10 research outputs found

    On (anti-)multiplicative generalized derivations

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    Let R be a semiprime ring and let F, f : R → R be (not necessarily additive) maps satisfying F(xy)=F(x)y+xf(y) for all x,y R. Suppose that there are integers m and n such that F(uv)=mF(u)F(v)+nF(v)F(u) for all u, v in some nonzero ideal I of R. Under some mild assumptions on R, we prove that there exists c C(I⊥⊥) such that c=(m+n)c2, nc[I⊥⊥, I⊥⊥]=0 and F(x)=cx for all x I⊥⊥. The main result is then applied to the case when F is multiplicative or anti-multiplicative on I

    O (anti)multiplikativnih posplošenih odvajanjih

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    Naj bo ▫RR▫ polprakolobar in naj bosta ▫F,fcolonRtoRF, f colon R to R▫ taki (ne nujno aditivni) preslikavi, da je ▫F(xy)=F(x)y+xf(y)F(xy) = F(x)y + xf(y)▫ za vse ▫x,yinRx,y in R▫. Denimo, da obstajata taki celi števili ▫mm▫ in ▫nn▫, da velja ▫F(uv)=mF(u)F(v)+nF(v)F(u)F(uv) = mF(u)F(v) + nF(v)F(u)▫ za vse elemente ▫uu▫, ▫vv▫ neničelnega ideala ▫II▫ kolobarja ▫RR▫. Ob določenih blagih predpostavkah za polprakolobar ▫RR▫ dokažemo, da obstaja tak ▫cinC(Ibotbot)c in C(I^{botbot})▫, da je ▫c=(m+n)c2c = (m+n)c^2▫, ▫nc[Ibotbot,Ibotbot]=0nc[I^{botbot}, I^{botbot}] = 0▫ in ▫F(x)=cxF(x) = cx▫ za vse ▫xinIbotbotx in I^{botbot}▫. Glavni rezultat je nato uporabljen v primeru, ko je preslikava ▫FF▫ multiplikativna ali antimultiplikativna na idealu ▫II▫.Let ▫RR▫ be a semiprime ring and let ▫F,fcolonRtoRF, f colon R to R▫ be (not necessarily additive) maps satisfying ▫F(xy)=F(x)y+xf(y)F(xy) = F(x)y + xf(y)▫ for all ▫x,yinRx,y in R▫. Suppose that there are integers ▫mm▫ and ▫nn▫ such that ▫F(uv)=mF(u)F(v)+nF(v)F(u)F(uv) = mF(u)F(v) + nF(v)F(u)▫ for all ▫uu▫, ▫vv▫ in some nonzero ideal ▫II▫ of ▫RR▫. Under some mild assumptions on ▫RR▫, we prove that there exists ▫cinC(Ibotbot)c in C(I^{botbot})▫ such that ▫c=(m+n)c2c = (m+n)c^2▫, ▫nc[Ibotbot,Ibotbot]=0nc[I^{botbot}, I^{botbot}] = 0▫ and ▫F(x)=cxF(x) = cx▫ for all ▫xinIbotbotx in I^{botbot}▫. The main result is then applied to the case when ▫FF▫ is multiplicative or anti-multiplicative on ▫II

    Multiplikativna Liejeva n-odvajanja trikotnih kolobarjev

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    V članku je vpeljan pojem multiplikativnega Liejevega ▫nn▫-odvajanja, ki predstavlja posplošitev pojma Liejevega (trojnega) odvajanja. Članek obravnava vprašanje, kdaj imajo vsa multiplikativna Liejeva ▫nn▫-odvajanja trikotnega kolobarja ▫mathcalTmathcal{T}▫ t.i. standardno obliko. Glavni rezultat se uporabi na klasičnih primerih trikotnih kolobarjev, kot so: gnezdne algebre in kolobarji (bločno) zgoraj trikotnih matrik.We introduce the notion of a multiplicative Lie ▫nn▫-derivation of a ring, generalizing the notion of a Lie (triple) derivation. The main goal of the paper is to consider the question of when do all multiplicative Lie ▫nn▫-derivations of a triangular ring ▫mathcalTmathcal{T}▫ have the so-called standard form. The main result is applied to the classical examples of triangular rings: nest algebras and (block) upper triangular matrix rings

    A characterization of the centroid of a prime ring

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    We characterize certain maps by their action on a fixed polynomial in noncommuting variables on algebras satisfying certain d -freeness condition. Consequently, a characterization of the centroid of a prime ring is obtained

    On certain equations in rings

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    Generalized Jordan derivations associated with Hochschild 2-cocycles of triangular algebras

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    summary:In this paper, we investigate a new type of generalized derivations associated with Hochschild 2-cocycles which is introduced by A.Nakajima (Turk.\ J.\ Math.\ 30 (2006), 403--411). We show that if U\mathcal U is a triangular algebra, then every generalized Jordan derivation of above type from U\mathcal U into itself is a generalized derivation