59 research outputs found


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    The Effects of Psychodrama Intervention on Intimate Partner Violence and Quality of Life: Trial of Syrian Refugee Abused Women

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    This randomized controlled study assessed the efficacy of group psychodrama intervention in reducing Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and enhancing Quality of Life (QoL) for Syrian Refugee Abused Women (RAW) who were living in the Al- Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan. Forty IPV refugee Syrian women were randomly assigned to either the psychodrama group (n=20) or the control/comparison group (n=20). The DVQ and WHOQOL-100 were used to assess the IPV and QoL, respectively. The psychodrama group attended 12 psychodrama sessions (one session per week). The results indicated that the psychodrama group participants demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in IPV severity and enhancement in all QoL sub-dimensions (with one exception of the environmental sub-dimension). The study suggested and recommended other family members involved in any further family counseling interventions for refugees

    Rusbult’s Investment Model Validity for Explaining Remaining in Abusive Relationship for Sample of Jordanian Abused Women

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    This study aimed to explore Caryl Rusbult’s model validity for explaining women remaining in an abusive relationship for available sample of 35 Jordanian abused women and living in the abusive relationship who are contacting the women and child health center in Prince Faisal Hospital. The World Health Organization (WHO) Domestic Violence (DV) scale and Rusbult’s Investment Model Scale (IMS) were used. The results revealed low levels of Marriage Satisfaction (MS) and Quality of Alternatives (QA). Moderate levels of Relationship Investment size (RI) and Marriage Commitment (MC) were found. The result also indicated that there were not significant statistical differences between the IMS scale dimensions (MS, RI and QA) and women's commitment in relationship variable. The results indicated the validity of the investment model to be applied to Jordanian culture


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    Dalam penelitian ini penulis meneliti tentang potensi gas buang dari PLTG Pauh limo di mana rugi energi terbesar dari PLTG Pauh limo terdapat pada gas buang dari turbin gas sehingga nilai efesiensi dari PLTG sangat rendah, maka perlu dilakukan peningkatan efesiensi sistem dengan cara memanfaatkan gas buang tersebut dan memperkirakan kapasitas daya PLTU yang bisa terpasang dari pemanfaatan gas buang tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai potensi gas buang PLTG pauh limo untuk unit 2 mencapai nilai rata-rata sebesar 24,74 MW dengan nilai tertinggi sebsear 25,39 MW dan nilai terendah sebrsar 23,87 MW. Sedangkan untuk unit 3 mencapai nilai rata0rata sebesar 24,93 MW dengan nilai tertinggi sebesar 26,47 MW dan nilai terendah sebesar 23,81 MW . Kapasitas daya PLTU yang bisa terpasang dengan asumsi diambil dari rata-rata data penelitian tentang efesiensi komponen PLTU yaitu efesiensi HRSG sebesar 70 %, efesiensi turbin sebesar 45%,efesiensi generator sebesar 96% maka didapat nilai kapasitas daya yang dapat dipasang sebesar 15,02 MW. Pada penelitian kali ini didapatkan juga peningkatan nilai efesiensi sistem dari PLTG Pauh Limo dari 20 % menjadi 35,34 % apabila dicombine dengan PLTU


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    Media saat ini sangat berperan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasi masyarakat. Kehadiran media, baik media cetak maupun media eletronik dapat membantu masyarakat mendapatkan informasi dengan cepat. Radio Bharabas 97,5 FM merupakan salah satu Radio swasta di Pekanbaru dengan sasaran pendengar remaja dan kalangan dewasa, memiliki satu program bernama Serambi Pagi. Program Serambi Pagi dinilai berbeda karena merupakan program yang khusus menyajikan tanggapan dari pendengar dan diselingi informasi menarik tentang segala hal positif dari Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana manajemen produksi siaran program Serambi Pagi di Radio Bharabas 97,5 FM Pekanbaru. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu menggambarkan dan menjelaskan permasalahan yang diteliti dalam bentuk kalimat dan tidak menggunakan prosedur statistik. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dan observasi yaitu penulis melakukan wawancara kepada mangager, program director dan penyiar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari pra produksi yang dilakukan produksisiaran program serambi pagi di Radio Bharabas 97,5 FM Pekanbaru adalah penemuan ide dengan melaksanakan rapat redaksi yang menghasilkan sebuah ide atau topik, hingga melakukan perencanaan dengan membuat pertanyaan untuk wawancara, menentukan narasumber dan pembagian tugas kepada masing-masing reporter. Dilanjutkan dengan proses produksi dimulai dari rekording, yaitu melakukan wawancara, mengoreksi dan memilah naskah berita dan hasil rekaman serta dilakukannya mixing dengan sebelumnya melalui proses editing, setelah berita selesai dibuat oleh Reporter kemudian diserahkan kepada Kepala Produksi untuk mengkoreksi ulang berita yang telah diselesaikan oleh Reporter. Proses terakhir dalam kegiatan ini adalah pasca produksi yakni mengevaluasi hasil kerja, mulai dari hasil berita yang akan di tayangkan, dan tahapan terakhir dari seluruh kegiatan adalah pendokumentasian atau arsip juga dilakukan oleh radio Bharabas 97,5 FM. Kata kunci : Manajemen, Produksi, Progra

    The Effectiveness of a Virtual Psycho-education Group Counseling Program in Improving the Marital Satisfaction among a Sample of Married Students during the COVID -19 Pandemic

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى اختبار فاعلية برنامج إرشاد جمعي افتراضي قائم على التعليم النفسي في مستويات الرضا الزواجي لدى طلبة الجامعة المتزوجين. اشتملت الدراسة على 24 طالباً متزوجاً في الجامعة الهاشمية، وزعوا مناصفة عشوائياً إلى مجموعتين ضابطة وتجريبية. استخدمت قائمة الرضا الزواجي المكونة من خمسة أبعاد: الضغط العام والاتصال لحل المشكلات والاتصال المتعاطف وقضاء الوقت معاً والإشباع الجنسي لتقييم مستويات الرضا الزواجي. اشتمل البرنامج الإرشادي على 10 جلسات جماعية افتراضية، بواقع جلسة واحدة أسبوعياً، ومدة كل جلسة 120 دقيقة. أشارت النتائج إلى وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين متوسطات الرضا الزواجي في القياس البعدي لأفراد مجموعتي الدراسة لصالح أفراد المجموعة التجريبية، مما يظهر فاعلية البرنامج الإرشادي الجمعي في تحسين مستويات الرضا الزواجي لدى الطلبة المشاركين. كذلك أظهرت النتائج وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين القياس البعدي والقياس التتبعي لأفراد المجموعة التجريبية -لمدة 3 أشهر بعد الانتهاء من البرنامج الإرشادي- في جميع أبعاد قائمة الرضا الزواجي، باستثناء بعد الضغط العام، ولصالح القياس البعدي، مما يشير إلى عدم احتفاظ أفرادها بالمكتسبات العلاجية التي تم إحرازها من البرنامج

    The Effect of Genetic Taste Status on Swallowing: A Literature Review

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    Purpose Swallowing and taste share innervation pathways and are crucial to nutritive intake. Individuals vary in their perception of taste due to factors such as genetics; however, it is unclear to what extent genetic taste status influences swallowing physiology and function. The purpose of this review article is to provide background on genetic taste status, review the evidence on the association between genetic taste status and swallowing, and discuss research and clinical implications. Method A comprehensive literature review was conducted using search terms related to swallowing and genetic taste status. Studies were included if they investigated the main effect of genetic taste status on swallowing or the interaction of genetic taste status with other variables. Studies were grouped by participant population (healthy participants or persons with a swallowing disorder), swallowing-related outcome measure, and method of genetic taste status measurement. Results The results were mixed, with five of 10 reviewed studies reporting a statistically significant main or interaction effect on swallowing. Most studies included healthy participants, with only one study investigating participants with dysphagia. Additionally, swallowing-related outcome measures and methods of determining genetic taste status varied greatly between studies conducted on separate cohorts. Conclusion Few studies have incorporated genetic taste status as a variable in swallowing research, and results are mixed. Future research on sensation and swallowing should consider the potential effect of genetic taste status and follow standardized procedures for its determination. Despite the limited evidence, clinicians may consider how individual differences in perception shape swallowing outcomes

    Potential Study for Hofa Farm Development

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    This paper presents a technical assessment of the wind power potential for Hofa area using statistical analysis of measured wind data and power generation data from the current wind farm, and using the characteristics and financial and technical analysis of modern wind turbines characteristics to determine the best alternative for the site development project. Rayleigh distribution is used to model the monthly average data and to simulate the wind power from the turbines. To validate the model we ran the simulation for the current turbines and the results were compared to the actual power data collected from the farm. Energy calculations, capacity factors and cost of wind energy production were determined for the location with wind machines of different sizes ranging between 1 MW to 3.6 MW. The quantitative estimates of the technical and economic potential are presented graphically. Rayleigh parameter is adjusted to the hub height to estimate the power output of the machine. The energy cost analyses show that all selected sites have high economic potential with unit cost less than $0.035/kWh of electricity. Finally, the results of this study reveal that Hofa site has high potential wind energy and its environmental and energy policy targets can be met by exploitation of wind energy. Keywords: Hofa Wind Farm, Wind Turbine, Economical Cost, Wind Farm Development,Probability distribution, Power and Energy Curves

    Performance of NiCrAlY Coatings Deposited by Oxyfuel Thermal Spraying in High Temperature Chlorine Environment

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    A microcrystalline Ni-22Cr-10Al-1Y (wt.%) coating was deposited on AISI 304 stainless steel by the oxyfuel thermal spray technique. The deposited coating was subjected to heat treatment to improve the microstructure characteristics and its corresponding high-temperature properties. The isothermal high-temperature corrosion behavior at 650 and 700 °C in synthetic air and in the presence of 1% Cl2 was investigated using thermogravimetric analysis, x-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. The results indicated that the deposited NiCrAlY coating possessed acceptable oxidation-corrosion resistance at 650 °C owing to the formation of extensive amounts of the protective oxide of Cr2O3; NiO and a lesser amount of a Cr1.12 Ni2,88 metallic phase are also formed. At 700 °C, the coating lost its protective characteristic because of the excessive consumption of thermodynamically stable phases by oxidation-chlorination process. In this case, the steel base and the coating were attacked by chlorine during the exposure time; the mass gain of the NiCrAlY coating was slightly higher and provided only a limited protection up to 11 h; thereafter, breakdown of the layer of oxides occurred and this is attributed to the formation of non-protective oxides mainly β-Fe2O3 and Fe21.33O32 and the depletion of chromium