479 research outputs found

    Locality of Corner Transformation for Multidimensional Spatial Access Methods

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    AbstractThe geometric structural complexity of spatial objects does not render an intuitive distance metric on the data space that measures spatial proximity. However, such a metric provides a formal basis for analytical work in transformation-based multidimensional spatial access methods, including locality preservation of the underlying transformation and distance-based spatial queries. We study the Hausdorff distance metric on the space of multidimensional polytopes, and prove a tight relationship between the metric on the original space of k-dimensional hyperrectangles and the standard p-normed metric on the transform space of 2k-dimensional points under the corner transformation, which justifies the effectiveness of the transformation-based technique in preserving spatial locality

    Fluid Models of Many-server Queues with Abandonment

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    We study many-server queues with abandonment in which customers have general service and patience time distributions. The dynamics of the system are modeled using measure- valued processes, to keep track of the residual service and patience times of each customer. Deterministic fluid models are established to provide first-order approximation for this model. The fluid model solution, which is proved to uniquely exists, serves as the fluid limit of the many-server queue, as the number of servers becomes large. Based on the fluid model solution, first-order approximations for various performance quantities are proposed

    Composite fermions traversing a potential barrier

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    Using a composite fermion picture, we study the lateral transport between two two-dimensional electron gases, at filling factor 1/2, separated by a potential barrier. In the mean field approximation, composite fermions far from the barrier do not feel a magnetic field while in the barrier region the effective magnetic field is different from zero. This produces a cutoff in the conductance when represented as a function of the thickness and height of the barrier. There is a range of barrier heights for which an incompressible liquid, at ν=1/3\nu =1/3, exists in the barrier region.Comment: 3 pages, latex, 4 figures available upon request from [email protected]. To appear in Physical Review B (RC) June 15t

    Superconductivity and single crystal growth of Ni0:05TaS2

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    Superconductivity was discovered in a Ni0:05TaS2 single crystal. A Ni0:05TaS2 single crystal was successfully grown via the NaCl/KCl flux method. The obtained lattice constant c of Ni0:05TaS2 is 1.1999 nm, which is significantly smaller than that of 2H-TaS2 (1.208 nm). Electrical resistivity and magnetization measurements reveal that the superconductivity transition temperature of Ni0:05TaS2 is enhanced from 0.8 K (2H-TaS2) to 3.9 K. The charge-density-wave transition of the matrix compound 2H-TaS2 is suppressed in Ni0:05TaS2. The success of Ni0:05TaS2 single crystal growth via a NaCl/KCl flux demonstrates that NaCl/KCl flux method will be a feasible method for single crystal growth of the layered transition metal dichalcogenides.Comment: 13pages, 6 figures, Published in SS

    Anomalous metamagnetism in the low carrier density Kondo lattice YbRh3Si7

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    We report complex metamagnetic transitions in single crystals of the new low carrier Kondo antiferromagnet YbRh3Si7. Electrical transport, magnetization, and specific heat measurements reveal antiferromagnetic order at T_N = 7.5 K. Neutron diffraction measurements show that the magnetic ground state of YbRh3Si7 is a collinear antiferromagnet where the moments are aligned in the ab plane. With such an ordered state, no metamagnetic transitions are expected when a magnetic field is applied along the c axis. It is therefore surprising that high field magnetization, torque, and resistivity measurements with H||c reveal two metamagnetic transitions at mu_0H_1 = 6.7 T and mu_0H_2 = 21 T. When the field is tilted away from the c axis, towards the ab plane, both metamagnetic transitions are shifted to higher fields. The first metamagnetic transition leads to an abrupt increase in the electrical resistivity, while the second transition is accompanied by a dramatic reduction in the electrical resistivity. Thus, the magnetic and electronic degrees of freedom in YbRh3Si7 are strongly coupled. We discuss the origin of the anomalous metamagnetism and conclude that it is related to competition between crystal electric field anisotropy and anisotropic exchange interactions.Comment: 23 pages and 4 figures in the main text. 7 pages and 5 figures in the supplementary materia

    Residual stress measurement round robin on an electron beam welded joint between austenitic stainless steel 316L(N) and ferritic steel P91

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    This paper is a research output of DMW-Creep project which is part of a national UK programme through the RCUK Energy programme and India's Department of Atomic Energy. The research is focussed on understanding the characteristics of welded joints between austenitic stainless steel and ferritic steel that are widely used in many nuclear power generating plants and petrochemical industries as well as conventional coal and gas-fired power systems. The members of the DMW-Creep project have under- taken parallel round robin activities measuring the residual stresses generated by a dissimilar metal weld (DMW) between AISI 316L(N) austenitic stainless steel and P91 ferritic-martensitic steel. Electron beam (EB) welding was employed to produce a single bead weld on a plate specimen and an additional smoothing pass (known cosmetic pass) was then introduced using a defocused beam. The welding re- sidual stresses have been measured by five experimental methods including (I) neutron diffraction (ND), (II) X-Ray diffraction (XRD), (III) contour method (CM), (IV) incremental deep hole drilling (iDHD) and (V) incremental centre hole drilling (iCHD). The round robin measurements of weld residual stresses are compared in order to characterise surface and sub-surface residual stresses comprehensively

    Photoproduction of the f2(1270) resonance

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    We have performed a calculation of the γp→π+π−p reaction, where the two pions have been separated in D-wave producing the f2(1270) resonance. We use elements of the local hidden gauge approach that provides the interaction of vector mesons in which the f2(1270) resonance appears as a ρ-ρ molecular state in L=0 and spin 2. The vector meson dominance, incorporated in the local hidden gauge approach converts a photon into a ρ0 meson and the other meson connects the photon with the proton. The picture is simple and has no free parameters, since the parameters of the theory have been constrained in the previous study of the vector-vector states. In a second step we introduce new elements, not present in the local hidden gauge approach, adapting the ρ propagator to Regge phenomenology and introducing the ρNN tensor coupling. We find that both the differential cross section as well as the t dependence of the cross section are in good agreement with the experimental results and provide support for the molecular picture of the f2(1270) in the first baryonic reaction where it has been tested

    On the precipitation hardening of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg

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    Precipitation hardening of selective laser melted AlSi10Mg was investigated in terms of solution heat treatment and aging duration. The influence on the microstructure and hardness was established, as was the effect on the size and density of Si particles. Although the hardness changes according to the treatment duration, the maximum hardening effect falls short of the hardness of the as-built parts with their characteristic fine microstructure. This is due to the difference in strengthening mechanisms