2,253 research outputs found

    Discounting Long Run Average Growth in Stochastic Dynamic Programs

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    Finding solutions to the Bellman equation relies on restrictive boundedness assumptions. The literature on endogenous growth or business cycle models with unbounded random shocks provide with numerous examples of recursive programs in which returns are not bounded along feasible paths. In this paper we develop a method of proof that allows to account for models of this type. In applications our assumptions only imply that long run average (expected) growth is sufficiently discounted, in sharp contrast with classical assumptions either absolutely bounding growth or bounding each period (instead of long run) maximum (instead of average) growth. We discuss our work in relation to the literature and provide several examples.Dynamic programming; Weighted norms; Contraction mappings; Dominated convergence; Non additive recursive functions

    A simple proof of existence of equilibrium in a one sector growth modelp with bounded or unbounded returns from below

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    We analyze a Ramsey economy when net investment is constrained to be non negative. We prove existence of a competitive equilibrium when utility need not be bounded from below and the Inada-type conditions need not hold. The analysis is carried out by means of a direct and technically standard strategy. This direct strategy (a) allows us to obtain detailed results concerning properties of competitive equilibria, and (b) is amenable to be easily adapted for the analysis of analogous models often found in macroeconomics.Ramsey model; one sector growth model; non negative net investment; competitive equilibrium

    Morphological changes, beach inundation and overwash caused by an extreme storm on a low-lying embayed beach bounded by a dune system (NW Mediterranean)

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    The geomorphological evolution of a low-lying, micro-tidal sandy beach in the western Mediterranean, Pals beach, was characterized using airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. Data were collected in prior to and six months after the impact of an extreme storm with a return period of approx. 50 years, with the aim of characterizing the beach's response to the storm. The use of repeated high-resolution topographic data to quantify beach geomorphic changes has allowed assessment of the accuracy of different proxies for estimating beach volume changes. Results revealed that changes in the shoreline position cannot accurately reproduce beach volume changes on low-lying beaches where overwash processes are significant. Observations also suggested that volume estimations from beach profiles do not accurately represent subaerial volume changes at large profile distances on beaches with significant alongshore geomorphological variability. Accordingly, the segmentation of the beach into regularly spaced bins is proposed to assess alongshore variations in the beach volume with the accuracy of the topographic data. The morphological evolution of Pals beach during the study period showed a net shoreline retreat (- 4 m) and a significant sediment gain on the subaerial beach (+ 7.5 m3/m). The net gain of sediment is mostly due to the impact of the extreme storm, driving significant overwash processes that transport sediment landwards, increasing volume on the backshore and dunes. The increase of volume on the foreshore and the presence of cuspate morphologies along the shoreline also evidence post-storm beach recovery. Observed morphological changes exhibit a high variability along the beach related to variations in beach morphology. Changes in the morphology and migration of megacusps result in a high variability in the shoreline position and foreshore volume changes. On the other hand, larger morphological changes on the backshore and larger inundation distances occur when the beach and the dunes are lower, favouring the dominance of overwash. The observed storm-induced morphological changes differ from predicted beach storm impacts because of spatial and temporal variations in the beach morphology, suggesting that detailed morphological parameters and indicators used for predicting beach vulnerability to storms should be regularly updated in order to represent the pre-storm beach conditions. Finally, observed morphological changes in Pals Bay evidenced a different behaviour between natural and urban areas, with better post-storm beach recovery on natural areas where the beach is not artificially narrowed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Formulación para la obtención de un polímero biodegradable a partir de almidón de yuca, variedad MBRA 383

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    El plástico es el principal producto industrial causante de grandes volúmenes de residuos no biodegradables, esto debido a los fuertes enlaces químicos que se generan durante su elaboración y a que las materias primas para su obtención son derivadas del petróleo. Ante esta situación, el siguiente artículo presenta una opción para minimizar este problema mediante la elaboración de un polímero biodegradable a partir de Isocianato(compuesto alcohólico) y el refuerzo o sustitución de este por almidón de yuca, materia prima de origen vegetal que provee las mismas características químicas sin alterar o aumentar la expansión poliméric

    The Measurement of Growth under Embodied Technical Change

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    New U.S. evidence from NIPA contradicts some of the well-known Kaldor stylized facts, and call for a reformulation of the modem theory of economic growth. Among these new facts, two must be stressed : A permanent decline in the relative price of durable goods, and a permanent increase in the real equipment to real GDP ratio. To be consistent with these new facts, growth models must include at least two sectors and address the problem of defining aggregate output. In this paper, the economic theory of index numbers is used to define the growth rate of real output in a growth model with embodied technical change. The main findings are : (i) NIPA's methodology measures growth in accordance with the economic theory on index numbers, and (ii) when the growth rate is measured as in NIPA, the contribution of embodied technical change to per capital GDP growth in the U.S. is 69%, which reinforce the claim that embodied technical change is important for growth.Embodied technical change, Growth facts, Growth accounting, Index number theory

    Panel discussion presentation: Consequences of global climate change for water quality and community sustainability along the U.S.-Mexico trans-border region

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    Panel Discussion: U.S.-Mexico Transboundary Perspectives Case Studies of Reynosa/McAllen and Laredo/Nuevo Laredo: - Water availability and quality in Reynosa/McAllen and Laredo/Nuevo Laredo - Water Consumption - Socioeconomic Conditions - Water Quality Scenarios - Conclusions & Recommendation

    Estrés académico y procrastinación en adolescentes de secundaria de una institución educativa de Abancay, 2023

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    La procrastinación o el hábito de postergar la realización de actividades importantes reemplazándolas por otras de menor relevancia suele ocasionar perjuicios en el desempeño estudiantil; por ello, la presente investigación se planteó el objetivo de determinar la relación entre el estrés académico y la procrastinación en adolescentes de una institución educativa de Abancay, 2023. El enfoque de este estudio fue cuantitativo de tipo no experimental de corte transversal y básica; se trabajó con una población de 240 y una muestra no probabilística de 100 estudiantes. El paradigma desde el que partió fue el positivista con el método hipotético deductivo. Con el fin de recolectar los datos, se empleó el inventario SISCO de estrés académico y la Escala de Procrastinación (adaptado por Díaz, 2021). La prueba de correlación arrojó un p valor de ,058 que demarcó la aceptación de la hipótesis nula; por lo tanto, se concluyó que no existe relación entre las variables estrés académico y procrastinación. Con respecto a los objetivos específicos, se determinó la asociación positiva de las dimensiones del estrés académico: estresores y síntomas con la segunda variable; y una relación negativa de la dimensión estrategias de afrontamiento con la generación de hábitos procrastinadores.Lima NorteEscuela de PosgradoAtención Integral del Infante, Niño y AdolescenteEducación y calidad educativaApoyo a la reducción de brechas y carencias en la educación en todos sus nivelesEducación de calida

    Capacidades técnicas, legales y de gestión para equipos blue team & red team

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    Contenido incluido con anexo de imagenes (26), anexo de tablas (2) y anexos adicionales (2)Desarrollar capacidades técnicas de ejecución de pruebas de "pentesting "para equipos Red Team & Blue Team en ambientes autorizados con informes detallados de resultados.Develop technical capabilities for the execution of "pentesting" tests for Red Team & Blue Teams in authorized environments with detailed reports of results


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