8,393 research outputs found

    Comparação do desempenho de força muscular e agilidade em idosos inseridos em um Programa de Exercícios Físicos Regulares com resultados encontrados na Literatura

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    Artigo apresentado ao Programa de Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde da Família da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Especialista em Saúde da Família.Trabalho apresentado á Residência Multiprofissional em Saúde da Família da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino- Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Especialista em Saúde da Famíliao. Orientador: Prof. Me. Rodrigo Juliano GrignetA avaliação da agilidade e da força de preensão manual são métodos muito úteis para avaliar a capacidade funcional de indivíduos durante o processo de envelhecimento. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os resultados de força de preensão manual e agilidade de idosos praticantes de atividade física de forma regular em um município do Paraná, e verificar se são compatíveis com os resultados encontrados na literatura. Estudo quantitativo com 15 idosas inseridas em um programa de atividade física ofertada pela rede pública de saúde, as participantes foram divididas em duas faixas etárias 60 – 69 anos e 70 – 73 anos, foram submetidos a teste de preensão manual através de um dinamômetro e teste de agilidade através do teste de Shuttle Run. Utilizou-se programa estatístico BioEstat 5.0, para análise de dados (média e desvio-padrão e P-valor). O nível de significância foi 5%. A agilidade da faixa etária 60 – 69 anos apresentou diferença significativa (P-valor < 0,05) quando comparado com a mesma faixa etária do estudo controle, nas demais faixas etárias e no teste de força de preensão manual não foram encontrados diferenças significativas. Com os resultados encontrados, verificou-se que aqueles idosos praticantes de exercícios físicos a mais tempo possuem os valores de agilidade melhor do que aqueles que praticam a um tempo inferior, o que aumenta o poder de explicação dos benefícios da atividade física na prevenção e promoção da capacidade funcional durante o processo de envelhecimento.The evaluation of agility and manual grip strength are very useful methods to evaluate the functional capacity of individuals during the aging process. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the results of manual grip strength and agility of elderly practicing physical activity regularly in a municipality of Paraná and verify if they are compatible with the results found in the literature. A quantitative study with 15 elderly women enrolled in a physical activity program offered by the public health network, the participants were divided into two age groups 60-69 years and 70-73 years, were submitted to manual grip test using a dynamometer and test agility through the Shuttle Run test. A statistical program BioEstat 5.0 was used for data analysis (mean and standard deviation and P-value). The level of significance was 5%. The agility of the 60-69 age group presented a significant difference (P-value <0.05) when compared to the same age range of the control study, in the other age groups and in the manual grip strength test, no significant differences were found. With the results found, it was verified that, those elderly practicing physical exercises have more agility values than those who practice at a shorter time, which increases the explanatory power of the benefits of physical activity in the prevention and promotion of functional capacity during the aging proces

    Optical analogue models for black holes and wormholes

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    Agência 1This work aims to present and discuss the optical analogue models used to study gravitational systems using condensed matter systems. The whole mathematical theory behind the construction of an analogue optical model and the explicit presentation of two analogue models are provided: Schwarzschild black hole and Morris-Thorne wormhole. A parametrization of such models is proposed in order to unify them through a free real parameter β that generates a family of new models, and open the possibility that some of theses new models could actually be analogue models

    Expansão do crédito no período 2000-2007

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.Desde a reforma do sistema bancário em 1964 os bancos comerciais, principais intermediários financeiros na economia começaram a inserir uma nova dinâmica na sociedade. Após um longo período até meados de 90 houve mudanças no sistema financeiro. Porém, nos últimos anos a eficiência tecnológica e operacional das instituições deu uma nova dinâmica ao modo com interagem os bancos e os clientes. A estabilidade econômica em que está situado o pais atualmente, deu aos agentes econômicos maior confiança quanto ao futuro. Assim, através dos estudos empíricos o aumento do volume de crédito concedido e a queda na taxa de juros, trouxeram oportunidades a muitas famílias e empresas a aquisição de bens e consumo e assim contribuindo para o ciclo vicioso de crescimento da economia

    Manuel practique: Cartographie numérique des sols

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    Ce document aborde les étapes du processus et les outils utilisés dans le cours d'initiation à l'utilisation de la cartographie numérique des sols réalisé par le Centre International d'Agriculture Tropical (CIAT) dans le cadre du projet «Cultures innovantes et technologies agricoles terrestres à Haiti» et financé par le Fond International de Développement Agricole (FIDA – sigle anglais IFAD

    A Comparison Between an Individual and a Collaborative Versions of a Serious Game to Learn About Dengue Fever

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    Dengue fever is a major infectious disease caused by arbovirus and there is no vaccine yet; prevention is the action which raises the importance of an educational approach. The use of games to help in the educational process can be motivating and effective but it is not clear which interaction approach is the best: individual or collaborative. A comparative study on a between subject (n=73) experiment using a single player and a pair based version of a serious game that teaches about Dengue fever has been performed. Both versions performed well but presented different advantages: single player version can be used for consulting more easily, and the pair-based game seems to be slightly more motivating to the point that players would be more willing to suggest it to someone else. Data suggest that each interaction approach has its role in the educational process and should be carefully evaluated against educator’s intents

    Political polarization means more Americans are voting against rather than for candidates in presidential elections

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    Traditionally in elections people vote for candidates that they like. But in recent years, surveys have show a growing number of people cast their votes against candidates rather than for them – as many as one third in the 2020 election. In new research, Diego Garzia and Frederico Ferreira da Silva find that those who have a less positive feeling about the political party they usually identify with are more likely to vote against a presidential candidate compared to those who feel more strongly partisan

    Negativity and Political Behavior: A Theoretical Framework for the Analysis of Negative Voting in Contemporary Democracies

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    Published online: May 2022Recent developments in Western societies have motivated a growing consideration of the role of negativity in public opinion and political behavior research. In this article, we review the scant (and largely disconnected) scientific literature on negativity and political behavior, merging contributions from social psychology, public opinion, and electoral research, with a view on developing an integrated theoretical framework for the study of negative voting in contemporary democracies. We highlight that the tendency toward negative voting is driven by three partly overlapping components, namely, (1) an instrumental–rational component characterized by retrospective performance evaluations and rationalization mechanisms, (2) an ideological component grounded on long-lasting political identities, and (3) an affective component, motivated by (negative) attitudes toward parties and candidates. By blueprinting the systematic relationships between negative voting and each of these components in turn, and suggesting multiple research paths, this article aims to stimulate future studies on negative voting in multi-party parliamentary systems to motivate a better understanding of the implications of negativity in voting behavior in contemporary democracies.This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (PCEFP1_186898)