11 research outputs found

    Early Behavioral Intervention Is Associated With Normalized Brain Activity in Young Children With Autism

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    A previously published randomized clinical trial indicated that a developmental behavioral intervention, the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), resulted in gains in IQ, language, and adaptive behavior of children with autism spectrum disorder. This report describes a secondary outcome measurement from this trial, EEG activity

    Sleep problems during and after paediatric brain tumours

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    Brain tumours are among the most common cancer diagnoses in paediatrics. Children with brain tumours are at risk of developing sleep problems because of direct and indirect effects of the tumour and its treatment, in addition to psychosocial and environmental factors. Sleep has an important role in physical and psychological wellbeing, and sleep problems are associated with many adverse outcomes. In this Review, we describe the state of the evidence regarding sleep in people with paediatric brain tumours, prevalence and types of sleep problems, risk factors, and effectiveness of interventions. Evidence shows that sleep problems, particularly excessive daytime sleepiness, are common in people with paediatric brain tumours, with high BMI emerging as a consistent predictor of sleep disruption. Further intervention studies are needed, and clinical evaluation of sleep is warranted for people with paediatric brain tumours

    Daytime or Edge-of-Daytime Intra-Canopy Illumination Improves the Fruit Set of Bell Pepper at Passive Conditions in the Winter

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    Optimal light conditions ensure the availability of sufficient photosynthetic assimilates for supporting the survival and growth of fruit organs in crops. One of the growing uses of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in horticulture is intra-canopy illumination or LED-interlighting, providing supplemental light for intensively cultivated crops directly within their canopies. Originally developed and applied in environmentally controlled greenhouses in northern latitude countries, this technique is nowadays also being tested and studied in other regions of the world such as the Mediterranean region. In the present work, we applied intra-canopy illumination for bell pepper grown in passive high tunnels in the Jordan Valley using a commercial LED product providing cool-white light. The study included testing of daytime (‘LED-D’) and edge-of-daytime (‘LED-N’) illumination, as well as a detailed characterization of fruit set and fruit survival throughout the growth season. We found that both light regimes significantly improved the fruit set and survival during winter, with some benefit of LED-N illumination. Notably, we found that western-facing plants of illuminated sections had a higher contribution toward the increased winter fruit set and spring yield than that of illuminated eastern-facing plants. Greater plant height and fresh weight of western-facing plants of the illuminated sections support the yield results. The differences likely reflect higher photosynthetic assimilation of western-facing plants as compared to eastern-facing ones, due to the higher daily light integral and higher canopy temperature of the former. This study provides important implications for the use of intra-canopy lighting for crops grown at passive winter conditions and exemplifies the significance of geographical positioning, opening additional avenues of investigation for optimization of its use for improving fruit yield under variable conditions

    Top Photoselective Netting in Combination with Reduced Fertigation Results in Multi-Annual Yield Increase in Valencia Oranges (Citrus sinensis)

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    Fruit tree production is challenged by climate change, which is characterized by heat waves, warmer winters, increased storms, and recurrent droughts. The technology of top netting may provide a partial solution, as it alleviates climatic effects by microclimate manipulation. The tree physiological performance is improved under the nets, with an increased productivity and quality. The application of photoselective nets, which also alter the light spectrum, may result in additional horticultural improvements. We present the results of a 5-year experimental study on Valencia oranges, examining three nets: red, pearl, and transparent. Each net was tested at three fertigation conditions: a field standard (100%, I100) and two reduced fertigation regimes, which were 80% (I80) and 60% (I60) of the standard. The average multi-annual yield under the red and pearl nets with I100 and I80 and transparent net with I100 was significantly higher than that of the control trees. While the multi-annual yield increase under the red net I80 was due to the increase in the fruit number, in other treatments, the effect was mostly due to induction in the individual fruit weight. The data presented here show that an increased productivity of orange trees grown under photoselective nets, particularly the red net, with its specific spectral properties, was achieved with a considerable water-saving effect

    Early behavioral intervention is associated with normalized brain activity in young children with Autism

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    Objective: A previously published randomized clinical trial indicated that a developmental behavioral intervention, the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), resulted in gains in IQ, language, and adaptive behavior of children with autism spectrum disorder. This report describes a secondary outcome measurement from this trial, EEG activity. Method: Forty-eight 18- to 30-month-old children with autism spectrum disorder were randomized to receive the ESDM or referral to community intervention for 2 years. After the intervention (age 48 to 77 months), EEG activity (event-related potentials and spectral power) was measured during the presentation of faces versus objects. Age-matched typical children were also assessed. Results: The ESDM group exhibited greater improvements in autism symptoms, IQ, language, and adaptive and social behaviors than the community intervention group. The ESDM group and typical children showed a shorter Nc latency and increased cortical activation (decreased α power and increased θ power) when viewing faces, whereas the community intervention group showed the opposite pattern (shorter latency event-related potential [ERP] and greater cortical activation when viewing objects). Greater cortical activation while viewing faces was associated with improved social behavior. Conclusions: This was the first trial to demonstrate that early behavioral intervention is associated with normalized patterns of brain activity, which is associated with improvements in social behavior, in young children with autism spectrum disorder