142 research outputs found

    Injunction Against Prosecution of Divorce Actions in Other States

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    Aims: The formation scenario of extended counter-rotating stellar disks in galaxies is still debated. In this paper, we study the S0 galaxy IC 719 known to host two large-scale counter-rotating stellar disks in order to investigate their formation mechanism. Methods: We exploit the large field of view and wavelength coverage of the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) spectrograph to derive two-dimensional (2D) maps of the various properties of the counter-rotating stellar disks, such as age, metallicity, kinematics, spatial distribution, the kinematical and chemical properties of the ionized gas, and the dust map. Results: Due to the large wavelength range, and in particular to the presence of the Calcium Triplet \u3bb\u3bb8498, 8542, 8662 \uc5 (CaT hereafter), the spectroscopic analysis allows us to separate the two stellar components in great detail. This permits precise measurement of both the velocity and velocity dispersion of the two components as well as their spatial distribution. We derived a 2D map of the age and metallicity of the two stellar components, as well as the star formation rate and gas-phase metallicity from the ionized gas emission maps. Conclusions: The main stellar disk of the galaxy is kinematically hotter, older, thicker and with larger scale-length than the secondary disk. There is no doubt that the latter is strongly linked to the ionized gas component: they have the same kinematics and similar vertical and radial spatial distribution. This result is in favor of a gas accretion scenario over a binary merger scenario to explain the origin of counter-rotation in IC 719. One source of gas that may have contributed to the accretion process is the cloud that surrounds IC 719

    Stellar populations in the bulges of isolated galaxies

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    open7siWe present photometry and long-slit spectroscopy for 12 S0 and spiral galaxies selected from the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies. The structural parameters of the sample galaxies are derived from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey i-band images by performing a two-dimensional photometric decomposition of the surface brightness distribution. This is assumed to be the sum of the contribution of a Sersic bulge, an exponential disc, and a Ferrers bar characterized by elliptical and concentric isophotes with constant ellipticity and position angles. The rotation curves and velocity dispersion profiles of the stellar component are measured from the spectra obtained along the major axis of galaxies. The radial profiles of the Hβ, Mg and Fe line- strength indices are derived too. Correlations between the central values of the Mg2 and Fe line-strength indices and the velocity dispersion are found. The mean age, total metallicity and total α/Fe enhancement of the stellar population in the centre and at the radius, where the bulge gives the same contribution to the total surface brightness as the remaining components, are obtained using stellar population models with variable element abundance ratios. We identify intermediate-age bulges with solar metallicity and old bulges with a large spread in metallicity. Most of the sample bulges display supersolar α/Fe enhancement, no gradient in age and negative gradients of metallicity and α/Fe enhancement. These findings support a formation scenario via dissipative collapse where environmental effects are remarkably less important than in the assembly of bulges of galaxies in groups and clusters.openMorelli, Lorenzo; Parmiggiani, Marco; Corsini, ENRICO MARIA; Costantin, Luca; DALLA BONTA', Elena; Méndez Abreu, J.; Pizzella, AlessandroMorelli, Lorenzo; Parmiggiani, Marco; Corsini, ENRICO MARIA; Costantin, Luca; DALLA BONTA', Elena; Méndez Abreu, J.; Pizzella, Alessandr

    No evidence for small disk-like bulges in a sample of late-type spirals

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    About 20% of low-redshift galaxies are late-type spirals with a small or no bulge component. Although they are the simplest disk galaxies in terms of structure and dynamics, the role of the different physical processes driving their formation and evolution is not yet fully understood. We investigated whether small bulges of late-type spirals follow the same scaling relations traced by ellipticals and large bulges and if they are disk-like or classical bulges. We derived the photometric and kinematic properties of 9 nearby late-type spirals. To this aim, we analyzed the surface brightness distribution from the i-band images of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and obtained the structural parameters of the galaxies from a two-dimensional photometric decomposition. We measured the line-of-sight stellar velocity distribution within the bulge effective radius from the long-slit spectra taken with high spectral resolution at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. We used the photometric and kinematic properties of the sample bulges to study their location in the Fundamental Plane, Kormendy, and Faber-Jackson relations defined for ellipticals and large bulges. We found that our sample bulges satisfy some of the photometric and kinematic prescriptions for being considered disk-like bulges such as small sizes and masses with nearly exponential light profiles, small bulge-to-total luminosity ratios, low stellar velocity dispersions, and ongoing star formation. However, each of them follows the same scaling relations of ellipticals, massive bulges, and compact early-type galaxies so they cannot be classified as disk-like systems. We find a single population of galaxy spheroids that follow the same scaling relations, where the mass seems to lead to a smooth transition in the photometric and kinematic properties from less massive bulges to more massive bulges and ellipticals.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 20 pages, 10 figure

    Numerical study of turbulent flow in eccentric annular pipe

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    An eccentric annular duct is a prototype element in many applications, for example in close-packed tubular heat exchangers and coolant channels of nuclear reactors. From a fundamental viewpoint, turbulent flow in eccentric annular ducts is an ideal model for investigating inhomogeneous turbulence. It is also a convenient model to study the laminar and turbulent interface and may serve as a test case for turbulence modelling of flows with partly turbulent regimes. Based on the approach of direct numerical simulation, numerical investigations of turbulent flow in eccentric annular pipes are carried out in this thesis. We first investigated the case of fully turbulent flow. A detailed statistical analysis of turbulent flow and heat transfer was performed. Simulation results, such as friction factors, mean velocity profiles and the secondary-motion pattern, are in overall qualitative and quantitative agreement with the existing experimental data. The components of the Reynolds stress tensor, temperature-velocity correlations and some others were obtained for the first time for such kind of a flow. The study of the partly turbulent flow case was then carried out. Three approaches for detecting interfaces between laminar and turbulent regimes in partly turbulent flow in rotating eccentric pipes were compared and discussed. Positions of laminar-turbulent and turbulent-laminar interfaces obtained from profiles of perturbation enstrophy are the same as those obtained from production terms of enstrophy. Using patterns of streaks defined by wall shear stresses to determine the locations of interfaces showed similar results. The growth rate of a small disturbance in partly turbulent flow case was also analyzed. Small perturbations were introduced into the initial flow field in two different ways. Both cases show that the global growth rate of the small disturbance normalized by the global viscous time scale is constant. This constant value is in a good agreement with that obtained in channel flows and tube flows. A new approach was proposed to distinguish the interface between laminar and turbulent flow by introducing the global and local disturbance growth rate

    On the observational diagnostics to separate classical and disk-like bulges

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    Flattened bulges with disk-like properties are considered to be the end product of secular evolution processes at work in the inner regions of galaxies. On the contrary, classical bulges are characterized by rounder shapes and thought to be similar to low-luminosity elliptical galaxies. We aim at testing the variety of observational diagnostics which are commonly adopted to separate classical from disk-like bulges in nearby galaxies. We select a sample of eight unbarred lenticular galaxies to be morphologically and kinematically undisturbed with no evidence of other components than bulge and disk. We analyze archival data of broad-band imaging from SDSS and integral-field spectroscopy from the ATLAS3D^{\rm 3D} survey to derive the photometric and kinematic properties, line-strength indices, and intrinsic shape of the sample bulges. We argue that the bulge S\'ersic index is a poor diagnostics to discriminate different bulge types. We find that the combination of line-strength with either kinematic or photometric diagnostics does not provide a clear separation for half of the sample bulges. We include for the first time the intrinsic three-dimensional shape of bulges as a possible discriminant of their nature. All bulges turn out to be thick oblate spheroids, but only one has a flattening consistent with that expected for outer disks. We conclude that bulge classification may be difficult even adopting all observational diagnostics proposed so far and that classical and disk-like bulges could be more confidently identified by considering their intrinsic shape

    Detectability of large-scale counter-rotating stellar disks in galaxies with integral-field spectroscopy

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    In recent years integral-field spectroscopic surveys have revealed that the presence of kinematically decoupled stellar components is not a rare phenomenon in nearby galaxies. However, complete statistics are still lacking because they depend on the detection limit of these objects. We investigate the kinematic signatures of two large-scale counter-rotating stellar disks in mock integral-field spectroscopic data to address their detection limits as a function of the galaxy properties and instrumental setup. We built a set of mock data of two large-scale counter-rotating stellar disks as if they were observed with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE). We accounted for different photometric, kinematic, and stellar population properties of the two counter-rotating components as a function of galaxy inclination. We extracted the stellar kinematics in the wavelength region of the calcium triplet absorption lines by adopting a Gauss-Hermite (GH) parameterization of the line-of-sight velocity distribution (LOSVD). We confirm that the strongest signature of the presence of two counter-rotating stellar disks is the symmetric double peak in the velocity dispersion map, already known as the 2σ2\sigma feature. The size, shape, and slope of the 2σ\sigma peak strongly depend on the velocity separation and relative light contribution of the two counter-rotating stellar disks. When the 2σ2\sigma peak is difficult to detect due to the low signal-to-noise ratio of the data, the large-scale structure in the h3h_3 map can be used as a diagnostic for strong and weak counter-rotation. The counter-rotating kinematic signatures become fainter at lower viewing angles as an effect of the smaller projected velocity separation between the two counter-rotating components. We confirm that the observed frequency of 2σ2\sigma galaxies represents only a lower limit of the stellar counter-rotation phenomenon.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 17 pages, 11 figures, 2 table

    The Size of the Narrow-Line Emitting Region in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 5548 from Emission-Line Variability

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    The narrow [O III] 4959, 5007 emission-line fluxes in the spectrum of the well-studied Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548 are shown to vary with time. From this we show that the narrow line-emitting region has a radius of only 1-3 pc and is denser (n ~ 10^5 cm^{-3}) than previously supposed. The [O III] line width is consistent with virial motions at this radius given previous determinations of the black hole mass.Since the [O III] emission-line flux is usually assumed to be constant and is therefore used to calibrate spectroscopic monitoring data, the variability has ramifications for the long-term secular variations of continuum and emission-line fluxes, though it has no effect on shorter-term reverberation studies. We present corrected optical continuum and broad Hbeta emission-line light curves for the period 1988 to 2008.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Polar bulges and polar nuclear discs: the case of NGC 4698

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    The early-type spiral NGC 4698 is known to host a nuclear disc of gas and stars which is rotating perpendicularly with respect to the galaxy main disc. In addition, the bulge and main disc are characterised by a remarkable geometrical decoupling. Indeed they appear elongated orthogonally to each other. In this work the complex structure of the galaxy is investigated by a detailed photometric decomposition of optical and near-infrared images. The intrinsic shape of the bulge was constrained from its apparent ellipticity, its twist angle with respect to the major axis of the main disc, and the inclination of the main disc. The bulge is actually elongated perpendicular to the main disc and it is equally likely to be triaxial or axisymmetric. The central surface brightness, scalelength, inclination, and position angle of the nuclear disc were derived by assuming it is infinitesimally thin and exponential. Its size, orientation, and location do not depend on the observed passband. These findings support a scenario in which the nuclear disc is the end result of the acquisition of external gas by the pre-existing triaxial bulge on the principal plane perpendicular to its shortest axis and perpendicular to the galaxy main disc. The subsequent star formation either occurred homogeneously all over the extension of the nuclear disc or through an inside-out process that ended more than 5 Gyr ago.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Gas-phase metallicity of 27 galaxies at intermediate redshift

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    The purpose of this work is to make available new gas-phase oxygen abundance measurements for a serendipitous sample of 27 galaxies with redshift 0.35<z<0.52. We measured the equivalent widths of the [O II]{\lambda}3727, H{\beta}, and [O III]{\lambda}{\lambda}4959, 5007 emission lines observed in the galaxy spectra obtained with the Visible Multi-Object Spectrograph mounted at the Very Large Telescope. For each galaxy, we derived the metallicity-sensitive emission lines ratio R23, ionization-sensitive emission lines ratio O32, and gas-phase oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H). The values of gas-phase oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H) we obtained for the sample galaxies are consistent with previous findings for galaxies at intermediate redshift.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figures and 3 tables. A&A in pres

    Fast and slow rotators in the densest environments: a FLAMES/GIRAFFE IFS study of galaxies in Abell 1689 at z=0.183

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    We present FLAMES/GIRAFFE integral field spectroscopy of 30 galaxies in the massive cluster Abell 1689 at z = 0.183. Conducting an analysis similar to that of ATLAS3D, we extend the baseline of the kinematic morphology-density relation by an order of magnitude in projected density and show that it is possible to use existing instruments to identify slow and fast rotators beyond the local Universe. We find 4.5 +- 1.0 slow rotators with a distribution in magnitude similar to those in the Virgo cluster. The overall slow rotator fraction of our Abell 1689 sample is 0.15 +- 0.03, the same as in Virgo using our selection criteria. This suggests that the fraction of slow rotators in a cluster is not strongly dependent on its density. However, within Abell 1689, we find that the fraction of slow rotators increases towards the centre, as was also found in the Virgo cluster.Comment: Accepted by MNRA