111 research outputs found

    Supporting software processes analysis and decision-making using provenance data

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    Data provenance can be defined as the description of the origins of a piece of data and the process by which it arrived in a database. Provenance has been successfully used in health sciences, chemical industries, and scientific computing, considering that these areas require a comprehensive traceability mechanism. Moreover, companies have been increasing the amount of data they collect from their systems and processes, considering the dropping cost of memory and storage technologies in the last years. Thus, this thesis investigates if the use of provenance models and techniques can support software processes execution analysis and data-driven decision-making, considering the increasing availability of process data provided by companies. A provenance model for software processes was developed and evaluated by experts in process and provenance area, in addition to an approach for capturing, storing, inferencing of implicit information, and visualization to software process provenance data. In addition, a case study using data from industry’s processes was conducted to evaluate the approach, with a discussion about several specific analysis and data-driven decision-making possibilities.Proveniência de dados é definida como a descrição da origem de um dado e o processo pelo qual este passou até chegar ao seu estado atual. Proveniência de dados tem sido usada com sucesso em domínios como ciências da saúde, indústrias químicas e computação científica, considerando que essas áreas exigem um mecanismo abrangente de rastreabilidade. Por outro lado, as empresas vêm aumentando a quantidade de dados que coletam de seus sistemas e processos, considerando a diminuição no custo das tecnologias de memória e armazenamento nos últimos anos. Assim, esta tese investiga se o uso de modelos e técnicas de proveniência é capaz de apoiar a análise da execução de processos de software e a tomada de decisões baseada em dados, considerando a disponibilização cada vez maior de dados relativos a processos pelas empresas. Um modelo de proveniência para processos de software foi desenvolvido e avaliado por especialistas em processos e proveniência, além de uma abordagem e ferramental de apoio para captura, armazenamento, inferência de novas informações e posterior análise e visualização dos dados de proveniência de processos. Um estudo de caso utilizando dados de processos da indústria foi conduzido para avaliação da abordagem e discussão de possibilidades distintas para análise e tomada de decisão orientada por estes dados

    O caráter relacional do conceito de Deus nas Confissões de Agostinho

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    The Augustinian thought comprises a process of ontologization of God which, at the same time that establishes the basis for the theoretical consolidation of his Christian philosophy, provides a unique proposition for the issue, demarcating the distinction of his position with reference to Neoplatonism and, to some extent, to Greco-Latin Patristic. Thus, this paper aims to discuss the concept of God in Augustine’s Confessions, emphasizing, mainly, its relational character.O pensamento agostiniano encerra um processo de ontologização de Deus, o qual, ao mesmo tempo em que assentaria as bases para a consolidação teórica da sua filosofia cristã, forneceria uma original proposição para o tema, marcando sua distinção com relação ao neoplatonismo e, em certa medida, à patrística greco-latina. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo discutir o conceito de Deus na obra Confissões de Agostinho, destacando, principalmente, seu caráter relacional

    Petrographic Quartzite Source Discrimination in the Upper Gunnison Basin, Colorado: Implications for the Archaeological Study of Prehistoric Hunter-Gathers

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    Recently (Pitblado et al. 2008, 2013), an interdisciplinary team of archaeologists and geologists collaborated to develop a protocol for sourcing quartzite in the Upper Gunnison Basin, Colorado where archaeological assemblages are commonly over 90 percent quartzite (Dalpra and Pitblado 2016). Investigations from this research program have concluded that two techniques, when used in tandem, offer the best discriminatory results: geochemical characterization via laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and petrography (Pitblado et al. 2008). The following study briefly reviews the results of geochemical fingerprinting of Gunnison Basin quartzite, but focuses primarily on the results of petrographic analysis. The results demonstrate the discriminatory power of petrography on quartzite through a Basin-wide study functioning as a proof of concept. This Basin-wide analysis is followed by a more in depth look at two prehistorically used quarry locations analyzing both cobbles and outcrops. It is important to not just demonstrate differences between the sources, but also the variability within each source. The petrographic research is one step toward the ultimate goal, to develop a quartzite-sourcing protocol for the Gunnison Basin to enable “matching” cultural chipped stone assemblages to the likeliest raw material sources. This will allow researchers to reconstruct prehistoric land-use strategies in the Gunnison Basin with more precision than has been possible before

    Gestão organizacional e perspectivas institucionais: análise da postura estratégica da Cooperativa Agropecuária Vista Alegre Ltda.

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    This article aims to ascertain the competitive strategy adopted by a cooperative of farmer from agrarian reform, focused on milk production, comprehending their acting environment, highlighting organizational and administrative aspects, through a case study and the application of the SWOT. Therefore, one proposes the rescue of the cooperative’s constitution process, verifying institutional environment and organizational characteristics, such as an analysis of the partners’ participation form. The results point to the predominance of strong points in the internal environment and threats in the external environment, which puts the institution, in a maintenance posture. Focused on the production and industrialization of milk products from agro ecological basis, one can observe that the adopted competitive strategy of differentiation is adequate to the organization’s purposes. This study is observed that complex is the management of an organization whose principle cooperation, but operates in a highly competitive environment. Despite some difficulties, it appears that it is possible to keep alive the 'flame' of cooperative work by solidarity, participation and collective work.Esta investigação teve por objetivo identificar e analisar a estratégia competitiva adotada por uma cooperativa de assentados da reforma agrária, voltados para a produção láctea. Utilizou-se o método de Estudo de Caso e aplicou-se as análises Matriz FOFA (Forças, Fraquezas, Oportunidades e Ameaças) e Estratégias Genéricas de Porter como embasamento teórico. Para tanto, se resgatou o processo de constituição da cooperativa, verificando as características do ambiente institucional e organizacional da mesma, assim como, a análise da forma de participação dos sócios. Os resultados mostram a predominância de pontos fortes no ambiente interno e ameaças no ambiente externo, o que coloca a instituição numa postura de manutenção. Focada na produção e industrialização láctea de base agroecológica, observa-se que a estratégica competitiva de diferenciação adotada é adequada aos propósitos da organização, que não teria escala para competir em custo. Com este estudo observa-se que é complexa a gestão de uma organização que tem por princípio a cooperação, mas atua num ambiente altamente competitivo

    A prediction rule for lack of achievement of inactive disease with methotrexate as the sole disease-modifying antirheumatic therapy in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Background: To investigate the frequency of achievement of inactive disease (ID) in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) treated with methotrexate (MTX) as the sole disease-modifyng antirheumatic (DMARD) therapy and to develop a prediction model for lack of attainment of ID. Methods: The clinical charts of consecutive patients started with MTX as the sole DMARD between 2000 and 2013 were reviewed. Patient follow-up was censored at first episode of ID or, in case ID was not reached, at last follow-up visit or when a biologic DMARD was prescribed. The characteristic at MTX start of patients who achieved or did not achieve ID were compared with univariate and multivariable analyses. Regression coefficients (\u3b2) of variables that entered the best-fitting logistic regression model were converted and summed to obtain a "prediction score" for lack of achievement of ID. Results: A total of 375 patients were included in the study. During MTX administration, 8.8% were given systemic corticosteroids and 44.1% intra-articular corticosteroids. After MTX start, 229 (61%) patients achieved ID after a median of 1.7 years, whereas 146 patients (39%) did not reach ID after a median of 1.2 years. On multivariable analysis, independent correlations with lack of achievement of ID were identified for the disease categories of systemic arthritis, enthesitis-related arthritis (ERA) and polyarthritis and C-reactive protein (CRP) > 1.4 mg/dl. The prediction score ranged from 0 to 3 and its cutoff that discriminated best between patients who achieved or did not achieve ID was > 0.5. The categories of systemic arthritis or ERA, both of which had a score greater than 0.5, were sufficient alone to predict a lower likelihood to reach ID. Polyarthritis and increased CRP, whose score was 0.5, assumed a predictive value only when present in association. Conclusion: A conventional treatment regimen based on MTX as the sole DMARD led to achievement of ID in a sizeable proportion of children with JIA. Our findings help to outline the characteristics of patients who may deserve a synthetic DMARD other than MTX or the introduction of a biologic DMARD from disease outset

    Desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional através da Criação de Aplicativos

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    This work presents the processes for the construction of the application development course for mobile devices, using the MIT App Inventor. The objective of the course was to introduce computational thinking to the students involved creatively, using their own cell phones to develop applications, encouraging them, with the contents covered, to solve problems in their daily lives. This article presents all the theoretical foundations used for the construction, teaching and evaluation methodology applied in the course, the work also presents the challenges faced in teaching due to the Covid-19 pandemic and, finally, discusses the results obtained by the course, through of the self-assessment form applied to the students involved.Este trabalho apresenta os processos para a construção do curso de desenvolvimento de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis, utilizando o MIT App Inventor. O objetivo do curso foi introduzir o pensamento computacional nos alunos envolvidos de forma criativa, utilizando o próprio celular para o desenvolvimento de aplicações, estimulando-os, com os conteúdos abordados, a resolver problemas de seu cotidiano. Este artigo apresenta toda a fundamentação teórica utilizada para a construção, metodologia de ensino e avaliação aplicados no curso, o trabalho  apresenta também os desafios enfrentados no ensino devido à pandemia de Covid-19 e, por fim, discute os resultados obtidos pelo curso, através do formulário de autoavaliação aplicado aos estudantes

    Estudo comparativo entre extensão da aterosclerose coronária com os fatores de risco e as alterações na artéria da retina

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    Objetivo - Estudar a possível relação entre extensão da aterosclerose coronária com os fatores de risco e com as alterações nas artérias da retina. Métodos - Foram estudados 96 pacientes, 66 do sexo masculino, com idades de 36 a 72 anos, por meio da cinecoronariografia seletiva, quantificação dos fatores de risco (dislipidemia, hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), sexo, tabagismo, obesidade, alcoolismo e história familiar e com alterações no exame de fundo de olho, divididos em 2 grupos: sem obstruções significativas nas artérias coronárias e com lesão de 75% ou mais em uma ou mais artéria coronárias e, posteriormente, subdivididos em 4 grupos: grupo 1 (n:42) - pacientes sem obstrução significativa das coronárias; grupo 2 (n:15) - com obstrução igual ou superior a 75% em uma coronária; grupo 3 (n:27) - com obstrução em 2 coronárias e grupo 4 (n:12) - com obstrução em 3 coronárias. Resultados - Constatou-se relação entre a extensão da aterosclerose coronária com sexo masculino (p<0,001) e tabagismo (p<0,01). Não se encontrou relação entre extensão da aterosclerose coronária com obesidade, HAS, colesterol e triglicerídeos, alcoolismo e história familiar, bem como entre as alterações do reflexo axial, cruzamento A-V, exsudato, hemorragia, mácula e relação A-V dos ramos da artéria da retina. Conclusão - Existe relação entre extensão da aterosclerose coronária com o sexo masculino e tabagismo. Esta relação não foi encontrada nos demais fatores de risco analisados e nem com as alterações da artéria central da retina.Purpose - To identify a possible relationship of the extent of coronary artery disease, with risk factors for coronary artery disease and the retinal arteriolar changes (evaluated by fundoscopic examination). Methods - We studied 96 patients (66 males), 36 to 72 years of age. All patients were studied by selective cinecoronaryarteriography, fundoscopic examination, as well as evaluated for the common risk factors, cigarrete smoking, diabetes, dislipidemia, systemic hypertension, age, alcoholism, male sex, family history and obesity. Results - Male (p<0,001) and smoking (p<0,01) were the statistically significant associations with the extent of coronary artery disease. No significant relationship with the extent of coronary artery disease was present for the other risk factor nor for changes in retinal arteriolar branches. Conclusion - A relationship between extent of coronary artery disease with male sex and a cigarrette smoker is occured. No relationship with other risk factors, nor with retinal arteriolar changes were present