182 research outputs found

    El alcance de la convención sobre el comercio internacional de especies amenazadas de flora y fauna silvestres el control efectivo del tráfico de marfil. estudio de caso: China 2007-2014

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo determinar el alcance que tiene la implementación de la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Flora y Fauna Silvestres (CITES), en el control del tráfico de marfil en China entre 2007 y 2014. El alcance que ha tenido la aplicación de la CITES ha sido limitado en el control efectivo del tráfico ilegal de marfil en China debido a tres factores principalmente: falta de regulación nacional, creencias populares chinas y la caza furtiva alimentada por grupos rebeldes relacionados con el terrorismo. El carácter explicativo de la presente investigación responde al enfoque cualitativo que tendrá como propósito entender los retos a los que se enfrenta la Convención en el control efectivo de marfil en países como China mediante la revisión documental de artículos e informes elaborados por WWF, Programa de las naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (UNEP), Traffic y la misma Convención.This research aims to determine the scope that the implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), in the control of ivory trade in China between 2007 and 2014. The scope of implementing CITES has been limited in the effective control of illegal ivory in China due to three main factors : lack of national regulation, Chinese folk beliefs and poaching fueled by rebel groups linked to terrorism. The explanatory nature of this research responds to the qualitative approach that will aim to understand the challenges facing the Convention in the effective control of ivory in countries like China through the document review of articles and reports by WWF, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Traffic and the Convention

    The Dimension, Diversity and Complexity of the Macroeconomic Risk

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    The approach at a macroeconomic level of the challenges in order to foster the competitiveness in certain economic areas implies understanding and assessing the risk as an essential element which can determine in every moment the availability of the mechanisms and the necessary resources for a sustainable future. Even if in a certain measure the risk has to be assumed, the losses caused by undesired events seem to be more ample than the benefits. The most important aspect and part of the risk management is represented by the fact that risk has to be distributed over time, its effects being extended for long periods. While the benefits are hard to distinguish, the efforts seem to be determined at short notice. Any privation of the risk indicators that are correlated with the long-term objectives leads to a barrier when it comes     to monitoring the exactitude and performance of the decision-makers. Despite the struggle against the global pressure and the political risk, at a macroeconomic level the uncertainty does not only lingers in association with the external framework, but it also succeeded in reaching extreme levels in comparison with the recent history. The present article aims to observe, categorize and explain the dimension, diversity and complexity of the macroeconomic risk and it will also try to demonstrate that when    it comes to composite systems, the risk follows the same path as the environmental context, all because of the diversified overlaps between financial systems and societies, together with their economies and ecosystems. Keywords: integrated risk management, risk society, uncertaint


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    Carbon neutrality has become an important focus for many municipalities, with the inclusion of mitigation measures targeted at the residential sector becoming increasingly prominent for the implementation of climate action plans (CAPs). However, many analyses fall short in identifying the barriers and motivations faced by residents to adopting pro-environmental actions in their daily lives, focusing instead on the available actions themselves. This research aims to identify both the barriers and motivations to adopting pro-environmental behaviors and assess their relationship(s) to key demographic variables, along with climate change perceptions. Using the city of San Luis Obispo (SLO) as a case study, this project used an online residential engagement survey administered to the general public through several mechanisms, including in-person and online platforms. The study reveals that the greatest barrier to SLO residents’ implementing pro-environmental behaviors is affordability, with accessibility coming in second, and the most common motivation is climate change concerns. The results further indicate that ranking climate change concerns higher on a scale of 1 to 10 significantly increase the chance of selecting climate change as a primary motivation for adopting pro-environmental behavior. Additionally, we found significant variability among those of differing socioeconomic status (SES) in selection of barriers. These results suggest that SLO should address the most pertinent identified barriers through structural solutions, with an emphasis on their varied distribution across demographic groups, while continuing to encourage existing motivations. Such efforts would help SLO move toward necessary greenhouse gas emission reductions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035


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    AurelioLaundry adalah salah satu usaha yang bergerak di bidang jasa penyedia cuci pakaian, dalam menjalankan kegiatannya usaha ini menyediakan jasa layanan dalam mencuci pakaian, bantal, karpet, dan boneka.Sedangkan jenis pelayanannya bisa cuci setrika, setrika saja dan cuci manual. Sejauh ini, proses bisnis Aurelio Laundry yaitu konsumen yang ingin mencucikan bajunya bisa datang langsung ke toko maupun telepon atau dapat mengirim pesan menggunakan short message service atau melalui aplikasi media sosial Whatsapp. Selain beresiko adanya data yang hilang atau terselip, proses ini juga menjadi kurang efektif dan efisien dalam segi waktu maupun tenaga. Untuk itu, penulis membuat “Sistem Informasi Jasa Laundry Pada Aurelio Laundry Desa Demaan Kudus Berbasis Android” yang dibuat dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan konsumen dalam mencari informasi status barang cucian dan pemesanannya serta dapat meningkatkan kinerja pelayanan pada Aurelio Laundry. Metode pembuatan sistem menggunakan metode model v. Metode ini diawali dengan analisa, desain, implementasi dan pengujian.Sistem ini dibangun dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan basis data MySQ

    El discurso étnico en los currículos de los programas de la Licenciatura en Etnoeducación, de tres universidades públicas en Colombia

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    El propósito de esta investigación es el discurso étnico. El objeto de estudio, son los programas de licenciatura en etnoeducación de tres universidades públicas de Colombia; tecnológica de Pereira, la Guajira y la del Cauca. La investigación, identifica el discurso étnico de cada uno de los planes de estudio y muestra las diferencias en el uso epistemológico que cada una de las instituciones asigna a esta categoría y las implicaciones curriculares derivadas de estos usos particulares. La conclusión a la cual arribamos, es que no existe, una unidad conceptual entorno a lo que puede entenderse por etnoeducación, la noción está sujeta a múltiples intereses, académicos unos, políticos otros. Además, hay que sumar a lo anterior, que el discurso étnico que surge inicialmente como una categoría que pretende englobar comunidades de origen identitario en lo racial y en lo cultural, léase, comunidades indígenas y afros, se rompe, para intentar articular a comunidades urbanas y a grupos con marcas culturales que van más allá de las comunidades imaginadas.The aim of study in this research is the ethnic discourse. The framework in which the study was carried out are the programs of study in three public Colombian Universities; they are: Universidad Technological de Pereira, Universidad de la Guajira and the Universidad of Cauca. The research identifies the ethnic discourse in each one of these study plans and shows the differences within the epistemological use that each one of these institutions provides to this category and the curricular implications derived from these particular uses. The conclusion we arrived is that there no exist a conceptual unit around what can be understood by the concept of Etnoeducacion, this notion is linked to other interests such as; educational, academic, politics among others. Besides, the ethnic discourse which was initially born as a category that tries to embark communities with an identical origin in terms of race and culture, the link is broken in order to try to articulate urban communities and to groups with cultural identities that go beyond the communities before known

    Metodología de crecimiento empresarial para la microempresa en Pereira

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    Esta investigación realizada con el propósito de diseñar una metodología de crecimiento empresarial para las microempresas en la ciudad de Pereira, toma como objeto de estudio las empresas clasificadas en el código CIIU en la sección F y división 47, denominadas “COMERCIO AL POR MENOR (INCLUSO EL COMERCIO AL POR MENOR DE COMBUSTIBLES), EXCEPTO EL DE VEHÍCULOS AUTOMOTORES Y MOTOCICLETAS”. En esta división (47) se seleccionaron las del grupo 4771, “Comercio al por menor de prendas de vestir y sus accesorios”, incluye artículos de piel en establecimientos especializados, comercializadoras al por menor de prendas de vestir y artículos de cuero. La investigación se inició en el año 2015 y fue hasta septiembre del año 2016. Durante este periodo se realizó una investigación de campo, a través de encuesta, con el fin de conocer de manera mucho más el sector e identificar las variables a tener en cuenta para el diseño del modelo. Se tomaron las microempresas con más de 3 años en el mercado, con el objetivo de identificar en estas empresas por qué han permanecido en el mercado. En el análisis realizado a las microempresas que participaron en el estudio, se identificó que tienen una tendencia positiva en el crecimiento de sus ventas, mostrando que el sector comercio contribuye de manera significativa a la economía de la ciudad de Pereira. En estos sectores se incluye el de hotelería, restaurantes y turismo. Como resultado de la investigación, se entrega un modelo que toma como punto de partida las variables encontradas en el análisis de los factores claves que impactan las empresas, además con este modelo se podrá trabajar con información sobre los estados financieros de las empresas para obtener un análisis de su estructura, se relacionan indicadores que permiten conocer la información sobre el estado en que se encuentra la microempresa, y así tomar decisiones acertadas y darle un buen manejo a los recursos


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    The problem of manual recording is one of the problems that is often experienced by small and medium-scale businesses such as MSMEs, this occurs along with the increasing quantity of transactions, a large number of items of goods, and the growth and development of businesses, including PT. Surrati Sukses Makmur is engaged in the retail sale of perfume products. This problem can have negative impacts, such as difficulties in monitoring stock so that discrepancies easily occur, transactions not recorded so that data is lost, preparation of reports taking more time, fraud, and the need for a place to store documents. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to analyze and design a digital-based sales information system that can help the process of recording sales to be more efficient, accurate, safe, and easy. By using a digital information system, there is no need for a special place for document storage, loss of transaction data can be minimized so that it has an impact, PT. Surrati Sukses Makmur can improve performance and quality of service to customers, as well as operational costs can be reduced and inventory management can be easier. The design of this system uses the Rapid application Development (RAD) model with the aim that applications can be completed immediately and reduce the cost of making application systems so that reports can be made in a comprehensive and effective and efficient manner, , as well as with the black-box testing method in testing the application can be used more effectively and efficiently, and as a whole is in accordance with system requirement


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    Abstract— Fire is one of the concerns the citizens of Jakarta. In addition to causing substantial material damage, even hundreds of residents who are victims. One of the efforts made by the Jakarta administration is the installation of fire prevention equipment in fire-prone areas are connected via the telephone in the home residents with firefighters are smart alarm. But these efforts are constrained because there are several factors for the installation of smart alarms that are not met by the residents. This paper discusses the determination of the location of the installation of smart alarms to help firefighters wag to tackle the spread of fire to many houses. Taken from the cases determining the location of the previous installation of smart alarm as the experience for firefighters. Therefore, the implementation of the system of Case-Base Reasoning (CBR) to the Nearest Neighbor algorithm approach is most appropriate, because this system will take the experience from past cases similar to the value of proximity. Intisari— Kebakaran merupakan salah satu kekhawatiran warga Jakarta. Selain menimbulkan kerugian material yang cukup besar, bahkan sudah ratusan warga yang menjadi korban. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah DKI Jakarta adalah dengan pemasangan alat penanggulangan bahaya kebakaran di daerah rawan kebakaran yang terhubung melalui pesawat telepon di rumah warga dengan petugas pemadam kebakaran yaitu smart alarm. Namun upaya tersebut terkendala dikarenakan ada beberapa faktor untuk pemasangan smart alarm yang tidak dipenuhi oleh warga. Makalah ini membahas mengenai penentuan lokasi pemasangan smart alarm agar dapat membantu petugas pemadam kebaran untuk menanggulangi bahaya kebakaran yang merebak ke banyak rumah warga. Diambil dari kasus-kasus penentuan lokasi pemasangan smart alarm terdahulu sebagai pengalaman bagi petugas pemadam kebakaran. Oleh karena itu, penerapan dari sistem Case-Base Reasoning (CBR) dengan pendekatan algoritma Nearest Neighbor adalah yang paling tepat, dikarenakan sistem ini akan mengambil pengalaman dari beberapa kasus lampau dengan nilai kedekatan yang mirip.Abstract— Fire is one of the concerns the citizens of Jakarta. In addition to causing substantial material damage, even hundreds of residents who are victims. One of the efforts made by the Jakarta administration is the installation of fire prevention equipment in fire-prone areas are connected via the telephone in the home residents with firefighters are smart alarm. But these efforts are constrained because there are several factors for the installation of smart alarms that are not met by the residents. This paper discusses the determination of the location of the installation of smart alarms to help firefighters wag to tackle the spread of fire to many houses. Taken from the cases determining the location of the previous installation of smart alarm as the experience for firefighters. Therefore, the implementation of the system of Case-Base Reasoning (CBR) to the Nearest Neighbor algorithm approach is most appropriate, because this system will take the experience from past cases similar to the value of proximity

    A Financial Perspective on Value Creation

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    The recent financial crisis, together with the economic bubbles and cycles of explosions have all proved us that creating, evaluating and maintaining value represent not only a competitive advantage, but also a requirement in uncertain situations. And when also the interests are not intercorrelated within the groups, the only way to effectively employ the available resources and to help the economy is by seeking to achieve long lasting value development. The principles used in establishing the value, followed by measurement techniques have stood the test of time. In a world where short-termism still remains a topic open to debates, it is mandatory to be able not to think of creating value for shareholders as a path for enlarging short-term incomes. Otherwise, confusing these fundamental elements can lead to an intensification of risk with regards to shareholder’s interest and company’s value