6,179 research outputs found

    The structure and radiation spectra of illuminated accretion discs in AGN. I. Moderate illumination

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    We present detailed computations of the vertical structure of an accretion disc illuminated by hard X-ray radiation with the code {\sc titan-noar} suitable for Compton thick media. The energy generated via accretion is dissipated partially in the cold disc as well as in the X-ray source. We study the differences between the case where the X-ray source is in the form of a lamp post above the accretion disc and the case of a heavy corona. We consider radiative heating via Comptonization together with heating via photo-absorption on numerous heavy elements as carbon, oxygen, silicon, iron. The transfer in lines is precisely calculated. A better description of the heating/cooling through the inclusion of line transfer, a correct description of the temperature in the deeper layers, a correct description of the entire disc vertical structure, as well as the study of the possible coronal pressure effect, constitute an improvement in comparison to previous works. We show that exact calculations of hydrostatic equilibrium and determination of the disc thickness has a crucial impact on the optical depth of the hot illuminated zone. We assume a moderate illumination where the viscous flux equals the X-ray radiation flux. A highly ionized skin is created in the lamp post model, with the outgoing spectrum containing many emission lines and ionization edges in emission or absorption in the soft X-ray domain, as well as an iron line at ∌7\sim 7 keV consisting of a blend of low ionization line from the deepest layers and hydrogen and helium like resonance line from the upper layers, and almost no absorption edge, contrary to the case of a slab of constant density.A full heavy corona completely suppresses the highly ionized zone on the top of the accretion disc and in such case the spectrum is featureless.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figures, corrected two sentences, accepted by MNRA

    Obscuration model of Variability in AGN

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    There are strong suggestions that the disk-like accretion flow onto massive black hole in AGN is disrupted in its innermost part (10-100 Rg), possibly due to the radiation pressure instability. It may form a hot optically thin quasi spherical (ADAF) flow surrounded by or containing denser clouds due to the disruption of the disk. Such clouds might be optically thick, with a Thompson depth of order of 10 or more. Within the frame of this cloud scenario (Collin-Souffrin et al. 1996, Czerny & Dumont 1998), obscuration events are expected and the effect would be seen as a variability. We consider expected random variability due to statistical dispersion in location of clouds along the line of sight for a constant covering factor. We discuss a simple analytical toy model which provides us with the estimates of the mean spectral properties and variability amplitude of AGN, and we support them with radiative transfer computations done with the use of TITAN code of Dumont, Abrassart & Collin (1999) and NOAR code of Abrassart (1999).Comment: to appear in Proc. of 5th Compton Symposium on Gamma-Ray Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Breadth-first serialisation of trees and rational languages

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    We present here the notion of breadth-first signature and its relationship with numeration system theory. It is the serialisation into an infinite word of an ordered infinite tree of finite degree. We study which class of languages corresponds to which class of words and,more specifically, using a known construction from numeration system theory, we prove that the signature of rational languages are substitutive sequences.Comment: 15 page

    The End of the Lines for OX 169: No Binary Broad-Line Region

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    We show that unusual Balmer emission line profiles of the quasar OX 169, frequently described as either self-absorbed or double peaked, are actually neither. The effect is an illusion resulting from two coincidences. First, the forbidden lines are quite strong and broad. Consequently, the [N II]6583 line and the associated narrow-line component of H-alpha present the appearance of twin H-alpha peaks. Second, the redshift of 0.2110 brings H-beta into coincidence with Na I D at zero redshift, and ISM absorption in Na I D divides the H-beta emission line. In spectra obtained over the past decade, we see no substantial change in the character of the line profiles, and no indication of intrinsic double-peaked structure. The H-gamma, Mg II, and Ly-alpha emission lines are single peaked, and all of the emission-line redshifts are consistent once they are correctly attributed to their permitted and forbidden-line identifications. A systematic shift of up to 700 km/s between broad and narrow lines is seen, but such differences are common, and could be due to gravitational and transverse redshift in a low-inclination disk. Stockton & Farnham (1991) had called attention to an apparent tidal tail in the host galaxy of OX 169, and speculated that a recent merger had supplied the nucleus with a coalescing pair of black holes which was now revealing its existence in the form of two physically distinct broad-line regions. Although there is no longer any evidence for two broad emission-line regions in OX 169, binary black holes should form frequently in galaxy mergers, and it is still worthwhile to monitor the radial velocities of emission lines which could supply evidence of their existence in certain objects.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap.

    The origin of emission and absorption features in Ton S180 Chandra observations

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    We present new interpretation of Ton S180 spectrum obtained by {\it Chandra} Spectrometer (Low Energy Transmission Grating). Several narrow absorption lines and a few emission disk lines have been successfully fitted to the data. We have not found any significant edges accompanying line emission. We propose the interpretation of narrow lines consistent with the paper recently written by Krolik (2002), where warm absorber is strongly inhomogeneous. Such situation is possible in so called multi-phase medium, where regions with different ionization states, densities and temperatures may coexist in thermal equilibrium under constant pressure. We illustrate this scenario with theoretical spectra of radiation transfered through a stratified cloud with constant pressure (instead of constant density) computed by code {\sc titan} in plane parallel approximation. Detected spectral features are faint and their presence do not alter the broad band continuum. We model the broad band continuum of Ton S180 assuming an irradiated accretion disk with a dissipative warm skin. The set of parameters appropriate for the data cannot be determined uniquely but models with low values of the black hole mass have too hot and radially extended warm skin to explain the formation of soft X-ray disk lines seen in the data.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Tree-Grass interactions dynamics and Pulse Fires: mathematical and numerical studies

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    Savannas are dynamical systems where grasses and trees can either dominate or coexist. Fires are known to be central in the functioning of the savanna biome though their characteristics are expected to vary along the rainfall gradients as observed in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this paper, we model the tree-grass dynamics using impulsive differential equations that consider fires as discrete events. This framework allows us to carry out a comprehensive qualitative mathematical analysis that revealed more diverse possible outcomes than the analogous continuous model. We investigated local and global properties of the equilibria and show that various states exist for the physiognomy of vegetation. Though several abrupt shifts between vegetation states appeared determined by fire periodicity, we showed that direct shading of grasses by trees is also an influential process embodied in the model by a competition parameter leading to bifurcations. Relying on a suitable nonstandard finite difference scheme, we carried out numerical simulations in reference to three main climatic zones as observable in Central Africa.Comment: 51 pages, 7 figure

    X-ray He-like ions diagnostics: New Computations for Photoionized Plasmas: I. preliminary considerations

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    Using the new version of the photoionization code Titan designed for plane-parallel photoionized thick hot media, which is unprecedented from the point of view of line transfer, we have undertaken a study of the influence of different parameters on the He-like and H-like emission of a medium photoionized by an X-ray source. We explain why in modelling the emitting medium it is important to solve in a self-consistent way the thermal and ionization equilibria and to take into account the interconnection between the different ions. We give the equivalent widths of the sum of the He-like triplets and the triplet intensity ratios GG and RR, for the most important He-like ions, for a range of density, column density, and ionization parameter, in the case of constant density media. We show that the line intensities from a given ion can be accounted for, either by small values of both the column density and of the ionization parameter, or by large values of both quantities, and it is necessary to take into account several ions to disentangle these possibilities. We show also that a "pure recombination spectrum" almost never exists in a photoionized medium: either it is thin, and resonance lines are formed by radiative excitation, or it is thick, and free-bound absorption destroys the resonance photons as they undergo resonant diffusion.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, accepted in A &
