911 research outputs found

    iRight: There\u27s No App for That

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    From Farm to Table: How This Little Piggy Was Dragged Through the Market

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    The ArtEast School for Contemporary Art: Interview with Gulnara Kasmalieva and Muratbek Djumaliev

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    In this interview Gulnara Kasmalieva and Muratbek Djumaliev discuss how the ArtEast school provides a non-traditional and non-commercial forum for contemporary art that had not previously existed in their home country. Despite its financial and material constraints, the ArtEast School fosters a space of dynamic social engagement and its pedagogical success can be seen as a model for international education

    Predicting Purpose: An Examination of Early Predictors of Progression and Career Choice among First-Year Nursing Students

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    The importance of socializing upper level nursing students into the nursing profession is well established in the literature, but less is known about the early predictors of progression and career choice among first-year nursing students using a career development framework. Understanding early predictors of progression, particularly for first generation and underrepresented minority college students, have important implications for diversifying the baccalaureate-prepared nursing pipeline, as well as for developing future career and educational interventions for program completion and student retention. This study utilized a cross-sectional, correlational design to examine predictive factors of progression and career choice among freshmen nursing students. While the need to diversify the nursing workforce is ongoing, nursing schools must have an informed understanding of early progression barriers, their student demographics, and the career decision-making process in order to reduce nursing school and new nurse attrition

    The West Coast Jesus Movement: 1965-1975

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    In the mid 1960 1 s, a new and unique phenomenon began to hit the religious establishment in America. Hippies, drug addicts, and the restless youth of America began converting to Christianity in unprecedented numbers. The new Christians became known variously as Jesus freaks, Jesus people, and street Christians. The developing movement became known as the Jesus revolution or the Jesus movement. It is the purpose of this study to trace the development of the Jesus movement on the West Coast from 1965 to 1975

    The relationship of codependence to career choice

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the possible correlation between codependency and career choice. A review of the literature seems to indicate that the helping professions attract people who are prone to codependency. For this reason, this study focused on four groups of undergraduate students: nursing students, psychology students, and social work majors, as the helping profession students, and students majoring in business-related fields. The study was also designed to provide empirical evidence to conplement the descriptive studies which have been the main source of information available up to the present time.;Subjects were drawn from students attending Christopher Newport College and Riverside Regional Medical Center\u27s School of Professional Nursing. Each group consisted of 40 students.;Subjects were asked to complete three self-report inventories: The Moos Family Environment Scale (FES), The Adjective Check List (ACL), (Real and Ideal), and The Behavioral Assessment Inventory, which was actually the Friel Codependency Assessment Inventory (FCDI) combined with the L and K scales of the MMPI.;It was hypothesized that: Students in helping professions will score higher on the Behavioral Assessment Inventory than business students; Students in helping professions will show a larger discrepancy between Real and Ideal Self on the ACL and will also score higher on the Nurturance and Abasement scales of the ACL than business students; and students in the helping professions will score higher on the Conflict and Control scales of the FES than business students.;None of the results were significant at the 0.05 level. However, an artifact of the research indicates there is a significant difference on the K scale (incorporated in the FCDI) (t = 2.79, p {dollar}\u3c{dollar}.05) between helping profession and business students

    The stress concentration factor for slightly roughened random surfaces: Analytical solution

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    AbstractWe derive an analytical solution to the stress concentration factor (kt) for slightly roughened random surfaces. Topology is assumed to possess Gaussian distribution of heights and auto correlation length, ACL. For our development, we combine Gao’s first-order perturbation method, the Hilbert transform, and an energy conservation principal related to the Parseval theorem.The root-mean-square (RMS) value of kt results in a function of the ratio RMS-roughness to ACL. The derived formula agrees with experimental results previously reported. The results provide insight for more efficient design
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