72 research outputs found

    Perilaku Komunikasi Suami Istri Pelayar dalam Membina Keharmonisan Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Puger Kabupaten Jember

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    Menjaga keutuhan dari sebuah pernikahan tidak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, banyak yang dilalui dalam kehidupan ini. Dalam hubungan rumah tangga yang harmonis dan seimbang suami istri berupaya saling melengkapi dan menyempurnakan serta sebaliknya. Mereka menyatu dan ikut merasakan apa yang dirasakan anggota keluarga yang lain. Mereka saling mengobati, saling membahagiakan dan menyatukan langkah dan tujuan, keduanya menyiapkan sarana untuk menggapai kelurga yang harmonis.Dari hasil penelitian ini memperoleh bahwa perlaku komunikasi suami istri pelayar dalam menjaga keharonisan keluarga, dalam beromunikasi ditanamkan saling mengerti, menghargai, dan saling mempercayai, serta terpenuhnya kebutuhan biologis, adapun hambatannya dalam komunikasi berawal dari saling tidak memahami pesan komunikasi, dan sulitnya bekomunikasi jarak jauh.

    Pelatihan Public Speaking untuk Membangun Kepercayaan Diri dan Keterampilan Berbicara pada Ibu-Ibu Pengurus Kelompok Pengajian di Kecamatan Sukorambi Jember

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    Public speaking skills or public speaking are very useful in the process of self-development for anyone, especially for someone who does have a role in an organization or group in society. However, many people, including women, feel that they are not even able to speak in public because they lack confidence, do not understand the material, or do not understand how to do it. Therefore, public speaking skills must be cultivated, safe and developed continuously. This became the basis for the implementation of the Community Service Program (PKM), which was attended by 25 women representatives from recitation groups in the Sukorambi Jember. The PKM program is packaged in the form of training with the aim of building confidence in public speaking, understanding the material to be delivered, and being able to apply public speaking techniques. During the training, participants receive basic materials and public speaking techniques and the opportunity to practice directly. Implementation starts from the initial observation stage, orientation, introduction of material, practice, and ends with evaluation. The results of the training were quite good, it was proven that at the end of the meeting, the participants had achieved adequate public speaking skills, increased self-confidence, were able to present material well, and were able to apply public speaking techniques


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    ABSTRAK DAHLIAH. 2019. Strategi pemasaran berbasis elektronik dalam membangun keunggulan bersaing pada usaha kecil (Studi pada Adenny Sutera di Kabupaten Wajo). Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Dr. Tuti Supatminingsih, S.E., M.Si dan Dr. Mustari, S.E., M.Si. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data-data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer maupun sekunder, data ini diperoleh peneliti melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini, Strategi pemasaran berbasis elektronik yang dilakukan oleh Adenny Sutera di Kabupaten Wajo dalam membangun keunggulan bersaing adalah dengan bauran pemasaran yaitu (1) Produk, berupa Kain dan Sarung Sutera, (2) harga dalam memutuskan harga jual produk pemilik usaha berpatokan pada harga BOP (Biaya Operasional) tertinggi, (3) tempat usaha yang strategis dan mudah di jangkau karna berada di kampoeng penjualan sarung sutera di Kabupaten Wajo, dan (4) promosi melakukan promosi secara offline dan online, Kendala yang dialami Adenny Sutera dalam melakukan strategi pemasaran berbasis elektronik yaitu: kendala internal meliputi: terbatasnya ketersediaan produk, kendala eksternal meliputi: persaingan, pengambilan gambar produk (plagiat) pihak lain, penipuan yang dilakukan calon konsumen. Kata Kunci: Strategi Pemasaran, elektronik

    MOVING OUT OF POVERTY MODEL THROUGH COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT (Study of littoral communities in Makassar)

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    The aims of this study; 1) to analyze the poverty levels of littoral communities in Makassar. 2) To reinforce the economic sector based on littoral potency by Moving Out of Poverty (MOP) model along with government programs. 3) To utilize the potential and empowerment of littoral communities. Seemingly, poverty as deficient conditions by individuals or communities. Conceptually, this study was conducted by a quantitative paradigm with a case study approach. The data obtained from observations, depth interviews, and questionnaires. The studies showed that: there was a significant effect in strengthening the quality of the human resources to empowerment. Subsequently, no significant effect between economic institutions to empowerment, There was a significant effect between fishing gear or production equipment to empowerment, There was not a significant effect in improving the quality of the human resources to Moving Out of Poverty (MOP) by empowerment, There was no effect between economic institutions and Moving Out of Poverty (MOP) by empowerment, There was no effect of fishing gear to Moving Out of Poverty (MOP) significantly, There was no significant effect between education to Moving Out of Poverty (MOP)

    Model Pembelajaran Sains Berbasis Al-Qur’an Pendekatan Project Base Learning (Studi Kasus Di SDS Al-Hikmah Mampang Jakarta Selatan)

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    At the elementary school level, science learning outcomes contain the competencies and essential content which so far have focused more on aspects of cognitive competence. The competence of understanding and practicing religion is often forgotten. In fact, the goal of national education is to develop the potential of students to become human beings of faith and piety to God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible state. To make human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, and have noble character, it is necessary to apply the Al-Qur'an based science learning model with the Project Base Learning approach, so that students can understand that all knowledge including science originates from Allah which is contained in the Al-Qur'an. The purpose of this study was to describe the steps for implementing the Qur'an based science learning model with the Project Base Learning approach at Al-Hikmah Mampang private elementary school, South Jakarta. The research method used a survey method with data collection techniques through interviews, observation of teachers and students of grades V as well as documentation studies. The results showed that the steps for implementing the Al-Quran-based science learning model with the Project Base Learning approach at Al-Hikmah Mampang Private Elementary School, South Jakarta started from the Learning Implementation Plan, namely the materials to be taught were given the spirituality of the contents of the Al-Quran, then explained in detail through Project Base Learning as well as deepening through learning evaluation


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    Directions of coaching and improving the quality of teachers should be oriented towards the establishment of effective teachers, namely teachers who were willing and able to leverage the entire potential of the internal and external optimally (powerful) to achieve education goals maximally effective teachers would be different from usual teachers. Effective teachers would give a touch that was relatively well targeted and more oriented towards building motivation. This was what distinguished effective teachers with usual teachers was simply teaching and giving material according to curriculum without accompanied of the implementation of the functions of the teacher's own personalit

    Metode Penyelesaian Ta‘arud al-Adillah dan Implikasinya terhadap Penetapan Hukum Islam

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    Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa ta‘arud al-adillah ialah kontradiksi antara dua dalil, salah satu menunjukkan hukum yang berbeda dengan hukum dalil lainnya. Pemahaman tentang adanya kontradiksi antara suatu dalil dengan dalil lainnya dapat diketahui dengan cara mengetahui makna lahiriah kedua dalil. Kontradiksi dapat terjadi pada dalil naqli maupun ‘aqli dan dapat terjadi pada dalil qat‘i maupun zanni. Kontradiksi yang terjadi hanya secara lahiriah. Implikasi penelitian ini mengemukakan bahwa ta‘arud al-adillah dapat diselesaikan dengan dua aliran metode, yaitu metode Hanafiyah dan Syafi‘iyah. Metode Hanafiyah menempuh cara: nasakh, tarjih, al-jam‘u wa al-taufiq, kemudian tasaqut al-dalilain. Syafi‘iyah dilakukan dengan cara: al-jam‘u wa al-taufiq, tarjih, nasakh, kemudian tasaqut al-dalilain. Ta‘arud al-adillah dapat ditemukan pada ayat-ayat hukum yang berkaitan dengan hukum ibadah, hukum ahwal al-syakhsiyah (hukum privat), dan hukum jinayah (hukum pidana) yang termasuk hukum publik
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