86 research outputs found

    Automatización en tareas de acondicionamiento de superficies de barcos

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    [Resumen] La automatización de operaciones en el sector de la construcción naval ha supuesto en las últimas décadas un gran desafío. Se trata de un sector que se caracteriza por presentar unos entornos de trabajo dinámieos y poco estructurados donde la escasa repetición de las tareas llevadas a cabo y la complejidad de las mismas hacen muy difícil establecer líneas de producción controlada.Además, cualquier robot que tenga que trabajar en estos entornos se enfrentará a un producto en constante cambio que crece a medida que avanza la construcción. Esto hace muy complicado la introducción de soluciones robóticas tradicionales. El trabajo que aquí se presenta nace con el afán de mejorar y aportar nuevas soluciones robóticas al sector y, en particular, en el ámbito de las operaciones relacionadas con el acondicionamiento de las superficies de los cascos de los barcos, tanto en su fase de construcción, como en operaciones relativas a su mantenimiento. Para ello, se pretende desarrollar un conjunto de plataformas robóticas que introduzcan un mayor grado de automatización en este tipo de tareas, mejorando las condiciones de trabajo de los operarios, disminuyendo los costes de este tipo de operaciones y haciéndolas más respetuosas con el medio ambiente.[Resumo] A automatización de operacións no sector da construción naval supuxo nas últimas décadas un gran desafío. Trátase dun sector que caraxterizase por presentar unhas contornas de trahalla dinámicos e pouco estruturados onde a escasa repetición das tarefas levadas a cabo e a complexidade das mesmas fan moi difícil establecer liñas de prodlucción controladas. Ademáis, calquera robot que teña que traballar nestas contornas enfrontarase a un produto en constante cambio que crece a medida que avanza a construción. Isto fai moí complicado a introdución de solucións robótieas tradicionais. O traballo que aquí preséntase nace co afán de mellorar e achegar novas soluciones robóticas ao sector e, en particular, no ámbito das operacións relacionadas co acondicionamento das superficies dos cascos dos barcos, tanto na súa fase de construción, como en operacións relativas ao seu mantemento. Para iso, preténdese desenvolver un conxunto de plataformas robóticas que introduzan un maior grao de automatización neste tipo de tarefas, melloranda as condicións de traballo dos operarios, diminuindo os custos deste tipo de operacións e facéndoas máis respectuosas ro medio ambiente.[Abstract] The automation of operations in the shipbuilding sector in recent decades has been a great challenge. This is a sector that is characterized by dynamic and unstructured work environments where few repetitions of tasks are performed and the complexity of these make them very dillicult lo establish controled production lines. In addition, any robot that has to work in these environments faces a constantly changing product that grows as construction progresses. This makes the introduction of traditional robolic solutions very difficult. The work presented has the objective of improving and bringing new robotic solutions to the sector, and in particular in the field of operations rclated to the preparation of ship hulls surfaces , both in the construction and in the operation phases relating lo maintenance. To do this, it aims lo develop a set of robotic platforms to introduce a greater degree of automation in these tasks, improving the working conditions of the workers, rcducing the costs of such operations and making them more environmentally friendly

    Generalized cost-effectiveness analysis of a package of interventions to reduce cardiovascular disease in Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chronic diseases, represented mainly by cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer, are increasing in developing countries and account for 53% of chronic diseases in Argentina. There is strong evidence that a reduction of 50% of the deaths due to CVD can be attributed to a reduction in smoking, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Generalized cost-effectiveness analysis (GCE) is a methodology designed by WHO to inform decision makers about the extent to which current or new interventions represent an efficient use of resources. We aimed to use GCE analysis to identify the most efficient interventions to decrease CVD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Six individual interventions (treatment of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, smoking cessation and combined clinical strategies to reduce the 10 year CVD Risk) and two population-based interventions (cooperation between government, consumer associations and bakery chambers to reduce salt in bread, and mass education strategies to reduce hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and obesity) were selected for analysis. Estimates of effectiveness were entered into age and sex specific models to predict their impact in terms of age-weighted and discounted DALYs saved (disability-adjusted life years). To translate the age- and sex-adjusted incidence of CVD events into health changes, we used risk model software developed by WHO (PopMod). Costs of services were measured in Argentine pesos, and discounted at an annual rate of 3%. Different budgetary impact scenarios were explored.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The average cost-effectiveness ratio in argentine pesos (ARS)perDALYforthedifferentinterventionswere:(i)lesssaltinbread) per DALY for the different interventions were: (i) less salt in bread 151; (ii) mass media campaign 547;(iii)combinationdrugtherapyprovidedtosubjectswitha20547; (iii) combination drug therapy provided to subjects with a 20%, 10% and 5% global CVD risk, 3,599, 4,113and4,113 and 4,533, respectively; (iv) high blood pressure (HBP) lowering therapy 7,716;(v)tobaccocessationwithbupropion7,716; (v) tobacco cessation with bupropion 33,563; and (iv) high-cholesterol lowering therapy with statins $ 70,994.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Against a threshold of average per capita income in Argentina, the two selected population-based interventions (lowering salt intake and health education through mass-media campaigns) plus the modified polypill strategy targeting people with a 20% or greater risk were cost-effective. Use of this methodology in developing countries can make resource-allocation decisions less intuitive and more driven by evidence.</p

    Characterisation of Holocene plant macrofossils from North Spanish ombrotrophic mires: vascular plants

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    Methods and criteria that were used to identify plant macrofossils from four ombrotrophic mires in northern Spain are presented. Twelve monocotyledon and ten dicotyledon species were recorded. Some were identified from vegetative or reproductive macroremains (Eriophorum angustifolium, Molinia caerulea, Calluna vulgaris, Erica mackaiana, Erica tetralix, Potentilla erecta), while others were recognised only by their fruits (Rhynchospora alba, Carex durieui, Carex echinata, Carex binervis, Carex demissa, Betula alba), seeds (Juncus squarrosus, Juncus bulbosus, Luzula multiflora, Narthecium ossifragum, Drosera rotundifolia, Drosera intermedia, Caltha palustris, Daboecia cantabrica), rhizome fragments with remains of leaves (Agrostis curtisii), or twigs with buds and leaves (Vaccinium myrtillus). Descriptions of the specific distinctive characters for the plant macrofossils that were recorded are accompanied by illustrations that facilitate their interpretation. Dichotomous identification keys are also providedS

    Terminal-repeat retrotransposons in miniature (TRIMs) in bivalves

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    Terminal repeat retrotransposons in miniature (TRIMs) are small non-autonomous LTR retrotransposons consisting of two terminal direct repeats surrounding a short internal domain. The detection and characterization of these elements has been mainly limited to plants. Here we present the first finding of a TRIM element in bivalves, and among the first known in the kingdom Animalia. Class Bivalvia has high ecological and commercial importance in marine ecosystems and aquaculture, and, in recent years, an increasing number of genomic studies has addressed to these organisms. We have identified biv-TRIM in several bivalve species: Donax trunculus, Ruditapes decussatus, R. philippinarum, Venerupis corrugata, Polititapes rhomboides, Venus verrucosa, Dosinia exoleta, Glycymeris glycymeris, Cerastoderma edule, Magallana gigas, Mytilus galloprovincialis. biv-TRIM has several characteristics typical for this group of elements, exhibiting different variations. In addition to canonically structured elements, solo-TDRs and tandem repeats were detected. The presence of this element in the genome of each species is <1%. The phylogenetic analysis showed a complex clustering pattern of biv-TRIM elements, and indicates the involvement of horizontal transfer in the spreading of this elementXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2016-037Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B/2018/091Ministarstvo Znanosti, Obrazovanja i Sporta | Ref. 098-0982913-275

    Microglial angiotensin type 2 receptors mediate sex-specific expression of inflammatory cytokines independently of circulating estrogen

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    Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia, Grant/Award Numbers: XUGA, ED431C 2018/10, ED431G/05; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Numbers: PI20/00385, RD16/0011/0016, CIBERNED; Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Grant/Award Number: RTI2018-098830-B-I00; Regional European Development Fund (FEDER)There are sex differences in microglia, which can maintain sex-related gene expression and functional differences in the absence of circulating sex steroids. The angiotensin type 2 (AT2) receptors mediate anti-inflammatory actions in different tissues, including brain. In mice, we performed RT-PCR analysis of microglia isolated from adult brains and RNA scope in situ hybridization from males, females, ovariectomized females, orchiectomized males and brain masculinized females. We also compared wild type and AT2 knockout mice. The expression of AT2 receptors in microglial cells showed sex differences with much higher AT2 mRNA expression in females than in males, and this was not dependent on circulating gonadal hormones, as observed using ovariectomized females, brain masculinized females and orchiectomized males. These results suggest genomic reasons, possibly related to sex chromosome complement, for sex differences in AT2 expression in microglia, as the AT2 receptor gene is located in the X chromosome. Furthermore, sex differences in expression of AT2 receptors were associated to sex differences in microglial expression of key anti-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-10 and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β and interleukin-6. In conclusion, sex differences in microglial AT2 receptor expression appear as a major factor contributing to sex differences in the neuroinflammatory responses beyond the effects of circulating steroidsThere are sex differences in microglia, which can maintain sex-related gene expression and functional differences in the absence of circulating sex steroids. The angiotensin type 2 (AT2) receptors mediate anti-inflammatory actions in different tissues, including brain. In mice, we performed RT-PCR analysis of microglia isolated from adult brains and RNA scope in situ hybridization from males, females, ovariectomized females, orchiectomized males and brain masculinized females. We also compared wild type and AT2 knockout mice. The expression of AT2 receptors in microglial cells showed sex differences with much higher AT2 mRNA expression in females than in males, and this was not dependent on circulating gonadal hormones, as observed using ovariectomized females, brain masculinized females and orchiectomized males. These results suggest genomic reasons, possibly related to sex chromosome complement, for sex differences in AT2 expression in microglia, as the AT2 receptor gene is located in the X chromosome. Furthermore, sex differences in expression of AT2 receptors were associated to sex differences in microglial expression of key anti-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-10 and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β and interleukin-6. In conclusion, sex differences in microglial AT2 receptor expression appear as a major factor contributing to sex differences in the neuroinflammatory responses beyond the effects of circulating steroidsS

    High-resolution patterns of palaeoenvironmental changes during the Little Ice Age and the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the northwestern Iberian Peninsula

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    ABSTRACT: A high resolution core (9.7 yr cm-1 ) from the Chao de Veiga Mol raised bog (NW Iberian Peninsula) was analyzed to identify plant macrofossils, estimate peat humification and calculate hydroclimatic indices based on current bog species, with the overall aim of determining the climate conditions associated with evolution of the bog during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age. These proxies, together with historical and climate data, proved to be good indicators of the changes in bog surface wetness. Analysis: of the core led to identification of 9 different periods: two corresponding to the so-called Medieval Climate Anomaly (930 to 1345 AD, 1075–665 calibrated years before present [cal. yr BP]); four corresponding to the Little Ice Age (1345 to 1905 AD; 665–105 cal yr BP); and three corresponding to the last century (1905 to 2000 AD). The findings revealed a generally dry climate that lasted until the 14th century, followed by a transition to a long period with a more humid, but characteristically very variable climate, which ended at the beginning of the 20th century and was followed by a rapid transition to more humid conditions and finally, a change to drier conditions. The Medieval Climate Anomaly was indicated by the abundance of dry-adapted mosses (Leucobryum glaucum, Hypnum cupressiforme) and characterized by warm dry conditions and high levels of peat humification, with alternating wet phases. The LIA period was dated by a large abundance of Sphagnum species (an indicator of wetness) and a gradual increase in the humification index. However, four different climate phases were differentiated in this period. High-resolution reconstruction of the evolution of the CVM bog and the multiproxy approach have together enabled a more detailed identification of climatic variations in this area, which are generally consistent with the global models, as well as better definition of the elusive climatic oscillations in the last millennium and confirmation of the importance of local modulation of global models. The study provides new information and a detailed chronology of climatic events that will help to refine local modulation of the climate evolution model in the still quite unexplored region of the NW Iberian Peninsula, a key area for understanding the paleoclimatic dynamics in SW Europe.This research was funded with the support of the Xunta de Galicia government (Spain) through projects INCITE09-200-019-PR and Consolidacion e Estructuracion 2018 GRC GI- 1243-GEMAP, ED431C 2018/32

    Iberian acid peatlands: types, origin and general trends of development

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    In the present study we reviewed the genesis, development and classification of peatlands in the Iberian Peninsula by conducting chronostratigraphic analysis of 108 of these ecosystems. The findings are summarised as follows: 1. The region has a wide variety of peatlands which are classified according to their biogeochemical, geomorphological and ecological characteristics into different types of bogs and fens. 2. Most of the peatlands occur in the Atlantic region followed by the Mediterranean and Alpine regions. Fens are more widely distributed than bogs, and blanket and raised bogs are mainly found in the Eurosiberian biogeographical region. 3. In many of the fens, the last active peat-forming cycle occurred during the Late Holocene (43 %). In most of the bogs, the peat-forming cycle occurred in the Middle Holocene (70 %), although in a substantial proportion of blanket bogs these processes occurred in the Early Holocene (30 %). 4. The peat formed in the last active cycle is, on average, thicker in raised bogs (322 cm) than in blanket bogs (257 cm) and fens (156 cm). 5. Vertical peat accumulation rates varied between 16 and 30 yr cm-1 in more than 40 % of the peatlands. The accumulation rates differed significantly between the different types of peatlands and were highest in the raised bogs. The accumulation rates were very variable in the fens. 6. The genesis, evolution and types of Iberian peatlands are similar to those observed in peatlands in northern latitudes in Europe and North AmericaOur research has been made possible by the following project grants: INCITE09-200-019-PR (Xunta de Galicia Government); DESIRÈHAR2013-43701-P (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness); and Relictflora-P11-RNM7033 (Excellence Research Projects Program from the Andalusian Government)S

    El sistema del interferón tipo I protege a juveniles de lenguado senegalés (Solea senegalensis) frente a la infección por VHSV

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    El lenguado senegalés (Solea senegalensis) es susceptible a la infección por el Virus de la Septicemia Hemorrágica Viral (VHSV) bajo condiciones experimentales. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el papel del sistema del interferón tipo I de lenguado frente a las infecciones por VHSV. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo se realizó un ensayo en el que el sistema del IFN I de juveniles de lenguado se estimuló con poli I:C. Trascurridas 24 h estos mismos animales se inocularon con una dosis letal de un aislado de VHSV patógeno para lenguado. Los controles utilizados fueron: (I) animales inoculados con VHSV sin previa estimulación con poli I:C, (II) animales inoculados sólo con medio L15 y (III) animales inoculados únicamente con poli I:C.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    10,000 years of climate control over carbon accumulation in an Iberian bog (southwestern Europe)

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    The northwest region of the Iberian Peninsula is home to a unique ecosystem of bogs, which are particularly sensitive to projected climate change. In this context, the rate of carbon (C) accumulation in Chao de Veiga Mol, an intact raised bog, was analysed. Changes in the accumulation rate over the past 10 millennia were determined in a peat core of 847 cm in depth, with a high mean rate of peat growth (11 yr cm−1, 0.09 cm yr−1). An age-depth model was generated from 22 14C dates and fallout radionuclides. Chronological, stratigraphical and physico-chemical data confirmed the existence of a single cycle of peat formation throughout the Holocene and the formation of ombrotrophic peat 9500 years ago. The total mean C content was 50.2%, and over 10 millennia 583 kg C m−2 accumulated at a mean rate of 35.3 g C m−2 yr−1, with a long-term (apparent) rate of carbon accumulation in the catotelm of 59.9 g C m−2 yr−1. These values are much higher than reported for other Iberian peatlands and are amongst the highest documented for peatlands in the northern hemisphere. The dynamics of C accumulation and other measured parameters reveals important variations throughout the Holocene. They could be associated with the main climatic events described in the northern hemisphere and are highly consistent with models established for northern latitudes. The Chao de Veiga Mol raised bog is unique and of great potential value for carrying out high resolution palaeoenvironmental studies, especially in relation to regional and local modulations in southern Europe.This research was made possible through receipt of a grant awarded by the Xunta de Galicia (project: INCITE09-200-019-PR)S

    Satellitome Analysis of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas Reveals New Pattern of Satellite DNA Organization, Highly Scattered across the Genome

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    Several features already qualified the invasive bivalve species Crassostrea gigas as a valuable non-standard model organism in genome research. C. gigas is characterized by the low contribution of satellite DNAs (satDNAs) vs. mobile elements and has an extremely low amount of heterochromatin, predominantly built of DNA transposons. In this work, we have identified 52 satDNAs composing the satellitome of C. gigas and constituting about 6.33% of the genome. Satellitome analysis reveals unusual, highly scattered organization of relatively short satDNA arrays across the whole genome. However, peculiar chromosomal distribution and densities are specific for each satDNA. The inspection of the organizational forms of the 11 most abundant satDNAs shows association with constitutive parts of Helitron mobile elements. Nine of the inspected satDNAs are dominantly found in mobile element-associated form, two mostly appear standalone, and only one is present exclusively as Helitron-associated sequence. The Helitron-related satDNAs appear in more chromosomes than other satDNAs, indicating that these mobile elements could be leading satDNA propagation in C. gigas. No significant accumulation of satDNAs on certain chromosomal positions was detected in C. gigas, thus establishing a novel pattern of satDNA organization on the genome level