13 research outputs found

    Response of some citrus species to frost damage at the central area of Santa Fe, Argentina

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    En la región central de Santa Fe, durante los días 7 y 8 de junio del año 2012 se produjeron heladas advectivas de gran intensidad y duración. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar los daños por heladas y el comportamiento vegetativo y reproductivo de diferentes variedades de cítricos, durante la siguiente estación de crecimiento. En las plantaciones se reportaron pérdidas de fruta, defoliaciones y hasta muerte de plantas. La brotación del siguiente ciclo (y) estuvo inversamente relacionada con la defoliación (x) producida (y=146,32-0,92x). Se observó una reducida intensidad de floración con predominio de brotes vegetativos y generativos con hojas. El cuajado de los frutos aumentó entre un 69 a 92% en relación con los valores medios de la zona, a excepción de las mandarinas. El rendimiento alcanzado por cada variedad luego de los daños por fuertes heladas se relacionó con su intensidad de floración media en la zona. Las variedades que normalmente desarrollan intensidades de floración superiores a 250 flores cada 100 nudos en años sin fuertes heladas presentaron un rendimiento superior a su valor promedio. En cambio, aquellas que normalmente presentan menores intensidades de floración tuvieron disminuciones de rendimiento entre un 26,3 y 84,5% respecto de su valor medio.The aim of this work was to quantify frost damage and the reproductive and vegetative behaviour of some Citrus species after intense frost events registered between June 7th and 8th 2012. After the frost events, trees showed severe fruit drop, partial or total defoliation and eventually, tree death. Growth response during the following growing season showed that percentage of sprouting (y) was inversely related to defoliation (x) caused by frost (y=146. 32-0.92x). Flowering intensity was reduced in the majority of the citrus varieties tested, with a relative increase of vegetative and leafy shoots. Fruit set was increased (69-92%) in relation with years without frost occurrence with the exception of tangerines. Fruit yield of each variety was related with its mean flowering intensity at the central area of Santa Fe. Those cultivars which normally reach high flowering intensities (>250 flowers per 100 nodes) showed higher fruit yield, up to 67% compared to non-frost years. In the other hand, cultivars which normally reach lower flowering intensities showed low fruit yields (<26.3- 84.5%) in comparison with non-frost years.Fil: Micheloud, Norma Guadalupe. Universidad Nacional del LitoralFil: Castro, Damián César. Universidad Nacional del LitoralFil: Favaro, María Alejandra. Universidad Nacional del LitoralFil: Buyatti, Marcela Alejandra. Universidad Nacional del LitoralFil: Pilatti, Rubén Andrés. Universidad Nacional del LitoralFil: Gariglio, Norberto Francisco. Universidad Nacional del Litora

    Propuesta de modelo de negocio para la implementación de un restobar de cerveza artesanal con autoservicio

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    El presente modelo de negocio tiene como propósito implementar un restobar de cerveza artesanal con autoservicio en la ciudad de Piura, el mismo que se desarrolló en base a la información de diversas fuentes, entrevistas a expertos y la ejecución de encuestas aplicadas a consumidores potenciales de los distritos de Piura, Castilla y Veintiséis de Octubre del departamento de Piura; en base al análisis de los datos recopilados del mercado, se consiguió identificar que existe una gran aceptación del consumo de la cerveza artesanal. Nuestro target objetivo son hombres y mujeres de 20 años a 50 años, residentes de la ciudad de Piura, con diversos estilos y hobbies, que buscan de nuevas experiencias, calidad y sabor para compartir momentos en familia y amigos. Este negocio ofrece elementos diferenciadores como la instalación de una planta de producción de cerveza artesanal con capacidad instalada de 36,000 litros anuales, surtidores de cerveza donde el consumidor podrá servirse nuestros dos tipos de cerveza y el local permitirá al visitante tener la experiencia de poder ver el proceso de elaboración de la cerveza artesanal y degustar los diversos piqueos según la carta del local. El plan de negocio demanda una inversión inicial de S/752,529, el cual será financiado en un 60% por aporte de los socios y el 40% restante con un préstamo de una institución financiera. El costo de los fondos propios (COK) asciende a 13.5%, y el costo de capital promedio ponderado (WACC) es 16.3%. Con base en el Estado de Resultados proyectado 2023 – 2027, empleando el WACC como tasa de descuento, se determinó que el negocio obtiene un VAN económico de S/ 708,734 y una TIR económica de 47.44%. Además, se utilizó el COK para descontar los flujos financieros obteniendo un VAN financiero de S/403,354 soles y una TIR financiera de 64.09%. Considerando que, el valor del VAN es positivo y la TIR mayor a la tasa de descuento (WACC), se concluye que el proyecto de negocio es viable.The following business model intends to implement a self-service homebrew resto-bar in the city of Piura same as the one developed based on the information from several sources, expert interviews, and the implementation of surveys applied to potential consumers from the districts of Piura, Castilla, and Veintiséis de Octubre in the department of Piura. Using the analysis of the data collected from the beer market was possible to identify a high acceptance of the consumption of homebrew beer. The target objectives are men and women from 20 to 50 years old who live in the city of Piura, have different styles and hobbies, and are looking for new experiences, quality, and flavors to share moments with family and friends. This business presents distinctive elements such as a facility of homebrew beer production capacity of 36,000 liters per year, beer dispensers where the consumer can taste the two types of beer, and a local to guide them to the experience of being able to see the homebrew beer making process and taste the various appetizers according to the local menu. The business plan demands an initial investment of S/752,529, which will be financed 60% by contributions from the partners and the remaining 40% with a loan from a financial institution. The cost of the own founding amounts rises to 13.5%, and the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is 16.3%. Based on the projected Income Statement 2023 – 2027, using the WACC as the discount rate determined that the business obtains an economic NPV of S/708,734 and an economic IRR of 47.44%. In addition, it applied the COK to discount the financial flows obtaining a financial NPV of S/403,354 soles and a financial IRR of 64.09%. Accounting that the NPV value is positive and the IRR is greater than the discount rate (WACC), Outcoming that the business project is viable

    Respuesta de diferentes variedades de cítricos a los daños causados por fuertes heladas en la región central de Santa Fe

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    The aim of this work was to quantify frost damage and the reproductive and vegetative behaviour of some Citrus species after intense frost events registered between June 7th and 8th 2012. After the frost events, trees showed severe fruit drop, partial or total defoliation and eventually, tree death. Growth response during the following growing season showed that percentage of sprouting (y) was inversely related to defoliation (x) caused by frost (y=146. 32-0.92x). Flowering intensity was reduced in the majority of the citrus varieties tested, with a relative increase of vegetative and leafy shoots. Fruit set was increased (69-92%) in relation with years without frost occurrence with the exception of tangerines. Fruit yield of each variety was related with its mean flowering intensity at the central area of Santa Fe. Those cultivars which normally reach high flowering intensities (>250 flowers per 100 nodes) showed higher fruit yield, up to 67% compared to non-frost years. In the other hand, cultivars which normally reach lower flowering intensities showed low fruit yields (<26.3- 84.5%) in comparison with non-frost years.En la región central de Santa Fe, durante los días 7 y 8 de junio del año 2012 se produjeron heladas advectivas de gran intensidad y duración. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar los daños por heladas y el comportamiento vegetativo y reproductivo de diferentes variedades de cítricos, durante la siguiente estación de crecimiento. En las plantaciones se reportaron pérdidas de fruta, defoliaciones y hasta muerte de plantas. La brotación del siguiente ciclo (y) estuvo inversamente relacionada con la defoliación (x) producida (y=146,32-0,92x). Se observó una reducida intensidad de floración con predominio de brotes vegetativos y generativos con hojas. El cuajado de los frutos aumentó entre un 69 a 92% en relación con los valores medios de la zona, a excepción de las mandarinas. El rendimiento alcanzado por cada variedad luego de los daños por fuertes heladas se relacionó con su intensidad de floración media en la zona. Las variedades que normalmente desarrollan intensidades de floración superiores a 250 flores cada 100 nudos en años sin fuertes heladas presentaron un rendimiento superior a su valor promedio. En cambio, aquellas que normalmente presentan menores intensidades de floración tuvieron disminuciones de rendimiento entre un 26,3 y 84,5% respecto de su valor medio

    Distinct monocyte subset phenotypes in patients with different clinical forms of chronic Chagas disease and seronegative dilated cardiomyopathy

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic infection with Trypanosoma cruzi leads to a constant stimulation of the host immune system. Monocytes, which are recruited in response to inflammatory signals, are divided into classical CD14hiCD16-, non-classical CD14loCD16+ and intermediate CD14hiCD16+ subsets. In this study, we evaluated the frequencies of monocyte subsets in the different clinical stages of chronic Chagas disease in comparison with the monocyte profile of seronegative heart failure subjects and seronegative healthy controls. The effect of the anti-parasite drug therapy benznidazole on monocyte subsets was also explored. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The frequencies of the different monocyte subsets and their phenotypes were measured by flow cytometry. Trypanosoma cruzi-specific antibodies were quantified by conventional serological tests. T. cruzi-infected subjects with mild or no signs of cardiac disease and patients suffering from dilated cardiomyopathy unrelated to T. cruzi infection showed increased levels of non-classical CD14loCD16+ monocytes compared with healthy controls. In contrast, the monocyte profile in T. cruzi-infected subjects with severe cardiomyopathy was skewed towards the classical and intermediate subsets. After benznidazole treatment, non-classical monocytes CD14loCD16+ decreased while classical monocytes CD14hiCD16-increased. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The different clinical stages of chronic Chagas disease display distinct monocyte profiles that are restored after anti-parasite drug therapy. T. cruzi-infected subjects with severe cardiac disease displayed a profile of monocytes subsets suggestive of a more pronounced inflammatory environment compared with subjects suffering from heart failure not related to T. cruzi infection, supporting that parasite persistence might also alter cell components of the innate immune system

    Crop loading studies on ‘Caricia’ and ‘Eva’ apples grown in a mild winter area

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    The crop load level of an apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) tree impacts fruit yield and quality parameters, tree vigor and biennial bearing. The optimal crop load is that which allows for consistent annual cropping and fruit quality acceptable to the market. We evaluated the effect of crop load on yield and fruit quality of two low-chill apples cv. ‘Caricia’ and ‘Eva’, growing in a mild winter area. During 2010 and 2011 crop load was manually adjusted from 2 or 3 to 17 fruits cm−2 of trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA). Fruit yield was positively related to crop load in both cultivars but mean fruit weight diminished as the crop load increased. For both cultivars, the production of non-commercial and small-sized fruit increased, whereas production of middle-sized fruit diminished as the fruit load increased. Shoot length was not affected by crop load in ‘Eva’ whereas it was reduced in ‘Caricia’. Red skin color (RSC %) had a quadratic response to crop load in ‘Caricia’. On the other hand, the RSC % of ‘Eva’ fruit was adjusted to a negative logarithmic model as an effect of crop load increment. No biennial bearing was observed in either cultivar. This research study suggests that the maximum limit of crop load for both cultivars is 7 fruits cm−2 of TCSA, and the lower limit of crop load was 3 fruits cm−2 of TCSA for ‘Eva’ and 5 fruits cm−2 of TCSA for ‘Caricia’

    Crop loading studies on ‘Caricia’ and ‘Eva’ apples grown in a mild winter area

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    The crop load level of an apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) tree impacts fruit yield and quality parameters, tree vigor and biennial bearing. The optimal crop load is that which allows for consistent annual cropping and fruit quality acceptable to the market. We evaluated the effect of crop load on yield and fruit quality of two low-chill apples cv. ‘Caricia’ and ‘Eva’, growing in a mild winter area. During 2010 and 2011 crop load was manually adjusted from 2 or 3 to 17 fruits cm−2 of trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA). Fruit yield was positively related to crop load in both cultivars but mean fruit weight diminished as the crop load increased. For both cultivars, the production of non-commercial and small-sized fruit increased, whereas production of middle-sized fruit diminished as the fruit load increased. Shoot length was not affected by crop load in ‘Eva’ whereas it was reduced in ‘Caricia’. Red skin color (RSC %) had a quadratic response to crop load in ‘Caricia’. On the other hand, the RSC % of ‘Eva’ fruit was adjusted to a negative logarithmic model as an effect of crop load increment. No biennial bearing was observed in either cultivar. This research study suggests that the maximum limit of crop load for both cultivars is 7 fruits cm−2 of TCSA, and the lower limit of crop load was 3 fruits cm−2 of TCSA for ‘Eva’ and 5 fruits cm−2 of TCSA for ‘Caricia’


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    O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da carga de frutos sobre a produção total, calibre, massa média, comprimento dos ramos e intensidade da frutificação no ano seguinte, em plantas de macieira (Malus × domesticaBorkh.) cv. ‘Princesa’. Durante os anos de 2009 e 2010, as infrutescências foram submetidas a raleio manual, deixando nas árvores uma carga de 1 a 9 frutos por centímetro quadrado de superfície do tronco (FCQ). A produção total aumentou com o incremento da carga frutífera desde 1 a 9 FCQ, enquanto a massa média dos frutos diminuiu no mesmo intervalo. A quantidade de frutos pequenos aumentou até atingir 10% do total nas plantas de maior carga e a proporção de frutos de tamanho médio cresceu, alcançando 35% do total da produção. No entanto, a quantidade de frutos grandes não foi afetada pelo nível de carga, mantendo-se em maior proporção com relação ao total colhido (˜66%). O crescimento dos ramos, até 60 dias após a colheita, esteve negativamente afetado pela intensidade de carga. Observouse que não houve alternância de safra no ano seguinte ao experimento. A carga ótima para minimizar a produção de frutos pequenos, alcançando a maior produção total sem debilitar as árvores, pode-se atingir no intervalo entre 5 e 9 FCQ

    Can "Caricia" and "Princesa" apples be considered low-chilling cultivars?

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    ABSTRACT. The purpose of this work was to study the response of two apple cultivars bred for low chilling environments to artificial chilling accumulation. Two trials were carried out; in experiment one, excised shoots were randomly taken from "Caricia" and "Princesa", and in experiment two, intact and excised shoots of "Caricia", "Princesa" and "Gala" (control) were collected. After collection, both shoot types were exposed to artificial chilling accumulation (4.0 ± 0.5°C) from 0 to 1200 chill units (CU). Bud break of mixed buds of "Caricia" and "Princesa" was higher than 50% between 0 CU to 1200 CU, irrespective of shoot type. Bud break of "Gala" mixed buds exceeded 50% only in intact shoots after accumulating 900 CU. The mean time to bud break of "Caricia" and "Princesa" diminished with increasing chilling accumulation and stabilized after ~600 CU, depending on the type of shoot and the year of experimentation. The low-chill apple cultivars tested in this work showed shallow dormancy, but they required moderate cold accumulation (800 - 1150 CU) to fully satisfy their chilling requirements. Thus, although their shallow dormancy makes them suitable for cultivation in chill-deficient environments, they cannot be considered low-chill cultivars