2,319 research outputs found

    Multi Site Coordination using a Multi-Agent System

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    A new approach of coordination of decisions in a multi site system is proposed. It is based this approach on a multi-agent concept and on the principle of distributed network of enterprises. For this purpose, each enterprise is defined as autonomous and performs simultaneously at the local and global levels. The basic component of our approach is a so-called Virtual Enterprise Node (VEN), where the enterprise network is represented as a set of tiers (like in a product breakdown structure). Within the network, each partner constitutes a VEN, which is in contact with several customers and suppliers. Exchanges between the VENs ensure the autonomy of decision, and guarantiee the consistency of information and material flows. Only two complementary VEN agents are necessary: one for external interactions, the Negotiator Agent (NA) and one for the planning of internal decisions, the Planner Agent (PA). If supply problems occur in the network, two other agents are defined: the Tier Negotiator Agent (TNA) working at the tier level only and the Supply Chain Mediator Agent (SCMA) working at the level of the enterprise network. These two agents are only active when the perturbation occurs. Otherwise, the VENs process the flow of information alone. With this new approach, managing enterprise network becomes much more transparent and looks like managing a simple enterprise in the network. The use of a Multi-Agent System (MAS) allows physical distribution of the decisional system, and procures a heterarchical organization structure with a decentralized control that guaranties the autonomy of each entity and the flexibility of the network

    Physical activity and affect of the elderly: Contribution to the validation of the Positive and Negative Affect Shedule (PANAS) in the Portuguese population

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    The concept of affect corresponds to the emotional dimension of subjective well-being (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, & Griffin, 1985). It is represented by two dimensions (negative affect and positive affect), which were the basis of the development of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - PANAS (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988). It was translated and validated for the Portuguese population by Galinha and Pais-Ribeiro (2005b). Nevertheless, because the Portuguese version was not validated in a sample of Portuguese elderly, the goals of this study consisted in the translation of the scale (PANAS) from the original version of 20 items and the validation of its measurement model (including a shortened version) for a sample of Portuguese elderly (n = 311), aged 60 years or older (M = 68.53; DP = 6.69); it was then tested by a confirmatory factorial analysis. The results demonstrated that the measurement model (two factors and 10 items) of the shortened Portuguese version of the PANAS presented acceptable psychometric qualities, which adjusted to the data in a satisfactory way (factorial weights ranging between .57 and .70 in positive affect and between .52 and .68 in negative affect). We also concluded that older adults who practice more physical activity perceive higher levels of positive affect F(2, 297) = 3,78, p < .05; η2 = .025, and lower levels of negative affect F (2, 297) = 6,24, p < .001; η2 = .040).This project was supported by the National Funds through FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (UID/DTP/04045/2019) - and the European Fund for regional development (FEDER) allocated by European Union through the COMPETE 2020 Programme (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006969).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo do perfil e função de pequenos fragmentos de RNA derivados de tRNA durante a infeção pelo vírus da Influenza A

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    Influenza A virus (IAV) is a respiratory virus that causes yearly seasonal epidemics and sporadic pandemic outbreaks. Annually, influenza epidemics result in 1 billion infections, 3–5 million cases of severe disease, and 300,000–500,000 deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Viruses are small opportunistic infectious agents that rely on the host cells machinery to propagate. Viruses lack, among others, key elements for genome replication and viral protein translation such as transfer ribonucleic acids (tRNAs). tRNAs are non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) with a key role in protein synthesis, as they convert the information from mRNA into a peptide chain. Recently, a novel class of small ncRNAs (sncRNAs) derived from tRNAs, was identified. These are known as tRNA-small derived RNAs (tsRNAs) and are originated by cleavage of tRNAs by endonuclease enzymes like Dicer and Angiogenin. The presence of tsRNAs has been found in several diseases, ranging from cancer to viral infection, and, although it is still not clear whether tsRNAs play an active role in disease pathogenesis, some tsRNAs are disease specific. In this study, we aimed to determine whether, and at which infection stage, IAV infection leads to the formation of tsRNAs. Our results demonstrated that IAV infection leads to the formation of tsRNAs, namely 5’-Gly-GCC tsRNAs and 5’-Glu-CTC tsRNAs, mainly at 2 hours post-infection and at 4 hours post-infection. We also analysed whether angiogenin would be the responsible enzyme for the formation of the observed tsRNAs and if the presence of 5’-Gly-GCC tsRNA would affect IAV infection. Our results suggest that this enzyme is not the main responsible for the formation of these specific tsRNAs and that the increase of 5’-Gly-GCC tsRNA did not affect the formation of infections IAV particles.O vírus Influenza A (IAV) é um vírus respiratório que causa epidemias sazonais anuais e surtos pandémicos esporádicos. Anualmente, as epidemias causadas por estes vírus resultam em 1 bilião de infeções, 3-5 milhões de casos de doença grave e 300.000-500.000 mortes em todo o mundo, de acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) Os vírus são pequenos agentes infeciosos oportunistas que dependem da maquinaria das células do hospedeiro para se propagarem. Os vírus carecem de elementos-chave necessários para a replicação do seu genoma e para a tradução de proteínas virais, como os ácidos ribonucleicos de transferência (tRNAs). Os tRNAs são moléculas de RNA não codificantes com um papel fundamental na síntese proteica, pois convertem a informação presente no mRNA em cadeias de péptidos. Recentemente, uma nova classe de moléculas de RNA não codificantes derivadas de tRNAs foi identificada. Esta classe é conhecida como pequenos RNAs derivados de tRNA (tsRNAs) e é originada pela clivagem de moléculas de tRNA por endonucleases como a Dicer e a Angiogenina. A presença de tsRNAs foi confirmada em várias doenças, desde vários tipos de cancro a infeções virais. Embora ainda não seja claro se os tsRNAs desempenham um papel ativo na patogénese das doenças, alguns destes tsRNAs são específicos para determinadas doenças. Neste estudo, tentámos perceber se a Infeção por IAV leva à formação de tsRNAs e em que ponto específico da infeção isso ocorre. Os nossos resultados demonstraram que durante a infeção por IAV existe de facto formação de tsRNAs (5’-Gly-GCC tsRNAs e 5’-Glu-CTC tsRNAs) e que a sua formação ocorre principalmente 2 a 4 horas após a infeção. Também analisámos a possibilidade da angiogenina ser a enzima responsável pela formação dos tsRNAs observados e se a presença de 5’-Gly-GCC tsRNA tem algum efeito na infeção por IAV. Os nossos resultados sugerem que esta enzima não é a responsável pela formação dos tsRNAs detetados e que o aumento de 5’-Gly-GCC tsRNA não teve efeito na formação de partículas infeciosas de IAV.Mestrado em Microbiologi

    The role of road freight in Uberlândia (Brazil), logistics epicenter of wholesaler-distributor sector

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    In structured analysis from the theory of geographical space and the circuits of urban economy, this article aims to demonstrate the peculiarities and territorial dynamics that confirmed the insertion of the Uberlândia (MG) nodal point like one of centralities of road freight transport geographical network, whose territorial configuration consists of nodals and lines which together express the organization and structuring of this activity in the Brazilian social and spatial formation. Furthermore, it show a selective spatial process that privileged certain points and areas in detriment of others, marked by concentration and action of its agents. The research concludes that the inclusion of Uberlândia in the geographical proposed network occurs because of the close relationship between the agents of road freight and wholesaler-distributor sector.Em análise estruturada a partir da teoria do espaço geográfico e dos circuitos da economia urbana, este artigo pretende demonstrar as peculiaridades e dinâmicas territoriais que corroboram a inserção do ponto nodal de Uberlândia (MG) como uma das centralidades da rede geográfica do transporte rodoviário de carga, cuja configuração territorial é composta por linhas e nodais que em seu conjunto expressam a organização e estruturação desta atividade na formação socioespacial brasileira. Além disso, evidenciam um processo de seletividade espacial que privilegiou certos pontos e áreas em detrimento de outros, demarcado pela concentração e atuação de seus agentes. A pesquisa conclui que a inserção de Uberlândia na rede geográfica proposta se dá por causa da estreita relação entre os agentes do transporte rodoviário de carga e do setor atacadista-distribuidor.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESP, EPPEN, Osasco, BrazilSciEL

    Low-load resistance training unter blood blow restriction : Untersuchung einer alternativen Trainingsmethode bei Gonarthrose

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    Hintergrund: Bei Personen mit Gonarthrose (GA) ist die Belastbarkeit aufgrund verschiedener Faktoren reduziert, was zu Muskelvolumen- und Muskelkraftverminderungen führt. Ein low-load resistance training (LLRT) unter blood-flow restriction (BFR) könnte eine Alternative zum stark belastenden high-load resistance training (HLRT) darstellen, da dabei mit Intensitäten ≤ 30% des one-repetition maximum (1RM) trainiert wird. Fragestellung/ Ziel: Das Ziel des vorliegenden, systematischen Reviews war es herauszufinden, welchen Effekt ein LLRT unter BFR auf die Muskelkraft des M. quadriceps femoris (MQF) und Schmerzen bei Personen mit GA hat und eine evidenzbasierte Empfehlung abzugeben, inwiefern ein solches Training bei dieser Population anwendbar ist. Methode: Es wurde eine systematische Literaturrecherche auf den Datenbanken webofscience, PEDro, cochrane library, medline, CINAHL und PubMED durchgeführt, wobei es zu drei relevanten Treffern kam. Ergebnisse: Ein LLRT unter BFR führt bei Frauen mit GA zu signifikanten Steigerungen der isokinetischen, isotonischen und isometrischen Kraft des MQF und zu einer signifikanten Verbesserung der Schmerzsituation. Schlussfolgerungen: Es ist weitere Forschung nötig, um die Evidenz für die beobachteten Effekte auf Schmerz und Kraft zu stärken, um konkrete Durchführungskriterien des LLRT unter BFR auszuarbeiten und die Sicherheitsrisiken zu klären.Background: Patients suffering from gonarthrosis (GA) show low loading capacity due to different factors which leads to reduced muscle volume and strength. Low-load resistance training (LLRT) with blood-flow restriction (BFR) could represent an alternative to the stressing high-load resistance training (HLRT), since training intensities equal 30% or less of the one repetition maximum (1RM). Purpose: The object of this systematical review was to evaluate the effect of a LLRT with BFR on strength of the m. quadriceps femoris (MQF) and pain in patients with GA. Furthermore, the aim of this review was to deliver an evidence-based recommendation whether such a training is indicated for this population or not. Methods: Studies were sought from webofscience, PEDro, cochrane library, medline, CINAHL and PubMED. Three relevant studies were found and analysed. Results: Women suffering from GA show significant improvements in isokinetic, isotonic and isometric strength of the MQF and significant reduction of pain. Conclusion: Further research is required to strengthen the level of evidence, to work out specific criteria for the execution of a LLRT with BFR and to clarify safety issues

    Goal Content for the practice of physical activity and the impact on subjective well-being in older adults

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    The main goal of this study consisted in an analysis of the impact that the goal content that leads to the practice of physical activity in the elderly population can play on the variables that constitute subjective well-being, as well as to analyze the differences in these variables’ levels according to the amount of physical activity practiced. A total of 300 individuals participated in this study (n=300), including 238 females and 62 males, aged between 60 and 90 years old (M = 68.59; DP = 6.54), who practice differing levels of physical activity. The results enable us to conclude that the goal content for the practice of physical activity has positive effects on the perception of satisfaction with life and on affect. To the same extent, they verify that health is the motivation that has the greatest weight on the practice of physical activity. We also concluded that elderly people who practice more physical activity perceive higher levels of satisfaction with life and positive affect, and lower levels of negative affectinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reasons for dropout in swimmers, differences between gender and age and intentions to return to competition

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    BACKGROUND: This study’s main purpose was to analyze reasons for dropout in competitive swimmers and differences between gender and age groups. The influence of dropout on swimmers intentions to return to competition, invariance across gender and validation of Questionnaire of Reasons for Attrition were also analyzed. METHODS: Study 1 – 366 athletes participated (N.=366; mean age 15.96, SD 5.99) and the data gathered was used for the exploratory analysis, and data gathered on 1008 athletes were used for the confirmatory analysis and the structural equations (N.=1008; mean age 16.26, SD 6.12); Study 2: 1008 athletes participated (N.=1008; mean age 16.26, SD 6.12) on the descriptive and inferential analysis of the reasons behind the practice dropout. The Questionnaire of Reasons Attrition was used in both studies to assess the reasons associated with the practice dropout. RESULTS: In study 1, the results showed an acceptable fit of the measurement model and invariance across gender and also predictive validity regarding swimmers intentions to return to competition (e.g., demands/pressure” negatively predict intentions). In study 2, the main results showed that the most significant reason for dropout in both genders and all age groups was “dissatisfaction/other priorities”; the study also showed there to be differences between gender and age groups (e.g., female and younger athletes valued “demands/ pressure “more). CONCLUSIONS: This study offers useful guidelines for the training process and to support decisions on sports politics to be implemented to overcome the dropout rate. However, it is important to broaden the evidence to other sports and implement programs on identified priority areas based on longitudinal perspectives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    We introduce a family of integral transforms, the Lisbon Integrals, which naturally arise in the study of the affine space of unitary polynomials P s (z) where s ∈ C k and z ∈ C, s i identified to the i-th symmetric function of the roots of P s (z). We completely determine the D-module (or system of partial differential equations) the Lisbon Integrals satisfy and prove that they are their unique global solutions of this D-module