175 research outputs found

    Adsorción de iones fosfato en suspensiones de montmorillonite

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    Texto íntegramente en ruso.Desarrolla y aplica algoritmos y programas para el estudio de la cinética, estática y difusión de iones fosfato en suelos y arcillas a partir de nuevos modelos y se determinó el valor teórico del contenido inicial de fósforo en el suelo.Tesi

    Biblioteca virtual per al treball en ECTS

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    Es presenta la construcció d'una plataforma digital per facilitar l'estudi dels estudiants de la Llicenciatura de la Prova Pilot DURSI de Publicitat i Relacions Públiques. Aquesta plataforma es constitueix com la Biblioteca de Recursos Virtuals que els alumnes poden fer servir al llarg de tota la titulació. El present treball especifica la manera com es construeix, els criteris de classificació, els materials col·locats i, en definitiva, com s'ha concebut la potència que té la Biblioteca Virtual com a eina de reforçament de l'auto-aprenentatge

    9560 Bosques endémicos de Juniperus spp.

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging, texture analysis and regression techniques to non-destructively predict the quality characteristics of meat pieces

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    The quality of meat products is traditionally assessed by chemical or sensorial analysis, which are time consuming, need specialized technicians and destroy the products. The development of new technologies to monitor meat pieces using non-destructive methods in order to establish their quality is earning importance in the last years. An increasing number of studies have been carried out on meat pieces combining Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), texture descriptors and regression techniques to predict several physico-chemical or sensorial attributes of the meat, mainly different types of pig ham and loins. In spite of the importance of the problem, the conclusions of these works are still preliminary because they only use the most classical texture descriptors and regressors instead of stronger methods, and because the methodology used to measure the performance is optimistic. In this work, we test a wide range of texture analysis techniques and regression methods using a realistic methodology to predict several physico-chemical and sensorial attributes of different meat pieces of Iberian pigs. The texture descriptors include statistical techniques, like Haralick descriptors, local binary patterns, fractal features and frequential descriptors, like Gabor or wavelet features. The regression techniques include linear regressors, neural networks, deep learning, support vector machines, regression trees, ensembles, boosting machines and random forests, among others. We developed experiments using 15 texture feature vectors, 28 regressors over 4 datasets of Iberian pig meat pieces to predict 39 physico-chemical and sensorial attributes, summarizing16,380 experiments. There is not any combination of texture vector and regressor which provides the best result for all attributes tested. Nevertheless, all these experiments provided the following conclusions: (1) the regressor performance, measured using the squared correlation (R2), is from good to excellent (above 0.5625) for 29 out of 39 attributes tested; (2) the WAPE (Weighted Absolute Percent Error) is lower than 2% for 32 out of 37 attributes; (3) the dispersion in computer predictions around the true attributes is lower or similar than the dispersion in the labeling expert’s for the majority of attributes (85%); and (4) differences between predicted and true values are not statistically significant for 29 out of 37 attributes using the Wilcoxon ranksum statistical test. We can conclude that these results provide a high reliability for an automatic system to predict the quality of meat pieces, which may operate on-line in the meat industries in the futureThe authors wish to acknowledge the funding received from the FEDER-MICCIN Infrastructure Research Project (UNEX-10-1E-402), Junta de Extremadura economic support for research group (GRU15173 and GRU15113), from the Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016–2019) and from the European Union (European Regional Development Fund — ERDF)S

    On capacity planning for the GMPLS network control plane

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11107-007-0107-9This paper presents capacity planning rules for the control plane of all-optical networks featuring GMPLS and RSVP-TE as a connection setup protocol. As per RSVP standard, a refresh message mechanism is incorporated to RSVP such that the state is periodically refreshed on a link per link basis. We provide analytical expressions for the bandwidth and buffer sizes to be provided such that no flows are torn down due to lack of refresh messages. Our findings show that small buffers (several KBytes) suffice to sustain the signaling load for as much as 400 RSVP flows per link, with the simplest RSVP refresh mechanism (neither using link bundling nor acknowledgments). On the other hand, we also find the packet drop probability per link for a given network topology for the case that the flow survival probability is larger than a given threshold. We provide numerical examples based on the COST 239 european network topology and real RSVP traffic traces from early-commercial switching equipment.This work was funded by EU Project NOBEL (FP6-506760), Project CELTIC-FIRM and the Spanish MEC (project CAPITAL subproject code: TEC2004- 05622-C04-04 and project PINTA

    Procedimientos de auditoria externa para la identificación y valoración de riesgos en las organizaciones no gubernamentales especializadas en la niñez y adolescencia del municipio de San Salvador.

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    Las demandas de encargos de auditorías en las Organizaciones no Gubernamentales especializadas en la niñez y adolescencia, hicieron que surgiera la interrogante ¿Qué tan apropiados son los procedimientos de auditoría que el auditor independiente emplea en la identificación y valoración de riesgos significativos en las instituciones antes mencionadas? sabiendo que la mayoría de donantes exigen transparencia en los recursos que destinan a proyectos y que estas instituciones presentan vulnerabilidades de control. El trabajo se ha desarrollado con el objetivo de brindar una herramienta al gremio de auditores externos que prestan sus servicios independientes a dichas organizaciones domiciliadas en El Salvador. La aplicación del instrumento que aquí se plantea, ayudaría a la reducción de la posibilidad que el auditor no detecte un riesgo significativo en las diferentes instituciones que se especializan en la niñez y adolescencia. Se consideró la aplicación de: a) Normas Internacionales de Auditoría y Control de Calidad para el desarrollo práctico de la auditoría. b) El conjunto de leyes y normativas aplicables decretadas por el Ministerio de Gobernación y c) Una investigación de campo dirigida a auditores con experiencias en este tipo de instituciones que se sustenta con una serie de entrevistas y visitas a las entidades que dieron acceso la revisión de su operatividad. Lo anterior, se desarrolló con la finalidad de definir un proceso de auditoría específico, adecuado y objetivo a las condiciones que presentan en las organizaciones en estudio. Para este trabajo se utilizó el método cuantitativo, ya que, a través de los valores obtenidos, se pudieron comprobar los supuestos de la investigación, identificando que la mayoría de auditores externos, que brindan sus servicios a las Organizaciones no Gubernamentales especializadas en la niñez y adolescencia, no cuentan con programas específicos para realizar sus auditorías en este tipo de instituciones, especialmente aquellos que contienen procedimientos para la identificación y valoración de riesgos. Posteriormente, se elaboró un caso práctico en el que se muestra el proceso a realizar por el auditor desde la presentación de su propuesta hasta el informe, así como los principales riesgos y elementos a encontrar en tales organizaciones, de acuerdo a las opiniones de dichas instituciones, obtenidas mediante el acercamiento a las mismas durante la investigación. Finalmente según los análisis realizados, de los resultados obtenidos, se concluye: primero, que los auditores o las firmas de auditoría, carecen de programas específicos para la identificación y valoración de riesgos en las ONG; segundo, que estas entidades destinan muy pocos recursos financieros, materiales, y de tiempo para realizar una auditoría externa adecuada; tercero, que las instituciones de utilidad pública, principalmente las que no tiene una representación en el extranjero, cuentan con serios problemas de control interno, lo que aumenta la posibilidad de que el auditor le brinde una opinión inapropiada. Se recomienda al gremio de auditores diseñar programas adecuados para el tipo de entidades en estudio, de manera que sean adecuados para identificar riesgos, así como se recomienda valorar las debilidades en el control interno, ya que este tipo de instituciones presentan debilidades en la aplicación del mismo

    Identification of Smith–Magenis syndrome cases through an experimental evaluation of machine learning methods

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    This research work introduces a novel, nonintrusive method for the automatic identification of Smith–Magenis syndrome, traditionally studied through genetic markers. The method utilizes cepstral peak prominence and various machine learning techniques, relying on a single metric computed by the research group. The performance of these techniques is evaluated across two case studies, each employing a unique data preprocessing approach. A proprietary data “windowing” technique is also developed to derive a more representative dataset. To address class imbalance in the dataset, the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) is applied for data augmentation. The application of these preprocessing techniques has yielded promising results from a limited initial dataset. The study concludes that the k-nearest neighbors and linear discriminant analysis perform best, and that cepstral peak prominence is a promising measure for identifying Smith–Magenis syndrome

    Five-Year Follow-Up of the Argentine Randomized Trial of Coronary Angioplasty With Stenting Versus Coronary Bypass Surgery in Patients With Multiple Vessel Disease (ERACI II)

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    ObjectivesThe purpose of the present study is to report the five-year follow-up results of the ERACI II trial.BackgroundImmediate and one-year follow-up results of the ERACI II study showed a prognosis advantage of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stents over coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).MethodsA total of 450 patients were randomly assigned to undergo either PCI (n = 225); or CABG (n = 225). Only patients with multi-vessel disease were enrolled. Clinical follow-up during five years was obtained in 92% of the total population after hospital discharge. The primary end point of the study was to compare freedom from major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) at 30 days, 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years of follow-up.ResultsAt five years of follow-up, patients initially treated with PCI had similar survival and freedom from non-fatal acute myocardial infarction than those initially treated with CABG (92.8% vs. 88.4% and 97.3% vs. 94% respectively, p = 0.16). Freedom from repeat revascularization procedures (PCI/CABG) was significantly lower with PCI compared with CABG (71.5% vs. 92.4%, p = 0.0002). Freedom from MACE was also significantly lower with PCI compared with CABG (65.3% vs. 76.4%; p = 0.013). At five years similar numbers of patients randomized to each revascularization procedure were asymptomatic or with class I angina.ConclusionsAt five years of follow-up, in the ERACI II study, there were no survival benefits from any revascularization procedure; however patients initially treated with CABG had better freedom from repeat revascularization procedures and from MACE

    Estimation of Indoor 222Rn Concentration in Lima, Peru Using LR-115 Nuclear Track Detectors Exposed in Different Modes

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    Radon is the main source of natural radioactivity, and its measurement is considered extremely important in radioprotection, given its relationship with the occurrence of lung cancer. In the last two years, measurements of this radioactive gas were carried out in Lima considering a grid of 5 km (Formula presented.) and the population density to determine the number of measurements to be carried out. Cellulose nitrate nuclear track detectors exposed in bare mode and diffusion chamber mode were used to estimate (Formula presented.) Rn concentrations. In diffusion chamber mode, non-commercial monitors and commercial monitors were used. The monitoring results are presented for 43 districts of the Lima Province whose population is approximately ten million inhabitants occupying a total area of 2655.15 km (Formula presented.). Measurements were made obtaining an average concentration of 49 Bq·m (Formula presented.) using bare detectors and 66 Bq·m (Formula presented.) using non-commercial diffusion chambers. Average concentrations obtained by both detector exposure modes were below the maximum concentration recommended by the WHO. A radon ((Formula presented.) Rn) map was also obtained as a visual representation of the (Formula presented.) Rn levels in the Lima province using inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation

    Referred pain from myofascial trigger points in head and neck–shoulder muscles reproduces head pain features in children with chronic tension type headache

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    Our aim was to describe the referred pain pattern and areas from trigger points (TrPs) in head, neck, and shoulder muscles in children with chronic tension type headache (CTTH). Fifty children (14 boys, 36 girls, mean age: 8 ± 2) with CTTH and 50 age- and sex- matched children participated. Bilateral temporalis, masseter, superior oblique, upper trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, suboccipital, and levator scapula muscles were examined for TrPs by an assessor blinded to the children’s condition. TrPs were identified with palpation and considered active when local and referred pains reproduce headache pain attacks. The referred pain areas were drawn on anatomical maps, digitalized, and also measured. The total number of TrPs was significantly greater in children with CTTH as compared to healthy children (P < 0.001). Active TrPs were only present in children with CTTH (P < 0.001). Within children with CTTH, a significant positive association between the number of active TrPs and headache duration (rs = 0.315; P = 0.026) was observed: the greater the number of active TrPs, the longer the duration of headache attack. Significant differences in referred pain areas between groups (P < 0.001) and muscles (P < 0.001) were found: the referred pain areas were larger in CTTH children (P < 0.001), and the referred pain area elicited by suboccipital TrPs was larger than the referred pain from the remaining TrPs (P < 0.001). Significant positive correlations between some headache clinical parameters and the size of the referred pain area were found. Our results showed that the local and referred pains elicited from active TrPs in head, neck and shoulder shared similar pain pattern as spontaneous CTTH in children, supporting a relevant role of active TrPs in CTTH in children