219 research outputs found

    Bevarande av orangutangen

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    Orangutanger är endemiskt förekommande på öarna Borneo och Sumatra i Malaysia och Indonesien. Det finns tre arter: Sumatraorangutangen (Pongo abelii), Borneoorangutangen (Pongo pygmaeus) och den nyupptäckta Tapanuliorangutangen (Pongo tapanuliensis). Alla tre arter är utrotningshotade till följd av tjuvjakt och att deras livsmiljö försvinner. Orangutanger är starkt beroende av regnskogen, både som livsmiljö och föda. De är de största trädlevande djuren, och spenderar mer än 90 % av sin tid i träden. När regnskog skövlas och omvandlas till storskaliga lantbruk förlorar orangutangerna sitt naturliga habitat. Det gör att de får svårt att införskaffa föda, begränsas i sin rörlighet och blir mer utsatta för tjuvjakt. Orangutangernas låga reproduktionshastighet i kombination med förlusten av regnskog försvårar bevarandeinsatser. Omfattande avskogning resulterar i en stark nedgång av antalet orangutanger. För närvarande är Malaysia och Indonesien stora problemområden vad gäller avskogning, tropiska torvmarksbränder och storskalig plantageutveckling. Den antropogena påverkan på skogen i Indonesien och Malaysia leder dessutom till att skogsbränder ökar i frekvens och omfattning. Skogsbränderna resulterar i att ännu mer av orangutangernas livsmiljö går förlorad, men även i massiva koldioxidutsläpp och spridning av hälsofarligt rökdis. Hastigheten och omfattningen på skogsomvandlingen är som värst i ländernas biodiversitetsrika torvmarker, vilka fungerar alltmer som livsmiljöer åt orangutang, sumatratiger och sumatranoshörning. Avskogningen i dessa områden beror främst på en hög efterfrågan på palmolja, men också på timmer till pappersproduktion. Palmolja är världens mest eftertraktade vegetabiliska olja. Den ger ett högre utbyte än alla andra vegetabiliska oljor och användningsområdena är många. Produktionen av palmolja ger arbetstillfällen, lön och sysselsättning, samtidigt som den leder till miljöpåverkan och en försämrad folkhälsa. Malaysia och Indonesien står i nuläget för 86 % av den globala palmoljeproduktionen och efterfrågan på palmolja uppskattas att tredubblas till år 2050. Ett annat betydande hot mot orangutanger är tjuvjakt. Även om förlusten av orangutangernas habitat skulle kunna förhindras är tjuvjakten i sig ett tillräckligt stort hot för att kunna leda till arternas utrotning. Orangutanger dödas främst för sitt kött, men också till följd av konflikt med människor. I de konfliktrelaterade fallen beror tjuvjakten ofta på självförsvar eller rädsla. Tjuvjakten går även att koppla till avskogning och lantbruk, då orangutanger blir mer utsatta när deras livsmiljöer försvinner. Slutsatsen av denna studie är att planer för bevarande av orangutanger bör fokusera på flera områden. På grund av det stora behovet är en bojkott av palmolja orealistisk. Markanvändning kopplad till palmoljeproduktionen måste dock göras mer hållbar om orangutanger ska kunna bevaras. All markanvändning bör planeras så att negativ påverkan på orangutanger och andra utrotningshotade arter kan minimeras eller undvikas. Områden som fungerar som livsmiljö åt orangutanger bör skyddas långsiktigt. Utöver detta bör lagar kring tjuvjakt och handel med vilda djur stärkas, och framför allt bör brottsbekämpningen följas upp så att tjuvjägare faktiskt blir åtalade och straffade. Bevarandeprojekt bör även prioritera att sprida kunskap om orangutanger och deras betydelse för världen vi lever i.Orangutans are endemic on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra in Malaysia and Indonesia. There are three species of orangutans: the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii), the Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and the recently discovered Tapanuli orangutan (Pongo tapanuliensis). All three species are endangered as a result of habitat loss and poaching. Orangutans are highly dependent on the rainforest. They are the largest arboreal animals, spending more than 90 % of their time in the trees. When rainforests are deforested and transformed into large-scale farming the orangutans lose their natural habitat. They have difficulties finding food, their movement becomes restricted and they become more vulnerable to poaching. The slow reproduction rate of the orangutans in combination with the huge losses of rainforests complicates conservation efforts. Extensive industrial deforestation results in a sharp decline in the number of orangutans. Currently, Malaysia and Indonesia are hotspot areas for deforestation, tropical peat fires and large-scale plantation development. The anthropogenic impact on forests in Indonesia and Malaysia leads to the increase of forest fires. Forest fires result in the loss of even more of orangutan habitat, but also in massive carbon dioxide emissions and the spread of health hazardous smoke. The biodiversity-rich peat swamp forests in these countries are affected the most. The deforestation of these areas is mainly due to a high demand for palm oil, but also for timber to produce paper. Palm oil is the most sought-after vegetable oil in the world, with a higher yield than oil from both rapeseed, sunflower seed and soybean. The applications are many. Palm oil production provides income and employment, but also leads to environmental impact and impaired public health. Malaysia and Indonesia currently account for 86 % of the global palm oil production, and demand for palm oil is believed to triple by the year of 2050. Another significant threat to the orangutans is poaching. This threat alone could lead to the extinction of these species, even if the deforestation could be reduced. Orangutans are killed mainly for their meat but also because of human-wildlife conflict. In the conflict-related cases, the hunting is often due to self-defense or fear. Poaching can also be linked to deforestation and agriculture, as orangutans become more vulnerable when their habitats are lost. The conclusion of this study is that conservation plans for orangutans should focus on several aspects. Because of the great need and the many applications, a boycott of palm oil is an unrealistic solution. However, if the orangutans should have a chance to survive, the land use planning connected to palm oil production must be made more sustainable. Forest conversion and land use should be planned so that any negative effects on orangutans and other endangered species can be minimized or avoided. Areas serving as habitats for orangutans should be long term protected. In addition, laws concerning poaching and wildlife trade should be strengthened. Above all, law enforcement should lead to consequences for poachers, such as prosecution and punishment. Conservation projects should also prioritize disseminating knowledge about orangutans and their importance to the world we live in

    Den late, den lösaktige och staten En studie av manliga och kvinnliga lösdrivare i Malmö under perioden år 1903 till år 1913

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    Enligt 1885 års lösdriverilag kunde både män och kvinnor gripas för lösdriveri och sedan dömas till tvångsarbete. I detta arbete kommer kontrollen av lösdrivare under perioden år 1903 till år 1913 att undersökas. En del av arbetet belyser om det förelåg några likheter eller skillnader beroende på lösdrivarnas kön samt om detta förelåg vilka var orsakerna till detta. Arbetslagstiftningen, fattigvårdslagstiftningen samt lösdriverilagstiftningen har ett nära samband som belyses för att visa på hur situationen såg ut för lösdrivare i början av 1900-talet. Arbetslagstiftningen och fattigvårdslagstiftningen redovisas var för sig historiskt för att lämpligast tydliggöra lagstiftningarnas nära samband med lösdriveri samt hur de påverkar situationen för lösdrivaren i början av 1900-talet. I huvudsak behandlar arbetet lösdrivare och därför belyses också den reglering som tillämpades mot dessa under perioden år 1903 till år 1913. Som underlag för arbetet föreligger en empirisk undersökning som författaren gjort utifrån de manliga och kvinnliga lösdrivare som anhölls och dömdes till tvångsarbete för lösdriveri i Malmö från år 1903 till år 1913. Undersökning visar på hur kontrollen mot lösdrivare yttrade sig i praktiken.According to lag SFS (1885:27) om lösdrifvares behandling could both men and women be arrested and then sentenced to forced labor for vagrancy. In this essay the control of the vagrants during the time period 1903 to 1913 will be examined. Part of the essay examines if there were any similarities or differences depending on the sex of the vagrant, and if this was the case, what was the reason behind it. Labor legislation, poor relief legislation and the legislation concerning vagrants were all closely linked which will be presented to show the situation for vagrants in the early 20th century. Legislation concerning labor and poor relief will be presented separately historically to clarify each legislations close bond to vagrancy and how they affect the vagrants’ situation in the early 20th century. Since the essay mainly focuses on vagrants the legislation directly applied against them during the time period 1903 to 1913 will be presented. The essay is also based on an empirical study made by the author of the essay. The study consist of the male and female vagrant who was arrested and sentenced to forced labor for vagrancy in Malmö from the time period 1903 to 1913. The study shows how the control against vagrants was performed practically

    Asiakasturvallisuus Sotainvalidien Sairaskodilla ja Kuntoutuskeskuksessa asiakkaiden kokemana

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    Opinnäytetyön aiheena oli asiakasturvallisuus. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata Sotainvalidien Sairaskodin ja Kuntoutuskeskuksen asiakkaiden näkemyksiä asiakasturvallisuudesta. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa asiakkaiden kokemista asiakasturvallisuusriskeistä Sotainvalidien Sairaskodin ja Kuntoutuskeskuksen toiminnassa. Saadut tutkimustulokset voidaan liittää osaksi kyseisen Sotainvalidien Sairaskodin ja Kuntoutuskeskuksen asiakasturvallisuusstrategiaa ja sen kehittämistä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyössä Sotainvalidien Sairaskodin ja Kuntoutuskeskuksen kanssa. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä toimi yhteistyöorganisaation asiakkaat. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena tutkimuksena ja aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin kyselylomaketta. Kyselylomake sisälsi strukturoituja sekä avoimia kysymyksiä. Kyselylomake muodostui neljästä kysymysosiosta, taustatiedoista, hoidon turvallisuudesta, lääkitysturvallisuudesta sekä laitteiston ja fyysisen ympäristön turvallisuudesta. Kyselylomakkeita jaettiin Sotainvalidien Sairaskodin ja Kuntoutus-keskuksen kaikille kolmelle osastolle yhteensä 65 kappaletta. Kyselylomakkeet täytti ja palautti yhteensä 36 vastaajaa. Vastausprosentti oli 55. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että Sotainvalidien Sairaskodin ja Kuntoutuskeskuksen asiakkaat olivat pääsääntöisesti tyytyväisiä toteutuneeseen asiakasturvallisuuteen. Näkemykset hoidon turvallisuudesta olivat suurimmaksi osaksi positiivisia, vaikka joitakin haittatapahtumia oli sattunut. Vastausten perusteella asiakkaat olivat pääsääntöisesti tyytyväisiä myös lääkitysturvallisuuden toteutumiseen. Hoitohenkilökunnan ammattitaitoon luotettiin pääsääntöisesti. Vastausten perusteella asiakkaat olivat tyytyväisiä laitteiston ja fyysisen ympäristön turvallisuuden toteutumiseen. Lisäksi opinnäytetyön tutkimustulokset voidaan liittää osaksi yhteistyöorganisaation asiakasturvallisuusstrategiaa. Jatkotutkimuksena voi toteuttaa haastatteluita asiakasturvallisuuden toteutumisesta asiakkaille sekä kyselylomaketta parantelemalla ja päivittämällä uusi kysely asiakkaille.Subject of this thesis was client safety. The purpose of this thesis was to describe clients experiences around client safety in disabled veterans nursing home and rehabilitation center. Target of this thesis was to produce knowledge of risks in client safety. Results of this survey were added in to a client safety strategy in disabled veteran nursing home and rehabilitation center. This thesis was made in alliance with disabled veterans nursing home and rehabilitation center. Target group was the clients of the disabled veterans nursing home and rehabilitation center. Research method was quantitative survey. Material was collected with questionnaire. Questionnaire included structured questions and open questions. Questionnaire consisted of four different parts. These four parts consisted of background information, nursing safety, medicine safety, appliance safety and surrounding safety. Questionnaires were spreaded around all three wards in disabled veterans nursing home and rehabilitation center. There were 65 questions. 36 clients responded to this survey. The response rate was 55 percent. Based on the results a conclusion can be made that clients of the disabled veterans nursing home and rehabilitation center are pleased with the client safety. Experiences of the clients are as a rule positive although there were some harm happened. Based on the results I can make a conclusion that clients are pleased with the medicine safety also. Clients trusted the staff as a rule. Based on the results can make conclusion that clients are pleased with appliance safety and surroundings safety. Results of this thesis can be added to the client safety strategy. Further study can be for examble interviews to the clients about client safety. Further study can also be updated and improved version of the survey

    Embryogenesis and Larval Biology of the Cold-WaterCoral Lophelia pertusa

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    Cold-water coral reefs form spectacular and highly diverse ecosystems in the deep sea but little is known about reproduction, and virtually nothing about the larval biology in these corals. This study is based on data from two locations of the North East Atlantic and documents the first observations of embryogenesis and larval development in Lophelia pertusa, the most common framework-building cold-water scleractinian. Embryos developed in a more or less organized radial cleavage pattern from ,160 mm large neutral or negatively buoyant eggs, to 120–270 mm long ciliated planulae. Embryogenesis was slow with cleavage occurring at intervals of 6–8 hours up to the 64-cell stage. Genetically characterized larvae were sexually derived, with maternal and paternal alleles present. Larvae were active swimmers (0.5 mm s21) initially residing in the upper part of the water column, with bottom probing behavior starting 3–5 weeks after fertilization. Nematocysts had developed by day 30, coinciding with peak bottom-probing behavior, and possibly an indication that larvae are fully competent to settle at this time. Planulae survived for eight weeks under laboratory conditions, and preliminary results indicate that these planulae are planktotrophic. The late onset of competency and larval longevity suggests a high dispersal potential. Understanding larval biology and behavior is of paramount importance for biophysical modeling of larval dispersal, which forms the basis for predictions of connectivity among populations

    Eurooppalaisen innovaatiopolitiikan uusi vaihde vihreässä siirtymässä jatkaa monitasoisen hallinnon tiellä

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    Uuden vihreän innovaatiopolitiikan alustaksi muodostuvat alueelliset yhteistyöverkostot älykkään erikoistumisen strategioiden toteuttamisessa. Euroopan komission ja Alueiden komitean aloitteella Partnerships for Regional Innovation Pohjanmaalla haetaan seuraavan vaiheen vihreän siirtymän innovaatiopolitiikkaa

    Parental micronutrient deficiency distorts liver DNA methylation and expression of lipid genes associated with a fatty-liver-like phenotype in offspring

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    Micronutrient status of parents can affect long term health of their progeny. Around 2 billion humans are affected by chronic micronutrient deficiency. In this study we use zebrafish as a model system to examine morphological, molecular and epigenetic changes in mature offspring of parents that experienced a one-carbon (1-C) micronutrient deficiency. Zebrafish were fed a diet sufficient, or marginally deficient in 1-C nutrients (folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, methionine, choline), and then mated. Offspring livers underwent histological examination, RNA sequencing and genome-wide DNA methylation analysis. Parental 1-C micronutrient deficiency resulted in increased lipid inclusion and we identified 686 differentially expressed genes in offspring liver, the majority of which were downregulated. Downregulated genes were enriched for functional categories related to sterol, steroid and lipid biosynthesis, as well as mitochondrial protein synthesis. Differential DNA methylation was found at 2869 CpG sites, enriched in promoter regions and permutation analyses confirmed the association with parental feed. Our data indicate that parental 1-C nutrient status can persist as locus specific DNA methylation marks in descendants and suggest an effect on lipid utilization and mitochondrial protein translation in F1 livers. This points toward parental micronutrients status as an important factor for offspring health and welfare.publishedVersio

    Grammatical gender and linguistic complexity I: General issues and specific studies

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    The many facets of grammatical gender remain one of the most fruitful areas of linguistic research, and pose fascinating questions about the origins and development of complexity in language. The present work is a two-volume collection of 13 chapters on the topic of grammatical gender seen through the prism of linguistic complexity. The contributions discuss what counts as complex and/or simple in grammatical gender systems, whether the distribution of gender systems across the world’s languages relates to the language ecology and social history of speech communities. Contributors demonstrate how the complexity of gender systems can be studied synchronically, both in individual languages and over large cross-linguistic samples, and diachronically, by exploring how gender systems change over time. In addition to three chapters on the theoretical foundations of gender complexity, volume one contains six chapters on grammatical gender and complexity in individual languages and language families of Africa, New Guinea, and South Asia. This volume is complemented by volume two, which consists of three chapters providing diachronic and typological case studies, followed by a final chapter discussing old and new theoretical and empirical challenges in the study of the dynamics of gender complexity

    Grammatical gender and linguistic complexity I: General issues and specific studies

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    The many facets of grammatical gender remain one of the most fruitful areas of linguistic research, and pose fascinating questions about the origins and development of complexity in language. The present work is a two-volume collection of 13 chapters on the topic of grammatical gender seen through the prism of linguistic complexity. The contributions discuss what counts as complex and/or simple in grammatical gender systems, whether the distribution of gender systems across the world’s languages relates to the language ecology and social history of speech communities. Contributors demonstrate how the complexity of gender systems can be studied synchronically, both in individual languages and over large cross-linguistic samples, and diachronically, by exploring how gender systems change over time. In addition to three chapters on the theoretical foundations of gender complexity, volume one contains six chapters on grammatical gender and complexity in individual languages and language families of Africa, New Guinea, and South Asia. This volume is complemented by volume two, which consists of three chapters providing diachronic and typological case studies, followed by a final chapter discussing old and new theoretical and empirical challenges in the study of the dynamics of gender complexity

    Grammatical gender and linguistic complexity I: General issues and specific studies

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    The many facets of grammatical gender remain one of the most fruitful areas of linguistic research, and pose fascinating questions about the origins and development of complexity in language. The present work is a two-volume collection of 13 chapters on the topic of grammatical gender seen through the prism of linguistic complexity. The contributions discuss what counts as complex and/or simple in grammatical gender systems, whether the distribution of gender systems across the world’s languages relates to the language ecology and social history of speech communities. Contributors demonstrate how the complexity of gender systems can be studied synchronically, both in individual languages and over large cross-linguistic samples, and diachronically, by exploring how gender systems change over time. In addition to three chapters on the theoretical foundations of gender complexity, volume one contains six chapters on grammatical gender and complexity in individual languages and language families of Africa, New Guinea, and South Asia. This volume is complemented by volume two, which consists of three chapters providing diachronic and typological case studies, followed by a final chapter discussing old and new theoretical and empirical challenges in the study of the dynamics of gender complexity