7 research outputs found

    On how technology-powered storytelling can contribute to cultural heritage sustainability across multiple venues-Evidence from the crosscult H2020 project

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    Sustainability in Cultural Heritage (CH) is a complex question that needs to be addressed by a group of experts tackling the different issues. In this light, the present work wishes to provide a multi-level analysis of the sustainability in CH, using as an example a recent European H2020 project (CrossCult) and the lessons learnt from its design, implementation and evaluation. The sustainability of CH has qualitatively changed over the last few years, under the developments in digital technology that seems to affect the very nature of the cultural experience. We discuss sustainability in venues using digital technologies, covering a span of needs of small/unknown and large/popular venues, which try to enhance the visitor experience, attract visitors, form venue networks, etc. Moreover, we explore issues of sustainability of digital content and its re usability through holistic design. Aspects of technology, human networks and data sustainability are also presented, and we conclude with the arguments concerning the sustainability of visitor reflection, the interpretation of social and historical phenomena and the creation of meaning.This research was funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 693150. The authors from the University of Vigo got further support from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Galician Regional Government under agreement for funding the AtlantTIC Research Center for Information and Communication Technologies, as well as the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Gobierno de España) research project TIN2017-87604-R

    Contribucións recomendacións semántica baseada e tecnoloxías de visualización para desenvolver e curador experiencias patrimonio cultural

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    This research aims to make use of semantics to appraise cultural heritage in Europe. A huge network of knowledge will be built from multiple data sources including knowledge bases and ontologies such as DBPedia and YAGO. We aim to build an interactive mobile game application that provides tourists and museum visitors with useful data concerning their visits putting into account their preferences, visit locations, and their knowledge level. The problem is that current sources of semantic networks contain a huge amount of irrelevant or useless data. It will be difficult to evaluate recommendations by players as they may not provide feedback and use it if they find the topics irrelevant or the data made no sense to them, hence at the early stages, it is important that recommendations get monitored and evaluated by experts. This will be done through an expert tool with visualization and collaboration features that will facilitate the process. The interactive game will provide users with three types of information; MCQs (Multiple choice questions), timelines and maps. A recommender system will recommend data provided to users after evaluation by experts.Esta investigación pretende hacer uso de la semántica para valorar el patrimonio cultural en Europa. Una enorme red de conocimiento se construirá a partir de múltiples fuentes de datos, incluyendo bases de conocimiento y ontologías como DBPedia y YAGO. Nuestro objetivo es construir una aplicación interactiva para juegos móviles que proporcione a los turistas y visitantes del museo datos útiles sobre sus visitas, teniendo en cuenta sus preferencias, lugares de visita y su nivel de conocimiento. El problema es que las fuentes actuales de redes semánticas contienen una gran cantidad de datos irrelevantes o inútiles. Será difícil evaluar las recomendaciones de los jugadores, ya que pueden no proporcionar retroalimentación y utilizarla si encuentran que los temas son irrelevantes o los datos no tienen sentido para ellos, por lo tanto, en las primeras etapas, es importante que las recomendaciones sean monitoreadas y evaluadas por expertos . Esto se hará a través de una herramienta experta con características de visualización y colaboración que facilitarán el proceso. El juego interactivo proporcionará a los usuarios tres tipos de información; MCQs (preguntas de opción múltiple), líneas de tiempo y mapas. Un sistema recomendador recomendará los datos proporcionados a los usuarios después de la evaluación por expertos.Esta investigación ten como obxectivo facer uso semántica para avaliar o patrimonio cultural en Europa. Unha enorme rede de coñecemento será construído a partir de múltiples fontes de datos, incluíndo bases e ontoloxías, como DBPedia e Yago coñecemento. O noso obxectivo é construír unha aplicación Mobile Game interactivo que ofrece os turistas e visitantes do museo con datos útiles sobre as súas visitas poñendo en conta as súas preferencias, localizacións visita, eo seu nivel de coñecemento. O problema é que as fontes actuais de redes semánticas conter unha enorme cantidade de datos irrelevantes ou inútiles. Será difícil avaliar recomendacións por xogadores como eles non poden proporcionar feedback e usalo se atopar os temas irrelevantes ou os datos non tiña sentido para eles, polo tanto, nas fases iniciais, é importante que as recomendacións se monitores e avaliados por especialistas . Isto farase a través dunha ferramenta especializada con recursos de visualización e colaboración que han facilitar o proceso. O xogo interactivo pode fornecer aos usuarios con tres tipos de información; MCQs (cuestións de múltiple elección), cronogramas e mapas. Un sistema de recomendación pode recomendar datos facilitados aos usuarios tras avaliación por expertos

    A mobile app to learn about cultural and historical associations in a closed loop with Humanities experts

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    The Horizon 2020 project CrossCult aims to highlight historical and cultural associations between different characters, locations, events, venues, or artworks, to develop new strategies with which to promote intercultural and cross-border aspects of history and heritage. This paper presents a pilot app that provides graph-based visualizations of those associations, arranged by Humanities experts in relation to several reflective topics, and glued together by narratives that may present the same facts from diverse points of view. After querying a knowledge base that brings together several Linked Data resources, the associations are curated by the experts using a dedicated tool, to ensure that only meaningful associations appear on the mobile app. In turn, the app users can contribute new associations in the form of written text, which the experts can turn into new concepts and properties in the knowledge base. Here, we present the design of the mobile app and the experts’ tool, together with the results of early experiments aimed at assessing the instructional value of the proposal.European CommissionXunta de GaliciaMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (España) | Ref. TIN2017-87604-

    On how technology-powered storytelling can contribute to cultural heritage sustainability across multiple venues-Evidence from the crosscult H2020 project

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    Sustainability in Cultural Heritage (CH) is a complex question that needs to be addressed by a group of experts tackling the different issues. In this light, the present work wishes to provide a multi-level analysis of the sustainability in CH, using as an example a recent European H2020 project (CrossCult) and the lessons learnt from its design, implementation and evaluation. The sustainability of CH has qualitatively changed over the last few years, under the developments in digital technology that seems to affect the very nature of the cultural experience. We discuss sustainability in venues using digital technologies, covering a span of needs of small/unknown and large/popular venues, which try to enhance the visitor experience, attract visitors, form venue networks, etc. Moreover, we explore issues of sustainability of digital content and its re usability through holistic design. Aspects of technology, human networks and data sustainability are also presented, and we conclude with the arguments concerning the sustainability of visitor reflection, the interpretation of social and historical phenomena and the creation of meaning

    Advanced Visual Interfaces to Represent Cultural ad Historical Facts and Associations in the CrossCult Eu Project

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    Proceedings of the International Conference Advances Visual Interfaces for Cultural Heritage (AVI-CH 2018), (Castiglione della Pescaia, 29 maggio-1 giugno 2018). The European CrossCult project, dedicated to the enhancement and dissemination of European cultural heritage thanks to new technologies, has offered the possibility to compare different research fields and, at the same time, to develop new methodological approaches. IT experts, computing engineers, historians, art historians and archaeologists have worked in four pilots for developing semantic knowledge and technological tools useful to create meaningful interactive experiences, both for individuals and groups. This paper provides an overview of the tools developed to display interactive visualizations of cultural and historical facts and associations. By Maddalena Bassani, Mart\uedn L\uf3pez-Nores, Ahmed Dahroug, Abdullah Daif, Silvia Gonz\ue1lez-Soutelo, Paola Zanovello, Susanna Reboreda-Morillo, Omar Gustavo Bravo Quezada

    A Mobile App to Learn About Cultural and Historical Associations in a Closed Loop with Humanities Experts

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    The Horizon 2020 project CrossCult aims to highlight historical and cultural associations between different characters, locations, events, venues, or artworks, to develop new strategies with which to promote intercultural and cross-border aspects of history and heritage. This paper presents a pilot app that provides graph-based visualizations of those associations, arranged by Humanities experts in relation to several reflective topics, and glued together by narratives that may present the same facts from diverse points of view. After querying a knowledge base that brings together several Linked Data resources, the associations are curated by the experts using a dedicated tool, to ensure that only meaningful associations appear on the mobile app. In turn, the app users can contribute new associations in the form of written text, which the experts can turn into new concepts and properties in the knowledge base. Here, we present the design of the mobile app and the experts’ tool, together with the results of early experiments aimed at assessing the instructional value of the proposal