331 research outputs found

    Analisi delle prestazioni energetiche e strutturali di un edificio per appartamenti a Greve in Chianti (FI)

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    Nella presente Tesi è stato affrontato il tema dell’analisi delle prestazioni energetiche e strutturali di un edificio di cui era noto il progetto architettonico. Si tratta di un edificio per 8 appartamenti, la cui realizzazione rientra nel progetto “20.000 abitazioni in affitto”, promosso dall’Amm.ne Comunale di Greve in Chianti (FI). E’ stato affrontato in particolare il tema del contenimento dei consumi energetici per il raffrescamento estivo, dopo aver analizzato e rielaborato, alla luce delle più recenti normative (D.Lgs 192/2005 e 311/06), gli studi effettuati nell’ambito di una precedente Tesi di Laurea sullo stesso edificio per quanto riguarda il riscaldamento invernale. Sono stati poi successivamente studiati i problemi relativi alla sicurezza dell’edificio nei confronti delle azioni sismiche, tramite l’analisi e il progetto della struttura portante del fabbricato, secondo l’OPCM n. 3274 del 20 Marzo 2003 e il D.M. 9/01/96 . In Italia la richiesta di un sempre maggiore livello di comfort nelle abitazioni durante la stagione estiva ha determinato, negli ultimi anni, un sensibile aumento nelle vendite di impianti di condizionamento e sistemi split. Come conseguenza di ciò sono notevolmente aumentati i consumi elettrici: nell’estate 2001 il picco di potenza estivo ha eguagliato il picco di potenza invernale; il 20 Luglio 2007, la potenza di picco assorbita dalla rete ha raggiunto i 56.520 MW, record storico assoluto dei consumi elettrici, superiore di 1000 MW al picco di potenza registrato il 27 Giugno 2006. E’ stata effettuata l’analisi dell’involucro dell’edificio in esame, verificando i parametri previsti dalle normative vigenti e studiando nello specifico il suo comportamento estivo. In particolare è stato affrontato lo studio della determinazione della temperatura interna dell’aria dell’edificio in assenza di impianto di condizionamento, secondo le recenti norme UNI EN ISO 13791:2005 e 13792:2005. I risultati ottenuti da tale analisi hanno mostrato che in un edificio con un comportamento termico invernale virtuoso, i parametri che più influiscono sul raggiungimento di condizioni confortevoli estive, che possono ridurre gli interventi dell’impianto di climatizzazione, riguardano sia la progettazione dell’involucro (di competenza dei progettisti) sia le modalità di utilizzo dell’edificio (di competenza dell’utenza).Un involucro ben progettato può far ridurre fino a circa 4°C la temperatura interna estiva, mentre il suo corretto utilizzo da parte dei fruitori (per quanto riguarda l’oscuramento delle aperture e le modalità di ventilazione) fino a circa 14°C. Da qui la necessità di affiancare alle prescrizioni progettuali degli edifici una sorta di ‘manuale di corretto utilizzo’ rivolto agli utenti, per poter ottimizzare la risposta termica dell’edificio stesso, minimizzando i consumi in ogni periodo dell’anno. E’ stata poi effettuata la progettazione della struttura portante del fabbricato, in cemento armato, e lo studio della sua risposta sismica , condotto secondo l’OPCM n. 3274 del 20 Marzo 2003 e il D.M. 9/01/96 . La struttura è stata dimensionata in classe di duttilità “B” (scelta necessaria per la presenza di travi a spessore) e il metodo di calcolo utilizzato è stato l’analisi modale associata allo spettro di risposta di progetto, valutato in relazione alla zona sismica considerata, alle caratteristiche del sito ed adottando un fattore di struttura q =3,2. L’analisi delle sollecitazioni, il dimensionamento e la progettazione degli elementi strutturali e la loro verifica secondo il Metodo agli Stati Limite, hanno portato ad un ipotesi di progetto strutturale in grado di assicurare la sicurezza dell’edificio nei confronti delle azioni sismiche, come definite dalle Normative di riferimento

    Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3) di PT. Kimia Farma Plant Jakarta

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    ABSTRAK PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH BAHAN BERBAHAYA DAN BERACUN (B3) DI PT. KIMIA FARMA PLANT JAKARTA Rahma Daini1, Siti Utari2, Dian Nugroho3 Latar Belakang : Setiap kegiatan produksi pasti menghasilkan limbah, salah satu limbah yang dihasilkan adalah limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran penerapan pengelolaan limbah B3 di PT. Kimia Farma Plant Jakarta yang sesuai dengan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. Metode : Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan cara memberikan deskripsi/gambaran mengenai pengelolaan limbah B3 di PT. Kimia Farma yang dilakukan melalui observasi langsung ke lapangan, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan. Data yang diperoleh dibandingkan dengan peraturan perundangan yang berlaku. Hasil : PT. Kimia Farma Plant Jakarta telah melakukan pengelolaan limbah B3 yang meliputi identifikasi limbah B3, perizinan limbah B3 dan pengelolaan limbah B3 yang meliputi: pengemasan dan pengumpulan, penyimpanan sementara, pelabelan dan simbol, pengangkutan limbah B3 oleh pihak ketiga, rekapitulasi data/pencatatan jenis dan volume limbah B3, serta reporting/pelaporan limbah B3. Simpulan : Identifikasi limbah B3 telah sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Untuk perizinan pengelolaan limbah B3, petugas pengelola limbah B3 belum dibekali training tentang pengelolaan limbah B3. PT. Kimia Farma Plant Jakarta telah menerapkan pengelolaan limbah B3, tetapi belum menyusun prosedur khusus untuk tiap tahapan mengenai penyimpanan sementara limbah B3 dan penerapan housekeeping yang masih diperlukan evaluasi. Kata Kunci : Pengelolaan Limbah B3 1. Program Studi Diploma III Hiperkes dan Keselamatan Kerja, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. 2. Dosen Program Studi Diploma III Hiperkes dan Keselamatan Kerja, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. 3. Dosen Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta

    Focusing and orienting spatial attention differently modulate crowding in central and peripheral vision

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    The allocation of attentional resources to a particular location or object in space involves two distinct processes: an orienting process and a focusing process. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that performance of different visual tasks can be improved when a cue, such as a dot, anticipates the position of the target (orienting), or when its dimensions (as in the case of a small square) inform about the size of the attentional window (focusing). Here, we examine the role of these two components of visuo-spatial attention (orienting and focusing) in modulating crowding in peripheral (Experiment 1 and Experiment 3a) and foveal (Experiment 2 and Experiment 3b) vision. The task required to discriminate the orientation of a target letter "T,'' close to acuity threshold, presented with left and right "H'' flankers, as a function of target-flanker distance. Three cue types have been used: a red dot, a small square, and a big square. In peripheral vision (Experiment 1 and Experiment 3a), we found a significant improvement with the red dot and no advantage when a small square was used as a cue. In central vision (Experiment 2 and Experiment 3b), only the small square significantly improved participants' performance, reducing the critical distance needed to recover target identification. Taken together, the results indicate a behavioral dissociation of orienting and focusing attention in their capability of modulating crowding. In particular, we confirmed that orientation of attention can modulate crowding in visual periphery, while we found that focal attention can modulate foveal crowdin


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    Abstrak Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh kecerdasan emosional terhadap prestasi belajar PPKn pada siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 17 Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode ex post facto, dengan lokasi penelitian di SMA Negeri 17 Surabaya. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI yang berjumlah 305 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tiga analisis yakni analisis korelasi, analisis regresi, dan koefisien determinasi. Analisis korelasi antara kecerdasan emosional dengan prestasi belajar PPKn menghasilkan nilai korelasi sebesar 0,063 yang berarti kedua variabel memiliki pola hubungan yang kurang berarti. Analisis regresi menghasilkan persamaan yaitu Y = 90,296–0,016x. Persamaan tersebut berarti bahwa kecerdasan emosional memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap prestasi belajar sehingga apabila kecerdasan emosional siswa meningkat maka prestasi belajar akan menurun. Koefisien determinasi menunjukkan nilai 0,004 yang berarti sumbangan relatif yang diberikan variabel kecerdasan emosional (X) terhadap prestasi belajar PPKn (Y) adalah sebesar 0,4%. Pengujian hipotesis pada penelitian ini menggunakan uji t dan menghasilkan nilai thitung sebesar -0,391 dengan taraf signifikansi 95% (0,05). Kesimpulan dari pengujian tersebut yaitu diterimanya Ho dan ditolaknya Ha karena thitung < ttabel yaitu -0,391<2,021, sehingga kecerdasan emosional tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar PPKn. Kata kunci: kecerdasan emosional, prestasi belajar.   Abstract This research aims to analyze the influence of emotional intelligence on the civics learning achievement in class XI at SMA Negeri 17 Surabaya. This research used quantitative approach to the ex post facto method, with research site in SMA Negeri 17 Surabaya. The populations in this research were all students of class XI totaling 305 people. This research used questionnaire and documentation to collect data. This research resulted in three analyzes the correlation analysis, regression analysis, and the coefficient of determination. Analysis of the correlation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement to produce a correlation value of 0,063 which means that both variables have a pattern of relationships which are less meaningful. The regression analysis yields equation is Y = 90,296–0,016x. The equation means that emotional intelligence has a negative effect on learning achievement so that when the emotional intelligence of students increased, the learning achievement will decline. The coefficient of determination shows that the value of 0.004 means that given the relative contribution of emotional intelligence variable (X) to the learning achievement (Y) is approximately 0.4%. Testing the hypothesis in this study using the t test and produce value tcount –0,391 with 95% significance level (0,05). The conclusion of these tests is acceptance Ho and rejection Ha, because tcount < ttable namely                     -0,391<2,021, so that emotional intelligence has no significant effect on civics achievement. Keywords: emotional intelligence, learning achievement

    Normative data for Lezak's Tinkertoy test in healthy Italian adults

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    The Tinkertoy test is a tool for the neuropsychological assessment of executive functions and a predictor of employability. Originally a children's toy comprising pieces to assemble freely, the TinkerToy Test examines organizational abilities, planning, and response flexibility. It allows subjects to use their own initiative and does not force them to choose from a series of predetermined alternatives. Tinkertoy test normative values were collected from 256 neurologically healthy Italian subjects. Multivariable analysis showed sex and education to have significant confounding effects. Adjusted and inferential cut-off points were determined and converted into equivalent scores, applying a distribution-free technique

    Quinolones Resistance And R-Plasmids Of Clinical Isolates Of Pseudomonas Species

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    Background: There has been reported incidence in the emergence of Quinolones resistance in clinical isolates in Nigeria and the level in resistance has been on the increase. Objective: To determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns and plasmids profiles of 67 clinical Pseudomonas species from a teaching hospital and diagnostic laboratory in Nigeria. Materials and methods: The Pseudomonas species were identified and confirmed by standard procedures. The antibiotic susceptibility patterns were determined by Agar Disk Diffusion method. Plasmids DNA was isolated, separated and stained as previously described. Results: 30 of these clinical isolates were found to be resistant to 6 quinolones antibiotics with ciprofloxacin being the highest [52.24%] and norfloxacin [38.81%] the lowest. All the strains that were resistant to any antimicrobial agents were also resistant to ciprofloxacin. A total of 54 plasmids ranging in molecular sizes from 3.55kb to 19.95kb were extracted from the resistant strains and grouped into 5 plasmid profiles. Transformation experiment revealed that 66.67% of the resistant strains carried a common R plasmid of size 15.85kb. Plasmid mediated resistant to ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin were found. Conclusion: The results highlighted diverse plasmids profile and wide spread antimicrobial resistance patterns of some clinical Pseudomonas species from Nigeria. Keywords: Quinolones, R-plasmids, Pseudomonas.Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 3 (2) 2008: pp. 139-14

    NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ART AND CULTURE NIGERIA: Focus On the Development of a Symbolic and Iconic Architecture for a Positive National Image

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    Nigeria is internationally recognised as a nation with a rich artistic and cultural legacy. The traditional art works of the ancient Nok & Ife civilizations are amongst the most celebrated art works from the continent Africa. Likewise the Igbo Ukwu Bronze works of the ancient Igbo settlers showed sophistication and great skill in the use of metal for art pieces. Yet, despite the nation’s vast wealth of artistic and cultural legacy, little has been done in the current built environment to represent and display this positive artistic and cultural heritage. It is against this backdrop, of a lacking representation of a positive legacy, as well as the present architectural gaps in the existing museum complexes in curetting Nigerian art pieces, that this research project was carried out. The research project aimed at developing an iconic national museum design for art and culture in Nigeria that would properly represent the rich artistic and cultural legacy of the nation in the built environment with the purpose of promoting a positive national image.Care was taken to properly define what the term iconic referred to as regards this project; lending the voices of some authorities in the field to precisely define the term as well as help limit the scope of the project. Using the resulting definition, studies were performed on the subject of iconic architecture. Amongst the things discovered from the study were some of the key features that usually make up any iconic architecture. Further examinations and analysis were also carried out on a number of existing iconic pieces in an attempt to discover and help verify the validity of the key features earlier identified. Case studies of some existing museums both within and outside Nigeria were also carried out along with extensive analysis of the building site for the proposed museum design were carried out. Finally, the knowledge acquired at each stage of the research project was combined and utilised in creating a design proposal for a national museum of art and Culture complex in Abuja for the nation Nigeria

    Home-based hand hygiene practices of mothers in relation to infections in their infants

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    Background: Infections are the leading causes of death in children. Most of these infections are transmitted through the hands of mothers, carers and health workers.Objective: To determine the pattern of home-based hand hygiene practices among mothers of young infants attending a tertiary facility clinic in relation to infections in their infants.Methods: A cross-sectional study of mothers of infants attending an immunization clinic was conducted using a self-designed, pretested questionnaire.Results: The mean age of the 203 mothers was 30.3 ±3.8 years. The majority of the mothers received counselling about hand washing as part of antenatal care (79.8%), had access to water at home (94.0%) and always washed hands with water and soap (48.3%). Although 149 (73.4%) knew  hand sanitizers, only 28 (13.8%) used it. Close to half of their infants (46.3%) had various infections (diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections, and boils) within a month of the interview. Only counselling was associated with good quality hand washing practices (p<0.0001) while the age of child less than 6 months and good quality of hand washing were associated with the absence of infections in the infants (p = 0.029 and p<0.0001 respectively).Conclusion: Half of the cohort of mothers practiced good quality hand washing but with poor use of hand sanitizers. With various infections recorded in close to half of their infants, it is important to emphasise better hand washing techniques and improve access to alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Key words: Alcohol-based Hand sanitizers, Hand hygiene, Hand washing, Infants, Infections, Sagamu


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    Peserta didik memiliki ketunaan ganda yaitu tunanetra disertai tunagrahita, dimana peserta didik ini mengalami hambatan dalam interaksi sosialnya. Dalam proses pembelajaran peserta didik hanya mendengarkan apa yang disampaikan oleh guru dan tidak ada yang ditanyakan ataupun memberi respon. Peserta didik hanya terdiam pada saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung, ketika jam istirahat dan juga jarang berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar bersama warga sekolah. dengan mengunakan salah satu metode pembelajaran bermain peran (role playing) yaitu penerapan pembelajaran berdasarkan pengalaman, karena dalam pembelajaran bermain peran dapat meningkatkan penanaman dan pengembangan konsep, nilai, moral, serta norma, hal ini dapat dicapai apabila peserta didik secara langsung bekerja dan melakukan interaksi satu sama lainnya dan melakukan pemecahan masalah melalui peragaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai seberapa besar peningkatan hasil belajar pada peserta didik multiple disabilities with visual impairments (MDVI) dalam keterampilan interaksi sosial dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran bermain peran (role playing) di kelas VIII SMPLB N A Kota Bandung. Metode pembelajaran bermain peran dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan interaksi sosial pada anak berkebutuhan khusus terutama anak MDVI. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah eksperimen Single Subject Research (SSR) penelitian ini menggunakan desain A-B-A dimana desain ini dapat menunjukan adanya hubungan sebab akibat antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Hasil penelitian dapat dilihat pada perubahan mean level subjek pada fase baseline 1 (A1) sebesar 8,33%, meningkat pada fase intervensi (B) sebesar 18,75%, dan pada Baseline 2 (A2) sebesar 14,58%. Hasil mean level membuktikan bahwa penggunaan metode pembelajaran bermain peran untuk meningkatkan keterampilan interaksi sosial pada anak MDVI di SLBN A Kota Bandung