1,762 research outputs found

    Semiologia da articulação temporomandibular

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    The base for the diagnosis of cause and effect is an agreement of the normal form and its relation with the function. It can still be considered that if it does not find a riot in the function, without a corresponding degree of alteration in the structure. Therefore, and for the fact of that a basic knowledge of the sthomatognatic system starts with the joint to temporomandibular (TMJ), it is basic the structural and anatomical study of this structure. The TMJ is a set of anatomical structures that, with the participation of special muscular groups, they make possible to the mandible to execute varied movements during the chew. Biaxial complex is classified in the synovial category, having had as component anatomical the articulate surfaces, the articulate disc, the capsules, the ligaments, beyond the synovial membranes. The articulate surfaces are formed by a surface of the head of the mandible and by a surface of the articulate part of the temporal bone. The situations will be presented all here that the TMJ can be involved as the Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, Pathology, Examinations, Diagnosis, Diagnosis for image, Riots, Trauma and the Treatment

    Simulação de transporte de poluentes tóxicos em ambientes confinados

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    Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia MecânicaNa perspectiva da Qualidade do Ar Interior (QAI) que reconhece o risco associado e direto para os trabalhadores expostos nos locais de trabalho das Instalações Industriais através de vários estudos comprovados nas últimas décadas. Para isso, existe a necessidade de desenvolver estudos de modelação numérica de transporte de contaminante, em estado estacionário numa simulação em CFD aplicado a um caso não isotérmico com o modelo RANS k-ɛ para avaliar a exposição dos trabalhadores à distribuição de contaminante no Workshop envolvente ao Ladle Furnace (LF). A localização da fonte emissora de contaminação encontra-se no equipamento de ventilação despoeiramento do Ladle Furnace para estudo da dispersão do transporte de partículas finas até 2μm de tamanho no interior do espaço confinado. Foi proposto um estudo de simulação de contaminante e temperatura no caso alternativo de ventilação mecânica para verificar a sua viabilidade para remoção das partículas finas para quando o despoeiramento do Ladle Furnace perde condições por temperatura alta de fumos para comparar com o sistema de ventilação natural convencional existente na Instalação Industrial. Em que os resultados do sistema de ventilação mecânica proposto apresenta uma zona de pluma de contaminante bastante significativa em torno do Ladle Furnace na zona de trabalho. Após análise, verificou-se que a velocidade real do ar insuflado pelos difusores obteve-se a 0,146 m/s por cálculo de CFD devido à condição do atrito por arrasto desse fluxo de ar insuflado pelos difusores. Assim sendo, esse fluxo de ar insuflado dos difusores apresenta um sério défice de velocidade de ar em aproximação aos 9,8 m/s que se pretendia inicialmente. Desta forma, conclui-se que não se apresenta como uma solução em conformidade com o índice de QAI para ambiente confinado, ao qual deve ser reformulado em função de outras condicionantes para trabalhos futuros a desenvolver. Isto porque o dado comparativo para este trabalho de simulação consiste com uma analogia ao valor máximo de 103 mg/m3 permitido de concentração média (MC) na zona de trabalho do Forno LF pelo “Chinese Hygienic Standards” GBZ 1-2010 para exposição em workshops industriais de Fundição. Sendo o valor máximo próximo de 4000 mg/m3 obtido neste presente trabalho de simulação bem superior ao MC permitido da norma GBZ 1-2010 mencionado em comparação. Pelo que o comportamento desordenado na velocidade simulada de insuflação, não apresenta consistência como sistema adequado, colocando em risco os trabalhadores à exposição de concentração de contaminante. Além disso foi simulado um estudo de contaminante em estado estacionário isotérmico e estacionário não isotérmico, caso 1 e caso 2, respetivamente. Com resultados obtidos para o caso 1 e caso 2 comparando com os autores [Murakami, [50], [Z.Zhang, [11], apresentando-se bastante aceitáveis.From the IAQ perspective, it has caused an environmental increase with direct risk to workers exposed at Industrial workplaces using several proven studies in recente decades. To this end, there is a need to develop steady state numerical contaminant transport modeling studies where a CFD is applied in a non-isothermal case with RANS k-ɛ model to predict worker’s exposure to contaminant distribution in the workshop’s factory propose. The location of the source of contaminant is located in the shell furnace exhaust ventilation equipment to study the dispersion of fine particle transport up to 2μm size within the confined space. A contaminant simulation and simulated temperature study was proposed in the alternate case of mechanical ventilation to verify its feasibility for fine particle removal when Ladle Furnace de-dusting loses conditions by high smoke temperature working at the minimm pressure conditions of the equipment and compare with the conventional natural ventilation system that is assumed to already exist in the Industrial plant. In which the results of the mechanical ventilation system proposed presents a very significant contaminant plume zone around the Ladle Furnace in the work zone where the supply blows at actual flow velocities of 0.146 m/s by CFD calculation because contemplating the drag friction of this flow. Thus, this difusores inflated air flow presents a serious air velocity failing about the initially approaching to intended 9,8 m/s. Thus, it is concluded that it is not presented as a solution in accordance with the IAQ índex for confined environment, which should be reformulated according to other constraints for future work to be developed. This is because the comparative data for this simulation work consists of na analogy to the maximum allowable average concentration (MC) value of 103 mg/m3 in the Ladle Furnace oven working área by the Chinese Hygienic Standards CBZ 1-2010 for display in industrial foundry workshops. Being the the maximum value close to 4000 mg/m3 obtained in this simulation work well above the allowed (MC) standards mentioned for comparison. Therefore, the disordered behavior in the simulated inflation velocity does not presente consistency as na adequate system, putting workers at risk of exposure of contaminant concentration. In addition, a isothermal steady state and non-isothermal steady state contaminant study, case 1 and case 2, respectively, were simulated. With results obtained for case 1 and case 2 comparing with the authors [Murakami, [50], [Z.Zhang, [11], being quite acceptable.N/

    Geografia e arte cinematográfica : uma análise do espaço na obra fílmica de Luis Buñuel

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, 2014.Partindo do principio de que vários pesquisadores vêm explorando sob vários ângulos a interface das linguagens geográfica e cinematográfica, esse trabalho tem como objetivo principal testar a viabilidade ou não de se construir uma ponte entre a geografia e a obra do cineasta Luis Buñuel. O aporte epistemológico da Geografia Humanística, baseada no método fenomenológico, em que a chamada “Geopoética” encontra-se inserida, propiciou a aproximação entre geografia e arte e a consequente justaposição entre geografia e cinema. O trabalho se desenvolveu em quatro diferentes etapas. Na primeira, falamos sobre o método de Análise Fílmica, procurando demonstrar como operacionalizá-la para estudos de caso. Na segunda, abordamos o que os geógrafos culturais brasileiros vêm produzindo na área de cinema. Na terceira, nos valemos do “caso empírico” Buñuel, analisando sua biografia para tentar entender como as ambiências aparecem em sua obra e buscando interpretar a relação das personagens com espaços fílmicos. Na quarta e última etapa, nos guiamos por um protocolo de parâmetros sugeridos por uma ficha de análise para procedermos ao exame da obra do diretor – lançando, portanto, um “olhar geográfico” sobre seus filmes. Para tanto, foi definida como objeto de exame uma amostra de dezoito obras do referido autor. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTBased on the fact that many researchers have been exploring from several angles the interface between geographical and cinematic language, this work aims to test the viability or not to build a bridge between Geography and the work of the filmmaker Luis Buñuel. The epistemological contribution of Humanistic Geography, based on the phenomenological method, in which the so-called "Geopoetics" lies inserted, provided the connection between Geography and Art and the consequent juxtaposition between Geography and cinema. The work was developed in four different stages. At first, we talked about the method of filmic analysis, trying to demonstrate how to operationalize it in case studies. In the second, we discuss what Brazilian cultural geographers have been producing in the field of cinema. In the third, we avail of the "empirical case" Buñuel, analyzing his biography searching to understand how ambiences appear in his work and seeking to interpret the relationship between characters and filmic spaces. The fourth and final step, We are guided by a parameters protocol suggested by an analysis form to proceed to the examination of the work of the director - giving, therefore, a "geographical look" on his films. For that, It was defined as an object of examination a sample of eighteen works of that author

    SEGBEE: Mobile Application for Honey Segmentation in Apiary Boards

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    Beekeeping is one of the most important activities for humans. Since ancient times, honey has been used in the treatment of several diseases and is an extremely powerful antioxidant. The process of visual analysis of the apiary requires trained specialists who try to obtain relevant information to make a decision about what to do with the honeycomb. Since the process is performed manually, given the complexity of the task, opportunities arise for the application of automated systems that can assist the beekeeper's decision making. Thus, this paper presents the development of the application \textit{SegBee}, a computational tool that performs the segmentation in the apiary plates, where there is the presence of honey, in an accessible, fast and practical way. To do this, the OpenCV library was used for the digital image processing part, and the Kivy library was used to develop the interface of the mobile application. The tests performed showed that the images were adequately segmented by \textit{SegBee}, indicating where the honey is located on each analyzed plate. A visual comparison was made between results obtained by \textit{SegBee} and another commercial application, demonstrating the effectiveness of the developed tool. The proposed solution contributes to the improvement of the beekeeping professionals' work, once the application is simple to use and fast to process, being able to help in the honey identification task in apiaries plates

    A preliminary comparison of the corrosion behaviour of additively and conventionally manufactured 18Ni300 maraging steel for moulds

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    ABSTRACT: The corrosion behaviour of a maraging steel 18Ni300 manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) was compared to that of a conventional tool steel. Electrochemical test conditions were chosen to approximate the corrosive environments encountered during injection moulding of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) parts. The corrosion behaviour of the steel produced by both routes was evaluated before and after an ageing treatment at 510 ºC for six hours. Cuboid specimens were fabricated and a polished area of 100 mm2 was immersed in a 0.1M HCl solution for 7 days. Open circuit potential (OCP) and polarization curves were used to monitor the material exposed to the corrosive environment. The obtained results indicate that the conventionally produced aged steel is less susceptible to corrosion and that the steel manufactured by L-PBF (not aged condition) showed better resistance to pitting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Endocardite não bacteriana trombótica: revisão a propósito de um estudo de caso.

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    Mestrado Integrado em MedicinaMaster Degree in Medicin

    Acionador automático para irrigar plantas

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    Despite the massive demand of water for plant irrigation, there are few devices being used in the automation of this process in agriculture. This work evaluates a simple controller to water plants automatically that can be set up with low cost commercial materials, which are large-scale produced. This controller is composed by a ceramic capsule used in common domestic water filters; a plastic tube around 1.5 m long, and a pressostate used in domestic washing machines. The capsule and the pressostate are connected through the tube so that all parts are filled with water. The ceramic capsule is the sensor of the controller and has to be placed into the plant substrate. The pressostate has to be placed below the sensor and the lower it is, the higher is the water tension to start the irrigation, since the lower is the pressostate the higher is the water column above it and, therefore, the higher is the tension inside the ceramic cup to pull up the water column. The controller was evaluated in the control of drip irrigation for small containers filled with commercial organic substrate or soil. Linear regressions explained the relationship between the position of pressostate and the maximum water tension in the commercial substrate (p < 0.0054) and soil (p < 0.0001). Among the positions of the pressostate from 0.30 to 0.90 m below the sensor, the water tension changed from 1 to 8 kPa for commercial substrate and 4 to 13 kPa for the soil. This simple controller can be useful to grow plants, applying water automatically in function of the water tension of the plant substrate.A despeito da enorme demanda por água na irrigação de plantas, existem poucos aparelhos para automação deste processo sendo usados na agricultura. Avaliou-se um acionador automático para irrigação, o qual pode ser confeccionado com materiais comerciais de baixo custo, pois são produzidos em larga escala. Este acionador é composto por uma cápsula cerâmica usada em filtros de água domésticos; um tubo plástico com cerca de um metro e meio de comprimento e um pressostato de máquinas de lavar roupas domésticas. A cápsula e o pressostato são conectados pelo tubo de forma que todo o espaço interno seja preenchido com água. A cápsula é o sensor do acionador e deve ser posicionada dentro do substrato das plantas. O pressostato deve ser posicionado abaixo do sensor e quanto mais baixo ele estiver, maior é a tensão da água que aciona a irrigação, pois quanto mais baixo estiver o pressostato, maior é a coluna de água acima do mesmo e, portanto, maior é a tensão na cápsula cerâmica para puxar para cima a coluna de água. O acionador foi avaliado no controle da irrigação por gotejamento em pequenos potes preenchidos com substrato orgânico comercial ou solo. Regressões lineares explicaram a relação entre a posição do pressostato e a tensão máxima no substrato comercial (p < 0,0054) e no solo (p < 0,0001). Entre as posições do pressostato de 0,30 a 0,90 m abaixo do sensor, a tensão da água variou de 1 a 8 kPa para o substrato comercial e de 4 a 13 kPa para o solo. Este simples acionador pode ser útil para cultivar plantas, aplicando água automaticamente em função da tensão da água no substrato das plantas

    Thermodynamic modeling of phases equilibrium in aqueous systems to recover potassium chloride from natural brines

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    AbstractChemical fertilizers, such as potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate and other chemical products like sodium hydroxide and soda ash are produced from electrolyte solutions or brines with a high content of soluble salts. Some of these products are manufactured by fractional crystallization, when several salts are separated as solid phases with high purity (>90%). Due to the large global demand for potassium fertilizers, a good knowledge about the compositions of salts and brines is helpful to design an effective process. A thermodynamic model based on Pitzer and Harvie's model was used to predict the composition of crystallized salts after water removal by forced evaporation and cooling from multicomponent solutions or brines. Initially, the salts’ solubilities in binary systems (NaCl–H2O, KCl–H2O and MgCl2–H2O) and ternary system (KCl–MgCl2–H2O) were calculated at 20°C and compared with literature data. Next, the model was compared to our experimental data on the quinary system NaCl–KCl–MgCl2–CaCl2–H2O system at 20°C. The Pitzer and Harvie's model represented well both the binary and ternary systems. Besides, for the quinary system the fit was good for brine densities up to 1350kg/m3. The models were used to estimate the chemical composition of the solutions and salts produced by fractional crystallization and in association with material balance to respond to issues related to the production rates in a solar pond containing several salts dissolved, for instance, NaCl, KCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2

    Automatic controller to water plants

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    Despite the massive demand of water for plant irrigation, there are few devices being used in the automation of this process in agriculture. This work evaluates a simple controller to water plants automatically that can be set up with low cost commercial materials, which are large-scale produced. This controller is composed by a ceramic capsule used in common domestic water filters; a plastic tube around 1.5 m long, and a pressostate used in domestic washing machines. The capsule and the pressostate are connected through the tube so that all parts are filled with water. The ceramic capsule is the sensor of the controller and has to be placed into the plant substrate. The pressostate has to be placed below the sensor and the lower it is, the higher is the water tension to start the irrigation, since the lower is the pressostate the higher is the water column above it and, therefore, the higher is the tension inside the ceramic cup to pull up the water column. The controller was evaluated in the control of drip irrigation for small containers filled with commercial organic substrate or soil. Linear regressions explained the relationship between the position of pressostate and the maximum water tension in the commercial substrate (p < 0.0054) and soil (p < 0.0001). Among the positions of the pressostate from 0.30 to 0.90 m below the sensor, the water tension changed from 1 to 8 kPa for commercial substrate and 4 to 13 kPa for the soil. This simple controller can be useful to grow plants, applying water automatically in function of the water tension of the plant substrate.A despeito da enorme demanda por água na irrigação de plantas, existem poucos aparelhos para automação deste processo sendo usados na agricultura. Avaliou-se um acionador automático para irrigação, o qual pode ser confeccionado com materiais comerciais de baixo custo, pois são produzidos em larga escala. Este acionador é composto por uma cápsula cerâmica usada em filtros de água domésticos; um tubo plástico com cerca de um metro e meio de comprimento e um pressostato de máquinas de lavar roupas domésticas. A cápsula e o pressostato são conectados pelo tubo de forma que todo o espaço interno seja preenchido com água. A cápsula é o sensor do acionador e deve ser posicionada dentro do substrato das plantas. O pressostato deve ser posicionado abaixo do sensor e quanto mais baixo ele estiver, maior é a tensão da água que aciona a irrigação, pois quanto mais baixo estiver o pressostato, maior é a coluna de água acima do mesmo e, portanto, maior é a tensão na cápsula cerâmica para puxar para cima a coluna de água. O acionador foi avaliado no controle da irrigação por gotejamento em pequenos potes preenchidos com substrato orgânico comercial ou solo. Regressões lineares explicaram a relação entre a posição do pressostato e a tensão máxima no substrato comercial (p < 0,0054) e no solo (p < 0,0001). Entre as posições do pressostato de 0,30 a 0,90 m abaixo do sensor, a tensão da água variou de 1 a 8 kPa para o substrato comercial e de 4 a 13 kPa para o solo. Este simples acionador pode ser útil para cultivar plantas, aplicando água automaticamente em função da tensão da água no substrato das plantas