205 research outputs found

    Mimari formun evrim anlatısı ve canlı form hali

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    The concept of form in architectural design has been debated since prehistoric times. In its most straightforward meaning, form can be defined as the shape, shell, and inhabited volume of a structure. This study aims to explore the historical process of the transformation and evolution of form, as well as to discover new meanings and potentials of form through analysis, and to develop a critical perspective on form. The study is structured around three main axes. In the first stage, a mapping is designed to analyze the evolution of form throughout history. This mapping focuses on the changes in the approach to form, design, and making techniques chronologically. This stage reveals that form is no longer merely a final product represented by drawings or statically produced, but rather a concept that involves process and dynamism in a temporal-spatial dimension, whether in its design or production. In the second stage, the evolution of form is discussed through a new concept called ‘vital form’. While form represents something static or stationary, vital form signifies a dynamic and fluid state. While form is symbolically designed or produced by the designer from top to bottom, vital form represents a bottom-up, autonomous state formed by the influence of actors involved in design or production. Subsequently, the relationships, transitions, interactions, and changes between form and vital form, as well as their interpretations, are discussed within the proposed model in the study, based on conceptual sets derived from theoretical debates and the implications in design and making processes. It is believed that such exploration and awareness of form in architecture will bring new dimensions to the contemporary understanding, design, and making practices of form.Mimarlık tasarımında form kavramı, tarih öncesi dönemlerden beri tartışılmaktadır. En yalın haliyle, form, yapının şekli, kabuğu, içinde yaşanan hacim olarak ifade edilebilir. Çalışmada hedeflenen, tarihsel süreçteki formun değişimini ve evrimini analiz ederek yeni anlamlarını ve potansiyellerini keşfedebilmek ve form üzerine eleştirel bir bakış açısı geliştirebilmektir. Bu hedef doğrultusunda çalışma üç ana eksen üzerinde kurgulanmıştır. İlk aşamada, tarihsel süreçte formun evrimini analiz etmek için tasarlanmış bir haritalama yer almaktadır. Bu haritalama ile kronolojik olarak, formun ele alınış biçimindeki değişimler, form tasarım ve üretim tekniklerine odaklanılarak tartışılmaktadır. Bu aşama ile, formun artık sadece çizimlerle temsil edilen ya da statik olarak üretilen nihai bir ürün olmadığı, aksine zaman-mekânsal bir düzlemde, tasarımında ya da üretiminde süreç ve dinamizm içeren bir kavram olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. İkinci aşamada ise, formun evrimi 'canlı form' (vital form) olarak ifade edilen yeni bir kavram üzerinden tartışılmaktadır. Form, statik veya durağanı temsil ederken, canlı form, dinamik ve devingen bir hal tarif etmektedir. Form, tasarımcı tarafından yukarıdan aşağıya sembolik olarak tasarlanan veya oluşturulanı ifade ederken, canlı form, tasarım veya üretimine etkide bulunan aktörlerin etkisiyle aşağıdan yukarıya oluşan, otonom olan bir hal ifade etmektedir. Ardından, çalışma kapsamında önerilen model üzerinde, form ve canlı form arasındaki ilişkiler, geçişler, etkileşimler, değişimler; kuramsal tartışmalardan elde edilen kavram setleri ve üretim, tasarım süreçlerindeki açılımları birlikte ele alınmakta ve yorumlanmaktadır. Mimarlıkta forma ilişkin böyle bir okumanın, farkındalığın, günümüz form kavrayışına, tasarlama ve üretme pratiklerine yeni açılımlar getireceğine inanılmaktadır.Publisher's Versio

    Correlation between oral health-related quality of life (OHQoL) and oral disorders in a Turkish patient population

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    Objectives: The purpose of the present study is to determine the nature of the complaints that bring patients to our clinic and to what degree these complaints affect their quality of life (QoL). We also aimed to determine any associations between gender, education or harmful habits and each patient?s oral health-related quality of life (OHQoL). Methods: A total of 1090 patients, consisting of 651 females (59.7 %) and 439 males (40.3 %), were included in this study. Of these patients, 220 constituted healthy controls. Two patient-centered outcome measures, the 14 item OHIP-14 and the 16 item OHQoL-UK measures were used. Results: Most of the patients presented with toothache and caries (50.1 %), 11.2 % had suffered tooth loss and had denture needs, 9.2 % had periodontal problems, 1.8 % had temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, 3.8 % had buried third molars, 2.4 % had orthodontic and aesthetic disorders, 1.3 % had suffered injury due to trauma, and 20.2 % came only for control checkups. OHQoL was best in the control group and the worst in patients who had suffered trauma. In addition, we noted correlations between gender, education and harmful habits, and that of the patient?s oral health-related quality of life. Conclusion: According to our results, OHQoL is associated with the oral complaints of patients. Furthermore, OHQoL may not only be associated with the oral health status of patients, but factors such as gender, education and harmful habits may also play a role

    Tetra­aqua­bis(orotato-κO)cobalt(II) dihydrate

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    In the title CoII complex, [Co(C5H3N2O4)2(H2O)4]·2H2O, the CoII ion is located on an inversion center and is coordinated by two orotate (2,6-dioxo-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyrimidine-4-carboxylate) anions and four water mol­ecules in a slightly distorted octa­hedral geometry. The dihedral angle between the carboxyl­ate group and the attached orotate ring is 1.2 (3)°. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular O—H⋯O, N—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into a three-dimensional network. π–π contacts between the orotate rings [centroid–centroid distances = 3.439 (2) and 3.438 (2) Å] further stabilize the structure

    Effects of CPAP on right ventricular myocardial performance index in obstructive sleep apnea patients without hypertension

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    OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) might cause right ventricular dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension. We aimed to determine the effects of nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy on right ventricular myocardial performance index (MPI) in OSA patients without hypertension. METHODS: 49 subjects without hypertension, diabetes mellitus, any cardiac and pulmonary disease had overnight polysomnography and echocardiography. In 18 moderate-severe OSA (apnea-hypopnea index ≥ 15) patients, right ventricular free wall diameter (RVFWD) was measured by M-mode, and right ventricular MPI was calculated as (isovolumic contraction time+ isovolumic relaxation time) / pulmonary ejection time using Doppler at baseline and after 6 months CPAP therapy. RESULTS: Mean age was 46.5 ± 4.9 year. Patients had high body mass index (BMI: 30.6 ± 4,0 kg/m(2)), but there was no change in either BMI or blood pressures after 6 months. Right ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic diameters were in normal limits at baseline, and did not change after CPAP usage. Baseline RVFWD (7.1 ± 2.1 mm) significantly decreased after CPAP therapy (6.2 ± 1.7 mm, p < 0.001). 15 of patients (83%) had right ventricular diastolic dysfunction at baseline, and it was completely improved in 11 of them (73%) by CPAP usage. Right ventricular global dysfunction was shown in 11 patients (61%) with a high MPI (62.2 ± 9.3%) at baseline; and MPI was significantly decreased after CPAP therapy (47.3 ± 8.4%, p < 0.0001), and it was completely corrected in 4 of them (36%). CONCLUSION: CPAP therapy significantly decreases RVFWD and improves right ventricular diastolic and global functions (MPI) in OSA patients without hypertension

    Cyclooxygenase-2 and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression and Their Correlation with Angiogenesis in Gastric Carcinomas

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, mide karsinomları ile bunların lenf nodu metastazlarında siklooksijenaz-2 (COX-2) ve vasküler endotelyal büyüme (growth) faktörü (VEGF) immün reaktivitelerini belirlemek, bunların anjiyogenezle ve histopatolojik prognostik parametrelerle olan ilişkisini araştırmaktır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Otuz üç gastrik karsinom olgusunda immünhistokimyasal yöntemlerle COX-2, VEGF ekspresyonu ve CD34 ile belirlenen mikrodamar dansitesi (MVD) derecesi incelendi.Bulgular: COX-2 ile normal mukoza %96,9, karsinom grubu %87,8 oranında pozitif boyandı. Tümördeki COX-2 boyanma derecesi ile mukozadaki COX-2 boyanma derecesi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark izlenmedi. Damar invazyonu pozitif olguların COX-2 ile lenf nodu boyanma derecesi anlamlı olarak daha yüksek idi (p<0,01). VEGF ile normal mukoza %100, karsinom grubu %93,9 oranında pozitif boyandı. Normal mukoza karsinom grubuna kıyasla VEGF ile anlamlı olarak daha yüksek oranda pozitiflik gösterdi (p=0,05). MVD derecesi tümöre kıyasla mukozada daha fazla idi (p<0,01). Kötü diferansiye karsinomlar, iyi ve orta derecede diferansiye karsinomlara göre anlamlı olarak daha yüksek MVD derecesine sahipti (p<0,05). Tümörde ve metastatik lenf nodlarında COX-2 ve VEGF ekspresyonu ile MVD derecesi arasında herhangi bir ilişki tespit edilmedi. COX-2, VEGF ve MVD derecesinin klinikopatolojik parametrelerle ilişkisi istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı.Sonuç: Bu bulgulara göre gastrik karsinomlarda MVD derecesi artarken, tümör diferansiasyonu azalıyor olabilir, fakat COX-2 ve VEGF'nin gastrik karsinom gelişimindeki rolü henüz tam olarak anlaşılamamıştır. COX-2, VEGF ve MVD derecesinin gastrik karsinogenezis sürecindeki yerini tam olarak açığa kavuşturabilmek için daha geniş serilerle ileri çalışmalara gereksinim vardır.Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in gastric carcinomas and lymph node metastasis and their relationship with angiogenesis and prognostic histopathological parameters.Materials and Methods: COX-2 and VEGF expression and microvessel density (MVD) grade identified by antibodies against CD34 were investigated immunohistochemically in 33 patients with gastric carcinoma. Results: The expression of COX-2 was 96.9% in normal mucosa and 87.8% in gastric carcinoma. Although COX-2 expression in mucosa was higher than in carcinoma, the difference was not statistically significant. The COX-2 positivity rates in lymph nodes were significantly higher in patients with vascular invasion (p&lt;0.01). The expression of VEGF was 100% in normal mucosa and 93.9% in gastric carcinoma. VEGF levels in mucosa were significantly higher than in carcinoma (p=0.05). MVD grade in mucosa was significantly higher than in gastric carcinoma (p&lt;0.01). MVD values were significantly higher in poorly differentiated carcinomas than in well and moderately differentiated carcinomas (p&lt;0.05). There was no association between COX-2 and VEGF expression and MVD grade in tumor tissues and metastatic lymph nodes. There was no correlation of clinicopathological parameters with COX-2 and VEGF expression and MVD grade.Conclusion: Our results suggest that the MVD in gastric carcinoma may correlate with tumor grade, but the precise roles of COX-2 and VEGF in gastric cancers are not yet fully understood. Further studies with large series are needed to clarify the importance of COX-2, VEGF and MVD in cancer progression

    Cyclooxygenase-2 and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression and Their Correlation with Angiogenesis in Gastric Carcinomas

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in gastric carcinomas and lymph node metastasis and their relationship with angiogenesis and prognostic histopathological parameters. Materials and Methods: COX-2 and VEGF expression and microvessel density (MVD) grade identified by antibodies against CD34 were investigated immunohistochemically in 33 patients with gastric carcinoma. Results: The expression of COX-2 was 96.9% in normal mucosa and 87.8% in gastric carcinoma. Although COX-2 expression in mucosa was higher than in carcinoma, the difference was not statistically significant. The COX-2 positivity rates in lymph nodes were significantly higher in patients with vascular invasion (p<0.01). The expression of VEGF was 100% in normal mucosa and 93.9% in gastric carcinoma. VEGF levels in mucosa were significantly higher than in carcinoma (p=0.05). MVD grade in mucosa was significantly higher than in gastric carcinoma (p<0.01). MVD values were significantly higher in poorly differentiated carcinomas than in well and moderately differentiated carcinomas (p<0.05). There was no association between COX-2 and VEGF expression and MVD grade in tumor tissues and metastatic lymph nodes. There was no correlation of clinicopathological parameters with COX-2 and VEGF expression and MVD grade. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the MVD in gastric carcinoma may correlate with tumor grade, but the precise roles of COX-2 and VEGF in gastric cancers are not yet fully understood. Further studies with large series are needed to clarify the importance of COX-2, VEGF and MVD in cancer progression

    Genetic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Vitamin D Dependent Rickets Type 1A

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    Objective:Vitamin D dependent rickets type 1A (VDDR1A) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the 1α-hydroxylase gene (CYB27B1). As it may be confused with nutritional rickets and hypophosphatemic rickets, genetic analysis is important for making a correct diagnosis.Methods:We analysed genomic DNA from 11 patients from eight different Turkish families. The patients were recruited for our studies if they presented with a diagnosis of VDDR.Results:The mean ± standard deviation age at diagnosis was 13.1±7.4 months. Seven patients had mild hypocalcemia at presentation while four patients had normal calcium concentrations. All patients underwent CYP27B1 gene analysis. The most prevalent mutation was the c.195 + 2T>G splice donor site mutation, affecting five out of 11 patients with VDDR1A. Two patients from the fourth family were compound heterozygous for c.195 + 2T>G and c.195 + 2 T>A in intron-1. Two patients, from different families, were homozygous for a previously reported duplication mutation in exon 8 (1319_1325dupCCCACCC, Phe443Profs*24). One patient had a homozygous splice site mutation in intron 7 (c.1215 + 2 T>A) and one patient had a homozygous mutation in exon 9 (c.1474 C>T).Conclusion:Intron-1 mutation was the most common mutation, as previously reported. All patients carrying that mutation were from same city of origin suggesting a “founder” or a “common ancestor” effect. VDDR1A should definitely be considered when a patient with signs of rickets has a normal 25-OHD level or when there is unresponsiveness to vitamin D treatment

    The evaluation of eustachian tube paratubal structures using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with nasal obstruction

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada tek taraflı nazal tıkanıklığı olan hastaların östaki tüpü paratubal yapıları manyetik rezonans görüntüleme (MRG) yöntemi ile değerlendirildi. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Ocak 2018 - Aralık 2020 tarihleri arasında kliniğimizde tek taraflı burun kitlesi tanısı ile izlenen ve MRG tetkiki ile değerlendirilen toplam 30 hasta (17 erkek, 13 kadın; ort. yaş: 56 yıl; dağılım, 18-67 yıl) çalışmaya dahil edildi. Çekilen MRG kesitlerinde, tensor veli palatini ve levator veli palatini kaslarının elde edilen en geniş kesit üzerinden kalınlığı, uzunluğu ve ortalama kas volümleri ölçülerek, sağlam taraf ölçümleri ile karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların nazal tıkanıklık olan tarafların ortalama tensor veli palatini kası kalınlığı, uzunluğu ve volümü sırasıyla 3.7±0.6 mm, 26.4±2.1 mm ve 2.1±0.5 cm³ idi. Ortalama levator veli palatini kası kalınlığı, uzunluğu ve volümü sırasıyla 5.7±0.5 mm, 23.9±2.3 mm ve 3.0±0.6 cm³ idi. Tıkanıklık olan ve olmayan tarafların paratubal yapıları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık izlenmedi (p>0.05). Sonuç: Bu çalışmada tek taraflı nazal tıkanıklığın östaki tüpü paratubal yapılarında anlamlı bir değişiklik yapmadığı görüldü. Ancak bu konuda daha uzun süreli ve geniş serili klinik çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.Objectives: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the eustachian tube paratubal structures of patients with unilateral nasal obstruction using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Patients and Methods: Between January 2018 and December 2020, a total of 30 patients (17 males, 13 females; mean age: 56 years; range, 18 to 67 years) who were followed with a diagnosis of unilateral nasal mass in our clinic and evaluated by MRI were included in the study. The thickness, length, and mean muscle volumes of tensor veli palatini and levator veli palatini muscles were measured from the largest section obtained from the MRI sections and compared with the healthy side measurements. Results: The mean tensor veli palatini muscle thickness, length, and volume of the patients with nasal obstruction were 3.7±0.6 mm, 26.4±2.1 mm, and 2.1±0.5 cm³, respectively. The mean levator veli palatini muscle thickness, length, and volume were 5.7±0.5 mm, 23.9±2.3 mm, and 3.0±0.6 cm³, respectively. There was no statistically significant difference between the paratubal structures of the sides with and without obstruction (p>0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that unilateral nasal obstruction did not pose a significant change in the eustachian tube paratubal structures. However, further large-scale, longer-term clinical studies are needed on this subject

    Epidemiology of pemphigus in Turkey: One-year prospective study of 220 cases

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    Pemphigus is a group of rare and life-threatening autoimmune blistering diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. Although they occur worldwide, their incidence shows wide geographical variation, and prospective data on the epidemiology of pemphigus are very limited. Objective of this work is to evaluate the incidence and epidemiological and clinical features of patients with pemphigus in Turkey. All patients newly diagnosed with pemphigus between June 2013 and June 2014 were prospectively enrolled in 33 dermatology departments in 20 different provinces from all seven regions of Turkey. Disease parameters including demography and clinical findings were recorded. A total of 220 patients were diagnosed with pemphigus during the 1-year period, with an annual incidence of 4.7 per million people in Turkey. Patients were predominantly women, with a male to female ratio of 1:1.41. The mean age at onset was 48.9 years. Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) was the commonest clinical subtype (n=192; 87.3%), followed by pemphigus foliaceus (n=21; 9.6%). The most common clinical subtype of PV was the mucocutaneous type (n=83; 43.2%). The mean Pemphigus Disease Area Index was 28.14±22.21 (mean ± Standard Deviation).  The incidence rate of pemphigus in Turkey is similar to the countries of South-East Europe, higher than those reported for the Central and Northern European countries and lower than the countries around the Mediterranean Sea and Iran. Pemphigus is more frequent in middle-aged people and is more common in women. The most frequent subtype was PV, with a 9-fold higher incidence than pemphigus foliaceus.   </p

    Decisions of the UFS in tax matters - an analysis of the years 2005 to 2009

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    Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersEs wird statistisch untersucht, ob mündliche Berufungsverhandlungen vor den Entscheidungen des UFS eine Auswirkung auf die einzelnen Entscheidungskategorien habenIt statistically, we examined whether oral appeal hearings before the decisions of the UFS have an impact on the individual categories of Decision9