1,303 research outputs found


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     Objective: Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb. was used as hereditary medicinal plant for prevention of liver dysfunction, gastrointestinal disease, fever, and hemorrhoid. Curcuma extract was easy to damage because the light exposure, change of pH, weather and a long period of storage time. The problem can be solved by coating the extract with spray wet microencapsulation (SWM) technique. SWM technique is a method of preparing microcapsules in which a solution, suspension, or emulsion with a charged matrix is sprayed into opposing solution. The aim of this research was to formulate the dry Curcuma extract with SWM technique using sodium alginate as matrix.Methods: Brown algae (Sargassum ilicifolium) was a main resource of alginate acid. It was isolated using HCl 5% to make alginate acid and sodium alginate that was obtained by adding Na2CO3 5% to alginate acid solution. The microencapsulation process of Curcuma extract was done by SWM technique. The formula of Curcuma extract microencapsulation was design into three formulas: F1, F2, and F3. Microcapsules of Curcuma extract were being characterized for color intensity, analysis of scanning electron microscope (SEM), compressibility index, flowing time, and determination of angle repose.Results: The results showed that the higher concentration of sodium alginate used, the dry Curcuma extract microcapsules produced better. Particle size of extract microcapsules of Curcuma extract microcapsules SEM from F1, F2, F3 was 20 μm whereas dry weight of extracted microcapsule of Curcuma grows with increasing concentration of sodium alginate: F1 (0.2%) 19.86±0.11 g, F2 (0.4%) 20.66±0.73, F3 (0.6%) 21.29±0.64. The flowing time of F1, F2, and F3 was 6.92±0.56, 7.42±0.50, and 8.05±0.54 s consecutively.Conclusions: Based on the analysis of the study result, it can be concluded that the raw materials of Curcuma extract can be made by SWM technique using sodium alginate isolated from brown algae, and the characterization of dry Curcuma extract microcapsule of the three formulas met the requirements of the pre-formulation tests for capsule dosage form

    Kajian Proses Islamisasi Di Indonesia (Studi Pustaka)

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    The purpose of this study to describe the entry of Islam to Indonesia and the process of Islamization in Indonesia. The results show that, A). There are three theories about the coming of Islam to Indonesia: 1) The theory of Gujarat by Snouck, said the entry of Islam comes from Gujarat, based on: a) the lack of facts that explain the role of Arabs in spreading Islam to the archipelago. b) Indonesia-India trade relations have been established long time ago. c) The oldest inscription of Islam in Sumatra illustrate the relationship between Sumatra with Gujarat. 2) Theory of Makkah, Hamka declare the entry of Islam to Indonesia first century H / 7 M, 3) The theory of its review to the Persian culture among Indonesian Islamic community have similarities with the Persians, among others: a) the 10th anniversary of Ashura Muharram or as a memorial day for the deaths of Shiite martyrdom of Husain. b) their clear affinity between Shaikh Siti jenar with Iranian Sufi Al-Hallaj. c) use of the term Iranian language in Arabic letters spelling system. d) a headstone on the grave Malikus Saleh (1297) and the tomb of Malik Ibrahim (1419) in Gresik booked from Gujarat

    Kajian Proses Islamisasi di Indonesia (Studi Pustaka)

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    The purpose of this study to describe the entry of Islam to Indonesia and the process of Islamization in Indonesia. The results show that, A). There are three theories about the coming of Islam to Indonesia: 1) The theory of Gujarat by Snouck, said the entry of Islam comes from Gujarat, based on: a) the lack of facts that explain the role of Arabs in spreading Islam to the archipelago. b) Indonesia-India trade relations have been established long time ago. c) The oldest inscription of Islam in Sumatra illustrate the relationship between Sumatra with Gujarat. 2) Theory of Makkah, Hamka declare the entry of Islam to Indonesia first century H / 7 M, 3) The theory of its review to the Persian culture among Indonesian Islamic community have similarities with the Persians, among others: a) the 10th anniversary of Ashura Muharram or as a memorial day for the deaths of Shiite martyrdom of Husain. b) their clear affinity between Shaikh Siti jenar with Iranian Sufi Al-Hallaj. c) use of the term Iranian language in Arabic letters spelling system. d) a headstone on the grave Malikus Saleh (1297) and the tomb of Malik Ibrahim (1419) in Gresik booked from Gujarat


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    This articles explores the accountability of online sellers on goods defects at their trades. This phenomenon is now growing rapidly. It’s so loved by all people mostly. Ease in transcastions and facilitating of buyer to get the desired item from seller is the main selling power. But, from the overall activity, the lack of awareness and understanding of buyers about merchandise selection and checking, often used as an opportunity by seller to give the goods inappropriate trades. Buyer get inappropriate items, either from size, color, brand to defects of goods received. In fiqh, the buying and selling process requires four conditions: Sighat al-’aqd, Mahallul ‘aqd, Al’aqidaian and Maudhu’ul ’aqd. That conditions indicate the existence of seller’s accountability to the buyer for his merchandise, including online shop. So, the seller must fulfill the terms of trading as a form of responsibility in every transaction, both conventional and online shoppin

    Nilai-Nilai Islami Dalam Tutur Masyarakat Adat Batak Angkola Tapanuli Bagian Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan yang sesunggguhnya tentang tutur masyarakat adat Batak Angkola serta nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya yang ternyata telah mampu membina masyarakat Tapanuli Bagian Selatan secara turun-temurun. Alat pengumpul data dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara dan observasi. Wawancara dilakukan kepada tokoh-tokoh adat dan tokoh masyarakat di daerah adat Batak Angkola, yang meliputi Kab. Tapanuli Selatan, Kota Padang Sidimpuan dan Kab. Padang Lawas Utara. Sedangkan observasi dilakukan di beberapa desa, di antaranya Tahalak, Ujung Gading, Pijor Koling (Tapanuli Selatan), Suka Mulia, Rondaman Lombang, Portibi julu, Saba Sitahul-Tahul, Padang Garugur (Padang Lawas Utara), desa Pudun Jae, Batu Na Dua, Huta Imbaru dan Huta Padang. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa tutur masyarakat adat Batak Angkola memiliki kandungan yang sangat berguna, berupa nilai atau unsur-unsur Islam, seperti keharusan membina kekeluargaan, karusan menjaga akhlak dan kesopanan, keharusan memelihara hubungan yang harmonis antara anggota masyarakat, keharusan saling menolong, baik dalam suasana suka maupun duka dan lain-lain. Nilai-nilai Islami yang terkandung di dalam tutur tersebut sudah mampu membina keharmonisan masyarakat selama ratusan tahun dan sampai sekarang masih tetap dijadikan sebagai konsep untuk tetap memelihara kehidupan yang harmonis, khususnya di lingkungan masyarakat adat Batak Angkola. Mengingat monumentalnya nilai-nilai yang dikandung oleh tutur, sangat wajarlah ajaran Islam tetap memelihara tutur, apalagi menurut penelitian penulis tidak ada yang bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam


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    This research was aimed to find out the effect of implementing showing object strategy on the students’ speaking ability. The subject of this research was eleventh grade of Mts Muallimin univa Medan in 2016 academic year. The object of this research was to improve students’ ability in speaking by using showing object strategy . This research of this study was conducted by using classroom action research. The technique of analyzing data of this research was applied by qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative data were taken from observation sheet, diary notes, interview and documentation . the quantitative data were taken from the test. Data was taken from the result which was carried out in two cycle. And two cycles conducted in five meetings. The test was given to the students in form of pre-test, post-test in the first cycle, and post-test in the second cycle. The result of analyzing the data showed that there was an increasing on the students’ ability at speaking from each cycles. It was found the mean of pre-test score (59.31). where, there were 13 students got success score criteria (31.70%) and 28 students got unsuccessful (68.29%). After doing cycle I by using showing object strategy , there was an improving of the result of the students’ mean scores (68.36) where 20 students got successful criteria score (48.78%) and 21 students got unsuccessful criteria score (51.22%). then, for second cycle, there was improvement of students’ mean score (77.02). where, 35 students got success criteria score (85.36%) and 6 students got unsuccessful criteria score (14.63%). in other words, the students’ ability at speaking taught by using showing object strategy was improved. For the hypothesis testing used t-test formula, from the computation, it can be seen that coefficient of t-count (10.64) with fact level α = 0.05 was 2.05. In the coefficient of tcount (10.64) >ttable (2.05). Thus, alternative hyphothesis (Ha) could be received. Based on the finding, alternative hyphothesis (Ha) stating that showing object strategy could improve the students’ ability in speaking accepted  and could make class atmosphere more alive and active.Keyword:  students’ ability, showing object strategy, speakin


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    Dalam dunia pendidikan khususnya, tulisan mutlak diperlukan. Bukubukupelajaran maupun buku bacaan yang lainnya merupakan saranauntuk belajar para peserta didik di lembaga-lembaga sekolah mulaitingkat dasar sampi perguruan tinggi. Tanpa tulisan dan membaca, prosestransformasi ilmu pengetahuan tidak akan bisa berjalan. Hal inimenunjukkan betapa pentingnya tulisan, budaya membaca, serta menulisdi kalangan masyarakat. Oleh karenanya, kita harus terus berupayamendorong serta membimbing para generasi muda termasuk pelajar danmahasiswa untuk membudayakan kegiatan Literasi

    Urgensi Niat dalam Sebuah Ibadah

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    This research was aimed to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery in learning English by using Simon says game. The subject of this research was seventh grade at MTs Laboratorium UIN-SU Medan in 2017 academic year. This research of this study was conducted by using classroom action research . The data used in this research were quantitative and qualitative data and the instruments of collecting data were used such as: Pre-test and Post-test, interview sheet, observation sheet, and photography evidence. The result of this research showed that there was increasing of students’ vocabulary mastery. The mean of the pre- test was 44.75, in cycle one was 64.5, in cycle two was 80.5, it indicated that the scores and the mean in cycle twowere better than the first one. The percentage of students who got point 70 or more also increased. In the pre-test, there were not students who got point 70. In the post-test of cycle one the students who got point 70 or more there were 23 of students (57.5%). It means that there was an increasing about 57.5%. The post-test of cycle two, the students who got point 70 or more there were 34 students (85%) and the increasing was about 27.5%. For the hypothesis testing used t-tes formula. It could be seen that coefficient of t count (16.19) with fact level = 0.05 was 3.558 in the coefficient of t count (16.19) > table (3.558). Thus, alternative hypothesis (Ha) stated that Simon says game could improve the students’ vocabulary mastery accepted. The score of observation sheet were 4 (very good), and the students were happy to learn vocabulary by using Simon says game it could be seen in the result of interview and photography evidence. It showed that the class rooms were alive and active.Keywords: Simon says game, Students’ vocabulary master


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     Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the antimutagenic activity of binara herbs (Artemisia vulgaris L.) ethanol extract on male mice.Methods: Binara herbs powder was extracted is used ethanol 96% by maceration, then made into a suspension preparation used 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose with 3 dose variations (100, 200, and 300 mg/kg). Further, the extract was administrated orally in mice for 7 consecutive days. 4 h after the last orally, cyclophosphamide 50 mg/kg IP was injected. 30 h after cyclophosphamide injection, the animals were killed, and the samples of bone marrow were prepared and stained with gems. For each sample, 200 cells of polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) and the same number of normochromatic erythrocytes (NCE) and the cells containing their micronucleus (MN) were counted using the MN test method in vivo.Results: Cyclophosphamide increased the frequency of MnPCE and decreased cell proliferation (PCE/PCE+NCE). All doses of extracts significantly reduced the frequency of MnPCE (p<0.05). The cell proliferation ratio (PCE/PCE+NCE) was also increased. The most effective dose is 300 mg/kg because it has the greatest ability to decrease the frequency of MnPCE and increase the cell proliferation ratio.Conclusion: Results of this study indicated that binara herbs (A. vulgaris L.) ethanol extract has potent antimutagenic activity
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