108 research outputs found

    Changes in behavioural response of Mediterranean Seabass (Dicenthratus labrax L.) under different feeding distributions

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    Captive-induced behavioural deviations may involve many aspects of fish behaviour such as swimming activity and enhancement of individual aggressiveness. We studied seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) behaviour as a function of manual and automatic feeding distribution modes. Under manual mode, the food is distributed over an extended area for a longer period, and its precise location is not always predictable, while with pneumatic automatic feeders, fish receive the same amount of resource, which is concentrated in the same surface area over a shorter period. We compared seabass behaviour under automatic and manual conditions collecting video image recordings before, during, and after feeding distribution, in the morning and in afternoon, on two different days, and analysing data within independent sessions of measurements. Feeding modes significantly affected swimming behaviour: automatically- fed fish were characterised by vertical movements through the water column (towards the surface and bottom) and by horizontal swimming. Manually-fed fish were instead characterised by sharp direction changes during their swimming, mostly towards the surface. Feeding distribution induced changes in collision frequency and elicited aggressive behaviour. In particular, agonistic behaviour (i.e. a fish attacks another fish) was almost exclusively recorded during the feeding under automatic distribution, whereas it was constantly expressed during all the distribution phases under manual mod

    La segmentación publicitaria en el siglo XXI: el caso de las agencias de viaje online

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    El objetivo principal de este estudio es profundizar en el fenómeno de la segmentación de mercado como parte fundamental de cualquier estrategia empresarial que se plantee en el siglo XXI. Complicados y costosos modelos de segmentación han evolucionado en herramientas automatizadas que acceden a una gran cantidad de información que permite una descripción cada vez más detallada del usuario. Se busca mostrar la capacidad de segmentación de estrategias comportamentales en Internet dentro del área de las agencias de viajes online en España, como uno de los sectores más representativos que trabaja con este tipo de modelo. Para realizar una descripción profunda de este fenómeno, se utiliza una metodología de carácter cualitativo basado en tres técnicas: revisión bibliográfica, estudio de casos y observación estructurada. De esta se extrae como estos cambios han afectado tanto al mercado publicitario a nivel general como a los anunciantes y destinatarios de esa publicidad cada vez más personalizada

    Modulating memory performance in healthy subjects with Trancranial Direct Current Stimulation over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

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    Objective The role of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC) in recognition memory has been well documented in lesion, neuroimaging and repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) studies. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) over the left and the right DLPFC during the delay interval of a non-verbal recognition memory task. Method 36 right-handed young healthy subjects participated in the study. The experimental task was an Italian version of Recognition Memory Test for unknown faces. Study included two experiments: in a first experiment, each subject underwent one session of sham tDCS and one session of left or right cathodal tDCS; in a second experiment each subject underwent one session of sham tDCS and one session of left or right anodal tDCS. Results Cathodal tDCS over the right DLPFC significantly improved non verbal recognition memory performance, while cathodal tDCS over the left DLPFC had no effect. Anodal tDCS of both the left and right DLPFC did not modify non verbal recognition memory performance. Conclusion Complementing the majority of previous studies, reporting long term memory facilitations following left prefrontal anodal tDCS, the present findings show that cathodal tDCS of the right DLPFC can also improve recognition memory in healthy subjects

    Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Trains at 1 Hz Frequency of the Right Posterior Parietal Cortex Facilitate Recognition Memory

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    Neuroimaging, neuropsychological, and brain stimulation studies have led to contrasting findings regarding the potential roles of the lateral parietal lobe in episodic memory. Studies using brain stimulation methods reported in the literature do not offer unequivocal findings on the interactions with stimulation location (left vs. right hemisphere) or timing of the stimulation (encoding vs. retrieval). To address these issues, active and sham 1 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) trains of 600 stimuli were applied over the right or left posterior parietal cortex (PPC) before the encoding or before the retrieval phase of a recognition memory task of unknown faces in a group of 40 healthy subjects. Active rTMS over the right but not the left PPC significantly improved non-verbal recognition memory performance without any significant modulation of speed of response when applied before the retrieval phase. In contrast, rTMS over the right or the left PPC before the encoding phase did not modulate memory performance. Our results support the hypothesis that the PPC plays a role in episodic memory retrieval that appears to be dependent on both the hemispheric lateralization and the timing of the stimulation (encoding vs. retrieval)

    Enhancing memory performance with rTMS in healthy subjects and individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment: the role of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

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    A debated question in the literature is the degree of anatomical and functional lateralization of the executive control processes sub-served by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) during recognition memory retrieval. We investigated if transient inhibition and excitation of the left and right DLPFC at retrieval by means of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) modulate recognition memory performance in 100 healthy controls (HCs) and in eight patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Recognition memory tasks of faces, buildings, and words were used in different experiments. rTMS-inhibition of the right DLPFC enhanced recognition memory in both HCs and MCIs. rTMS-excitation of the same region in HCs deteriorated memory performance. Inhibition of the right DLPFC could modulate the excitability of a network of brain regions, in the ipsilateral as well as in the contralateral hemisphere, enhancing function in HCs or restoring an adaptive equilibrium in MCI

    Impairments in top down attentional processes in right parietal patients: Paradoxical functional facilitation in visual search

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    AbstractIt is well known that the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is involved in attentional processes, including binding features. It remains unclear whether PPC is implicated in top-down and/or bottom-up components of attention. We aim to clarify this by comparing performance of seven PPC patients and healthy controls (HC) in a visual search task involving a conflict between top-down and bottom-up processes. This task requires essentially a bottom-up feature search. However, top-down attention triggers feature binding for object recognition, designed to be irrelevant but interfering to the task. This results in top-down interference, prolonging the search reaction time. This interference was indeed found in our HCs but not in our PPC patients. In contrast to HC, the PPC patients showed no evidence of prolonged reactions times, even though they were slower than the HCs in search tasks without the conflict. This finding is an example of paradoxical functional facilitation (PFF) by brain damage. The PFF effect enhanced our patients’ performance by reducing the top down interference. Our finding supports the idea that right PPC plays a crucial role in top-down attentional processes. In our search tasks, right PPC induces top-down interference either by directing spatial attention to achieve viewpoint invariance in shape recognition or by feature binding

    Boosting Phonological Fluency Following Leftward Prismatic Adaptation: A New Neuromodulation Protocol for Neurological Deficits?

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    Prism adaptation (PA) has been recently shown to modulate a brain frontal-parieto-temporal network, with an increase of excitation of this network in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the side of prismatic deviation. This effect raises the hypothesis that left prismatic adaptation, modulating the excitability of frontal areas of the left hemisphere could modulate subjects’ performance on linguistic tasks that map on those areas. To test this hypothesis, sixty-one healthy subjects participated in experiments in which leftward, rightward or no-PA were applied before the execution of a phonological fluency task, i.e. a task with the strict left hemispheric lateralization and mapping onto frontal areas. Leftward-PA significantly increased the number of words produced compared with the pre-PA (p = .0017), R-PA (p=.00013) and no-PA (p=.0005) sessions. In contrast, rightward-PA did not significantly modulate phonological fluency compared with the pre-PA (p = .92) and no-PA (p = .99) sessions. The effect of leftward PA on phonological fluency correlated with the magnitude of spatial aftereffect, i.e. the spatial bias towards the side of space opposite to prismatic deviation following prisms removal (r = .51; p = .04). The present findings document for the first time modulation of a language ability following prismatic adaptation. The results could have a huge clinical impact on neurological populations, opening new strategies of intervention for language and executive dysfunctions

    Improvement of phonemic fluency following leftward prism adaptation

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    Anatomo functional studies of prism adaptation (PA) have been shown to modulate a brain frontal-parieto-temporal network, increasing activation of this network in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the side of prism deviation. This effect raises the hypothesis that left prism adaptation, modulating frontal areas of the left hemisphere, could modify subjects' performance on linguistic tasks that map on those areas. To test this hypothesis, 51 healthy subjects participated in experiments in which leftward or rightward prism adaptation were applied before the execution of a phonemic fluency task, i.e., a task with strict left hemispheric lateralization onto frontal areas. Results showed that leftward PA significantly increased the number of words produced whereas rightward PA did not significantly modulate phonemic fluency. The present findings document modulation of a language ability following prism adaptation. The results could have a huge clinical impact in neurological populations, opening new strategies of intervention for language and executive dysfunctions

    Verbal Fluency in Mild Alzheimer's Disease: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex

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    Background: Recent studies showed that in healthy controls and in aphasic patients inhibitory trains of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the right prefrontal cortex can improve phonemic fluency performance, while anodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the left prefrontal cortex can improve performance in naming and semantic fluency tasks. Objective: This study aimed at investigating the effects of cathodal tDCS over the left or the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) on verbal fluency tasks (VFT) in patients with mild Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Methods: Forty mild AD patients participated in the study (mean age 73.17 ± 5.61 years). All participants underwent cognitive baseline tasks and a VFT twice. Twenty patients randomly received cathodal tDCS to the left or the right DLPFC, and twenty patients were assigned to a control group in which only the two measures of VFT were taken, without the administration of the tDCS. Results: A significant improvement of performance on the VFT in AD patients was present after tDCS over the right DLPFC (p=.001). Instead, no difference was detected between the two VFTs sessions after tDCS over the left DLPFC (p=.42). Furthermore, these results cannot be related to task learning effects, since no significant difference was found between the two VFT sessions in the control group (p= .73). Conclusions: These data suggest that tDCS over DLPFC can improve VFT performance in AD patients. A hypothesis is that tDCS enhances adaptive patterns of brain activity between functionally connected areas

    Fundamental aspects of arm repair phase in two echinoderm models

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    Regeneration is a post-embryonic developmental process that ensures complete morphological and functional restoration of lost body parts. The repair phase is a key step for the effectiveness of the subsequent regenerative process: in vertebrates, efficient re-epithelialisation, rapid inflammatory/immune response and post-injury tissue remodelling are fundamental aspects for the success of this phase, their impairment leading to an inhibition or total prevention of regeneration. Among deuterostomes, echinoderms display a unique combination of striking regenerative abilities and diversity of useful experimental models, although still largely unexplored. Therefore, the brittle star Amphiura filiformis and the starfish Echinaster sepositus were here used to comparatively investigate the main repair phase events after injury as well as the presence and expression of immune system and extracellular matrix (i.e. collagen) molecules using both microscopy and molecular tools. Our results showed that emergency reaction and re-epithelialisation are similar in both echinoderm models, being faster and more effective than in mammals. Moreover, in comparison to the latter, both echinoderms showed delayed and less abundant collagen deposition at the wound site (absence of fibrosis). The gene expression patterns of molecules related to the immune response, such as Ese-fib-like (starfishes) and Afi-ficolin (brittle stars), were described for the first time during echinoderm regeneration providing promising starting points to investigate the immune system role in these regeneration models. Overall, the similarities in repair events and timing within the echinoderms and the differences with what has been reported in mammals suggest that effective repair processes in echinoderms play an important role for their subsequent ability to regenerate. Targeted molecular and functional analyses will shed light on the evolution of these abilities in the deuterostomian lineage