2,016 research outputs found

    Psicose e Perturbações do Espectro do Autismo – Questões Diagnósticas a Propósito de um Caso Clínico

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    consideram as perturbações globais do desenvolvimento e as perturbações psicóticas grupos nosológicos distintos. Na prática clínica, surgem, por vezes, dificuldades no diagnóstico diferencial entre estes dois grupos nosológicos, bem como na avaliação da presença de comorbilidades dada a possível sobreposição de sintomas, tais como alterações da linguagem, sociais, do pensamento, entre outras. Caso Clínico: A autora expõe um caso de uma criança de sete anos com diagnóstico de Síndrome de Asperger em que surge sintomatologia do foro psiquiátrico passível de pertencer às duas entidades nosológicas. Conclusão: A importância deste tema reside, por um lado, na necessidade dos clínicos reconhecerem os sinais precoces de psicose em crianças e adolescentes com perturbação do espectro do autismo com vista a um diagnóstico e intervenção atempados e, por outro, na perspectiva de diminuir o sobrediagnóstico de psicose nesta população de doentes

    Dynamics of Dengue epidemics using optimal control

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    We present an application of optimal control theory to Dengue epidemics. This epidemiologic disease is an important theme in tropical countries due to the growing number of infected individuals. The dynamic model is described by a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations, that depend on the dynamic of the Dengue mosquito, the number of infected individuals, and the people's motivation to combat the mosquito. The cost functional depends not only on the costs of medical treatment of the infected people but also on the costs related to educational and sanitary campaigns. Two approaches to solve the problem are considered: one using optimal control theory, another one by discretizing first the problem and then solving it with nonlinear programming. The results obtained with OC-ODE and IPOPT solvers are given and discussed. We observe that with current computational tools it is easy to obtain, in an efficient way, better solutions to Dengue problems, leading to a decrease of infected mosquitoes and individuals in less time and with lower costs.Comment: Submitted to Mathematical and Computer Modelling 25/Oct/2009; accepted for publication, after revision, 22/June/201

    Correlates of genetic monogamy in socially monogamous mammals: insights from Azara's owl monkeys

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    Understanding the evolution of mating systems, a central topic in evolutionary biology for more than 50 years, requires examining the genetic consequences of mating and the relationships between social systems and mating systems. Among pair-living mammals, where genetic monogamy is extremely rare, the extent of extra-group paternity rates has been associated withmale participation in infant care, strength of the pair bond and length of the breeding season. This study evaluated the relationship between two of those factors and the genetic mating system of socially monogamous mammals, testing predictions that male care and strength of pair bond would be negatively correlated with rates of extra-pair paternity (EPP). Autosomal microsatellite analyses provide evidence for genetic monogamy in a pair-living primate with bi-parental care, the Azara’s owl monkey (Aotus azarae). A phylogenetically corrected generalized least square analysis was used to relate male care and strength of the pair bond to their genetic mating system (i.e. proportions of EPP) in 15 socially monogamous mammalian species. The intensity of male care was correlated with EPP rates in mammals, while strength of pair bond failed to reach statistical significance. Our analyses showthat, once social monogamy has evolved, paternal care, and potentially also close bonds, may facilitate the evolution of genetic monogamy.German Science Foundation (HU 1746/2-1); Wenner-Gren Foundation; L.S.B. Leakey Foundation;National Geographic Society; National Science Foundation (BCS-0621020, 1219368, and 1232349); the University of Pennsylvania Research Foundation; the Zoological Society of San Dieg

    Comportamentos Auto lesivos não suicidários numa Unidade Internamento de Pedopsiquiatria − 2010 a 2015

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    Introdução: Os Comportamentos Autolesivos Não Suicidários (CANS), caracterizados pela destruição direta e deliberada de tecido corporal, na ausência de intenção suicida e para propósitos não socialmente aceites, são um fenómeno frequente em adolescentes, principalmente em amostras clínicas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência e evolução de CANS na Unidade de Internamento de Pedopsiquiatria. Pretendeu-se também comparar os doentes com CANS com os doentes sem estes comportamentos. Metodologia: Consulta e levantamento de dados dos processos clínicos de todos os doentes internados nos meses de janeiro, de 2010 a 2015. Resultados: Em 2010 e 2011 a prevalência de CANS era relativamente constante (12-13%), tendo-se verificado um aumento da prevalência em 2012 (20%) e em 2013 (33%), que em 2014 e 2015 se tem mantido constante (33-35%). Encontrou-se uma associação entre CANS e sexo feminino, tentativas de suicídio prévias, perturbação de Humor, perturbação de personalidade cluster B e consumo de substâncias. Conclusões: A prevalência de CANS nos doentes internados na unidade de Pedopsiquiatria aumentou. Encontrou-se associação entre CANS e comporta - mentos suicidários e psicopatologia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    To what extent is Gluon Confinement an empirical fact?

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    Experimental verifications of Confinement in hadron physics have established the absence of charges with a fraction of the electron's charge by studying the energy deposited in ionization tracks at high energies, and performing Millikan experiments with charged droplets at rest. These experiments test only the absence of particles with fractional charge in the asymptotic spectrum, and thus "Quark" Confinement. However what theory suggests is that Color is confined, that is, all asymptotic particles are color singlets. Since QCD is a non-Abelian theory, the gluon force carriers (indirectly revealed in hadron jets) are colored. We empirically examine what can be said about Gluon Confinement based on the lack of detection of appropriate events, aiming at an upper bound for high-energy free-gluon production.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, version accepted at Few Body Physic

    Phase-Sensitive Vibrational Sum and Difference Frequency-Generation Spectroscopy Enabling Nanometer-Depth Profiling at Interfaces

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    The unique physical and chemical properties of interfaces are governed by a finite depth that describes the transition from the topmost atomic layer to the properties of the bulk material. Thus, understanding the physical nature of interfaces requires detailed insight into the different structures, chemical compositions, and physical processes that form this interfacial region. Such insight has traditionally been difficult to obtain from experiments, as it requires a combination of structural and chemical sensitivity with spatial depth resolution on the nanometer scale. In this contribution, we present a vibrational spectroscopic approach that can overcome these limitations. By combining phase-sensitive sum and difference frequency-generation (SFG and DFG, respectively) spectroscopy and by selectively determining different nonlinear interaction pathways, we can extract precise depth information and correlate these to specific vibrationally resonant modes of interfacial species. We detail the mathematical framework behind this approach and demonstrate the performance of this technique in two sets of experiments on selected model samples. An analysis of the results shows an almost perfect match between experiment and theory, confirming the practicability of the proposed concept under realistic experimental conditions. Furthermore, in measurements with self-assembled monolayers of different chain lengths, we analyze the spatial accuracy of the technique and find that the precision can even reach the sub-nanometer regime. We also discuss the implications and the information content of such depth-sensitive measurements and show that the concept is very general and goes beyond the analysis of the depth profiles. The presented SFG/DFG technique offers new perspectives for spectroscopic investigations of interfaces in various material systems by providing access to fundamental observables that have so far been inaccessible by experiments. Here, we set the theoretical and experimental basis for such future investigations

    Perceived quality of life and the specific physical activities by the elderly

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    Se analizaron indicadores de salud con respecto a la percepción de la calidad de vida (CVRS) mediante el cuestionario Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36) y parámetros cinemáticos manifestados en el movimiento press banca (12 kilos) como predictores de las adaptaciones neurofisiológicas que se producen con la actividad física. Se trataron valores de potencia, de velocidad, aceleraciones, fuerza y variables temporales. Se utilizaron dos grupos, uno activo, de práctica física habitual (12H, 6M, 68,4±5,6 años, 1,65±0,074m, 74,57±15,41kg, BMI 26,93±4,02; act/sem 4,5±1,65h.), y otro sedentario (16H, 7M, 69 ± 7,07 años, 1,67 ± 0,072m, 74,95 ± 7,4kg, BMI 26,84±2,78) Se encontraron diferencias significativas (p<0,05;gl=1,39;dz=0,5). El grupo considerado activo se percibe con mejor calidad de vida y manifiesta de manera más rápida y con mayor fuerza el movimiento solicitado. Las conclusiones son relevantes para posteriores estudios que se centren en la pérdida de propiedades neuromusculares acompañada a la falta de práctica y al efecto del envejecimiento.Quality of life related to health indicators (QLRH) were analyzed by means of the Short Form-36 Health Survey (SF-36) questionnaire and the specified kinetic parameters of the bench press movement (12 kg) as predictors of the neurophysiological adaptations produced by physical activity. These were the values of power, velocity, acceleration, strength and temporal variables. Two groups were studied: the first group was active, undertaking regular physical activity (12 male; 6 female; 68,4±5,6 years; 1,65±0,074m; 74,57±15,41kg; BMI 26,93±4,02; weekly activity 4,5±1,65h.); the second group was sedentary (16 male; 7 female; 69±7,07 years; 1,67±0,072m; 74,95±7,4kg; BMI 26,84±2,78). Significant differences were found (p<0,05;df=1,39;dz=0,5). The group regarded as active considered itself as having a better quality of life and was able to perform the requested movement with greater speed and strength. The conclusions are relevant for future studies that centre on the loss of neuromuscular properties accompanied by a lack of physical activity and the effects of aging

    Learning while evaluating: the use of an electronic evaluation portfolio in a geriatric medicine clerkship

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    BACKGROUND: Electronic evaluation portfolios may play a role in learning and evaluation in clinical settings and may complement other traditional evaluation methods (bedside evaluations, written exams and tutor-led evaluations). METHODS: 133 third-year medical students used the McGill Electronic Evaluation Portfolio (MEEP) during their one-month clerkship rotation in Geriatric Medicine between September 2002 and September 2003. Students were divided into two groups, one who received an introductory hands-on session about the electronic evaluation portfolio and one who did not. Students' marks in their portfolios were compared between both groups. Additionally, students self-evaluated their performance and received feedback using the electronic portfolio during their mandatory clerkship rotation. Students were surveyed immediately after the rotation and at the end of the clerkship year. Tutors' opinions about this method were surveyed once. Finally, the number of evaluations/month was quantified. In all surveys, Likert scales were used and were analyzed using Chi-square tests and t-tests to assess significant differences in the responses from surveyed subjects. RESULTS: The introductory session had a significant effect on students' portfolio marks as well as on their comfort using the system. Both tutors and students reported positive notions about the method. Remarkably, an average (± SD) of 520 (± 70) evaluations/month was recorded with 30 (± 5) evaluations per student/month. CONCLUSION: The MEEP showed a significant and positive effect on both students' self-evaluations and tutors' evaluations involving an important amount of self-reflection and feedback which may complement the more traditional evaluation methods

    Correction: Circumvention of common labelling artefacts using secondary nanobodies

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    Correction for ‘Circumvention of common labelling artefacts using secondary nanobodies’ by Shama Sograte-Idrissi et al., Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 10226–10239, DOI: 10.1039/D0NR00227E