24 research outputs found

    The Biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: Estimates, Patterns, and Threats

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    The Mediterranean Sea is a marine biodiversity hot spot. Here we combined an extensive literature analysis with expert opinions to update publicly available estimates of major taxa in this marine ecosystem and to revise and update several species lists. We also assessed overall spatial and temporal patterns of species diversity and identified major changes and threats. Our results listed approximately 17,000 marine species occurring in the Mediterranean Sea. However, our estimates of marine diversity are still incomplete as yet—undescribed species will be added in the future. Diversity for microbes is substantially underestimated, and the deep-sea areas and portions of the southern and eastern region are still poorly known. In addition, the invasion of alien species is a crucial factor that will continue to change the biodiversity of the Mediterranean, mainly in its eastern basin that can spread rapidly northwards and westwards due to the warming of the Mediterranean Sea. Spatial patterns showed a general decrease in biodiversity from northwestern to southeastern regions following a gradient of production, with some exceptions and caution due to gaps in our knowledge of the biota along the southern and eastern rims. Biodiversity was also generally higher in coastal areas and continental shelves, and decreases with depth. Temporal trends indicated that overexploitation and habitat loss have been the main human drivers of historical changes in biodiversity. At present, habitat loss and degradation, followed by fishing impacts, pollution, climate change, eutrophication, and the establishment of alien species are the most important threats and affect the greatest number of taxonomic groups. All these impacts are expected to grow in importance in the future, especially climate change and habitat degradation. The spatial identification of hot spots highlighted the ecological importance of most of the western Mediterranean shelves (and in particular, the Strait of Gibraltar and the adjacent Alboran Sea), western African coast, the Adriatic, and the Aegean Sea, which show high concentrations of endangered, threatened, or vulnerable species. The Levantine Basin, severely impacted by the invasion of species, is endangered as well

    High Asymmetric Longitudinal Field Ion Mobility Spectrometry Device for Low Power Mobile Chemical Separation and Detection

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    We have developed a novel chemical sensing technique termed high asymmetric longitudinal field ion mobility spectrometry (HALF-IMS), which allows separation of ions based on mobility differences in high and low electric fields. Our device is microfabricated, has a miniature format, and uses exceptionally low power due to the lack of RF separation fields normally associated with ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) or differential mobility spectrometry (DMS). It operates at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. This HALF-IMS chip contains a microscale drift cell where spatially varying electric field regions of high and low strengths are generated by direct current (DC) applied to the electrodes that are physically placed to cause ionic separation as the ionized chemical flows along the drift cell. Power and complexity are reduced at the chip and system levels by reducing the voltage magnitude and using DC-powered electronics. A testing platform utilizing an ultraviolet (UV) photoionization source was used with custom electronic circuit boards to interface with the chip and provide data inputs and outputs. Precise control of the electrode voltages allowed filtering of the passage of the ion of interest through the drift cell, and ionic current was measured at the detector. The device was tested by scanning of electrode voltages and obtaining ion peaks for methyl salicylate, naphthalene, benzene, and 2-butanone. The current experimental setup was capable of detecting as low as ∼80 ppb of methyl salicylate and naphthalene. The use of benzene as a dopant with 2-butanone allowed one to see two ion peaks, corresponding to benzene and 2-butanone

    Machine Vision Methods, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning Algorithms for Automated Dispersion Plot Analysis and Chemical Identification from Complex Mixtures.

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    Gas-phase trace chemical detection techniques such as ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) and differential mobility spectrometry (DMS) can be used in many settings, such as evaluating the health condition of patients or detecting explosives at airports. These devices separate chemical compounds in a mixture and provide information to identify specific chemical species of interest. Further, these types of devices operate well in both controlled lab environments and in-field applications. Frequently, the commercial versions of these devices are highly tailored for niche applications (e.g., explosives detection) because of the difficulty involved in reconfiguring instrumentation hardware and data analysis software algorithms. In order for researchers to quickly adapt these tools for new purposes and broader panels of chemical targets, it is critical to develop new algorithms and methods for generating libraries of these sensor responses. Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) technology has been used to fabricate DMS devices that miniaturize the platforms for easier deployment; however, concurrent advances in advanced data analytics are lagging. DMS generates complex three-dimensional dispersion plots for both positive and negative ions in a mixture. Although simple spectra of single chemicals are straightforward to interpret (both visually and via algorithms), it is exceedingly challenging to interpret dispersion plots from complex mixtures with many chemical constituents. This study uses image processing and computer vision steps to automatically identify features from DMS dispersion plots. We used the bag-of-words approach adapted from natural language processing and information retrieval to cluster and organize these features. Finally, a support vector machine (SVM) learning algorithm was trained using these features in order to detect and classify specific compounds in these represented conceptualized data outputs. Using this approach, we successfully maintain a high level of correct chemical identification, even when a gas mixture increases in complexity with interfering chemicals present

    Detection of Huanglongbing Disease Using Differential Mobility Spectrometry

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    The viability of the multibillion dollar global citrus industry is threatened by the “green menace”, citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing, HLB), caused by the bacterial pathogen <i>Candidatus Liberibacter</i>. The long asymptomatic stage of HLB makes it challenging to detect emerging regional infections early to limit disease spread. We have established a novel method of disease detection based on chemical analysis of released volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that emanate from infected trees. We found that the biomarkers “fingerprint” is specific to the causal pathogen and could be interpreted using analytical methods such as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and gas chromatography/differential mobility spectrometry (GC/DMS). This VOC-based disease detection method has a high accuracy of ∼90% throughout the year, approaching 100% under optimal testing conditions, even at very early stages of infection where other methods are not adequate. Detecting early infection based on VOCs precedes visual symptoms and DNA-based detection techniques (real-time polymerase chain reaction, RT-PCR) and can be performed at a substantially lower cost and with rapid field deployment