740 research outputs found

    Partial Regularity for Stationary Solutions to Liouville-Type Equation in dimension 3

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    In dimension n=3n=3, we prove that the singular set of any stationary solution to the Liouville equation Δu=eu-\Delta u=e^u, which belongs to W1,2W^{1,2}, has Hausdorff dimension at most 1.Comment: 20 page

    Some Remarks on Pohozaev-Type Identities

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    The aim of this note is to discuss in more detail the Pohozaev-type identities that have been recently obtained by the author, Paul Laurain and Tristan Rivi\`ere in the framework of half-harmonic maps defined either on RR or on the sphere S1S^1 with values into a closed manifold NnRmN^n\subset R^m. Weak half-harmonic maps are critical points of the following nonlocal energy \int_{R}|(-\Delta)^{1/4}u|^2 dx~~\mbox{or}~~\int_{S^1}|(-\Delta)^{1/4}u|^2\ d\theta. If uu is a sufficiently smooth critical point of the above energy then it satisfies the following equation of stationarity \frac{du}{dx}\cdot (-\Delta)^{1/2} u=0~~\mbox{a.e in $R$}~~\mbox{or}~~\frac{\partial u}{\partial \theta}\cdot (-\Delta)^{1/2} u=0~~\mbox{a.e in $S^1$.} By using the invariance of the equation of stationarity in S1S^1 with respect to the trace of the M\"obius transformations of the 22 dimensional disk we derive a countable family of relations involving the Fourier coefficients of weak half-harmonic maps u ⁣:S1Nn.u\colon S^1\to N^n. In the same spirit we also provide as many Pohozaev-type identities in 22-D for stationary harmonic maps as conformal vector fields in R2R^2 generated by holomorphic functions

    Remarks on Neumann boundary problems involving Jacobians

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    In this short note we explore the validity of Wente-type estimates for Neumann boundary problems involving Jacobians. We show in particular that such estimates do not in general hold under the same hypotheses on the data for Dirichlet boundary problems

    Uniqueness results for convex Hamilton-Jacobi equations under p>1p>1 growth conditions on data

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    Unbounded stochastic control problems may lead to Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations whose Hamiltonians are not always defined, especially when the diffusion term is unbounded with respect to the control. We obtain existence and uniqueness of viscosity solutions growing at most like o(1+xp)o(1+|x|^p) at infinity for such HJB equations and more generally for degenerate parabolic equations with a superlinear convex gradient nonlinearity. If the corresponding control problem has a bounded diffusion with respect to the control, then our results apply to a larger class of solutions, namely those growing like O(1+xp)O(1+|x|^p) at infinity. This latter case encompasses some equations related to backward stochastic differential equations

    Blow-up analysis of a nonlocal Liouville-type equation

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    In this paper we perform a blow-up and quantization analysis of the following nonlocal Liouville-type equation \begin{equation}(-\Delta)^\frac12 u= \kappa e^u-1~\mbox{in S1S^1,} \end{equation} where (Δ)12(-\Delta)^\frac{1}{2} stands for the fractional Laplacian and κ\kappa is a bounded function. We interpret the above equation as the prescribed curvature equation to a curve in conformal parametrization. We also establish a relation between this equation and the analogous equation in R\mathbb{R} \begin{equation} (-\Delta)^\frac{1}{2} u =Ke^u \quad \text{in }\mathbb{R}, \end{equation} with KK bounded on R\mathbb{R}.Comment: 59 page

    Large time behavior of solutions to parabolic equations with Neumann boundary conditions

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    AbstractIn this paper we are interested in the large time behavior as t→+∞ of the viscosity solutions of parabolic equations with nonlinear Neumann type boundary conditions in connection with ergodic boundary problems which have been recently studied by Barles and the author in [G. Barles, F. Da Lio, On the boundary ergodic problem for fully nonlinear equations in bounded domains with general nonlinear Neumann boundary conditions, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linèaire 22 (5) (2005) 521–541]