115 research outputs found

    Análise dos mecanismos de ação envolvidos na atividade antinociceptiva do triterpeno 3ß, 6ß, 16ß- tridroxilup-20(29)-eno (TTHL) isolado de Combretum leprosum

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Neurociências, Florianópolis, 2010Efeito antinociceptivo do triterpeno 3ß, 6ß, 6ß-trihidroxilup-20(29)-eno(TTHL) isolado de flores de Combretum leprosum em modelos experimentais de dor aguda e crônica em camundongos, como ácido acético, formalina e glutamato e dor crônica neuropática. Investigação dos possíveis mecanismos de ação envolvidos neste efeito, entre eles, o envolvimento do sistema opióide, sertoninérgico e via de sinalização comum entre estes sistemas, além do sistema glutamatérgico

    Laboratorio de arquitectura y la motivación de los estudiantes del taller de diseño de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas UPC

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar de qué manera influye el Laboratorio de Arquitectura en la motivación de los estudiantes del Taller de diseño de la facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas. Es una investigación que se desarrolló bajo el enfoque cuantitativo y de tipo aplicada, descriptiva, observacional, prospectivo y de corte transversal, con dos grupos: experimental y control. En el grupo experimental se aplicó el método de enseñanza Laboratorio de Arquitectura, mientras que en el de control se mantuvo el método tradicional. La muestra estuvo constituida por 43 estudiantes. El instrumento empleado fue el cuestionario sobre motivación. Luego de haber realizado la recolección de datos, mediante el instrumento se procedió a analizar la información, tanto a nivel descriptivo, como a nivel inferencial, lo cual nos permitió realizar las mediciones y comparaciones necesarias para lograr los objetivos planteados. Para el nivel inferencial se ha realizado la prueba de comparación de medias independientes, y previamente se analizaron los supuestos estadísticos. Para la prueba de normalidad se empleó la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk, comprobando que la variable presenta una distribución normal. Para la prueba de homogeneidad de varianza se empleó la prueba de Levene concluyendo que no existen diferencias significativas entre la varianza de dichos grupos. Finalmente, se desarrolló la prueba de comparación de Muestras Independientes con el estadígrafo T-Student, al ser una prueba paramétrica. Los resultados arrojaron que p < 0,05 menor al nivel de significancia prestablecido, evidenciando que existen diferencias significativas entre las medias del grupo control y experimental. Lo que permite concluir que el Laboratorio de Arquitectura influye significativamente en la Motivación de los estudiantes.The general objective of this research was to determine how the Architecture Laboratory influences the motivation of the students of the Design Workshop of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Applied Sciences. It is an investigation that was developed under a quantitative approach and applied, descriptive, observational, prospective and cross-sectional, with two groups: experimental and control. In the experimental group, the Laboratory of Architecture teaching method was applied, while the traditional method was maintained in the control group. The research sample was conformed of 43 students. The instrument used was the questionnaire on motivation. After having carried out the data collection, the information was analyzed using the instrument, both at a descriptive level and at an inferential level, which allowed us to carry out the necessary measurements and comparisons to achieve the objectives set. For the inferential level, the independent means comparison test was carried out, and the statistical assumptions were previously analyzed. For the normality test, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used, verifying that the variable has a normal distribution. For the variance homogeneity test, Levene's test was used, concluding that there are no significant differences between the variance of these groups. Finally, the independent samples comparison test was developed with the T-Student statistic, as it is a parametric test. The results showed that p <0.05 less than the preset significance level, showing that there are significant differences between the means of the control and experimental groups. This allows us to conclude that the Architecture Laboratory significantly influences the Motivation of the students

    The Shigella flexneri OmpA amino acid residues 188EVQ190 are essential for the interaction with the virulence factor PhoN2

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    Shigella flexneri is an intracellular pathogen that deploys an arsenal of virulence factors promoting host cell invasion, intracellular multiplication and intra- and inter-cellular dissemination. We have previously reported that the interaction between apyrase (PhoN2), a periplasmic ATP-diphosphohydrolase, and the C-terminal domain of the outer membrane (OM) protein OmpA is likely required for proper IcsA exposition at the old bacterial pole and thus for full virulence expression of Shigella flexneri (Scribano et al., 2014). OmpA, that is the major OM protein of Gram-negative bacteria, is a multifaceted protein that plays many different roles both in the OM structural integrity and in the virulence of several pathogens. Here, by using yeast two-hybrid technology and by constructing an in silico 3D model of OmpA from S. flexneri 5a strain M90T, we observed that the OmpA residues 188EVQ190 are likely essential for PhoN2-OmpA interaction. The 188EVQ190 amino acids are located within a flexible region of the OmpA protein that could represent a scaffold for protein-protein interaction

    Intestinal Microbiome in Dogs with Chronic Hepatobiliary Disease: Can We Talk about the Gut–Liver Axis?

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    The gut–liver axis represents a current topic in human medicine. Extensive research investigates the gut microbiome (GM) modifications in relation to various kinds of chronic hepatobiliary diseases (CHD), with many mechanisms and therapeutical implications recognized. Those aspects in veterinary medicine are still quite unexplored. The aim of the present study was to evaluate GM in dogs diagnosed with CD. Comparison among CHD dogs were made considering some clinical and biochemical variables (lipemia and alanine–aminotransferase activities), presence of cholestasis or endocrine disorders, diet). Sixty-five dogs were prospectively enrolled with clinical and hematobiochemical evaluation and 16S-RNA GM sequencing assessed. Dogs that received antibiotics and/or pre/pro/symbiotics administration were excluded. Deeper GM alteration was observed between dogs with or without ultrasonographic and biochemical cholestatic CHD. Cholestasis was associated with a decrease in several bacterial taxa, including Clostridium hiranonis, Fusobacterium, Megamonas, Ruminococcus faecis, Turicibacter, and higher levels of Escherichia/Shigella and Serratia. Thus, the alteration in bile flow and composition, typical of cholestasis, may directly affect the local intestinal microbial environment. For the management of dogs with CHD and especially cholestatic CHD, clinicians should be aware that gut–liver interaction may lead to dysbiosis

    Neem oil nanoemulsions: characterisation and antioxidant activity

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    The aim of the present work is to develop nanoemulsions (NEs), nanosized emulsions, manufactured for improving the delivery of active pharmaceutical ingredients. In particular, nanoemulsions composed of Neem seed oil, contain rich bioactive components, and Tween 20 as nonionic surfactant were prepared. A mean droplet size ranging from 10 to 100nm was obtained by modulating the oil/surfactant ratio. Physicochemical characterisation was carried out evaluating size, f-potential, microviscosity, polarity and turbidity of the external shell and morphology, along with stability in simulated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), activity of Neem oil alone and in NEs, HEp-2 cell interaction and cytotoxicity studies. This study confirms the formation of NEs by Tween 20 and Neem oil at different weight ratios with small and homogenous dimensions. The antioxidant activity of Neem oil alone and in NEs was comparable, whereas its cytotoxicity was strongly reduced when loaded in NEs after interaction with HEp-2 cells

    Planejamento de Carreira através de um objeto de aprendizagem

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo para o desenvolvimento de um objeto de aprendizagem (OA) que pretende ser um recurso que permita ao aluno encontrar subsídios de autoconhecimento para melhor planejar e gerir sua carreira profissional, o CarreiraEAD. Traz como suporte as teorias de London, Stumph e Hall e, como modelo de AO, as arquiteturas pedagógicas

    Um experimento para compreender como os aspectos afetivos podem ser reconhecidos em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem

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    Este artigo apresenta um estudo de caso realizado a partir da aplicação do objeto de aprendizagem AnimA-K para validar o modelo de estados afetivos dos alunos.O modelo, baseado na teoria de appraisal de Scherer, foi elaborado para inferir os estados de ânimo durante o processo de aprendizagem mediado por ambientes virtuais deensino e aprendizagem. O experimento considera as interações dos alunos com o objeto de aprendizagem e analisa os comentários registrados na ferramenta Fórum. A representação formal adotada e os resultados obtidos são abordados

    Broad-Spectrum Inhibition of HIV-1 by a Monoclonal Antibody Directed against a gp120-Induced Epitope of CD4

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    To penetrate susceptible cells, HIV-1 sequentially interacts with two highly conserved cellular receptors, CD4 and a chemokine receptor like CCR5 or CXCR4. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against such receptors are currently under clinical investigation as potential preventive or therapeutic agents. We immunized Balb/c mice with molecular complexes of the native, trimeric HIV-1 envelope (Env) bound to a soluble form of the human CD4 receptor. Sera from immunized mice were found to contain gp120-CD4 complex-enhanced antibodies and showed broad-spectrum HIV-1-inhibitory activity. A proportion of MAbs derived from these mice preferentially recognized complex-enhanced epitopes. In particular, a CD4-specific MAb designated DB81 (IgG1Κ) was found to preferentially bind to a complex-enhanced epitope on the D2 domain of human CD4. MAb DB81 also recognized chimpanzee CD4, but not baboon or macaque CD4, which exhibit sequence divergence in the D2 domain. Functionally, MAb DB81 displayed broad HIV-1-inhibitory activity, but it did not exert suppressive effects on T-cell activation in vitro. The variable regions of the heavy and light chains of MAb DB81 were sequenced. Due to its broad-spectrum anti-HIV-1 activity and lack of immunosuppressive effects, a humanized derivative of MAb DB81 could provide a useful complement to current preventive or therapeutic strategies against HIV-1

    Decommissioning and reusing churches: issues and research perspectives

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    The phenomena of underutilization, decommissioning and reuse of religious heritage are considered key issues by ecclesiastical institutions, research centers and others working in the realms of culture. The social, economic and technical dynamics that are caused by these phenomena are relevant not only for the ecclesial milieu but for all of society. In order to encourage the encounter between researchers and ecclesial subjects, the the Responsible Risk Resilience Centre (R3C) at the Politecnico di Torino aimed - in the frame of the coopereation with Pontifical Council of Culture, Pontifical Gregorian University and Conference of the Bishops of Italy - at surveying interdisciplinary research projects on the subject, focusing on architectural and urban issues, and based on studies of the social and theological-pastoral sciences as well. The call to report on ongoing studies or those recently concluded invited the research centers to consider three issues: 1. Wide-scale Research. Establishing the enquiry at a regional level underlines that individual choices on a decommissioned building cannot neglect a broader framework to interpret social, cultural and pastoral dynamics, major risk factors and a regional planning perspective of religious heritage, focusing on the responsible involvement of worshippers and local communities, and on the enhancement of the resilience of local systems. 2. Discernment of Method. Faced with a plurality of approaches, the question of the selection (motivated and transparent) of methods is raised concerning decision-making processes concerning reuse, regeneration and revitalization of decommissioned or redundant religious heritage, specifically assessment methods considering ecclesial, social, cultural and economic dynamics, aiding collective discernment about the maintenance of the worship function, or other appropriate utilizations or transformations. 3. Theoretical Issues. The complexity of the challenges requires further reflection on the significance of reuse of religious heritage, considered in relation to restoration theory, sociological models, architectural design theory and – in general – all disciplines concerning heritagization processes and the sustainable regeneration of cultural heritage. The appeal was received by more than 30 research groups, involving about 50 scholars from different disciplines (from architectural design to canon law, passing through historical, sociological, management studies, etc.), working in research centers in 12 countries (from Canada to Turkey). 15 experiences are published in this section of the book, introduced by the scientific committee of the call.The aim of the initiative – both in its expositive and editorial aspects – is to inform ecclesiastical subjects about the themes investigated by the academic world regarding the reuse of churches, but also to inspire institutions in their policies of regeneration and enhancement, and to allow the exchange of research methods between working groups and different countries