795 research outputs found

    Pesquisa em Manejo Integrado de Pragas na Cultura do Arroz Irrigado na Estação Experimental de Itajaí - Epagri

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Curso de Agronomia.Algumas espécies de insetos e outros fitófagos que ocorrem na cultura do arroz irrigado nos Estados do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina possuem potencial para atingir níveis populacionais de dano econômico e causar perdas de produtividade da ordem de 15 a 30%. Dessa forma, conhecer as pragas e saber reconhecer seus danos é indispensável para o sucesso no empreendimento orizícola. O presente relatório refere-se ao Estágio de Conclusão do Curso de Agronomia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, realizado na Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina – EPAGRI - Estação Experimental de Itajaí, no período de 17 de agosto a 23 de outubro de 2015. No período de estágio foi possível monitorar as seguintes pragas: bicheira-da-raiz (Oryzophagus oryzae), lagarta-boiadeira (Nymphula indomitalis), noiva-do-arroz (Rupela albinella), percevejo-do-grão (Oebalus poecilus) e o cascudo-preto (Euetheola humilis), através de armadilhas luminosas. Pensando em maior eficiência e menor custo, foram testados LED’s com comprimentos de onda diferentes, onde se buscou identificar qual obtinha maior poder de atração sobre o O. oryzae. Os LEDs de comprimento entre 380 e 410 nm foram os mais eficientes. Também foi possível testar a virulência do fungo Beauveria bassiana através de infecção artificial de adultos da bicheira-da-raiz. Esse fungo mostrou-se muito eficiente e pode ser utilizado no controle biológico. E, para testar se o adubo foliar a base de cobre tem o poder de controlar os caramujos presentes nas lavouras de arroz, foram realizados dois ensaios com caramujos dos gêneros Physella e Biomphalaria. Esses moluscos causaram danos nas sementes e não houve mortalidade no contato com o cobre. Dessa maneira o estágio proporcionou executar experimentos de pesquisa agropecuária e colocar na pratica todo o conhecimento adquirido durante a graduação

    Platformization of Media Entrepreneurship: A Conceptual Development

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    Purpose: Platformization is one of the most insightful theoretical frameworks which has an exceptional potential to provide a fine-grained ground for understanding the digital platforms' overall contributions to develop different research fields. Despite the significant role of digital platforms in developing the field of 'media entrepreneurship,' a systematic attempt to make sense of the field by using the platformization framework is scarce. The present paper, therefore, seeks to (re)reading the field of ‘media entrepreneurship” by employing the platformization framework. Methodology: By adopting the platformization framework, the paper has reorganized the extant literature to shed some light on how the field of media entrepreneurship is multi-faceted and intertwined with a vast array of societal concerns in the age of digital platforms. Findings/Contribution: The investigations in this study corroborate the idea that media entrepreneurs should be equipped with a multi-paradigmatic lens to see how their practices may have beneficial implications for the media industries, and they can also engage in some unfair and monopolistic initiatives that are prompted by the platforms and also by governmental interventions. The platformization framework, introduced and developed in this research, reveals its potential as insightful perspective to systematically move the field of media entrepreneurship forward, from theory to practice

    First records of Gastrotricha from South Africa, with description of a new species of Halichaetonotus (Chaetonotida, Chaetonotidae)

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    During a survey of the biota of the St. Lucia Estuary in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa, a number of Gastrotricha were found among samples of meiofauna. Fresh, marine sediment yielded several specimens belonging to a total of seven species. Of these, two are already known from other regions (i.e., Dactylopodola australiensis and Heteroxenotrichula squamosa), one is described as new to science (Halichaetonotussanctaeluciae sp. n.), while the remaining four (Pseudostomella sp., Halichaetonotus sp.1, Halichaetonotus sp. 2, Xenotrichula sp.) require further collections and analysis, in order to establish the extent of their affiliation to species already described. General appearance, shape of hydrofoil scale and the occurrenceof three long spines on the dorsal side make the new species most closely related to H. australis and H. marivagus. The key differences from these taxa and between Halichaetonotus sanctaeluciae sp. n. and H. aculifer are discussed

    A survey on Cattle Performance Testing Centres in Italy

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    Performance test is the main selection tool for beef and dual purpose cattle, but it is used also in dairy cattle, despite the different aim of testing in this case. This study has aimed to obtain all available information about organisation and characteristic of performance test in Italy carried out in year 2006 by Italian Cattle Breeders Associations. The results of the survey here reported have the final aim of exploiting actual organization of selection processes carried out in Italy for beef, dual purpose and dairy cattle breeds through performance test. The survey has indicated different intensity of selection among Italian breeds, ranging from 2.45 to 3.13


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    This research work starts from the case of migrants landed in Italy in 2011, during the so called Arab Springs and it looks at the way in which these arrivals have been framed as “ emergency”. The number of people (about 60 000) who reached the Italian coasts, especially from Tunisia and Lybya, was surely incredible, but it does not seem enough to speak about emergency: rather “emergency” has been the frame adopted by Italian politicians and media to define the situation. According to Goffman’s definition of frame and through a reflection on the category of emergency, this thesis look at the effects that a similar frame had in organizational terms on the Italian reception system for forced migrants both at national and local level. The case study is especially represented by the Civil Protection’s plan called "North Africa Emergency", the main reception activity of that period, in which have converged both the humanitarian and the securitarian aspects of the emergency frame


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    This research work starts from the case of migrants landed in Italy in 2011, during the so called Arab Springs and it looks at the way in which these arrivals have been framed as \u201c emergency\u201d. The number of people (about 60 000) who reached the Italian coasts, especially from Tunisia and Lybya, was surely incredible, but it does not seem enough to speak about emergency: rather \u201cemergency\u201d has been the frame adopted by Italian politicians and media to define the situation. According to Goffman\u2019s definition of frame and through a reflection on the category of emergency, this thesis look at the effects that a similar frame had in organizational terms on the Italian reception system for forced migrants both at national and local level. The case study is especially represented by the Civil Protection\u2019s plan called "North Africa Emergency", the main reception activity of that period, in which have converged both the humanitarian and the securitarian aspects of the emergency frame

    Analisi di post processing delle risonanze magnetiche cerebrali di bambini con esiti di Shaken Baby Syndrome: studi di DTI del corpo calloso

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    Background. The Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among abused children. Its pathogenesis is characterized by the presence of a mechanical damage responsible of focal lesions, which adds a metabolic damage resulting in widespread damage of the white matter (WM). Aim. This study used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to examine white matter (WM) abnormalities of corpus callosum (CC) in infants with SBS in order to asses how WM microstructure may reflect axonal damage and correlate with clinical outcomes. Methods. We collect DTI scans from 5 infants (age range: 23 months – 6 years 5 months) after months from the diagnosis of SBS (18 months up to 6 years); the WM of the CC has been analyzed using a probabilistic model. Clinical variables and conventional imaging findings were analyzed in relation to outcome. Cognitive outcomes were assessed by the administration of the scales of development Griffiths (Griffiths Mental Development Scales-GMDS) or the Wechsler scales for children older than 4 years. Fractional anisotropy ( FA ) , axial diffusivity (AD ) , and radial diffusivity ( RD ) were calculated for each of the seven regions in which it was divided the corpus callosum, according to the Wiltelson model. Results . The five children studied (3 males and 2 females , mean age = 48 months, average time since diagnosis = 42 months) had normal cognitive development in 3 cases and below normal in 2 cases . The 3T MRI performed during follow-up in the medium-long term showed damage to the white matter only in one case. Reduced FA values were measured in diffuse regions of WM in all children with SBS, with major impairment in children who had a deviation below the norm of cognitive development, but with altered values also in children that at present showed normal development . Conclusions. Findings support the unique role of new DTI techniques, beyond conventional imaging, in the evaluation of microstructural WM injury of SBS. This preliminary study confirms the important role of DTI tractography for its both therapeutic and prognostic implication, confirming the usefulness of more extensive and sophisticated research in this are

    Algoritmi adattativi per la cancellazione del rumore

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    A new species of Turbanellidae (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) from Jamaica, with a key to species of Paraturbanella

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    The study falls within the framework of a wider research programme aimed at investigating the gastrotrich diversity of the Tropical North-Western Atlantic (TNWA). A new macrodasyidan gastrotrich is described from fine-medium sand collected at Duncans Bay, Jamaica. The description is based on observations carried out on living specimens using differential interference contrast microscopy. Paraturbanella xaymacana sp. n., the third gastrotrich taxon reported from Jamaica, is a mid-sized species, up to 564 \u3bcm long, with a feeble peribuccal swelling. The most obvious autapomorphic traits pertain to the testes and the male pore, both of which are located approximately at mid body, rather than at- or near the pharyngo-intestinal junction as occur in the other species of the genus. Additional differences with congeners are discussed and a key to the Paraturbanella species is provided, in the hope it will be useful to both gastrotrich experts and marine ecologists who discover these microscopic metazoans during their research