7 research outputs found

    Disección del septo interventricular como complicación de endocarditis aórtica

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    oai:ojs.imagenretic.org:article/5We report a case of infective aortic endocarditis complicated with perivalvular pseudoaneurysm diseccting perimembranous ventricular septum. This clinical case is a good example of 3D-echocardiography and cardiac-CT usefulness in anatomic and functional assessment of infective endocarditis complications.Se trata de un caso de endocarditis aórtica infecciosa complicada con un pseudoaneurisma perivalvular que se extiende disecando la porción perimembranosa del septo interventricular. Este caso clínico constituye un claro ejemplo de la utilidad de la ecocardiografía tridimensional y la cardio-TC en la valoración anatómica y funcional de las complicaciones de la endocarditis infecciosa

    Economic Burden Associated with the Treatment with a Cardiovascular Polypill in Secondary Prevention in Spain: Cost-Effectiveness Results of the NEPTUNO Study.

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    PURPOSE The aim of this study was to estimate health-care resources utilization, costs and cost-effectiveness associated with the treatment with CNIC-Polypill as secondary prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) compared to other treatments, in clinical practice in Spain. PATIENTS AND METHODS An observational, retrospective study was performed using medical records (economic results [healthcare perspective], NEPTUNO-study; BIG-PAC-database) of patients who initiated secondary prevention between 2015 and 2018. Patients were followed up to 2 years (maximum). Four cohorts were balanced with a propensity-score-matching (PSM): 1) CNIC-Polypill (aspirin+atorvastatin+ramipril), 2) Monocomponents (same separate drugs), 3) Equipotent (equipotent drugs) and 4) Other therapies ([OT], other cardiovascular drugs). Incidence of cardiovascular events, health-care resources utilization and healthcare and non-healthcare costs (2020 Euros) were compared. Incremental cost-effectiveness ratios per cardiovascular event avoided were estimated. RESULTS After PSM, 1614 patients were recruited in each study cohort. The accumulated incidence of cardiovascular events during the 24-month follow-up was lower in the CNIC-Polypill cohort vs the other cohorts (19.8% vs Monocomponents: 23.3%, Equipotent: 25.5% and OT: 26.8%; p<0.01). During the follow-up period, the CNIC-Polypill cohort also reduced the health-care resources utilization per patient compared to the other cohorts, particularly primary care visits (16.6 vs Monocomponents: 18.7, Equipotent: 18.9 and OT: 21.0; p<0.001) and hospitalization days (2.3 vs Monocomponents: 3.4, Equipotent: 3.7 and OT: 4.0; p<0.001). The treatment cost in the CNIC-Polypill cohort was lower than that in the other cohorts (€4668 vs Monocomponents: €5587; Equipotent: €5682 and OT: €6016; p<0.001) (Difference: -€919, -€1014 and -€1348, respectively). Due to the reduction of cardiovascular events and costs, the CNIC-Polypill is a dominant alternative compared to the other treatments. CONCLUSION CNIC-Polypill reduces recurrent major cardiovascular events and costs, being a cost-saving strategy as secondary prevention of ASCVD.This study was funded by Ferrer.S

    Hyperkalemia in Heart Failure Patients in Spain and Its Impact on Guidelines and Recommendations: ESC-EORP-HFA Heart Failure Long-Term Registry

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives: Hyperkalemia is a growing concern in the treatment of patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction because it limits the use of effective drugs. We report estimates of the magnitude of this problem in routine clinical practice in Spain, as well as changes in potassium levels during follow-up and associated factors. Methods: This study included patients with acute (n=881) or chronic (n=3587) heart failure recruited in 28 Spanish hospitals of the European heart failure registry of the European Society of Cardiology and followed up for 1 year. Various outcomes were analyzed, including changes in serum potassium levels and their impact on treatment. Results: Hyperkalemia (K+> 5.4 mEq/L) was identified in 4.3% (95%CI, 3.7%-5.0%) and 8.2% (6.5%-10.2%) of patients with chronic and acute heart failure, respectively, and was responsible for 28.9% of all cases of contraindication to mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist use and for 10.8% of all cases of failure to reach the target dose. Serum potassium levels were not recorded in 291 (10.8%) of the 2693 chronic heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction. During follow-up, potassium levels increased in 179 of 1431 patients (12.5%, 95%CI, 10.8%-14.3%). This increase was directly related to age, diabetes, and history of stroke and was inversely related to history of hyperkalemia. Conclusions: This study highlights the magnitude of the problem of hyperkalemia in patients with heart failure in everyday clinical practice and the need to improve monitoring of this factor in these patients due to its interference with the possibility of receiving optimal treatment.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. La hiperpotasemia es una preocupación creciente en el tratamiento de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca y fracción de eyección reducida, pues limita el uso de fármacos eficaces. Este trabajo ofrece estimaciones de la magnitud de este problema en la práctica clínica habitual en España, los cambios en las concentraciones de potasio en el seguimiento y los factores asociados. Métodos. Pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda (n = 881) y crónica (n = 3.587) seleccionados en 28 hospitales españoles del registro europeo de insuficiencia cardiaca de la European Society of Cardiology y seguidos 1 año para diferentes desenlaces, incluidos cambios en las cifras de potasio y su impacto en el tratamiento. Resultados. La hiperpotasemia (K+ > 5,4 mEq/l) está presente en el 4,3% (IC95%, 3,7-5,0%) y el 8,2% (6,5-10,2%) de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica y aguda; causa el 28,9% de todos los casos en que se contraindica el uso de antagonistas del receptor de mineralocorticoides y el 10,8% de los que no alcanzan la dosis objetivo. Del total de 2.693 pacientes ambulatorios con fracción de eyección reducida, 291 (10,8%) no tenían registrada medición de potasio. Durante el seguimiento, 179 de 1.431 (12,5%, IC95%, 10,8-14,3%) aumentaron su concentración de potasio, aumento relacionado directamente con la edad, la diabetes mellitus y los antecedentes de ictus e inversamente con los antecedentes de hiperpotasemia. Conclusiones. Este trabajo destaca el problema de la hiperpotasemia en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca de la práctica clínica habitual y la necesidad de continuar y mejorar la vigilancia de este factor en estos pacientes por su interferencia en el tratamiento óptimo

    Feasibility and results of an intensive cardiac rehabilitation program. Insights from the MxM (Más por Menos) randomized trial

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    Introduccion y objetivos: Los programas de rehabilitacion cardiaca (PRC) engloban intervenciones encaminadas a mejorar el pronostico de la enfermedad cardiovascular influyendo en la condicin fısica, mental y social de los pacientes, pero no se conoce su duracion optima. Nuestro objetivo es comparar los resultados de un PRC estandar frente a otro intensivo mas breve tras un sındrome coronario agudo, mediante el estudio Mas por Menos. Metodos: Diseño prospectivo, aleatorizado, abierto, enmascarado a los evaluadores de eventos y multicentrico (PROBE). Se aleatorizoa los pacientes al PRC estandar de 8 semanas u otro intensivo de 2 semanas con sesiones de refuerzo. Se realizo una visita final 12 meses despues, tras la finalizacion del programa. Se evaluo: adherencia a la dieta, esfera psicologica, habito tabaquico, tratamiento farmacologico, capacidad funcional, calidad de vida, parametros cardiometabolicos y antropometricos, eventos cardiovasculares y mortalidad por cualquier causa durante el seguimiento. Resultados: Se analizoa 497 pacientes (media de edad, 57,8 10,0 an ̃ os; el 87,3% varones; programa intensivo, n = 262; estandar, n = 235). Las caracteristicas basales de ambos grupos eran similares. Al año, mas del 93% habıa mejorado en al menos 1 MET el resultado de la ergometría. Además, la adherencia a la dieta mediterranea y la calidad de vida mejoraron significativamente con el PRC, sin diferencias significativas entre grupos. Los eventos cardiovasculares ocurrieron de manera similar en ambos grupos. Conclusiones: La PRC intensiva podrıa ser tan efectiva como la PRC estándar en lograr la adherencia a las medidas de prevencio n secundaria y ser una alternativa para algunos pacientes y centros.Introduction and objectives: Cardiac rehabilitation programs (CRP) are a set of interventions to improve the prognosis of cardiovascular disease by influencing patients’ physical, mental, and social conditions. However, there are no studies evaluating the optimal duration of these programs. We aimed to compare the results of a standard vs a brief intensive CRP in patients after ST-segment elevation and non–ST- segment elevation acute coronary syndrome through the Ma ́s por Menos study (More Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs in Less Time). Methods: In this prospective, randomized, open, evaluator-blind for end-point, and multicenter trial (PROBE design), patients were randomly allocated to either standard 8-week CRP or intensive 2-week CRP with booster sessions. A final visit was performed 12 months later, after completion of the program. We assessed adherence to the Mediterranean diet, psychological status, smoking, drug therapy, functional capacity, quality of life, cardiometabolic and anthropometric parameters, cardiovascular events, and all-cause mortality during follow-up. Results: A total of 497 patients (mean age, 57.8 10.0 years; 87.3% men) were finally assessed (intensive: n = 262; standard: n = 235). Baseline characteristics were similar between the 2 groups. At 12 months, the results of treadmill ergometry improved by 1 MET in 93% of the patients. In addition, adherence to the Mediterranean diet and quality of life were significantly improved by CRP, with no significant differences between the groups. The occurrence of cardiovascular events was similar in the 2 groups. Conclusions: Intensive CRP could be as effective as standard CRP in achieving adherence to recommended secondary prevention measures after acute coronary syndrome and could be an alternative for some patients and centers

    Clinical outcomes in myocardial infarction and multivessel disease after a cardiac rehabilitation programme: Partial versus complete revascularization

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    Background Current guideline recommendations encourage culprit vessel only percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and multivessel disease. However, recent studies have shown a better clinical outcome in patients who receive multivessel PCI. Aim To measure and compare clinical outcomes between partial revascularization (PR) versus complete revascularization (CR) in patients with STEMI and multivessel disease who underwent a cardiac rehabilitation programme. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 282 patients with STEMI and multivessel disease who received PR or CR and were subsequently enrolled in a cardiac rehabilitation programme between July 2006 and November 2013 at La Paz University Hospital. The incidences of cardiovascular events, new PCI, hospital admissions for cardiovascular reasons and mortality were compared between the PR and CR groups. Results Overall, 143 patients received PR and 139 received CR. Baseline characteristics were similar in both groups, except for mean age (59.3 vs. 56.7 years; P = 0.02), diabetes mellitus prevalence (34.3% vs. 20.1%; P = 0.01) and number of arteries with stenosis (2.6 vs. 2.3; P = 0.001). During the mean follow-up of 48.0 ± 25.9 months, a cardiovascular event occurred in 23 (16.1%) PR patients and 20 (14.4%) CR patients, with no statistically significant differences in the early (hazard ratio: 0.61, 95% confidence interval: 0.19–1.89) or late (hazard ratio: 1.40, 95% confidence interval: 0.62–3.14) follow-up periods. Cox regression, adjusted for age, sex, presence of diabetes mellitus and number of affected coronary vessels, showed no difference in new cardiovascular event risk. Conclusions There were no statistical differences in clinical outcomes between PR and CR among patients who received cardiac rehabilitationLuis Furuya-Kanamori is funded by an Endeavour Postgraduate Scholarship (#3781 2014), an Australian National University Higher Degree Scholarship and a Fondo para la Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnologia Scholarship (#095-FINCyTBDE-2014)

    Feasibility and results of an intensive cardiac rehabilitation program. Insights from the MxM (Más por Menos) randomized trial.

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    Cardiac rehabilitation programs (CRP) are a set of interventions to improve the prognosis of cardiovascular disease by influencing patients' physical, mental, and social conditions. However, there are no studies evaluating the optimal duration of these programs. We aimed to compare the results of a standard vs a brief intensive CRP in patients after ST-segment elevation and non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome through the Más por Menos study (More Intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs in Less Time). In this prospective, randomized, open, evaluator-blind for end-point, and multicenter trial (PROBE design), patients were randomly allocated to either standard 8-week CRP or intensive 2-week CRP with booster sessions. A final visit was performed 12 months later, after completion of the program. We assessed adherence to the Mediterranean diet, psychological status, smoking, drug therapy, functional capacity, quality of life, cardiometabolic and anthropometric parameters, cardiovascular events, and all-cause mortality during follow-up. A total of 497 patients (mean age, 57.8±10.0 years; 87.3% men) were finally assessed (intensive: n=262; standard: n=235). Baseline characteristics were similar between the 2 groups. At 12 months, the results of treadmill ergometry improved by ≥ 1 MET in ≥ 93% of the patients. In addition, adherence to the Mediterranean diet and quality of life were significantly improved by CRP, with no significant differences between the groups. The occurrence of cardiovascular events was similar in the 2 groups. Intensive CRP could be as effective as standard CRP in achieving adherence to recommended secondary prevention measures after acute coronary syndrome and could be an alternative for some patients and centers. Registered at ClinicalTrials.gov (Identifier: NCT02619422)