3,412 research outputs found

    Teacher Leadership Perceptions in Turkish Culture: A Qualitative Analysis

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    The purpose of this study is to reveal the perceptions of school administrators, teachers, students and parents on characteristics as well as attitudes and behaviours of teacher leaders. Phenomenological research design from qualitative rmethods was employed in this study. The participants were selected from school administrators, teachers, students and parents through maximum diversity sampling method. Data analyses relied on content analyses technique. The findings of the study showed that school administrators and teachers attribute some traits, such as being knowledgeable and leader to teacher leaders, whereas students attach more importance to being reliable, fair and egalitarian. Parents, on the other hand, consider teachers who are friendly and impressive as leaders. It was found in the study that teacher leaders enhance the student learning, become role models and advocate strong collaboration with colleagues. As a result, it can be said that teacher leaders are those having the potential to attract others to follow him / her

    A Cross-National Analysis of Parent Involvement in Decision-Making: Germany, France and Turkey

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    Being a cross-national analysis, the aim of this study, which draws on data from school principals, is to evaluate parents’ involvement in decision-making processes comparatively in Turkey, Germany and France, which are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and were included in the study in terms of some variables, such as data in Human Development Index (HDI) report 2016 and results of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 reading skills, math and science literacy results’ based on demographic, socio-economic, socio-cultural variables as well as achievements in education, population trends and parents’ involvement in education. Phenomonology research design from qualitative research methods was used in this study. Data analyses relied on content analysis technique. School administrators from Turkey, Germany and France were included through criteria sampling method from purposeful sampling methods. Interview technique was employed in order to collect data through a semi-structured interview form. The findings of the study highlighted that all participants agree on the positive impact of parents’ involvement in decision-making but there are some ambiguity how and what level parents must involve in decision-making processes. Some recommendations are made on how to improve involvement in decision-making process

    A Concise Review of the Multimodality Imaging Features of Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    The evaluation of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is routinely performed using the multimodality imaging approach, including ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET). Ultrasonography is the most frequently used imaging modality for the initial diagnosis of renal masses. The modality of choice for the characterization of the renal mass is multiphasic CT. Recent advances in CT technology have led to its widespread use as a powerful tool for preoperative planning, reducing the need for catheter angiography for the evaluation of vascular invasion. CT is also the standard imaging modality for staging and follow-up. MRI serves as a problem-solving tool in selected cases of undefined renal lesions. Newer MRI techniques, such as arterial spin labeling and diffusion-weighted imaging, have the potential to characterize renal lesions without contrast media, but these techniques warrant further investigation. PET may be a useful tool for evaluating patients with suspected metastatic disease, but it has modest sensitivity in the diagnosis and staging of RCC. The newer radiotracers may increase the accuracy of PET for RCC diagnosis and staging. In summary, the main imaging modality used for the characterization, staging, and surveillance of RCC is multiphasic CT. Other imaging modalities, such as MRI and PET, are used for selected indications

    The Secondary School Students’ Opinions on Distance Education

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    The purpose of this study is to find out secondary school students’ opinions on distance education, after encountering the distance education process for the first time. Descriptive scanning model was used for this research and the sample chosen from the universe was used to determine the result. The study was carried out with 172 volunteers from 672 secondary school students studying in secondary schools located in Salıpazarı district of Samsun. The data was collected using “Opinions on Distance Education Scale”. The data analysis, it was found out that the students’ opinions on distance education were at the indecisive level with 2.91; 47% were indecisive about distance education, 27% did not want distance education; 80% of them find teachers inadequate; 47% of them partially understood the lessons and 39% did not understand the lessons at all. The leading problems students encountered were the interpersonal communication and internet connection problems and that students preferred formal education to distance education

    Reducing power consumption of mobile thin client devices

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    Ayetler Işığında Bireysel Ve Toplumsal Fesad Sebepleri

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    “Fesad” kavramı Kur’an’da genel olarak, fert ve toplumun yeryüzü ve çevrenin, barış ve huzur ortamının, mal, can ve namus güvenliğinin bozulmasını ve yok olmasını, iman, ibadet, ahlâk, hak ve istikâmetten sapılmasını, şirk, küfür, nifak ve isyan olan inanç, söz, fiil ve davranışları ifade eder. Fesad, başta insanın kendisi olmak üzere her alanda meydana gelen bozulma, çözülme, ölçü ve dengeden sapma, faydalı olma özelliğini kaybetme, fıtrattan uzaklaşma gibi olumsuz anlamların tamamını kapsamaktadır. Kur’an’a göre yeryüzüne yayılan fesadın temel sebebi, küfür ve şirkin topluma yayılmasıdır. İnsanın zaafiyetleri, kalbindeki kötülük duyguları, nefsi, hevası, cehâlet, şeytan, tağutlar, adâlet duygularını yitirmiş liderler/mütrafûn, sahip olduğu imkânlarla şımaran müstekbirler bireysel ve toplumsal fesadın en önemli faktörleridir. Fesat, psikolojik ve sosyolojik bir problem olduğu için, fesadı önlemeye yönelik çözüm yollarını da birey ve topluma saf bir tevhîd inancı, evrensel ahlâkî değerler kazandırmak gerekmektedir

    Jahiliyyah from islam character changes realized that the Qur'an

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    MakaleCâhiliye toplumu’ olarak bilinen İslam öncesi Mekke ve çevresinde yaşayan ‘Arap toplumunun’ en önemli özelliği kabile anlayışının hâkim olmasıdır. Bu toplum bireyleri için kabile yasalarına bağlılık, kabileyi himaye, kabileye sığınma, kabile ile övünme, kabile tarafından kınanma ve dışlanma korkusu insanların davranışlarında en baskın ve etkin güçtü. Aslında o dönemin coğrafi şartlarında bir câhiliye insanı için hayatta kalabilmenin, kendisini koruyabilmenin ve geleceğe güvenle bakabilmenin tek yolu bu idi. Çünkü bir kabile sizi sahiplenmez ve korumazsa yaşama şansınız hemen hemen hiç olmazdı. Öte yandan kabile adına sahip olunan asalet soy yoluyla devam ederdi. Buna göre bir kimsenin statüsü mensubu olduğu soya göre şekillenirdi. Kabile mensubiyeti insanların hayatlarında bu denli önemli olunca artık her şey kabile için, kabile adına ve kabileden yanaydı. İslam bu anlayışı büyük ölçüde değiştirdi. Bunun yerine inanç birliği, din kardeşliği anlayışını getirdi. İslam bir yandan bu gibi temel dinamikleri insanların gündemine getirirken diğer taraftan da ilkesel olarak bütün bunların Allah adına yapılması gerektiğini ortaya koydu. Dolayısıyla kabile temelli üstünlük anlayışı artık takva esaslı üstünlük anlayışına dönüştü. Kabileyi yüceltmek ve kabilesinden olmayanı yok etmek yerine, Allah’ın dinini üstün kılmak ve insanı yaşatmak erdem haline geldi. Neticede insanın onurunu korumaya, yaratıcının tek oluşunu ve yüceliğini tanımaya yönelik bir toplumsal dönüşüm gerçekleşmiş oldu.The most important feature of the ‘Arab society yaşayan living in the pre-Islamic Mecca, which is known as‘ the ignorant society dır, is that the tribal understanding prevails. For these members of society, adherence to tribal laws, patronage of the tribe, asylum to the tribe, praise of the tribe, fear of condemnation and exclusion by the tribe were the most dominant and influential forces in human behavior. In fact, itwas the only way for an ignorant person to survive, to protect himself and to look to the future with confidence. Because if a tribe did not claim and protect you, you would hardly have a chance to live. On the other hand, the nobility of the tribe name continued through the lineage. Accordingly, the status of a person belonging to the soybeans were shaped. When tribal membership was so humid in people's lives, everything was for the tribe, on behalf of the tribe, and for the tribe.Islam changed this understanding to a great extent. Instead, unity of faith brought the concept of religious brotherhood. While Islam brought such basic dynamics to the agenda of people, on the other hand, it showed that in principle all this should be done in the name of Allah.Therefore, the concept of superiority based on the tribe has now become the concept of superiority based on taqwa. Instead of glorifying the tribe and destroying what was not of its tribe, it became virtue to make God's religion superior and to keep the human being alive. As a result, a social transformation took place in order to preserve human dignity and to recognize the unity and greatness of the creator

    Longevidad de las viviendas de ocupación muisca de Suta, Valle de Leiva (Colombia): Datación de cerámica por Resonancia Paramagnética Electrónica

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    En este proyecto exploratorio, se ha centrado en la posibilidad de proveer información detallada sobre el material arqueológico incorporado a Unidades Domesticas de la comunidad Muisca del sitio arqueológico de Suta en Valle de Leyva en el Departamento de Boyacá de Colombia y las discusiones antropológicas acerca de longevidad. Para cumplir este enfoque, se estableció un protocolo estándar de datación de cerámica, utilizando el equipo de la Resonancia Paramagnética Electrónica - EPR para revelar la cronoestratigrafía del sitio de Suta, y así, fortaleciendo aspectos cronológicos de la sociedad Muisca en Colombia. En un total de nueve fragmentos de cerámica fueron analizados con el equipo de EPR y se consiguieron un total de seis fechas acertadas que corresponden a los periodos de Muisca Temprano y Muisca Tardío. Los resultados de datación de los fragmentos guardan consistencia entre sí y muestran coherencia con los fechas radiocarbónicos de otros sitios de Muisca. Al finalizar esta investigación transdisciplinario, se estableció un exitoso protocolo estándar de datación de cerámica muisca que promueve la utilidad del equipo de EPR como una meritoria herramienta cronométrica para construir y refinar las cronologías en la arqueología colombiana. Al mismo tiempo se logro calcular la longevidad de uno de las cuatro unidades residenciales del sitio de Suta.Abstract: In this exploratory project, it has focused on the possibility of providing detailed information on the archaeological material incorporated into the Domestic Units of the Muisca community of the archaeological site of Suta in Valle de Leyva in the Department of Boyacá of Colombia and the anthropological discussions about longevity. To fulfill this approach, a standard ceramic dating protocol was established, using the Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance - EPR equipment to reveal the chronostratigraphy of the Suta site, and thus, strengthening chronological aspects of the Muisca society in Colombia. A total of nine ceramic fragments were analyzed with the EPR equipment and a total of six successful dates were obtained corresponding to the Early Muisca and Late Muisca periods. The dating results of the fragments are consistent with each other and show coherence with the radiocarbon dates of other Muisca sites. At the end of this transdisciplinary research, a successful standard Muisca ceramic dating protocol was established that promotes the usefulness of the EPR equipment as a worthy chronometric tool to construct and refine chronologies in Colombian archeology. At the same time it was possible to calculate the longevity of one of the four residential units of the Suta site.Doctorad

    Gene therapy restores vision in rd1 mice after removal of a confounding mutation in Gpr179

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    The rd1 mouse with a mutation in the Pde6b gene was the first strain of mice identified with a retinal degeneration. However, AAV-mediated gene supplementation of rd1 mice only results in structural preservation of photoreceptors, and restoration of the photoreceptor-mediated a-wave, but not in restoration of the bipolar cell-mediated b-wave. Here we show that a mutation in Gpr179 prevents the full restoration of vision in rd1 mice. Backcrossing rd1 with C57BL6 mice reveals the complete lack of b-wave in a subset of mice, consistent with an autosomal recessive Mendelian inheritance pattern. We identify a mutation in the Gpr179 gene, which encodes for a G-protein coupled receptor localized to the dendrites of ON-bipolar cells. Gene replacement in rd1 mice that are devoid of the mutation in Gpr179 successfully restores the function of both photoreceptors and bipolar cells, which is maintained for up to 13 months. Our discovery may explain the failure of previous gene therapy attempts in rd1 mice, and we propose that Grp179 mutation status should be taken into account in future studies involving rd1 mice

    Metaphorical perceptions of school administrators concerning school and ideal schoolOkul yöneticilerinin okul ve ideal okula ilişkin metaforik algıları

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    Metaphor used in a variety fields of social ciences can be defined as the meaning transfer from one object to other which have similarities in terms of some aspects. It can also be defined as making relations between abstract things with concrete everyday things to be understood them easily. When addressed in terms of education administration, it has been observed that metaphors are often used while designing curriculums, planning activities, making motivations for learning and creative thinking trainings. In this context, it is possible to benefit from them in order to understand the school better. The aim of this study is to reveal the perceptions of school administrators related to school and ideal school with the aid of metaphors. In this study, using phenomenology (qualification) from qualitative research methods, data from 37 school administrators working in the province of Amasya and identified by maximum diversity sampling method were obtained by using a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researcher and composed of two parts. In analysing of the data obtained in the research, content analysis technique was used and in the process of analysis of the obtained data, interview records were deciphered and analyzed. Research findings show that school administrators mostly used “mother”, “human” and “tree” metaphors to explain the school. “Factory”, “human”, “Şeyh Edebali”, “car” and “Sun” are the popular metaphors used by the participants to describe the ideal school. According to the findings of the research, it can be said that family is the first education place. So, the active participation of the parents to the education will make the contributions to develop a school culture, make the curriculum better, improve the skills of parents on child education and will help teachers make their jobs effectively.Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetSosyal bilimlerin birçok alanında kullanılan metafor, algısal benzerlik olan bir objeden diğerine geçen anlam transferi ve soyut kavramlar ile bilinen somut şeyler arasında ilişki kurmak biçiminde ifade edilmektedir. Eğitim yönetimi açısından ele alındığında, metaforların müfredat geliştirirken, planlama yapılırken, öğrenme motivasyonları yaparken ve yaratıcı düşünce eğitimlerinde sıklıkla kullanılan bir yöntem olduğu gözlemlenmektedir. Bu bağlamda, okulu daha iyi anlamak için de metaforlardan yararlanmak mümkündür. Bu doğrultuda bu araştırmanın amacı okul yöneticilerinin okul ve ideal okul kavramlarına ilişkin düşüncelerini metafor yardımıyla açığa çıkarmaktır. Nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden fenomenoloji (olgubilim) deseni kullanılan bu araştırmanın örneklemini; Amasya ilindeki ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise okul türlerinde görev yapmakta olan 37 okul yöneticisi oluşturmaktadır. Maksimum çeşitlilik örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen okul yöneticilerinin, okul ve ideal okula ilişkin algılarını belirlemek üzere araştırmacı tarafından hazırlanan ve iki bölümden oluşan yarı-yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu kullanılmıştır. Verilerin çözümlenmesinde içerik analizi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya katılan okul yöneticilerinin en çok birleştikleri metaforun “anne” olduğu, daha sonra ise “insan” ve “ağaç” metaforlarının söylenme sıklığının da aynı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Okul yöneticilerinin ideal okul kavramına ilişkin ürettikleri metaforlarda en çok birleştikleri kavramların ise “fabrika”, “insan”, “Şeyh Edebali”, “araba”, “güneş” olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. En sık tekrarlanan metaforun “anne” olduğu göz önünde bulundurulduğunda, ailenin her zaman bireylerin ilk eğitim yeri olduğu gerçeğinin hâlâ geçerliliğini sürdürdüğü söylenebilir. Sonuç olarak, ailenin eğitim sürecine aktif katılımı, okul ikliminin geliştirilmesine, müfredat programının iyileştirilmesine, aile çocuk eğitimi bilgi ve becerilerinin geliştirilmesine, ailelerin katılımı ile birlikte öğretmenlerin görevlerini daha rahat yapmasına katkıda bulunacaktır