548 research outputs found

    Descripción del gran ecosistema marino del noreste de Brasil usando un modelo trófico

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    The objective of this study was to describe the marine ecosystem off northeastern Brazil. A trophic model was constructed for the 1970s using Ecopath with Ecosim. The impact of most of the forty-one functional groups was modest, probably due to the highly reticulated diet matrix. However, seagrass and macroalgae exerted a strong positive impact on manatee and herbivorous reef fishes, respectively. A high negative impact of omnivorous reef fishes on spiny lobsters and of sharks on swordfish was observed. Spiny lobsters and swordfish had the largest biomass changes for the simulation period (1978-2000); tunas, other large pelagics and sharks showed intermediate rates of biomass decline; and a slight increase in biomass was observed for toothed cetaceans, large carnivorous reef fishes, and dolphinfish. Recycling was an important feature of this ecosystem with low phytoplankton-originated primary production. The mean transfer efficiency between trophic levels was 11.4%. The gross efficiency of the fisheries was very low (0.00002), probably due to the low exploitation rate of most of the resources in the 1970s. Basic local information was missing for many groups. When information gaps are filled, this model may serve more credibly for the exploration of fishing policies for this area within an ecosystem approach.El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el ecosistema marino del noreste de Brasil. Se construyó un modelo trófico para representar la década de los 70 usando el modelo Ecopath con Ecosim. El impacto de la mayor parte de los 41 grupos funcionales fue pequeño, probablemente debido a lo intricado de la matriz trófica. No obstante, las fanerógamas marinas y las macroalgas tuvieron un fuerte impacto positivo sobre los manatíes y los peces recifales herbívoros, respectivamente. Los peces recifales omnívoros tuvieron un impacto negativo sobre las langostas espinosas, y los tiburones sobre el pez espada. Las langostas espinosas y el pez espada presentaron los mayores cambios de biomasa durante el período de simulación (1978-2000); las biomasas de atunes, otros grandes pelágicos y tiburones sufrieron disminuciones en ese período; se observó un ligero aumento en la biomasa de los odontocetos, de los grandes peces recifales carnívoros y de la lamprea. El reciclaje de materia orgánica por parte del fitoplancton fue importante en este ecosistema con baja productividad primaria. La eficiencia de transferencia media entre los niveles tróficos fue de 11.4%. La eficiencia bruta de la pesca fue muy baja (0.00002), probablemente debido a la baja tasa de explotación de la mayor parte de los recursos pesqueros en la década de los 70. No fue posible obtener las informaciones básicas locales para muchos grupos. Se estima que cuando se generen y estén disponibles más datos específicos locales, el modelo aquí elaborado puede ser mejor usado para el análisis de políticas pesqueras para esta área con una aproximación ecosistémica

    Withdrawal of dietary phytoestrogens in adult male rats affects hypothalamic regulation of food intake, induces obesity and alters glucose metabolism

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    The absence of phytoestrogens in the diet during pregnancy has been reported to result in obesity later in adulthood. We investigated whether phytoestrogen withdrawal in adult life could alter the hypothalamic signals that regulate food intake and affect body weight and glucose homeostasis. Male Wistar rats fed from conception to adulthood with a high phytoestrogen diet were submitted to phytoestrogen withdrawal by feeding a low phytoestrogen diet, or a high phytoestrogen-high fat diet. Withdrawal of dietary phytoestrogens increased body weight, adiposity and energy intake through an orexigenic hypothalamic response characterized by upregulation of AGRP and downregulation of POMC. This was associated with elevated leptin and T4, reduced TSH, testosterone and estradiol, and diminished hypothalamic ERα expression, concomitant with alterations in glucose tolerance. Removing dietary phytoestrogens caused manifestations of obesity and diabetes that were more pronounced than those induced by the high phytoestrogen-high fat diet intake

    How to find discrete contact symmetries

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    This paper describes a new algorithm for determining all discrete contact symmetries of any differential equation whose Lie contact symmetries are known. The method is constructive and is easy to use. It is based upon the observation that the adjoint action of any contact symmetry is an automorphism of the Lie algebra of generators of Lie contact symmetries. Consequently, all contact symmetries satisfy various compatibility conditions. These conditions enable the discrete symmetries to be found systematically, with little effort

    The Role of Poly(Acrylic Acid) in Conventional Glass Polyalkenoate Cements

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    Glass polyalkenoate cements (GPCs) have been used in dentistry for over 40 years. These novel bioactive materials are the result of a reaction between a finely ground glass (base) and a polymer (acid), usually poly (acrylic acid) (PAA), in the presence of water. This article reviews the types of PAA used as reagents (including how they vary by molar mass, molecular weight, concentration, polydispersity and content) and the way that they control the properties of the conventional GPCs (CGPCs) formulated from them. The article also considers the effect of PAA on the clinical performance of CGPCs, including biocompatibility, rheological and mechanical properties, adhesion, ion release, acid erosion and clinical durability. The review has critically evaluated the literature and clarified the role that the polyacid component of CGPCs plays in setting and maturation. This review will lead to an improved understanding of the chemistry and properties of the PAA phase which will lead to further innovation in the glass-based cements field

    Importancia de la calidad sanitaria de plantines de frutilla para nuevos sitios de producción

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    Los hongos de suelo son patógenos limitantes en la producción de frutilla. Por esto, la calidad sanitaria de los plantines es fundamental para lograr un plantel adecuado en la producción comercial de fruta. Este requerimiento es aún mayor cuando se trata de nuevos sitios de producción, donde los suelos aún no están infestados con los patógenos claves del cultivo.Instituto de Patología VegetalFil: Meneguzzi, Natalia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patología Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Kirschbaum, Daniel Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Famaillá; ArgentinaFil: Páez, M.F. Secretaría de Agricultura Familiar, Campesina e Indígena - Delegación Tucumán; Argentin

    Higher Algebraic Structures and Quantization

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    We derive (quasi-)quantum groups in 2+1 dimensional topological field theory directly from the classical action and the path integral. Detailed computations are carried out for the Chern-Simons theory with finite gauge group. The principles behind our computations are presumably more general. We extend the classical action in a d+1 dimensional topological theory to manifolds of dimension less than d+1. We then ``construct'' a generalized path integral which in d+1 dimensions reduces to the standard one and in d dimensions reproduces the quantum Hilbert space. In a 2+1 dimensional topological theory the path integral over the circle is the category of representations of a quasi-quantum group. In this paper we only consider finite theories, in which the generalized path integral reduces to a finite sum. New ideas are needed to extend beyond the finite theories treated here.Comment: 62 pages + 16 figures (revised version). In this revision we make some small corrections and clarification

    Behaviour of the antioxidant tert-butylhydroquinone on the storage stability and corrosive character of biodiesel

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    AbstractThe behaviour of the antioxidant tert-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) on the storage stability of biodiesel was investigated. Storage conditions were simulated through static immersion corrosion tests in biodiesel (with and without TBHQ) using copper coupons. Measurements of oxidation stability (Rancimat induction period) and metal release at different stages of corrosion were performed. After 24h of the static immersion test, the neat and TBHQ-doped biodiesels presented induction times below the EN 14214 limit (6h). Copper release was more intense in the neat biodiesel which evidenced that TBHQ retarded the corrosion process as a corrosion inhibitor. Ion trap–time-of-flight mass spectrometry (IT–TOF-MS) revealed the presence of considerable amounts of tert-butylquinone (TBQ) in the TBHQ-doped biodiesel exposed to the corrosion process. As TBHQ molecules adsorb at the copper surface to inhibit corrosion, these molecules are catalytically oxidised to TBQ. IT–TOF-MS also indicated the formation of new molecules of high molecular weight only presented in the TBHQ-doped biodiesel deteriorated by the corrosion process. MS2 spectra gave clear evidence of the formation of new complexes between free radicals of long-chain molecules (fatty acid derivatives) and TBQ radicals during biodiesel deterioration

    Infestação pré-histórica por Pediculus humanus capitis: análise quantitativa e por microscopia de varredura de baixo vácuo

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    A pre-Columbian Peruvian scalp was examined decades ago by a researcher from the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. Professor Olympio da Fonseca Filho described nits and adult lice attached to hair shafts and commented about the origin of head lice infestations on mankind. This same scalp was sent to our laboratory and is the subject of the present paper. Analysis showed a massive infestation with nine eggs/cm2 and an impressive number of very well preserved adult lice. The infestation age was roughly estimated as nine months before death based on the distance of nits from the hair root and the medium rate of hair growth. A small traditional textile was associated with the scalp, possibly part of the funerary belongings. Other morphological aspects visualized by low-vacuum scanning electron microscopy are also presented here for adults and nits.Há décadas um escalpo peruano, datado do período pré-colombiano, foi examinado por um pesquisador da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. O Professor Olympio da Fonseca Filho descreveu lêndeas e adultos fixos a fios de cabelos e fez comentários sobre a origem da infecção por piolhos na espécie humana. Este mesmo escalpo foi enviado ao nosso laboratório e é objeto deste artigo. Sua análise mostrou maciça infestação, com nove lêndeas/cm2 em impressionante número de adultos muito bem preservados. O tempo de infestação foi estimado em cerca de nove meses antes da morte, baseado na maior distância entre lêndeas e o couro cabeludo, levando em consideração taxa média de crescimento capilar de 1 cm por mês. Um pequeno pedaço de tecido tradicional peruano foi encontrado associado ao escalpo, provavelmente pertencente ao conjunto de peças usado no ritual funerário. Aqui, apresentamos alguns aspectos morfológicos de adultos e lêndeas vizualizados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura de baixo vácuo

    Novel scFv against Notch Ligand JAG1 Suitable for Development of Cell Therapies toward JAG1-Positive Tumors

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (FCT/MCTES, Portugal) grant PTDC/BBB-BMD/4497/2014 (to A.B.), through national funds to iNOVA4Health (UIDB/04462/2020 and UIDP/04462/2020), and the Associate Laboratory LS4FUTURE (LA/P/0087/2020). Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.The Notch signaling ligand JAG1 is overexpressed in various aggressive tumors and is associated with poor clinical prognosis. Hence, therapies targeting oncogenic JAG1 hold great potential for the treatment of certain tumors. Here, we report the identification of specific anti-JAG1 single-chain variable fragments (scFvs), one of them endowing chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells with cytotoxicity against JAG1-positive cells. Anti-JAG1 scFvs were identified from human phage display libraries, reformatted into full-length monoclonal antibodies (Abs), and produced in mammalian cells. The characterization of these Abs identified two specific anti-JAG1 Abs (J1.B5 and J1.F1) with nanomolar affinities. Cloning the respective scFv sequences in our second- and third-generation CAR backbones resulted in six anti-JAG1 CAR constructs, which were screened for JAG1-mediated T-cell activation in Jurkat T cells in coculture assays with JAG1-positive cell lines. Studies in primary T cells demonstrated that one CAR harboring the J1.B5 scFv significantly induced effective T-cell activation in the presence of JAG1-positive, but not in JAG1-knockout, cancer cells, and enabled specific killing of JAG1-positive cells. Thus, this new anti-JAG1 scFv represents a promising candidate for the development of cell therapies against JAG1-positive tumors.publishersversionpublishe

    Effective theory of the Delta(1232) in Compton scattering off the nucleon

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    We formulate a new power-counting scheme for a chiral effective field theory of nucleons, pions, and Deltas. This extends chiral perturbation theory into the Delta-resonance region. We calculate nucleon Compton scattering up to next-to-leading order in this theory. The resultant description of existing γ\gammap cross section data is very good for photon energies up to about 300 MeV. We also find reasonable numbers for the spin-independent polarizabilities αp\alpha_p and βp\beta_p.Comment: 29 pp, 9 figs. Minor revisions. To be published in PR