marco de la teoría sobre la modernidad e hipermodernidad de G. Lipovesky (basada en tres componentes centrales: el mercado, la eficiencia técnica y el individuo), retomada por J. Assef (2013) en su concepción de la subjetividad hipermoderna. Se trabajan, asimismo, la estética de la desaparición de P. Virilio (1988), el concepto de sobremodernidad (afín al de hipermodernidad) de M. Augé, quien considera tres excesos: el acercamiento de las distancias, la individualización y la aceleración de la historia, y, finalmente se trabaja la manera en que la ciudad, los sujetos y el cuerpo son determinados en este cibermundo. Desde esta perspectiva, analizamos cómo las nuevas técnicas modifican los modos de percepción. El marco teórico proporciona la lente desde la cual discutimos la problemática de la configuración/deconstrucción del imaginario urbano y los modos de conversión del espacio urbano en espacio de deseo, de construcción de subjetividades (el viajero, el nómade, el caminante). En los textos trabajados, el ojo de cámara y los modos de enunciar buscan aprehender un breve y efímero espacio, siempre en movimiento. La ciudad se disuelve arrastrada por la velocidad y solo queda reconocerla en esa condición de evanescencia donde sus personajes, extraños entre sí, la habitan como transeúntes que aparecen y desaparecen en lugares deslocalizados.La relevancia de este proyecto radica en la búsqueda y comprensión de aquellas miradas que, desde el cine y la literatura, se proponen dar respuesta al interrogante que se abre ante la pérdida de vista de la ciudad y develar otras formas de concebir ese espacio

    Ethical and Forensic Issues in the Medico-Legal and Psychological Assessment of Women Asylum Seekers

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    Asylum-seeking migrants represent a vulnerable segment of the population, and among them, women constitute an even more vulnerable group. Most of these women and girls have been exposed to threats, coercion, and violence of many kinds, including rape, forced prostitution, harassment, sexual slavery, forced marriage and pregnancy, female genital mutilation/excision, and/or other violations of their rights (e.g., deprivation of education, prohibition to work, etc.). The perpetrators of the violence from which they flee are often their own families, partners, and even institutional figures who should be in charge of their protection (such as police officers). In the process for the acceptance/rejection of an asylum application, the forensic and psychological certification can make the difference between successful and unsuccessful applications, as it can support the credibility of the asylum seeker through an assessment of the degree of compatibility between the story told and the diagnostic and forensic evidence. This is why constant and renewed reflection on the ethical, forensic, and methodological issues surrounding medico-legal and psychological certification is essential. This article aims to propose some reflections on these issues, starting from the experience of the inward healthcare service dedicated to Migrant Victims of Maltreatment, Torture, and Female Genital Mutilation operating since 2018 at the Institute of Forensic Medicine of the University Hospital of Palermo

    Exploring Purchasing Determinants for a Low Fat Content Salami: Are Consumers Willing to Pay for an Additional Premium?

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    Consumers today are increasingly moving toward healthier lifestyles and food purchasing habits. This new awareness has also prompted the meat industry, usually indicted for the use of harmful compounds and ingredients such as additives, salt, and fat, to introduce innovative measures to meet demand. This study aims to assess consumer willingness to pay an additional price premium (APP) for a healthy salami by identifying which factors are more likely to have an effect on the willingness to purchase, such as socio-demographic and product and market-related attributes. An Ordered Logit model has been applied to define factors influencing consumers' willingness to pay for a low-fat salami. Results show a favorable consumer acceptance of reduced-fat salami conveyed by the willingness of consumers to pay an additional price for this product and confirm that the health awareness of consumers is an important driving force in cured meat marketing strategies

    Old Yellow Enzyme homologues in Mucor circinelloides: Expression profile and biotransformation

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    Abstract The reduction of C=C double bond, a key reaction in organic synthesis, is mostly achieved by traditional chemical methods. Therefore, the search for enzymes capable of performing this reaction is rapidly increasing. Old Yellow Enzymes (OYEs) are flavin-dependent oxidoreductases, initially isolated from Saccharomyces pastorianus. In this study, the presence and activation of putative OYE enzymes was investigated in the filamentous fungus Mucor circinelloides, which was previously found to mediate C=C reduction. Following an in silico approach, using S. pastorianus OYE1 amminoacidic sequence as template, ten putative genes were identified in the genome of M. circinelloides. A phylogenetic analysis revealed a high homology of McOYE1-9 with OYE1-like proteins while McOYE10 showed similarity with thermophilic-like OYEs. The activation of mcoyes was evaluated during the transformation of three different model substrates. Cyclohexenone, α-methylcinnamaldehyde and methyl cinnamate were completely reduced in few hours and the induction of gene expression, assessed by qRT-PCR, was generally fast, suggesting a substrate-dependent activation. Eight genes were activated in the tested conditions suggesting that they may encode for active OYEs. Their expression over time correlated with C=C double bond reduction

    Climate Change Perception and Innovative Mitigation Practices Adopted by Hungarian Farms

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    Climate change is becoming a growing concern for the agricultural sector. Variable weather events, such as droughts and floods, are expected to have a significant negative impact on agricultural losses, earnings and consumption. The agriculture industry in Europe is not immune to these difficulties. This study focuses on Hungary, a country with a strong agricultural focus that, as a result, is particularly susceptible to climate change. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was performed to synthesis data about the perspectives of Hungarian farmers on the dangers of climate change. Then, latent variables were employed as explanatory variables in the Logit model to investigate the link between the perceptions of climate change risks by Hungarian farmers and their inclination to adopt innovative ways to mitigate its repercussions. Changes in temperature and precipitation, economic damage, water damage, and insect damage are seen as the most serious repercussions of climate change by Hungarian farmers. These beliefs raise the possibility of adopting new strategies to offset harmful consequences, including (i) the adoption of new varieties, (ii) ice and frost protection, and (iii) the use of agro-meteorological data. The results show that the chance of adopting new varieties is substantially influenced by farmers’ assessments of harm caused by pests, pathogens, and illnesses (2.91***). In contrast, water damage concerns seem to have a significant impact on the adoption of novel approaches to reduce cold and frost damage (2.18***). This study’s findings support the efforts of stakeholders and policymakers to encourage the dissemination of technology to protect crops from climate change in Hungary and imply that governments should provide financial incentives to farmers to boost innovation uptake

    Industrial symbiosis and agri-food system: Themes, links, and relationships

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    Industrial symbiosis is an eco-innovative system concept that is based on a circular economy and industrial ecology ideas. This process comprises the movement of materials, energy, and skills across enterprises located within eco-industrial parks, and strives to provide economic, environmental, and social competitive advantages for all the involved parties. Considering that the agri-food system creates a vast quantity of by-products along the supply chain, it is a sector that has huge potential within material and energy recovery systems and fits well into eco-industrial parks. The current study is a literature review that aims to evaluate the interest exhibited so far by scientific research in the topic of industrial symbiosis in the agri-food sector and to highlight the primary analytical techniques that have been used for this topic. Using the paradigm of multiple correspondence analysis, a content analysis was conducted from which the major themes of the researched phenomena emerged. The results indicate that the topic areas are unrelated and somewhat distant from each other. The analyzed case studies have revealed that the authors had neglected the communicative and collaborative elements among stakeholders, and instead focused on the potential use of some tools and approaches. Furthermore, it has been hypothesized that the hiding of information within a supply chain prevents industrial symbiosis procedures from being implemented. This research suggests the necessity of creating communication and cooperation platforms among stakeholders, which would promote the introduction of new techniques and tools for the development of circular production systems

    ¿Un doble exilio? Canon, historia y subjetividades en la literatura de exilio: Un campo problemático Los casos argentino y español en la literatura del Siglo XX

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    El objetivo principal del Proyecto es incentivar y desarrollar un debate sobre la historiografía literaria, en relación con el lugar que ocupan los textos de exilio. Se trata de un trabajo comparatistaentre textos literarios producidos por españoles en el exilio y textos literarios de argentinos en el exilio, acerca de la problemática que se plantea en la constitución, clasificación y análisis de un corpus de textos rotulados bajo la denominación “Literatura de exilio”. El proyecto propone profundizar e incrementar el conocimiento de una poética del exilio, y contribuir a la relectura de identidades/subjetividades que se desconfiguran/reconfiguran en los textos de exilio. El proyecto se inscribe dentro del marco teórico que desarrolla Benjamín, para quien la catástrofe tiene que ser pensada como el continuum de la historia. Asimismo, a partir de la concepción bajtiniana, se analizan identidades es/subjetividades, que emergen en los espacios de desplazamiento forzoso u obligado. Se trata de llenar un espacio doblemente vacío: al silencio de los escritores del exilio se añade el que sufren dentro del canon de la historiografía literaria nacional respectiva. En este sentido, se considera el concepto de trauma como fenómeno cultural, ligado a una censura de la historia

    ¿Un doble exilio? Canon, historia y subjetividades en la literatura de exilio: un campo problemático. Los casos argentino y español en la literatura del siglo XX

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    El proyecto planteó interrogantes sobre la problemática del exilio (memoria, trauma, subjetividades, historia) en textos españoles y argentinos del siglo XX, a fin de conformar una poética del exilio, revisar el lugar de esta literatura dentro del canon literario y realizar un trabajo comparatista en los casos trabajados de las dos literaturas. Se trabajó una concepción de la literatura según la cual cada teoría produce sus modos de leer, diseña sujetos y objetos. Así, en este tipo de construcción metodológica se enmascara el tema de la identidad, el tema de la construcción de un nosotros frente a lo otro. Asimismo, desde la matriz genérica, a partir de la incidencia de lo social ya no se trata de la historia, sino de memoria/desmemoria. En la lectura de los textos de este proyecto se trabajó la concepción benjaminiana de shock/catástrofe en la modernidad y así se concibe una historiografía que se deshace y fragmenta en ruinas, es decir, mediante estas imágenes-tiempo, se destruye una falsa apariencia de totalidad: lo real, la ruina (la Historia), deviene en una escritura, que nunca puede llegar a ser definitivamente traducida. Entre los casos argentinos se trabajó con textos de Héctor Tizón, Antonio Di Benedetto, Daniel Moyano, Mempo Giardinelli y Juan Martini. En el caso español, se consideraron textos de Max Aub, Ramón J. Sender y Francisco Ayala. A ellos se añaden trabajos sobre Mercé Rodoreda (escritora de/en exilio) y Rafael Chirbes (sus textos presentan la historia de España del siglo XX en una búsqueda de recuperar el pasado, y reinterpretarlo) proporcionan otras perspectivas sobre esta problemática. En el análisis de textos de exilio de escritores españoles y argentinos, se ha podido reconocer, a partir de ese corpus de textos, una poética del exilio donde emergen aquellas subjetividades silenciadas en la imposibilidad de acceder a la historia reciente, la cual solo puede ser configurada en la memoria traumática. Así emerge la otra historia nunca contada, en el fragmento, el resto, la ruina.The project raised questions about the problems of exile (memory, trauma, subjectivity, history) in Spanish and Argentine texts of the twentieth century, in order to form a poetics of exile, check the place of this literature within the literary canon and perform work comparative worked where thetwo literatures. A conception of literature theory according to which each produce their ways ofreading worked, designed subjects and objects. Thus, in this type of construction the methodologicalissue of identity is masked, the issue of building an us against the other. Also, since the genericmatrix from the impact of the social it is no longer a matter of history, but memory / forgetfulness.In reading the text of this project Benjamin’s conception of shock / disaster in modern timesworked and so a historiography that melts and breaks in ruins, that is, through these images-timeconceived a false appearance is destroyed all: the real, the ruin (History), becomes a script, whichcan never be definitively translated. Among the Argentine cases we worked with texts by HectorTizon, Antonio Di Benedetto, Daniel Moyano, Mempo Giardinelli and Juan Martini. In the Spanishcase, texts of Max Aub, Ramon and Francisco J. Ayala Sender considered. They work on Rodoreda(writer / in exile) and Rafael Chirbes are added (texts present the history of the twentieth centurySpain on a quest to recover the past and reinterpret) provide other perspectives on this issue. In theanalysis of texts exile of Spanish and Argentine writers, it has been recognized, from that corpus oftexts, a poetics of exile where those subjectivities silenced unable to access recent history, emergewhich can only be set in the traumatic memory. Thus emerges the other untold, in the fragment, therest history ruin