49 research outputs found

    Current Condition and Prospective Role of the TDC (Tropical Disease Center) Airlangga University in the Application of Health Science and Technology for Accelerating the Tropical Infectious Disease Elimination

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    Critical situation resulted from the main combined factors as poverty, uneducation, ecological transformation problems alleged such as developing country to confront their own health problems. The problems consisted of high maternal and infant mortality, disease of considerable communicable and tropical, non-communicable and at last back to new reemarging infectious diseases. It was needless to say the existence of TDC Project as an answer to serve the challenge for struggling to overcome the problems. Now the savage combative strategy is being arranged by TDC directing on development of human resources, links with other center/institution in joint research and training, and attempting primary health care. Attainment on target was exerted by accomplishing actual research and training programs accompanied by the thought of formidable list of future concepts. It was organized by TDC with their both soft and hard wares, including staffing, laboratory facilities, library etc. and base on the TDC policy that always to develop cooperation with other excellent center as joint project of any health program


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    Selain pada unggas. virus avian intlucnza dapat pula mcnycrang mammalia tennasuk manusia. Lebih dari 450 orang telah dilaporkan terinreksi virus avian inf1uenza atau H5NI dan 251 orang diantaranya meninggal dunia. Di indonesia. angka orang yang terinfeksi virus f1u burung sebanyak 141 orang sampai dengan 22 januari 2009 dan I 15 orang diantaranya meninggal dunia (WHO,2009). 8erdasarkan penelitian yang dilakuknn oleh Nidom dkk (2006) menunjukan kucing yang berada di wilayah surabaya telah terinfeksi oleh virus f111 burung subtipe H51 I. selain itu, berdasarkan penel itian yang dilakukan oleh revianny (2008) ditemukan 2 virus f1u burllng slIbtipe H5N I tanpa menunjllkan gejala klinis. Kajian mekanisme l11UICKUler infeksi virus flu bUrLlng terhaclap manusia dan hewan sangat dibutuhkan terutal11a tcrhadap claya adaptasi virus f1u burung dari hewan ke manusin. Sehingga bisa clilakukan pcnccgahaan secara dini. Tujuan dar! penelitian ini adalah mcnganalisis dan mengKaraKterisasi virlls Ilu burllng yang l11enginfeksi unggas, babi dan lingkungan. rvleng,uwiisis adaptasi virus Ilu hunllig dari l11anusia ke hewan dengan menggunakan hevvan cuba dan mcngannlisis reassortant virus f1u burung dengan virus inlluenza II IN I pandcmik. I-Jasil pcnelitian ini ditemukan 2 virus HSN 1 dan ll1cmiliki kemampunn untuk mcnginreKsi baik pada hcwan dan manusia. Selain itu memiliki mCKanismc ll10lckulcr dan adaptasi tcrhadap spcsics yang lain dcngan mekanisme yang sama dcngan virus flu burung yang lainnya

    The Relationship of Hemoglobin, Interleukin-10 and Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Levels In Asymptomatic Malaria Patients in Trenggalek, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

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    Background: Malaria is still a universal health problem, especially in tropical countries because of high morbidity and mortality rates. Infection by Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax could result in asymptomatic disease of malaria and be found in Trenggalek, Jawa Timur. Differences in pathogenesis among affected individuals are affected by many factors, and the immune system is one of them. Among substances involved in the malarial immunity is Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-α and Interleukin (IL)-10, produced by the body's defense system as the reaction to the parasite. Therefore a study was designed to detect the level of TNF-α and IL-10 in asymptomatic malaria patients.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted. Thirty male asymptomatic malaria subjects, age 21 to 60 years were selected. Blood from each subject was collected and the levels of TNF-α and IL-10 were analyzed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. Significant values considered at p0.05), and positive correlation between TNF-α and the rate of hemoglobin (r=0.002; p>0.05). IL-10 was correlated negatively with the rate of hemoglobin (r=-0.363; p<0.05).Conclusion: The results from this study conclude that TNF-α and IL-10 levels increase in asymptomatic malaria subjects.Keywords: asymptomatic malaria, TNF-α, IL-10, parasite, hemoglobi

    Epstein-Barr Virus and Malaria Interactions: Immunology Perspective

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    Epstein-Barr Virus can cause various diseases, from acute inflammatory diseases such as fatal or chronic EBV infection, infectious mononucleosis as well as lymphoid and epithelial cancer, various autoimmune diseases, and also could interact with malaria. As EBV infects 95% of the world population, and more than 30% are infected with the protozoan parasite, with more than 500,000 deaths due to malaria cases. It is important to understand how EBV dysregulates the immune system, especially when the virus is interacting with other pathogens such as malaria parasites, causing more severe conditions in certain people like Burkitt Lymphoma. This review will be informative about the mechanism of how EBV interacts with malaria parasites and how it affects the immune system. Knowledge of various cytokines triggering the immune system which may provide links to control/minimize malaria disease severity

    Experimental Models Point Mutations In Plasmodium falciparum pfatpase6 Gene Exposed to Recuring Artemisinin In Vitro

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    The aims of this research  to prove that repeated exposure of artemisinin can cause pfatpase6 gene mutation on Plasmodium falciparum in vitro. The research methods used culture In Vitro Plasmodium  falciparum of strain 2300 IC50 value determination test artemisinin, artemisinin repeated exposure test  (PO1, PO2, PO3 dan PO4) dose IC50, DNA extraction, gene amplification of pfatpase6 using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique,  electrophoresis, PCR product purification, labeling DNA from PCR results, DNA precipitation of PCR product, application of product labeling on the sequencing machines, analysis of  the results of sequencing, and Data Analysis. The results of PCR pfatpase6 gene amplification include region 6 – 3216 for codon 89-1031 located in exon 1 and 2 Plasmodium falciparum 2300  by using five pairs of primers. Primer pair 1FR produce a long amplicon of 737 bp which covers of codon 89; primer pair 2FR produce a long amplicon of 813 bp which covers of codon 263, 431; primer pair 4FR produce a long amplicon of 700 bp which covers of codon 460, 465, 623; primer pair 5FR produce a long amplicon of 550 bp which includes of codon 683, 769; and primer pair 6FR produce a long amplicon of 876 bp which covers of codon 898, 1031.Multialigment pfatpase6 gene Plasmodium  falciparum of strains  Papua 2300 point mutations are obtained in the form of transition and transversion in treatment groups at the same nucleotide region 123, 2035, 2043, 2138 dan 2148. Conclusion of this research Artemisinin repeated exposure  can cause point mutations in pfatpase6 genes Plasmodium falciparum of strains  2300 in vitro Keyword: Artemisinin, Plasmodium falciparumof strain Papua 2300, pfatpase6 gene,  point mutatio


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    Background:&nbsp;Plasmodium vivax&nbsp;is transmitted most across the country of Indonesia. The country has set out a malaria elimination program by 2030. The information on genetic diversity of malarial parasites relates to malaria transmission in an endemic area may provide the information that can help the malaria control program to achieve the target. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the genetic diversity of the Pvmsp-1&nbsp;gene&nbsp;in Central Kalimantan Province. Materials and Methods:&nbsp;Samples were 140 of archived Giemsa-stained blood smear and rapid detection test. Samples were divided into the indigenous and migrant populations. After confirmation by single-step PCR, only&nbsp;P. vivax&nbsp;and mixed infection samples were amplified to nested PCR for genotyping of Pvmsp-1 allelic variation in segments F1, F2, and F3. Results:&nbsp;Genotyping of 23 PCR positive samples resulted in 13 genotypes. In segment F1, three allelic variants type A containing subtype A1 (1,050 bp), A2 (350 bp), A3 (150 bp), and type B (100 bp). In segment F2, mono genotypes were detected as variant type A (1,050 bp) and type B3 (150 bp), multiple genotypes were detected as type B containing subtype B1 (250 bp), B2 (200 bp), and B3 (150bp). In segment F3, three allelic variants generated from four mono genotypes were type A (350 bp), type B (300 bp), and two type C (250 bp). &nbsp; Conclusion:&nbsp;The low allelic variation of Pvmsp-1 gene may reflect the actual situation of the low malaria endemic status of the study sites

    Korelasi Jumlah Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) dan Level Ekspresi Interlukin 8 (IL-8) pada Severe Early Childhood Caries

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    Correlation of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) Level and Interleukin 8 (IL-8) Expressions of Salivary Neutrophils in Severe Early Childhood Caries. Early childhood caries is a very serious health problem because it is a chronic infectious disease that is contagious. Dental caries begins after the primary teeth grow and develop on the tooth surface very quickly and progressively. In recent years the views of neutrophils have changed dramatically. Neutrophils not only act as a microbe killer through phagocytosis, the release of reactive oxigen species (ROS) and its antimicrobial peptide, but neutrophil activation also helps regulate the immune response. To analyze the relationship between the amount S. mutans and IL-8 expression of salivary neutrophils in severe early Childhood caries. Two groups, namely Isolation of S. mutans were performed on saliva samples taken from 20 caries-free and 20 severe early childhood caries and samples Nacl 1,5% mouthwash results of 20 caries-free and 20 severe early childhood caries salivary neutrophils that were analysis of IL-8 expression by flow cytometry. Based on the average value, it is known that S. mutans level in early Childhood caries-free is lower (513.500,00 +185.565,28 CFU/ml) in comparison to the severe early Childhood caries (977.000,00 +222.500,15 CFU/ml), but the expression of IL-8 neutrophil salivary neutrophils in early Childhood caries-free is higher (3,31+0,50) in comparison to the severe early Childhood caries (2,95+0,56). The increased S. mutans level is probably caused by the decrease in the expression of IL-8 salivary neutrophils in severe early childhood caries

    Induction of Plasmodium falciparum strain 2300 dormant forms by artemisinin

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    Background The presence of Plasmodium falciparum resistance and decreased efficacy of artemisinin and its derivatives has resulted in the issue of malaria becoming increasingly complex, because there have been no new drugs as artemisinin replacements. The aims of this research were to evaluate in vitro changes in ultrastructural morphology of P. falciparum 2300 strain after exposure to artemisinin. Methods The research used an experimental design with post test only control group. Cultures of P. falciparum 2300 strain in one control and one mutant group were treated by exposure to artemisinin at IC50 10-7 M for 48 hours. Ultrastructural phenotypic examination of ring, trophozoite and schizont morphology and developmental stage in the control and mutant group were done at 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 hours by making thin blood smears stained with 20% Giemsa for 20 minutes and examined using a microscope light at 1000x magnification. Results Dormant forms occurred after 48 hours of incubation with IC50 10-7 M artemisinin in the control group. In the mutant group, dormant forms, trophozoites with blue cytoplasm and normal schizont developmental stages were seen. Ultrastructural phenotypic morphology at 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 hours showed that in the control group dormant formation already occurred with exposure to IC50 10-7 M, while in the mutant group dormant formation occurred only with exposure to IC50 2.5x10-5 M. Conclusion Exposure to artemisinin antimalarials in vitro can cause phenotypic morphological changes of dormancy in P. falciparum Papua 2300 strain

    Korelasi Jumlah Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) dan Level Ekspresi Interlukin 8 (IL-8) pada Severe Early Childhood Caries

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    Karies gigi pada anak usia dini merupakan masalah kesehatan yang sangat serius karena merupakan penyakit infeksi kronis yang menular. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir pandangan tentang neutrofil telah berubah secara dramatis. Neutrofil tidak hanya berperan sebagai pembunuh mikroba melalui proses fagositosis, pelepasan reactive oxigen species (ROS) dan peptida antimikrobialnya tetapi neutrofil turut mengatur aktifasi respon imun. Interleukin-8 (IL-8) berfungsi sebagai aktivator kuat dan kemoatraktan neutrofil oleh karena itu IL-8 merupakan mediator kunci dalam migrasi neutrofil ke lokasi peradangan dan infeksi. Untuk menganalisis hubungan dari jumlah S. mutans dan ekspresi IL-8 neutrofil saliva pada anak usia dini bebas karies dan severe early childhood caries (S-ECC). Perlakuan dilakukan pada dua kelompok yaitu isolasi dan menghitung jumlah S. mutans pada sampel saliva dan sampel hasil kumur dengan NaCl 1,5% yang diisolasi neutrofilnya kemudian dianalisis ekspresi IL-8 menggunakan flow cytometry dari 20 anak bebas karies dan 20 anak severe early childhood caries. Hasil nilai rata-rata diketahui bahwa jumlah S. mutans anak usia dini bebas karies lebih rendah (513.500,00±185.565,28 CFU/ml) dibandingkan dengan S-ECC (977.000,00±222.500,15 CFU/ml), sedangkan ekspresi IL-8 neutrofil saliva anak usia dini bebas karies lebih tinggi (3,31±0,50) dibandingkan dengan S-ECC (2,95+0,56). Penurunan ekspresi IL-8 neutrofil saliva kemungkinan sebagai penyebab meningkatnya jumlah S. mutans pada S-ECC. Correlation of Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) Level and Interleukin 8 (IL-8) Expressions of Salivary Neutrophils in Severe Early Childhood Caries. Early childhood caries is a very serious health problem because it is a chronic infectious disease that is contagious. Dental caries begins after the primary teeth grow and develop on the tooth surface very quickly and progressively. In recent years the views of neutrophils have changed dramatically. Neutrophils not only act as a microbe killer through phagocytosis, the release of reactive oxigen species (ROS) and its antimicrobial peptide, but neutrophil activation also helps regulate the immune response. To analyze the relationship between the amount S. mutans and IL-8 expression of salivary neutrophils in severe early Childhood caries. Two groups, namely Isolation of S. mutans were performed on saliva samples taken from 20 caries-free and 20 severe early childhood caries and samples Nacl 1,5% mouthwash results of 20 caries-free and 20 severe early childhood caries salivary neutrophils that were analysis of IL-8 expression by flow cytometry. Based on the average value, it is known that S. mutans level in early Childhood caries-free is lower (513.500,00 +185.565,28 CFU/ml) in comparison to the severe early Childhood caries (977.000,00 +222.500,15 CFU/ml), but the expression of IL-8 neutrophil salivary neutrophils in early Childhood caries-free is higher (3,31+0,50) in comparison to the severe early Childhood caries (2,95+0,56). The increased S. mutans level is probably caused by the decrease in the expression of IL-8 salivary neutrophils in severe early childhood caries