1,279 research outputs found

    Low, Milky-Way like, Molecular Gas Excitation of Massive Disk Galaxies at z~1.5

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    We present evidence for Milky-Way-like, low-excitation molecular gas reservoirs in near-IR selected massive galaxies at z~1.5, based on IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer CO[3-2] and NRAO Very Large Array CO[1-0] line observations for two galaxies that had been previously detected in CO[2-1] emission. The CO[3-2] flux of BzK-21000 at z=1.522 is comparable within the errors to its CO[2-1] flux, implying that the CO[3-2] transition is significantly sub-thermally excited. The combined CO[1-0] observations of the two sources result in a detection at the 3 sigma level that is consistent with a higher CO[1-0] luminosity than that of CO[2-1]. Contrary to what is observed in submillimeter galaxies and QSOs, in which the CO transitions are thermally excited up to J>=3, these galaxies have low-excitation molecular gas, similar to that in the Milky Way and local spirals. This is the first time that such conditions have been observed at high redshift. A Large Velocity Gradient analysis suggests that molecular clouds with density and kinetic temperature comparable to local spirals can reproduce our observations. The similarity in the CO excitation properties suggests that a high, Milky-Way-like, CO to H_2 conversion factor could be appropriate for these systems. If such low-excitation properties are representative of ordinary galaxies at high redshift, centimeter telescopes such as the Expanded Very Large Array and the longest wavelength Atacama Large Millimeter Array bands will be the best tools for studying the molecular gas content in these systems through the observations of CO emission lines.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. ApJ Letters in pres

    The contribution of starbursts and normal galaxies to infrared luminosity functions at z < 2

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    We present a parameter-less approach to predict the shape of the infrared (IR) luminosity function (LF) at redshifts z < 2. It requires no tuning and relies on only three observables: (1) the redshift evolution of the stellar mass function for star-forming galaxies, (2) the evolution of the specific star formation rate (sSFR) of main-sequence galaxies, and (3) the double-Gaussian decomposition of the sSFR-distribution at fixed stellar mass into a contribution (assumed redshift- and mass-invariant) from main-sequence and starburst activity. This self-consistent and simple framework provides a powerful tool for predicting cosmological observables: observed IR LFs are successfully matched at all z < 2, suggesting a constant or only weakly redshift-dependent contribution (8-14%) of starbursts to the star formation rate density. We separate the contributions of main-sequence and starburst activity to the global IR LF at all redshifts. The luminosity threshold above which the starburst component dominates the IR LF rises from log(LIR/Lsun) = 11.4 to 12.8 over 0 < z < 2, reflecting our assumed (1+z)^2.8-evolution of sSFR in main-sequence galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures & 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJL. Minor typos corrected in v2 following receipt of proof

    Very High Gas Fractions and Extended Gas Reservoirs in z=1.5 Disk Galaxies

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    We present evidence for very high gas fractions and extended molecular gas reservoirs in normal, near-infrared selected (BzK) galaxies at z~1.5, based on multi-configuration CO[2-1] observations obtained at the IRAM PdBI. Six of the six galaxies observed were securely detected. High resolution observations resolve the CO emission in four of them, implying sizes of order of 6-11 kpc and suggesting the presence of rotation. The UV morphologies are consistent with clumpy, unstable disks, and the UV sizes are consistent with the CO sizes. The star formation efficiencies are homogeneously low and similar to local spirals - the resulting gas depletion times are ~0.5 Gyr, much higher than what is seen in high-z submm galaxies and quasars. The CO luminosities can be predicted to within 0.15 dex from the star formation rates and stellar masses, implying a tight correlation of the gas mass with these quantities. We use dynamical models of clumpy disk galaxies to derive dynamical masses. These models are able to reproduce the peculiar spectral line shapes of the CO emission. After accounting for the stellar and dark matter masses we derive gas masses of 0.4-1.2x10^11 Msun. The conversion factor is very high: alpha_CO=3.6+-0.8, consistent with the Galaxy but four times higher than that of local ultra-luminous IR galaxies. The gas accounts for an impressive 50-65% of the baryons within the galaxies' half light radii. We are witnessing truly gas-dominated galaxies at z~1.5, a finding that explains the high specific SFRs observed for z>1 galaxies. The BzK galaxies can be viewed as scaled-up versions of local disk galaxies, with low efficiency star formation taking place inside extended, low excitation gas disks. They are markedly different than local ULIRGs and high-z submm galaxies, which have more excited and compact gas.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, 22 pages, 18 figures, minor revision

    A molecular line scan in the Hubble Deep Field North

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    We present a molecular line scan in the Hubble Deep Field North (HDF-N) that covers the entire 3mm window (79-115 GHz) using the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer. Our CO redshift coverage spans z2. We reach a CO detection limit that is deep enough to detect essentially all z>1 CO lines reported in the literature so far. We have developed and applied different line searching algorithms, resulting in the discovery of 17 line candidates. We estimate that the rate of false positive line detections is ~2/17. We identify optical/NIR counterparts from the deep ancillary database of the HDF-N for seven of these candidates and investigate their available SEDs. Two secure CO detections in our scan are identified with star-forming galaxies at z=1.784 and at z=2.047. These galaxies have colors consistent with the `BzK' color selection and they show relatively bright CO emission compared with galaxies of similar dust continuum luminosity. We also detect two spectral lines in the submillimeter galaxy HDF850.1 at z=5.183. We consider an additional 9 line candidates as high quality. Our observations also provide a deep 3mm continuum map (1-sigma noise level = 8.6 μJy/beam). Via a stacking approach, we find that optical/MIR bright galaxies contribute only to <50% of the SFR density at 1<z<3, unless high dust temperatures are invoked. The present study represents a first, fundamental step towards an unbiased census of molecular gas in `normal' galaxies at high-z, a crucial goal of extragalactic astronomy in the ALMA era

    A CO emission line from the optical and near-IR undetected submillimeter galaxy GN10

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    We report the detection of a CO emission line from the submillimiter galaxy (SMG) GN10 in the GOODS-N field. GN10 lacks any counterpart in extremely deep optical and near-IR imaging obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based facilities. This is a prototypical case of a source that is extremely obscured by dust, for which it is practically impossible to derive a spectroscopic redshift in the optical/near-IR. Under the hypothesis that GN10 is part of a proto-cluster structure previously identified at z~4.05 in the same field, we searched for CO[4-3] at 91.4 GHz with the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer, and successfully detected a line. We find that the most likely redshift identification is z=4.0424+-0.0013, based on: 1) the very low chance that the CO line is actually serendipitous from a different redshift; 2) a radio-IR photometric redshift analysis; 3) the identical radio-IR SED, within a scaling factor, of two other SMGs at the same redshift. The faintness at optical/near-IR wavelengths requires an attenuation of A_V~5-7.5 mag. This result supports the case that a substantial population of very high-z SMGs exists that had been missed by previous spectroscopic surveys. This is the first time that a CO emission line has been detected for a galaxy that is invisible in the optical and near-IR. Our work demonstrates the power of existing and planned facilities for completing the census of star formation and stellar mass in the distant Universe by measuring redshifts of the most obscured galaxies through millimeter spectroscopy.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. ApJ Letters in pres

    Expanded Very Large Arrays Observations of a Proto-Cluster of Molecular Gas-Rich Galaxies at z = 4.05

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    We present observations of the molecular gas in the GN20 proto-cluster of galaxies at z = 4.05 using the Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA). This group of galaxies is the ideal laboratory for studying the formation of massive galaxies via luminous, gas-rich starbursts within 1.6 Gyr of the big bang. We detect three galaxies in the proto-cluster in CO 2-1 emission, with gas masses (H_2) between 10^(10) and 10^(11) × (α/0.8) M_⊙. The emission from the brightest source, GN20, is resolved with a size ~2'' and has a clear north-south velocity gradient, possibly indicating ordered rotation. The gas mass in GN20 is comparable to the stellar mass (1.3 × 10^(11) × (α/0.8) M_⊙ and 2.3 × 10^(11) M_⊙, respectively), and the sum of gas plus stellar mass is comparable to the dynamical mass of the system (~3.4 × 10^(11)[sin (i)/sin (45°)]^(–2) M_⊙), within a 5 kpc radius. There is also evidence for a tidal tail extending another 2'' north of the galaxy with a narrow velocity dispersion. GN20 may be a massive, gas-rich disk that is gravitationally disturbed, but not completely disrupted. There is one Lyman-break galaxy (BD29079) in the GN20 proto-cluster with an optical spectroscopic redshift within our search volume, and we set a 3σ limit to the molecular gas mass of this galaxy of 1.1 × 10^(10) × (α/0.8) M_⊙

    The kiloparsec-scale star formation law at redshift 4: wide-spread, highly efficient star formation in the dust-obscured starburst galaxy GN20

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    We present high-resolution observations of the 880 μ\mum (rest-frame FIR) continuum emission in the z==4.05 submillimeter galaxy GN20 from the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer (PdBI). These data resolve the obscured star formation in this unlensed galaxy on scales of 0.3^{\prime\prime}×\times0.2^{\prime\prime} (\sim2.1×\times1.3 kpc). The observations reveal a bright (16±\pm1 mJy) dusty starburst centered on the cold molecular gas reservoir and showing a bar-like extension along the major axis. The striking anti-correlation with the HST/WFC3 imaging suggests that the copious dust surrounding the starburst heavily obscures the rest-frame UV/optical emission. A comparison with 1.2 mm PdBI continuum data reveals no evidence for variations in the dust properties across the source within the uncertainties, consistent with extended star formation, and the peak star formation rate surface density (119±\pm8 M_{\odot} yr1^{-1} kpc2^{-2}) implies that the star formation in GN20 remains sub-Eddington on scales down to 3 kpc2^2. We find that the star formation efficiency is highest in the central regions of GN20, leading to a resolved star formation law with a power law slope of ΣSFR\Sigma_{\rm SFR} \sim ΣH22.1±1.0\Sigma_{\rm H_2}^{\rm 2.1\pm1.0}, and that GN20 lies above the sequence of normal star-forming disks, implying that the dispersion in the star formation law is not due solely to morphology or choice of conversion factor. These data extend previous evidence for a fixed star formation efficiency per free-fall time to include the star-forming medium on \simkpc-scales in a galaxy 12 Gyr ago.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted to ApJ

    The [CII] 158 μ\mum emission line as a gas mass tracer in high redshift quiescent galaxies

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    Many efforts have been done in recent years to probe the gas fraction evolution of massive quiescent galaxies (QGs); however, a clear picture has not yet been established. Recent spectroscopic confirmations at z>3 offer the chance to measure the residual gas reservoirs of massive galaxies a few hundreds of Myr after their death and to study how fast quenching proceeds in a highly star-forming Universe. Even so, stringent constraints at z>>2 remain hardly accessible with ALMA when adopting molecular gas tracers commonly used for the quenched population. In this letter, we propose overcoming this impasse by using the carbon [CII] 158 μ\mum emission line to systematically probe the gaseous budget of unlensed QGs at z>2.8, when these galaxies could still host non-negligible star formation on an absolute scale and when the line becomes best observable with ALMA (Bands 8 and 7). So far predominantly used for star-forming galaxies, this emission line is the best choice to probe the gas budget of spectroscopically confirmed QGs at z>3z>3, reaching 2-4 and 13-30 times deeper than dust continuum (ALMA band 7) and CO(2-1)/(1-0) (VLA K-Kα\alpha bands), respectively, at fixed integration time. Exploiting archival ALMA observations, we place conservative 3σ\sigma upper limits on the molecular gas fraction (fmol=MH2/M_{\rm{mol}}=M_{\rm{H_2}}/M_{\star}) of ADF22-QG1 (fmol_{\rm{mol}}<21%), ZF-COS-20115 (fmol_{\rm{mol}}<3.2%), two of the best-studied high-z QGs in the literature, and GS-9209 (fmol_{\rm{mol}}<72%), the most distant massive QG discovered to date. The deep upper limit found for ZF-COS-20115 is 3 times lower than previously anticipated for high-z QGs suggesting, at best, the existence of a large scatter in the fmol_{\rm{mol}} distribution of the first QGs. Lastly, we discuss the current limitations of the method and propose ways to mitigate some of them by exploiting ALMA bands 9 and 10.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. A&A Letters in pres