1,389 research outputs found

    Música e subdesenvolvimento: o conteúdo poético e a banalização,

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    Metadados do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: Música e subdesenvolvimento: o conteúdo poético e a banalização, pela discente: Eloiza dal Pozzo, sob Orientação de Ildo Carbonera do curso de Especialização em Literatura Latino-Americana (2011-2012) da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), no Repositório Institucional da UNILA (RI-UNILA).Música e subdesenvolvimento: o conteúdo poético e a banalização

    Analysis of Sustainable Technologies for Acid Gas Removal

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    Acid gases, such as sulphur dioxide and hydrogen halides and – in a broad sense – carbon dioxide, are typical pollutants generated by combustion processes. Their removal by means of solid sorbents represent an efficient and cost-effective approach in dry acid gas treatment systems for waste incineration flue gas, while for CO2 capture the process is exploratively studied as a promising alternative to amine scrubbing. The present study addressed both aspects. In waste incineration flue gas cleaning, acid gas removal by sorbent injection is a well-established process. Nonetheless, a thorough understanding of the gas-solid reactions involved in the process has not been reached yet and, thus, the operation of dry treatment systems is still highly empirical. In the present study, the process was analysed using different levels of detail: from the microscopic level of a lab-scale experimental campaign and phenomenological description of the kinetic and mass transfer phenomena governing the gas-solid reaction to the macroscopic level of techno-economic and environmental assessment of alternative full-scale dry treatment systems. With respect to CO2 capture technologies, the process is still in the development stage and research is focused on the identification of highly-efficient sorbents. The present study analysed the enhancement of CO2 uptake potential of magnesium oxide, a promising sorbent for intermediate-temperature carbon capture, by means of coating with alkali metal molten salts. The joint analysis of gas-solid reaction for flue gas cleaning in two diverse contexts allowed the identification of common issues and of possible shared solutions

    Il paesaggio rurale storico nella proposta italiana del MIPAAF. Confronti internazionali, discussione teorica, applicazioni metodologiche

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    The aim of the research is to reflect on the recent project promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry policies (MiPAAF), which is aimed at the identification and cataloguing of Italian historical rural landscapes. The research has been developed through a twofold path: (I) the investigation and comparison of the Italian proposal with similar projects at international level; and (II) the application of the Italian methodologies to some study areas in the national territory. In accordance with the dual course of reflection and analysis, the thesis is articulated into two parts to which the conclusions follow. The first part is dedicated to the investigation of the institutional projects on historical rural landscapes, adopted at national and international level, and their comparative study. The second part is specifically focused on the Italian proposal by means of applications and discussion of the ministerial methodologies. The final chapter, as a conclusion of the whole work, gathers possible orientations for the Italian project, as a result of the comparison with the international projects and the application of the Italian methodologies in the selected study areas

    Produzione di ingredienti alimentari da scarti e sottoprodotti dell'industria lattiero-casearia

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    La gestione e lo smaltimento dei sottoprodotti della filiera lattiero-casearia, in passato, erano considerati aspetti marginali della produzione e rappresentavano unicamente un costo per le aziende. La maggior attenzione sui temi ambientali, l’aumento dei costi di smaltimento e la consapevolezza che i sottoprodotti sono una grande risorsa, hanno modificato notevolmente la situazione. In questo elaborato sono state analizzare le fasi della filiera lattiero-casearia per poter identificare i principali scarti e sottoprodotti, passando in rassegna le caratteristiche nutrizionali e compositive al fine di rilevare le potenzialità di un loro riutilizzo. Sono state approfondite le tecnologie innovative o tradizionali che consentono la produzione di molecole ad alto valore aggiunto e la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale di effluenti del settore lattiero caseario. Infatti, processi biologici e fisico-chimici per il trattamento di questi effluenti si rendono necessari poiché questi sottoprodotti, presentano un elevato carico organico. È stata approfondita anche la modalità di valorizzazione del siero di latte grazie ad una fermentazione da parte di lieviti, con produzione di SCP (Single Cell Protein), in quanto risulta essere un processo che permette di risolvere, almeno in parte, la principale problematica della filiera lattiero – casearia legata all’impatto ambientale e alla produzione di molecole. L’utilizzo del siero per la produzione di biomassa di lievito che utilizza il lattosio presente formando biomassa proteica, permette una contemporanea riduzione del COD del siero di latte. Concludendo, questo elaborato ha messo in evidenza la necessità di una maggiore e più efficiente valorizzazione del siero, in quanto fonte di ricchezza straordinaria, che può consentire di ridurre lo spreco alimentare e trasformare gli effluenti della filiera lattiero-casearia in una fonte di componenti ad alto valore aggiunto e sostenibili

    On Subject Pronouns in Finnish-Italian Bilinguals: Effects of Cross-linguistic Influence on Discourse-pragmatics Competence

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    The distribution of overt pronouns has been the focus of much interest in the last decades as it is considered a typical phenomenon of the syntax-discourse/pragmatics interface, a locus of variability in different kinds of language acquisition (bilingual, L2 advanced learners, SLI) and it has been investigated in null and non-null subject language. In the present paper we discuss the distribution of null and overt pronouns in bilingual language acquisition in Finnish (a partial null subject language) and Italian (a null subject language). Data has been collected through a storytelling task in Finnish and Italian. Results show some optionality in the use of pronominal forms but unexpectedly little overuse of overt pronouns is attested in the null subject language

    Operação serenata de amor : análise de um projeto de tecnologia cívica que usa inteligência artificial para auditar contas públicas

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    Através desse trabalho buscamos realizar uma análise considerando de um lado os conceitos da accountability social e de outro o uso das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação para o acesso das grandes bases de dados públicas. Concretizamos esse trabalho a partir de um estudo exploratório sobre o processo que resultou no desenvolvimento e operacionalização do projeto de tecnologia cívica conhecido por “Operação Serenata de Amor”, com o intuito de analisar as dificuldades e potencialidades presentes nesse tipo de experiência para a efetivação do controle social da sociedade sobre a gestão dos governos. Observando ainda se a mesma, ao acessar e fazer o cruzamento dos dados disponibilizados nas grandes bases de dados públicas através das NTICs, pode contribuir para ampliar e fortalecer a sua participação e capacidade para propor as políticas públicas de que necessita e acompanhando e avaliando seus resultados.Through this work we seek to carry out an analysis considering, on the one hand, the concepts of social accountability and, on the other, the use of new information and communication technologies for accessing large public databases. We carried out this work based on an exploratory study on the process that resulted in the development and operationalization of the civic technology project known as “Operação Serenata de Amor”, in order to analyze the difficulties and potentialities present in this type of experience for the realization of the society's social control over government management. Also observing whether it, when accessing and crossing the data made available in the large public databases through the NTICs, can contribute to expand and strengthen its participation and capacity to propose the public policies it needs and monitoring and evaluating its results

    Uno sguardo sulla ricerca L2: la situazione delle lingue ugrofinniche

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    New information subjects in L2 acquisition: evidence from Italian and Finnish

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    Recent work on second language acquisition within the generative framework has pointed out interfaces (syntax-discourse, syntax-semantics, etc.) as a residual domain of vulnerability in L2. Rather than in core syntax, it is at the interface level that the divergence between native and non-native grammars has been shown to be more prominent. In this book the investigation of answering strategies and the focalization of new information subjects, which require access to the syntax-discourse interface, will be pursued. Data is collected through an oral elicitation task on Finnish and Italian, a rather unexplored language pair, in various stages of language development: advanced and intermediate L2 acquisition, L1 under L2 attrition, early bilingualism, child monolingual L1 development