2,195 research outputs found

    Validity of the dental operating microscope and selective dentin removal with ultrasonic tips for locating the second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) in maxillary first molars : an in vivo study

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    Several investigations have determined whether the use of a dental operating microscope (DOM) in combination with selective dentine removal with ultrasonic tips increases the percentage of location of the Mesiobuccal 2 (MB2) root canal in maxillary firs

    Evaluation of physical and chemical soil properties under different management types in the south-western Colombian Andes

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    Aim of study: Evaluating the variability of physical and chemical soil properties under different soil uses in an experimental farmland of the southwestern Colombian Andes.Area of study: This research was conducted at the Botana Experimental Farm in the mountainous area of Nariño, at the south-western Colombia.Material and methods: nine soil variables were measured under six soil uses which included traditional agriculture, agroforestry systems, and a 67-year-old secondary forest that was used as a reference for comparisons with other soil uses. Data was analyzed through Principal Component Analysis and Duncan’s tests.Main results: organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, clay contents and base saturation were the variables with higher variability among soil uses. The secondary forest and an agroforestry system with alley-cropped wax laurel showed the best soil conditions, whilst pastures and monoculture potato crop plots showed the least desirable conditions for all variables.Research highlights: We found that soils under alley-crop with wax laurel presented the characteristics most similar to the secondary forest. Conversely, soils under alley-crop with alder resembled the soils under intensive management (pasture and potato monocrop); which is related to the inadequate management of this agroforestry systems, provoking that the woody component does not accomplish its goal when implemented.Keywords: soil; agroforestry systems; Andes; forest.Abbreviations used: ACAL, Alley cropping of Alder Trees, ACWL; Alley cropping of Wax Laurel; AFS, agroforestry systems; AWC, available water capacity; BD, Bulk Density; BS, Base saturation; CEC, Cation Exchange Capacity; CLA, Clay; CI, Confidence Intervals, INF, Infiltration; ANOVA, Analysis of Variance; OC, Soil Organic Carbon;  PAST, Pasture; PCA, Principal Component Analysis; PC, Principal Component; POCR, Potato Crop; POR, Soil Porosity; SCAL, Scattered Alder Trees; SEFO, Secondary Forest; SU, soil uses; AU, Animal unit

    Diversity and dynamics of microarthropods from different biotopes of Las Sardinas cave (Mexico)

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    aBstract an ecological study of the microarthropod communities from las sardinas cave was undertaken. Four different biotopes were studied over the course of a year: bat guano, litter, soil under the chemoautotrophic bacteria colonies and as a control, plain soil without litter or guano. a total of 27,913 specimens of a total of 169 species were collected. analysis of Variance (anoVa) showed that there is a significant effect of biotope on the recorded density, and the post hoc Tukey's test showed that guano is the most different biotope with the highest value of density recorded. The interaction between season and biotope variables was not significant. In the most extreme case, 99 percent of the microarthropods in soil under chemoautotrophic bacteria were mites, mainly in the family Histiostomidae

    Using online adverts to increase the uptake of cervical screening amongst "real Eastenders": an opportunistic controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Cervical screening uptake has increased as a result of occurrences of cervical cancer in TV 'soap operas' and in real life celebrities such as Jade Goody. Media analysis at the time of Jade Goody's death suggested the NHS did not take sufficient advantage of this opportunity to improve cervical screening rates. Google AdWords has been used to recruit and raise awareness of health but we were not aware of its use to supplement media events. METHODS: This was an opportunistic service evaluation to accompany a cervical cancer storyline in Eastenders (a TV 'soap opera'). We ran an AdWords campaign based on keywords such as 'Eastenders', and 'cervical cancer' in a one mile radius in East London, linked to one webpage giving details of 10 practices and other links on cervical cancer. We recorded costs of adverts and setting up the webpage. We used routine statistics from Tower Hamlets, City and Hackney, and Newham Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) of the number of smears, eligible populations, and coverage by practice by month from September 2010 to January 2012 to compare the ten intervention practices with controls. RESULTS: Eight people per day in the target area viewed the project webpage. The cost of setting up the website and running Google AdWords was £1320 or £1.88 per person viewing the webpage. Unlike Jade Goody's death, there was no major impact from the Eastenders' storyline on Google searches for cervical cancer. There was considerable monthly variation in the number of smear tests in the 3 PCTs. The AdWords campaign may have had some effect on smear rates but this showed, at best, a marginal statistical difference. Assuming a 'real' effect, the intervention may have resulted in 110 'extra' women being screened but there was no change in coverage. CONCLUSIONS: Although the Eastenders storyline seemed to have no effect on interest in cervical cancer or screening, the AdWords campaign may have had some effect. Given the small scale exploratory nature of the study this was not statistically significant but the relatively modest cost of advertising suggests a larger study may be worthwhile. An outline of a possible study is described

    Nerolidol production in agroinfiltrated tobacco: Impact of protein stability and membrane targeting of strawberry (Fragraria ananassa) NEROLIDOL SYNTHASE1

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    The sesquiterpene alcohol nerolidol, synthesized from farnesyl diphosphate (FDP), mediates plant-insect inter- actions across multiple trophic levels with major implications for pest management in agriculture. We compared nerolidol engineering strategies in tobacco using agroinfiltration to transiently express strawberry (Fragraria ananassa) linalool/nerolidol synthase (FaNES1) either at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or in the cytosol as a soluble protein. Using solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GCMS), we have determined that FaNES1 directed to the ER via fusion to the transmembrane domain of squalene synthase or hydroxymethylglutaryl - CoA reductase displayed significant improvements in terms of transcript levels, protein accumulation, and volatile production when compared to its cytosolic form. However, the highest levels of nerolidol production were observed when FaNES1 was fused to GFP and expressed in the cytosol. This SPME-GCMS method afforded a limit of detection and quantification of 1.54 and 5.13 pg, respectively. Nerolidol production levels, which ranged from 0.5 to 3.0 μg/g F.W., correlated more strongly to the accumulation of recombinant protein than transcript level, the former being highest in FaNES-GFP transfected plants. These results indicate that while the ER may represent an enriched source of FDP that can be exploited in metabolic engineering, protein accumulation is a better predictor of sesquiterpene production

    Reversion of Severe Mitral Insufficiency in Peripartum Cardiomyopathy Using Levosimendan

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    Idiopathic peripartum cardiomyopathy presenting with heart failure is a true diagnostic and treatment challenge. Goal oriented clinical management aims at the relapse of left ventricular systolic dysfunction. A 35-year-old patient on her 12th day post-delivery presents progressive signs of heart failure. Transthoracic echocardiography showed severe mitral insufficiency, mild left ventricular dysfunction, mild tricuspid insufficiency, severe pulmonary hypertension, and right atrial enlargement. With wet and cold heart failure signs, the patient was a candidate for inodilator cardiovascular support and volume depletion therapy. As the patient presented a persistent tachycardia at rest, levosimendan was chosen over dobutamine. Levosimendan was administered at a dose of 0.2 g/kg/min during a period of 24 hours. After inodilator therapy, the patient's signs and symptoms of heart failure began to decrease, showing improvement of dyspnea, mitral murmur grade went from IV/IV to II/IV, filling pressures and systemic and pulmonary resistance indexes decreased, arterial blood gases improved, and an echocardiography performed 72 h later showed non-dilated cardiomyopathy, mild cardiac contractile dysfunction, mild mitral insufficiency, type I diastolic dysfunction and improvement of pulmonary hypertension. Cardiovascular function in peripartum cardiomyopathy tends to go back to normality in 23-41% of the cases, but in a large group of patients, severe ventricle dysfunction remains months after initial symptoms. This article describes the diagnostic process of a patient with peripartum cardiomyopathy and a successful reversion of a severe case of mitral insufficiency using levosimendan as a new therapeutic strategy in this clinical context

    La interacción Humano Computador en el Currículo de las Instituciones de Educación superior de México

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    This article presents the actual state of the incorporation of HCI-related academic subjects to some Mexican universities’ academic programs. The research approach was exploratory and descriptive, also having a quantitative scope. The research considered the 5543 registered universities in all of Mexico in 2019. Results show that 1266 universities offer undergraduate and technical programs in the Information and Communications Technology field, from which 42.58% include 1548 courses related to HCI in their academic programs that are part of 1813 curricula. The courses were then classified into 10 categories proposed by the ACM/IEEE-CS “Joint Curriculum Task Force Computing Curricula”. Additionally, in relation to human capital, it was found that 95.40% of college graduates that studied in a university that includes HCI subjects, had to take them in order to get their degree while 4.30% had the possibility of taking them optionally. Finally, after reviewing 4 different job search platforms, 24827 offers were found that required skills and knowledge related to HCI. This certainly shows that Mexican universities know what is needed and have been developing professionals with skills based on industry needs, at least in the HCI field.    El artículo presenta el estado actual de la incorporación de asignaturas en el ámbito de la HCI (Interacción Humano-Computador) /IPO (Interacción Persona-Ordenador) en lo currículos de algunas universidades mexicanas. El enfoque de la investigación fue exploratorio y descriptivo además de tener un alcance cuantitativo. La investigación considero 5.543 universidades registradas para el 2019 en todo México. Los resultados reflejan que 1.266 universidades ofrecen programas académicos de Licenciatura Profesional y Tecnológica en el ámbito de las Tecnologías de la Información y la comunicación. De esas instituciones, el 42.58% incluyen en sus currículos 1.548 asignaturas relacionadas con la HCI/IPO que hacen parte de 1.813 planes de estudio. Esas asignaturas fueron clasificadas en 10 categorías propuestas por el ACM/IEEE-CS “Joint Curricullum Task Force Computing Curriculla. Adicionalmente, en relación con el capital Humano se encontró que el 95.40% de los graduados de programas académicos que incluyen asignaturas relacionadas con la HCI/IPO, de manera obligatoria tuvieron que aprobar dichas asignaturas y el 4.30% tuvieron la posibilidad de tomar asignaturas optativas relacionadas con dicha área de conocimiento. Finalmente, luego de la revisión de 4 plataformas de divulgación de vacantes se encontraron 24.827 ofertas relacionadas con empleos que en sus especificaciones señalan habilidades y conocimientos relacionados con la HCI/IPO. Esto sin lugar a duda evidencia que las universidades mexicanas han sabido leer el entorno y se han dedicado a graduar profesionales con habilidades coherentes con base en la demanda del sector productivo, por lo menos en el ámbito de la HCI/IPO.        &nbsp

    The role of magnetic islands in modifying long range temporal correlations of density fluctuations and local heat transport

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    This work explores the relation between magnetic islands, long range temporal correlations and heat transport. A low order rational surface (t = 3/2) was purposely scanned outward through an electron cyclotron resonance heated (ECRH) plasma in the TJ-II stellarator. Density turbulence and the poloidal flow velocity were characterized using a two channel Doppler reflectometer. Simultaneously, the ECRH power was modulated to characterize heat transport, using measurements from a 12 channel electron cyclotron emission diagnostic. A systematic variation of the poloidal velocity was found to be associated with the t = 3/2 rational surface. Near the rational surface, the Hurst exponent, quantifying the nature of long-range correlations, was reduced below 0.5 (indicating subdiffusion), while at radii smaller than that of the rational surface, it was found to be significantly enhanced (superdiffusion). In the latter region, heat transport was enhanced as well, thus establishing a link between density fluctuations and anomalous heat transport. The observed variation of the Hurst exponent was consistent with a magnetohydrodynamic turbulence simulation

    Influence of Heterologous and Homologous Vaccines, and Their Components, on the Host Immune Response and Protection Against Experimental Caprine Paratuberculosis

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    [EN] Vaccination against paratuberculosis, a chronic disease of ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map), has been considered as the most effective control method. However, protection is incomplete, and the mechanisms operating in the response of the animals to vaccination are not fully understood. Therefore, this study analyzed the immune response and the effects on protection against Map infection, elicited by paratuberculosis (Silirum®) and tuberculosis (heat-inactivated M. bovis [HIMB]) vaccines and their components in a caprine experimental model. Fifty goat kids were divided into 10 groups (n = 5) according to their vaccination (Silirum®, HIMB and nonvaccinated), immunization (inactivated bacteria or adjuvant), and/or infection. Oral challenge with Map was performed 45 days postvaccination/immunization (dpv), and animals were euthanized at 190 dpv. Peripheral immune response and proportion of lymphocyte subpopulations were assessed monthly by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and flow cytometry analysis, respectively. Local immune response, proportion of tissue lymphocyte subpopulations, Map detection (polymerase chain reaction), and histological examination were conducted in gut-associated lymphoid tissues. All infected groups developed paratuberculosis granulomatous lesions despite vaccination or immunization. The Silirum® and HIMB-vaccinated groups showed a considerable lesion reduction consistent with a significant peripheral cellular and humoral immune response. Besides, a lower number of granulomas were observed in groups immunized with inactivated bacteria and adjuvants in comparison to nonvaccinated and infected group. However, despite not being significant, this reduction was even higher in adjuvant immunized groups, which developed milder granulomatous lesion with no detectable peripheral immune responses associated with immunization. No changes in the peripheral and local proportion of lymphocyte subsets or local immune response were detected in relation to either vaccination/immunization or infection. Despite that paratuberculosis and tuberculosis vaccination showed a partial and cross-protection against Map infection, respectively, only histological examination could assess the progression of infection in these animals. In addition, the pattern observed in the reduction of the lesions in adjuvant immunized groups suggests the possible involvement of a nonspecific immune response that reduces the development of granulomatous lesionsSIThis work was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects AGL2015- 66540-C2-1-R and RTI2018-099496-B-I00), Junta de Castilla y León (project LE259P18), and National Institute for Agronomic Research (project RTA 2017- 00089-00-00). NA-V was the recipient of a predoctoral contract (BES-2016-076513) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and DG-E and JE of a postdoctoral contract from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (grants nos. FJCI-2017-32020 and FJC2019-042422-I respectively