119 research outputs found

    Neutral evolution and turnover over centuries of English word popularity

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    Here we test Neutral models against the evolution of English word frequency and vocabulary at the population scale, as recorded in annual word frequencies from three centuries of English language books. Against these data, we test both static and dynamic predictions of two neutral models, including the relation between corpus size and vocabulary size, frequency distributions, and turnover within those frequency distributions. Although a commonly used Neutral model fails to replicate all these emergent properties at once, we find that modified two-stage Neutral model does replicate the static and dynamic properties of the corpus data. This two-stage model is meant to represent a relatively small corpus (population) of English books, analogous to a `canon', sampled by an exponentially increasing corpus of books in the wider population of authors. More broadly, this mode -- a smaller neutral model within a larger neutral model -- could represent more broadly those situations where mass attention is focused on a small subset of the cultural variants.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Heuristic pricing rules not requiring knowledge of the price response function

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    Heuristic rules are appropriate, if a decision maker wants to set the price of a new product or of a product, whose past price variation is low, and budget limitations prevent the use of marketing experiments or customer surveys. Whereas such rules are not guaranteed to provide the optimal price, generated profits should be as close as possible to their optimal values. We investigate eleven pricing rules that do not require that a decision maker knows the price response function and its parameters. We consider monopolistic market situations, in which sales depend on the price of the respective product only. A Monte Carlo simulation that is more comprehensive than extant attempts found in the literature, serves to evaluate these rules. The best performing rules either hold price changes between periods constant or make them dependent on the previous absolute price difference. These rules also outperform purely random price setting, which we use as benchmark. On the other hand, rules based on arc elasticities or on a loglinear approximation to sales and prices, turn out to be even worse than random price setting. In the conclusion, we discuss how heuristic pricing rules may be extended to deal with product line pricing, additional marketing variables (e.g., advertising, sales promotion, and sales force) and a duopolistic market situation

    Resource Allocation Heuristics for Unknown Sales Response Functions with Additive Disturbances

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    We develop an exploration-exploitation algorithm which solves the allocation of a fixed resource (e.g., a budget, a sales force size, etc.) to several units (e.g., sales districts, customer groups, etc.) with the objective to attain maximum sales. This algorithm does not require knowledge of the form of the sales response function and is also able cope with additive random disturbances. The latter as a rule are a component of sales response functions estimated by econometric methods. We compare the algorithm to three rules of thumb which in practice are often used for this allocation problem. The comparison is based on a Monte Carlo simulation for five replications of 192 experimental constellations, which are obtained from four function types, four procedures (i.e., the three rules of thumb and the algorithm), similar/varied elasticities, similar/varied saturations, and three error levels. A statistical analysis of the simulation results shows that the algorithm performs better than the three rules of thumb if the objective consists in maximizing sales across several periods. We also mention several more general marketing decision problems which could be solved by appropriate modifications of the algorithm presented

    Cultural Theories of Postpartum Bleeding in Matlab, Bangladesh: Implications for Community Health Intervention

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    Early recognition can reduce maternal disability and deaths due to postpartum haemorrhage. This study identified cultural theories of postpartum bleeding that may lead to inappropriate recognition and delayed care-seeking. Qualitative and quantitative data obtained through structured interviews with 149 participants living in Matlab, Bangladesh, including women aged 18-49 years, women aged 50+ years, traditional birth attendants (TBAs), and skilled birth attendants (SBAs), were subjected to cultural domain. General consensus existed among the TBAs and lay women regarding signs, causes, and treatments of postpartum bleeding (eigenvalue ratio 5.9, mean competence 0.59, and standard deviation 0.15). Excessive bleeding appeared to be distinguished by flow characteristics, not colour or quantity. Yet, the TBAs and lay women differed significantly from the SBAs in beliefs about normalcy of blood loss, causal role of the retained placenta and malevolent spirits, and care practices critical to survival. Cultural domain analysis captures variation in theories with specificity and representativeness necessary to inform community health intervention

    Worldwide fertility declines do not rely on stopping at ideal parities.

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    A key demographic hypothesis has been that fertility declines rely on stopping at target parities, but emerging evidence suggests that women frequently reduce fertility without specific numeric targets. To assess the relative importance of these two paths to fertility decline, we develop a novel mixture model to estimate: (1) the proportion of women who stop at a target parity; and (2) mean completed fertility among those who do not. Applied to Demographic and Health Survey data from women aged 45-49 in 84 low- and middle-income countries, and to United States Census cohorts, the model shows considerable variation in the proportion stopping at specific parities (1-84 per cent). The estimates also show that declines in completed fertility are largely attributable to women who do not stop at target parities, suggesting that stopping at ideal parities may be less important than parity-independent decisions for a wide range of fertility transitions

    Perinatal mortality associated with use of uterotonics outside of Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care: a cross-sectional study.

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    BACKGROUND: Prior studies have shown that using uterotonics to augment or induce labor before arrival at comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care (CEmONC) settings (henceforth, "outside uterotonics") may contribute to perinatal mortality in low- and middle-income countries. We estimate its effect on perinatal mortality in rural Bangladesh. METHODS: Using hospital records (23986 singleton term births, Jan 1, 2009-Dec 31, 2015) from rural Bangladesh, we use a logistic regression model to estimate the increased risk of perinatal death from uterotonics administered outside a CEmONC facility. RESULTS: Among term births (≥37 weeks gestation), the risk of perinatal death adjusted for key confounders is significantly increased among women reporting uterotonic use outside of CEmONC (OR = 3 · 0, 95 % CI = 2 · 4,3 · 7). This increased risk is particularly high for fresh stillbirths (OR = 4 · 0, 95 % CI = 3 · 0,5 · 3) and intrapartum-related causes of early neonatal deaths (birth asphyxia) (OR = 3 · 1, 95 % CI = 2 · 2,4 · 5). CONCLUSIONS: In this sample, outside uterotonic use was associated with substantially increased risk of fresh stillbirths, deaths due to birth asphyxia, and all perinatal deaths. In settings of high uterotonic use outside of controlled settings, substantial improvement in both stillbirth and early neonatal mortality may be made by reducing such use
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