62 research outputs found

    How Jesuit Stars Can Win the Core Wars

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    The University Chameleon: Identity and Time Issues Faced by Faculty in Dual Positions

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    My transition into full-time administration came gradually. A young assistant professor of English, I got my first taste of administration when I accepted a position as coordinator of my university’s study abroad programs. Later I served an enriching experience as director of my university’s honors college. With both positions, I remained on faculty, teaching usually a couple of courses each semester. Over time, I felt a certain dissonance in my dual role. A double agent of sorts,1 I felt pulled-in terms of time and especially identity-between my role as faculty member and my role as administrator. In fact, I came to a juncture in my career when I knew that I had essentially two choices: to return to full-time faculty or to move into full-time administration. I chose the latter, thereby resolving, at least in part, the tension that I had earlier felt

    Using NEPA to Exclude the Poor

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    Faith Community Nurse Education: A Conceptual Model

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    As a specialty practice, faith community nursing embodies knowledge that is unique to the practice and requires both generic and specialty training. Scarce research has been conducted on the effectiveness of basic faith community nurse curricula. As the landscape of education continues to be refined in the faith community nurse specialty practice, coupled with limited available research for the evaluation of effectiveness, a conceptual model for faith community nurse education is needed. Faith Community Nurse Education Conceptual Model incorporates both internal and external factors that impact the environment in which education occurs and acknowledges God as the author and finisher of our faith. Several theories intertwine to create the environment in which faith community nurse education occurs: (a) General Systems Theory, (b) Holistic Health Model, and (c) Humanistic Learning Theory. The central overarching theme of educational events should be holism and spirituality that inspire therapeutic interactions with others and is mediated by the omnipresent God. Participants should leave educational events empowered for exceptional practice

    An Examination of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Job Satisfaction and Emotional Well-Being of ICU Nurses

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    Healthcare systems have been demonstrably altered because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Resources were stretched and patient conditions deteriorated on a scale previously unseen, leaving nurses at the forefront to face the adversities brought about by the pandemic. In this study, a questionnaire was utilized to better understand how COVID-19 has impacted the stress level, resilience/well-being, moral distress, job satisfaction/enjoyment, practice environment, and intent to remain in the nursing profession of nursing alums from East Tennessee State University. This study focused on a subset of nurses working in critical care, to consider the impact that the pandemic had on ICU nurses’ emotional well-being and job enjoyment. This study collected general demographics and information regarding how each participant’s work was impacted as a result of COVID-19. The Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI) questionnaire, Job Enjoyment Scale (JES), and Professional Quality of Life (Pro-QOL) scales were also leveraged to gain an understanding of the participants’ perspectives on their work and mental situations. The results showed that critical nurses generally answered more negatively on the PES-NWI, JES, and ProQOL scales. The study concludes that ICU nurses have lower emotional well-being and job enjoyment than nurses in general and may have been more greatly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic

    The Challenges of Educating the Adults of the Middle East and North Africa

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    The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is a diverse region with 7.7% of the world\u27s population and 4.3% of the world\u27s GDP (Abed & Davoodi, 2003). The region has approximately 75% of the world\u27s oil supply. In spite of the oil exports, the 21 Arab countries, Afghanistan, Iran, and 2 territories of the region have some of the highest rates of unemployment and poverty in the world. The region also has a significantly large and growing population of children under 14. Couple this with serious environmental issues and there are critical consequences for the future. To avoid these consequences, the region has to face economic development now. Before it can promote any type of economic development in the region, the MENA countries must first invest in knowledge. The current MENA educational systems are outdated and will be inadequate to handle all of the needs to effectively prepare their youth and adults for the workplace. One case study provides hope for this challenging situation through the use of adult education methodologies

    Chaucer\u27s Pandarus : a character study

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    Chaucer \u27s Pandarus has been an intriguing character for me ever since my first exposure, as an undergraduate, to Troilus and ­Criseyde. Pandarus interests me because he is true to human nature in that he is not consistently one way all of the time. Like most human beings, Pandarus has many facets to his nature; therefore, I find it distressing that many critics and students of Chaucer will not acknowledge this complexity but rather tend to want to stereotype him. If Pandarus were a simple, transparent character, then his rank in English literature would be considerably less significant. It is my purpose in this thesis, then, to discover and point out many of the facets of Pandarus\u27 complex character and, through this probe, to give the reader a better understanding and appreciation of one of Chaucer\u27s most famous characters

    Transatlantic terror: James Hammond’s circulating library and the Minerva Press Gothic novel

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    This essay examines the cataloguing practices of James Hammond, the proprietor of a large nineteenth-century New England circulating library, and the marginalia in his collection of sixty-five Minerva Press gothic novels, which were later acquired by the New York Society Library in New York City. Hammond’s catalogues, four of which are examined here, arranged and altered Minerva titles and authors and appended reviews. These promotional strategies foregrounded the gothic content of these novels and attested to their quality. In so doing, the catalogues assisted subscribers in selecting books and prepared them for reading those selections. If Hammond’s catalogs prepared patrons for quality gothic reading experiences, the novels’ marginalia reshaped patrons’ expectations and influenced their engagement with the novels. Written by other subscribers or earlier readers, these marginalia evaluated the novels and commented on their gothic and non-gothic elements. In the process, the marginalia sometimes supported, and at other times conflicted with, Hammond’s promotional strategies. For Hammond’s patrons, the catalogues and the marginalia constituted two points of entry into the Minerva gothic novel. Only by examining both the catalogues and the marginalia can scholars assess the degree to which Minerva’s gothic novels terrified and delighted New England readers decades after the press’s London heyday
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