33 research outputs found

    Garnys : an underwater riverine site with delayed Neolithisation in the southeastern Baltic

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    This paper presents the first results of both dryland and underwater investigations at the multi-period Garnys riverine site situated on the Žeimena River in eastern Lithuania. There, during 2017–2020 a professional diver and amateur archaeologist collected hundreds of Mesolithic-Neolithic archaeological finds made of wood, bone, antler, stone, and ceramic from the riverbed and on its bank. Moreover, in eroded places of the riverbed, the wooden remains of several fish weirs were observed. In 2021 professional archaeologists continued the research, including field investigations followed by various laboratory analyses. These included AMS 14C dating of 16 various ecofacts, artefacts and wooden constructions, wood and animal taxa determinations, and the results of traceological analysis of the flint and osseous artefacts. Our research demonstrates that the site was intensively used for hunting, gathering and fishing during the Mesolithic and subsequent Subneolithic and Neolithic. Intriguingly, there was no evidence for agriculture, while the numerous Neolithic ceramics largely follow the Subneolithic traditions. The Garnys site is therefore unique and a clear example for delayed Neolithisation in a forested and lacustrine area in the eastern Baltic region. During the Metal Ages, the site had been used exclusively for stationary fishing

    Cooking fish and drinking milk? Patterns in pottery use in the southeastern Baltic, 3300–2400 cal BC

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    yesA study of pottery vessel contents and use was undertaken in order to obtain information on food processed in Subneolithic and Neolithic vessels from Nida and Šventoji (3300–2400 cal BC). The aim is to assess pottery use during major changes in the coastal environment and in material culture. Bulk carbon and nitrogen isotope, lipid biomarker and compound specific carbon isotope analysis was undertaken on ‘foodcrusts’, charred deposits adhering to vessel surfaces, and absorbed residues from different vessel types. In addition, three archaeological seal bones were analysed for bulk collagen and compound specific carbon isotope analysis to establish collagen-lipid offsets to inform interpretation of the data. The results show that the majority of the vessels were used for processing aquatic products. At Nida the data suggest exploitation of freshwater resources and, in the later stages of occupation, dairying. Analysis of a small number of Subneolithic vessels from Šventoji produced results that are also consistent with processing of aquatic products. Other substances identified include Pinaceae sp. resin or tar and beeswax. These data demonstrate that identifying patterns in pottery use contributes to understanding Neolithisation processes

    Services provided by specialized help centers for women experiencing domestic violence

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    Šiuolaikinėje ir modernioje visuomenėje, kuri yra vertinama kaip pažangi ir sąmoninga, smurtas prieš moteris artimoje aplinkoje yra vis dar aktuali problema. Šiuo metu Lietuvos Respublikoje galiojantys teisės aktai įpareigoja apsaugoti ir ginti asmenis nuo smurto artimoje aplinkoje, greitai reaguoti į asmenims iškilusią grėsmę, taikyti apsaugos priemones ir teikti tinkamą pagalbą nukentėjusiesiems. Pagalbos procese dalyvauja nemažai įvairių įstaigų, kurios teikia skirtingas paslaugas, tačiau viena pagrindinių – specializuotos pagalbos centrai, kurie, teikdami pagalbą moterims, įjungia ir kitas įstaigas ir sudaro bendradarbiavimo ratą. Šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti specializuotų pagalbos centrų teikiamų paslaugų įvairovę moterims, patiriančioms smurtą artimoje aplinkoje. Siekiant įgyvendinti darbo tikslą, darbe apžvelgiama smurto prieš moteris problematika ir mokslo straipsniai, smurto reiškinys ir jo rūšys, taip pat prevencija, kuri yra svarbi proceso dalis kovojant su smurtu. Darbe taip pat apžvelgtos šiuo metu Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktuose numatytos pagalbos priemonės moterims, patiriančioms smurtą artimoje aplinkoje. Apžvelgtas socialinių paslaugų teikimas ir socialinio darbo metodų taikymas krizių centruose teikiant pagalbą nukentėjusioms moterims. Tinkamų paslaugų suteikimas laiku yra svarbus klientėms, kurios išdrįso kreiptis pagalbos, nes specialisto darbo išmanymas ir tinkama reakcija į susiklosčiusią padėtį gali paskatinti moterį tęsti pagalbos procesą. Vienas pagrindinių darbo uždavinių yra išanalizuoti, kaip specializuotuose pagalbos centruose teikiamos socialinės paslaugos prisideda prie smurto prieš moteris problemos sprendimo. Tam buvo atliktas kokybinis tyrimas, nes siekiama aprašyti specializuotų pagalbos centrų teikiamas paslaugas ir jų vertinimą darbuotojų požiūriu. Todėl buvo apklausti specialistai, dirbantys specializuotuose pagalbos centruose. Tyrime dalyvavo 6-ių įvairiuose Lietuvos miestuose įsikūrusių specializuotos pagalbos centrų specialistai. Tyrimo duomenų rinkimo metodas – struktūruotas interviu. Elektroniniu būdu į išsiųstas kokybinės apklausos anketas atsakė įvairias pareigas užimantys specialistai: psichologė, socialinė darbuotoja, centro koordinatorė, centro konsultantė, pavaduotoja ir įstaigos vadovas. Remiantis tyrimu, suformuluotos išvados ir pateiktos rekomendacijos specializuotos pagalbos centruose dirbantiems specialistams, kurie teikia pagalbą moterims, nukentėjusioms nuo smurto artimoje aplinkoje, ir įstaigoms, kuriose dirba specialistai.Domestic violence against women is still a pressing issue in today’s modern society, which is seen as progressive and conscious. Currently, the legal acts in force in the Republic of Lithuania oblige to protect and defend persons from domestic violence, to react quickly to threats to persons, to apply protection measures and to provide appropriate assistance to victims. The assistance process involves a number of different institutions that provide different services, yet the major ones are the specialized help centers, that while providing aid to women, involve other institutions forming a circle of cooperation. The aim of this research is to evaluate the variety of services provided by the specialized help centers. In order to achieve this, the study reviews the issues of violence against women and scientific articles, the phenomenon of violence and its types, as well as prevention, which is an important part of the process of combating violence. The paper also reviews the support measures currently provided for in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania for women experiencing domestic violence. The provision of social services and the application of social work methods in crisis centers in providing assistance to affected women is reviewed. Providing appropriate and timely services is important for clients who have dared to seek help, as knowledge of the specialist’s work and an appropriate response to the situation can encourage the woman to continue the assistance process. One of the main tasks of this research is to analyze how social services provided in specialized help centers contribute to solving the problem of violence against women. To achieve this a qualitative study was carried out to describe the services provided by the specialized help centers and their evaluation from the staff's point of view. Therefore, specialists working in specialized help centers were interviewed. Specialists from 6 specialized help centers located in different Lithuanian cities participated in this study. Research data collection method - structured interview. Specialists holding different positions answered electronically to the sent qualitative survey questionnaires: psychologist, social worker, center coordinator, center consultant, deputy, and head of the institution. Based on the research, conclusions were formulated and recommendations were given to specialists working in specialized help centers, which provide assistance to women victims of domestic violence, as well as to institutions where specialists work.Socialinių mokslų fakultetasSocialinio darbo katedr

    Research of possibility for service quality methods in sport and fitness center

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    Work item - of sports and health centers in service quality research, a feasibility study. Sports and health centers in the quality of services provided is one of the key elements influencing the visitors and for the company to increase profitability. Service quality evaluation models for the assessment is only possible relevance of a particular area of health, sport, physical activity, recreation and more. The objective - the analysis of the quality of research methods, to prepare their applications for a feasibility study and adapt the best model of our country's sports and health centers in the quality of service testing. Examine the quality of service models, and objectively evaluate each model, the concept, its advantages and disadvantages. Work tasks: 1. To perform the service quality of the analysis and selection of the concept of a feasibility study. 2. Make the quality of service evaluation models and methods of analysis of the study, to develop the service quality model, a methodology to investigate the quality of the service. Conceptual work is based on the quality of service evaluation models. The study was carried out by experts, the survey method, interviewing respondents, 5. The study to collect empirical data were not standardized questionnaire consisting of questionnaires to experts. Profiles developed on the basis of the theoretical work of work. After the service quality models, expert analysis and assessment of SERVQUAL, SQAS and QUESC service quality models, the methodology criteria, their components, we developed the service quality of the model form, which consists of 8 criteria: \"Staff\", \"Environment\", \"Accessories\", \"Program\", \" Services \",\" Price \",\" Image \",\" Identity \"

    The relationship between low back pain, history of injury and functional status in male kickboxers

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    The Relationship Between Low Back Pain, History of Injury and Functional Status in Male Kickboxers The author: Giedrė Damušytė Academic advisor: asist. Ligita Aučynienė, Vilnius University Faculty of Medicine Department of Rehabilitation, Physical and Sports Medicine. The aim of research work: to evaluate low back pain, history of injury, functional status and the relationship between the results in male kickboxers. Tasks of work: 1. To evaluate most common injuries in male kickboxers. 2. To evaluate low back pain prevalence in male kickboxers. 3. To evaluate functional status in male kickoxers: posture, flexibility, endurance of lumbar muscles, shortened hip muscles, balance and lumbar stability. 4. To assess the relationship between low back pain, history of injury and funcional status in male kickboxers. Materials and methods: The research was conducted in the period of 2016 December – 2017 May at the martial arts club “Rings“ in Vilnius. 20 kickboxers, with an average age 26,7±6,3, have been examined individually. The history of injury and low back pain was examined in the questionnaire. Funcional status was examined in physical examination tests. Posture type was evaluated with vertical line on the sagittal plane. Lumbar flexibility was evaluated in “Sit and reach“ and side bending to the right and to the left tests. Static endurance of lumbar muscles was assessed by McGill method. Shortened hip muscles was assessed by classic and modified Thomas tests and straight leg raising test. Dynamic balance was measured by Modified Star Excursion Balance Test (MSEBT). For lumbar stability testing stabilizer was used. Data analysis was conducted using „IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0“ and Microsoft Excel 2008 software. Results: 85% of the participants experienced at least one injury in sport, most common were upper extremity injuries – 62,5% and lower extremity injuries – 36,4%. 80% of participants experienced at least one episode of low back pain (LBP), 62,5% affected by chronic LBP. 85% of kickboxers had poor posture, 45% had rectus femoris muscle shortening. Statistical analysis showed statistically significant correlations (p<0,05) between: sport career lenght and low back pain (r=0,591), number of different injuries (r=0,518); frequency of abdominal and back muscles strengthening exercises (r=0,471); lumbar stability level and static right and left side lateral trunk muscles endurance (r=0,52, r=0,54); lumbar stability level and posteriomedial MSEBT reach (r=0,517); lumbar stability level and anterior MSEBT reach (r=0,72); posteriomedial MSEBT reach and static right and left side lateral trunk muscles endurance (r=0,46, r= 0,48). Conclusions: Upper and lower extremities injuries are most common in kickboxing. Majority of athletes experienced LBP at least one time in their life. Mostly kickboxers have poor posture. Abdominal muscles endurance is greater than back muscles endurance. Large part of the athletes have low level lumbar stability. Greater lumbar stability depends on better lateral trunk muscles endurance. Greater dynamic balance depends on better lumbar stability and lateral trunk muscles endurance

    Research of possibility for service quality methods in sport and fitness center

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    Work item - of sports and health centers in service quality research, a feasibility study. Sports and health centers in the quality of services provided is one of the key elements influencing the visitors and for the company to increase profitability. Service quality evaluation models for the assessment is only possible relevance of a particular area of health, sport, physical activity, recreation and more. The objective - the analysis of the quality of research methods, to prepare their applications for a feasibility study and adapt the best model of our country's sports and health centers in the quality of service testing. Examine the quality of service models, and objectively evaluate each model, the concept, its advantages and disadvantages. Work tasks: 1. To perform the service quality of the analysis and selection of the concept of a feasibility study. 2. Make the quality of service evaluation models and methods of analysis of the study, to develop the service quality model, a methodology to investigate the quality of the service. Conceptual work is based on the quality of service evaluation models. The study was carried out by experts, the survey method, interviewing respondents, 5. The study to collect empirical data were not standardized questionnaire consisting of questionnaires to experts. Profiles developed on the basis of the theoretical work of work. After the service quality models, expert analysis and assessment of SERVQUAL, SQAS and QUESC service quality models, the methodology criteria, their components, we developed the service quality of the model form, which consists of 8 criteria: \"Staff\", \"Environment\", \"Accessories\", \"Program\", \" Services \",\" Price \",\" Image \",\" Identity \"

    Research of possibility for service quality methods in sport and fitness center

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    Work item - of sports and health centers in service quality research, a feasibility study. Sports and health centers in the quality of services provided is one of the key elements influencing the visitors and for the company to increase profitability. Service quality evaluation models for the assessment is only possible relevance of a particular area of health, sport, physical activity, recreation and more. The objective - the analysis of the quality of research methods, to prepare their applications for a feasibility study and adapt the best model of our country's sports and health centers in the quality of service testing. Examine the quality of service models, and objectively evaluate each model, the concept, its advantages and disadvantages. Work tasks: 1. To perform the service quality of the analysis and selection of the concept of a feasibility study. 2. Make the quality of service evaluation models and methods of analysis of the study, to develop the service quality model, a methodology to investigate the quality of the service. Conceptual work is based on the quality of service evaluation models. The study was carried out by experts, the survey method, interviewing respondents, 5. The study to collect empirical data were not standardized questionnaire consisting of questionnaires to experts. Profiles developed on the basis of the theoretical work of work. After the service quality models, expert analysis and assessment of SERVQUAL, SQAS and QUESC service quality models, the methodology criteria, their components, we developed the service quality of the model form, which consists of 8 criteria: \"Staff\", \"Environment\", \"Accessories\", \"Program\", \" Services \",\" Price \",\" Image \",\" Identity \"

    The effect of Mulligan knee taping technique on knee function and knee pain in patellofemoral pain syndrome

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    Giedrė Damušytė. The effect of Mulligan knee taping technique on knee function and knee pain in patellofemoral pain syndrome. Master’s thesis. Supervisor - doc. dr. L Šiupšinskas. Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Faculty of Nursing, Institute of Sports. Kaunas, 2018; 62 p. Aim of study. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Mulligan knee taping technique on knee function and knee pain intensity in patellofemoral pain syndrome. Tasks: 1. To evaluate the effect of physiotherapy on knee function and knee pain in patellofemoral pain syndrome. 2. To evaluate the effect of Mulligan knee taping technique in combination with physiotherapy on knee function and knee pain in patellofemoral pain syndrome. 3. To compare the impact of physiotherapy alone and Mulligan knee taping technique in combination with physiotherapy on knee function and knee pain in patellofemoral pain syndrome. 4. To determine the links between evaluated indicators. Methodology: 1. Demographic data questionnaire. 2. Kujala anterior knee pain questionnaire. 3. The intensity of pain according to numeric pain rating scale. 4. Functional status evaluation: lower extremity dynamic balance evaluated using Star excursion balance anterior reach test and single leg hop test, the flexibility of muscles evaluated based on Thomas classic and modified tests, Ober, active knee extension, ankle dorsiflexion tests, and the gluteus function evaluated using Trendelenburg test. All the tests have been performed three times: before therapy, after therapy and one week follow up after the therapy. Participants received therapy for five times within two weeks. Participants: We investigated 22 participants based on the following criteria: 1. Chondromalacia patella, retropatellar or peripatellar pain; 2. Knee pain for longer than six weeks; 3. Pain during at least two activities: prolonged sitting, ascending-descending stairs, squatting, jumping and/or running; 4. Pain intensity equal or higher than 3 according to numeric pain rating scale; 5. Age between 17 and 45 years. Participants were divided into two groups: KT group (n=11) received physiotherapy alone and TP group (n=11) received physiotherapy with additionally added Mulligan knee taping technique. Conclusions: 1. The examination of participants who received physiotherapy showed decreased knee pain, improved knee and all lower extremity function, and increased flexibility of muscles in patellofemoral pain syndrome. 2. The evaluation of participants who received Mulligan knee taping technique in combination with physiotherapy showed decreased knee pain, improved knee and all lower extremity function, increased flexibility of muscles in patellofemoral pain syndrome. 3. Physiotherapy and physiotherapy in combination with Mulligan knee taping technique has the same positive effect on knee pain, knee function and flexibility of muscles. 4. Participants who had greater ankle dorsiflexion also had better result of star excursion balance anterior reach test results (r=0,455) and those who had negative Trendelenburg test also had greater single leg hop test results (r=0,591)

    Lietuvos pajūrio geologinė raida poledynmečiu

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    The Lithuanian coastal area represents a specific region of great economic and rcreational importance. This research has been focused on a few tens of kilometres of the wide continental coastal sector, the northern parts of the Curonian Spit and the Curonian Lagoonal area. The geological material and results of absolute dating collected from numerous sediment samples have served as the basis for the essential specification of the boundaries, age, genesis and palaeo-sedimentation conditions at different Baltic Sea development stages