110 research outputs found

    The Roman Houses of the Caelian Hill (Rome, Italy): Multitemporal Evaluation of Biodeterioration Patterns

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    Like other hypogeal environments, the Roman Houses of the Caelian Hill are prone to unwanted biological growth. Wide conservative interventions have been carried out at the beginning of this millenium to reduce biodeterioration and physical-chemical damages. Retracing the last monitoring work, we assessed the site's current state of conservation and biodeterioration intending to check the previous treatments' effectiveness and deepen the common knowledge of the subterranean biota and their possible biodeteriogenic effects. Starting from the past test areas and the previous identifications of the occurring biodeteriogens, we further isolated and identified the main eubacterial, fungal, and phototrophic settlers, focusing on some detrimental traits for wall paintings (i.e., acid production and carbonate precipitation). The achieved results proved the success of the performed interventions in reducing the wall's water content. Otherwise, the new conditions raise, in the long term, new concerns about lampenflora, carbonate precipitations, and salt efflorescence. Here, the Caelian Houses' new status is documented. The possible favouring conditions for the different groups of biodeteriogens, along with the taxonomical novelties, additional risks tied to the anthropization of the resident culturable microbial community, and the possible relation between the black fungus Cyphellophora olivacea and roots, are reported and discussed

    Science for art: multi-years' evaluations of biocidal efficacy in support of artwork conservation

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    In recent decades, the relationship between Science and Art has been gradually strengthened through the use of diagnostic, conservation, and valorization technologies. New technologies can also be used to support the creation and durability of bio-artworks. Within such a context, starting from the Spring of 2014, we performed in situ experimentations to eventually increase the durability of the graphical artwork of William Kentridge on the Lungotevere embankments, whose creation was scheduled in the following years. We applied various combinations and concentrations of three different biocides (Algophase, Biotin R, and Preventol R80) and two water repellents (Hydrophase surfaces and Silo 111) on 34 test areas. However, the artist preferred to leave his artwork to a natural fading. Right before the realization of the graphical artwork "Triumph and Laments of Rome" in 2016, just the black biological colonizations mainly composed of cyanobacteria were removed through pressurized water. We monitored the artist's work through analyses of images and colorimetric variations and such drawings showed a duration of 4 years in the natural conditions of recolonization. Here we show how the recolonization of treated and control areas, analyzed with the same methods, showed an increased duration, 3 years longer than under natural conditions in the case of Preventol R80(& REG;) and Biotin R-& REG; plus Silo 111(& REG;). The tested solutions showed differential effectiveness and multiple possibilities of use to support the maintenance of the artwork if the artist wanted to preserve his artwork for a longer period

    Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Sites: Is There Something More Than Exophiala xenobiotica? New Insights into Black Fungal Diversity Using the Long Cold Incubation Method

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    Human-made hydrocarbon-rich environments are important reservoirs of microorganisms with specific degrading abilities and pathogenic potential. In particular, black fungi are of great interest, but their presence in the environment is frequently underestimated because they are difficult to isolate. In the frame of a biodiversity study from fuel-contaminated sites involving 30 diesel car tanks and 112 fuel pump dispensers (52 diesel and 60 gasoline, respectively), a total of 181 black fungal strains were isolated. The long cold incubation (LCI) of water-suspended samples, followed by plating on Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar (DRBC), gave isolation yields up to six times (6.6) higher than those of direct plating on DRBC, and those of enrichment with a phenolic mix. The sequencing of ITS and LSU-rDNA confirmed the dominance of potentially pathogenic fungi from the family Herpotrichiellaceae and Exophiala xenobiotica. Moreover, other opportunistic species were found, including E. opportunistica, E. oligosperma, E. phaeomuriformis, and Rhinocladiella similis. The recurrent presence of E. crusticola, Knufia epidermidis, Aureobasidium melanogenum, Cladosporium spp., and Scolecobasidium spp. was also recorded. Interestingly, 12% of total isolates, corresponding to 50% of taxa found (16/32), represent new species. All the novel taxa in this study were isolated by LCI. These findings suggest that black fungal diversity in hydrocarbon-rich niches remains largely unexplored and that LCI can be an efficient tool for further investigations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Holocene tephra layer within coastal aeolian deposits north of Caleta Olivia (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina)

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    In this paper we illustrate the stratigraphy, geochronology, and geochemistry (major, minor, trace elements and Sr-isotopes) of a Holocene tephra layer found within coastal sedimentary deposits north of Caleta Olivia (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina). The stratigraphic succession comprises beach deposits with basal erosive surface resting on the local substrate (“Formación Patagonia”) followed by a poorly developed paleosoil. The paleosoil is covered by a lenticular fine grained (Mdφ: 5.2, 0.027 mm), well sorted (σφ: 1.2) volcanic ash layer and aeolian sands. The geochemical composition of shard fragments points to an origin from the Hudson volcano, located in the southern Andes, ca. 400 km to the west. The geochemistry, Sr-isotopes and the radiometric constraints (younger than the age of the underlying marine layer dated at ca. 4,100 a cal BP) further allow correlating this tephra with the so-called H2 eruption (ca. 3,900 a cal BP). This finding is of interest owing to the poor preservation potential of tephra within the Late Holocene sedimentary deposits of the Atlantic coast of Patagonia and represents the first finding of H2 eruption in this area, improving our knowledge of the dispersion of the fine-grained distal deposit of the Hudson volcanic explosive activity, thus allowing a better estimate of the eruptive dynamics and the risks associated with the Hudson volcano

    Biodiversity, evolution and adaptation of fungi in extreme environments

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    Fungi play irreplaceable roles for ecosystem functioning. They may adopt different lifestyles, for example saprotrophs, symbionts or parasites: some species are cosmopolitan with a wide distribution and others, thanks to their ecological plasticity, may adapt to harsh environments precluded to most of life forms. In stressing conditions, their role is even more crucial for the recycling of organic matter or favoring nutrients uptake. When the conditions become really extreme and competition is low, fungi focus on extremotolerance and evolve peculiar competences to exploit natural or xenobiotic resources in the particular constrains imposed by the environment. This paper focuses on three different cases of fungal life in the extremes: hydrocarbon-polluted sites, extremely acidic substrates, and littoral dunes, aiming to give few but significant examples of the role of these fascinating organisms in peculiar habitats and the valuable biotechnological potentialities of the abilities they have evolved in response to such constrains

    Autophagy and Inflammasome Activation in Dilated Cardiomyopathy

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    Background: The clinical outcome of patients affected by dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is heterogeneous, since its pathophysiology is only partially understood. Interleukin 1 beta levels could predict the mortality and necessity of cardiac transplantation of DCM patients. Objective: To investigate mechanisms triggering sterile inflammation in dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Methods: Hearts explanted from 62 DCM patients were compared with 30 controls, employing immunohistochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, as well as metabolomics studies. Results: Although misfolded protein accumulation and aggresome formation characterize DCM hearts, aggresomes failed to trigger the autophagy lysosomal pathway (ALP), with consequent accumulation of both p62(SQSTM1) and dysfunctional mitochondria. In line, DCM hearts are characterized by accumulation of lipoperoxidation products and activation of both redox responsive pathways and inflammasome. Consistently with the fact that mTOR signaling may impair ALP, we observed, an increase in DCM activation, together with a reduction in the nuclear localization of Transcription Factor EB -TFEB- (a master regulator of lysosomal biogenesis). These alterations were coupled with metabolomic alterations, including accumulation of branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), known mTOR activators. Consistently, reduced levels of PP2Cm, a phosphatase that regulates the key catabolic step of BCAAs, coupled with increased levels of miR-22, a regulator of PP2Cm levels that triggers senescence, characterize DCM hearts. The same molecular defects were present in clinically relevant cells isolated from DCM hearts, but they could be reverted by downregulating miR-22. Conclusion: We identified, in human DCM, a complex series of events whose key players are miR-22, PP2Cm, BCAA, mTOR, and ALP, linking loss of proteostasis with inflammasome activation. These potential therapeutic targets deserve to be further investigated

    Una capa de tefra holocena intercalada en los depósitos eólicos costeros ubicados al norte de Caleta Olivia (Provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina)

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    In this paper we illustrate the stratigraphy, geochronology, and geochemistry (major, minor, trace elements and Sr-isotopes) of a Holocene tephra layer found within coastal sedimentary deposits north of Caleta Olivia (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina). The stratigraphic succession comprises beach deposits with basal erosive surface resting on the local substrate (“Formacion Patagonia”) followed by a poorly developed paleosoil. The paleosoil is covered by a lenticular fine-grained (Mdφ: 5.2, 0.027 mm), well sorted (σφ: 1.2) volcanic ash layer and aeolian sands. The geochemical composition of shard fragments points to an origin from the Hudson volcano, located in the southern Andes, ca. 400 km to the west. The geochemistry, Sr-isotopes and the radiometric constraints (younger than the age of the underlying marine layer dated at ca. 4,100 a cal BP) further allow correlating this tephra with the so-called H2 eruption (ca. 3,900 a cal BP). This finding is of interest owing to the poor preservation potential of tephra within the Late Holocene sedimentary deposits of the Atlantic coast of Patagonia and represents the first finding of H2 eruption in this area, improving our knowledge of the dispersion of the fine-grained distal deposit of the Hudson volcanic explosive activity, thus allowing a better estimate of the eruptive dynamics and the risks associated with the Hudson volcano.Este artículo aborda la estratigrafía, geocronología y geoquímica (elementos mayoritarios, minoritarios, trazas e isótopos de Sr) de un nivel de tefra holocena que forma parte de una secuencia de sedimentos costeros ubicados al norte de Caleta Olivia (provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina). La secuencia comprende depósitos sedimentarios que se disponen sobre una superficie basal erosiva que suprayace al sustrato local (“Formación Patagonia”), y continúa esta secuencia con un paleosuelo de escaso desarrollo. El paleosuelo está cubierto por una capa lenticular de cenizas volcánicas de grano fino (Mdφ: 5,2, 0,027 mm), bien seleccionada (σφ: 1,2) y arenas eólicas. La composición geoquímica de los shards indica que esta tefra se originó en el volcán Hudson, ubicado en los Andes del sur, a aproximadamente 400 km hacia el oeste. La geoquímica, los isótopos de Sr y las restricciones radiométricas (más joven que la edad de la capa marina que la subyace, fechada en aproximadamente 4.100 a cal AP) permiten correlacionar esta tefra con la denominada erupción H2 de dicho volcán (ocurrida aproximadamente 3.900 a cal AP). Este hallazgo es de interés debido al escaso potencial de preservación de los depósitos de tefra dentro de las secuencias sedimentarias costeras del Holoceno Tardío, en la costa atlántica de Patagonia y representa el primer hallazgo del evento eruptivo H2 en esta área, lo cual contribuye a mejorar el conocimiento sobre la dispersión de la tefra generada por la actividad volcánica explosiva del volcán Hudson, lo que permite una mejor estimación de la dinámica eruptiva y los riesgos asociados con este volcán.Centro de Estudios Integrales de la Dinámica Exógen

    Glioma-associated stem cells: A novel class of tumor-supporting cells able to predict prognosis of human low-grade gliomas.

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    Background: Translational medicine aims at transferring advances in basic science research into new approaches for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Low-grade gliomas (LGG) have a heterogeneous clinical behavior that can be only partially predicted employing current state-of-the-art markers, hindering the decision-making process. To deepen our comprehension on tumor heterogeneity, we dissected the mechanism of interaction between tumor cells and relevant components of the neoplastic environment, isolating, from LGG and high-grade gliomas (HGG), proliferating stem cell lines from both the glioma stroma and, where possible, the neoplasm. Methods and Findings: We isolated glioma-associated stem cells (GASC) from LGG (n=40) and HGG (n=73). GASC showed stem cell features, anchorage-independent growth, and supported the malignant properties of both A172 cells and human glioma-stem cells, mainly through the release of exosomes. Finally, starting from GASC obtained from HGG (n=13) and LGG (n=12) we defined a score, based on the expression of 9 GASC surface markers, whose prognostic value was assayed on 40 subsequent LGG-patients. At the multivariate Cox analysis, the GASC-based score was the only independent predictor of overall survival and malignant progression free-survival. Conclusions: The microenvironment of both LGG and HGG hosts non-tumorigenic multipotent stem cells that can increase in vitro the biological aggressiveness of glioma-initiating cells through the release of exosomes. The clinical importance of this finding is supported by the strong prognostic value associated with the characteristics of GASC. This patient-based approach can provide a groundbreaking method to predict prognosis and to exploit novel strategies that target the tumor stroma

    In patients with metastatic breast cancer the identification of circulating tumor cells in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition is associated with a poor prognosis

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    Background: Although recent models suggest that the detection of Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC) in epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EM CTC) might be related to disease progression in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients, current detection methods are not efficient in identifying this subpopulation of cells. Furthermore, the possible association of EM CTC with both clinicopathological features and prognosis of MBC patients has still to be demonstrated. Aims of this study were: first, to optimize a DEPArray-based protocol meant to identify, quantify and sort single, viable EM CTC and, subsequently, to test the association of EM CTC frequency with clinical data. Methods: This prospective observational study enrolled 56 MBC patients regardless of the line of treatment. Blood samples, depleted of CD45(pos) leukocytes, were stained with an antibody cocktail recognizing both epithelial and mesenchymal markers. Four CD45(neg) cell subpopulations were identified: cells expressing only epithelial markers (E CTC), cells co-expressing epithelial and mesenchymal markers (EM CTC), cells expressing only mesenchymal markers (MES) and cells negative for every tested marker (NEG). CTC subpopulations were quantified as both absolute cell count and relative frequency. The association of CTC subpopulations with clinicopathological features, progression free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS) was explored by Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and Univariate Cox Regression Analysis, respectively. Results: By employing the DEPArray-based strategy, we were able to assess the presence of cells pertaining to the above-described classes in every MBC patient. We observed a significant association between specific CD45(neg) subpopulations and tumor subtypes (e.g. NEG and triple negative), proliferation (NEG and Ki67 expression) and sites of metastatic spread (e.g. E CTC and bone; NEG and brain). Importantly, the fraction of CD45(neg) cells co-expressing epithelial and mesenchymal markers (EM CTC) was significantly associated with poorer PFS and OS, computed, this latter, both from the diagnosis of a stage IV disease and from the initial CTC assessment. Conclusion: This study suggests the importance of dissecting the heterogeneity of CTC in MBC. Precise characterization of CTC could help in estimating both metastatization pattern and outcome, driving clinical decision-making and surveillance strategies