846 research outputs found

    Linear polarization sensitivity of SeGA detectors

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    Parity is a key observable in nuclear spectroscopy. Linear polarization measurements of Îł\gamma-rays are a probe to access the parities of energy levels. Utilizing the segmentation of detectors in the Segmented Germanium Array (SeGA) at the NSCL and analyzing the positions of interaction therein allows the detectors to be used as Compton polarimeters. Unlike other segmented detectors, SeGA detectors are irradiated from the side to utilize the transversal segmentation for better Doppler corrections. Sensitivity in such an orientation has previously been untested. A linear polarization sensitivity Q≈0.14Q \approx 0.14 has been measured in the 350-keV energy range for SeGA detectors using α\alpha-Îł\gamma correlations from a \nuc{249}{Cf} source.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Asymptotic models for the generation of internal waves by a moving ship, and the dead-water phenomenon

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    This paper deals with the dead-water phenomenon, which occurs when a ship sails in a stratified fluid, and experiences an important drag due to waves below the surface. More generally, we study the generation of internal waves by a disturbance moving at constant speed on top of two layers of fluids of different densities. Starting from the full Euler equations, we present several nonlinear asymptotic models, in the long wave regime. These models are rigorously justified by consistency or convergence results. A careful theoretical and numerical analysis is then provided, in order to predict the behavior of the flow and in which situations the dead-water effect appears.Comment: To appear in Nonlinearit

    Molecular excitation in the Eagle nebula's fingers

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    Context: The M16 nebula is a relatively nearby Hii region, powered by O stars from the open cluster NGC 6611, which borders to a Giant Molecular Cloud. Radiation from these hot stars has sculpted columns of dense obscuring material on a few arcmin scales. The interface between these pillars and the hot ionised medium provides a textbook example of a Photodissociation Region (PDR). Aims: To constrain the physical conditions of the atomic and molecular material with submillimeter spectroscopic observations. Methods: We used the APEX submillimeter telescope to map a ~3'x3' region in the CO J=3-2, 4-3 and 7-6 rotational lines, and a subregion in atomic carbon lines. We also observed C18O(3-2) and CO(7-6) with longer integrations on five peaks found in the CO(3-2) map. The large scale structure of the pillars is derived from the molecular lines' emission distribution. We estimate the magnitude of the velocity gradient at the tips of the pillars and use LVG modelling to constrain their densities and temperatures. Excitation temperatures and carbon column densities are derived from the atomic carbon lines. Results: The atomic carbon lines are optically thin and excitation temperatures are of order 60 K to 100 K, well consistent with observations of other Hii region-molecular cloud interfaces. We derive somewhat lower temperatures from the CO line ratios, of order 40 K. The Ci/CO ratio is around 0.1 at the fingers tips.Comment: 4 pages, APEX A&A special issue, accepte

    The First Measurement of Spectral Lines in a Short-Period Star Bound to the Galaxy's Central Black Hole: A Paradox of Youth

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    We have obtained the first detection of spectral absorption lines in one of the high-velocity stars in the vicinity of the Galaxy's central supermassive black hole. Both Brgamma (2.1661 micron) and He I (2.1126 micron) are seen in absorption in S0-2 with equivalent widths (2.8+-0.3 Ang & 1.7+-0.4 Ang) and an inferred stellar rotational velocity (220+-40 km/s) that are consistent with that of an O8-B0 dwarf, which suggests that it is a massive (~15 Msun), young (<10 Myr) main sequence star. This presents a major challenge to star formation theories, given the strong tidal forces that prevail over all distances reached by S0-2 in its current orbit (130 - 1900 AU) and the difficulty in migrating this star inward during its lifetime from further out where tidal forces should no longer preclude star formation. The radial velocity measurements (-510+-40 km/s) and our reported proper motions for S0-2 strongly constrain its orbit, providing a direct measure of the black hole mass of 4.1(+-0.6)x10^6(Ro/8kpc)^3 Msun. The Keplerian orbit parameters have uncertainities that are reduced by a factor of 2-3 compared to previously reported values and include, for the first time, an independent solution for the dynamical center; this location, while consistent with the nominal infrared position of Sgr A*, is localized to a factor of 5 more precisely (+-2 milli-arcsec). Furthermore, the ambiguity in the inclination of the orbit is resolved with the addition of the radial velocity measurement, indicating that the star is behind the black hole at the time of closest approach and counter-revolving against the Galaxy. With further radial velocity measurements in the next few years, the orbit of S0-2 will provide the most robust estimate of the distance to the Galactic Center.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, Accepted for Publication in ApJ Letter

    The EU and Asia within an evolving global order: what is Europe? Where is Asia?

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    The papers in this special edition are a very small selection from those presented at the EU-NESCA (Network of European Studies Centres in Asia) conference on "the EU and East Asia within an Evolving Global Order: Ideas, Actors and Processes" in November 2008 in Brussels. The conference was the culmination of three years of research activity involving workshops and conferences bringing together scholars from both regions primarily to discuss relations between Europe and Asia, perceptions of Europe in Asia, and the relationship between the European regional project and emerging regional forms in Asia. But although this was the last of the three major conferences organised by the consortium, it in many ways represented a starting point rather than the end; an opportunity to reflect on the conclusions of the first phase of collaboration and point towards new and continuing research agendas for the future

    Gas and dust in the Beta Pictoris Moving Group as seen by the Herschel Space Observatory

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    Context. Debris discs are thought to be formed through the collisional grinding of planetesimals, and can be considered as the outcome of planet formation. Understanding the properties of gas and dust in debris discs can help us to comprehend the architecture of extrasolar planetary systems. Herschel Space Observatory far-infrared (IR) photometry and spectroscopy have provided a valuable dataset for the study of debris discs gas and dust composition. This paper is part of a series of papers devoted to the study of Herschel PACS observations of young stellar associations. Aims. This work aims at studying the properties of discs in the Beta Pictoris Moving Group (BPMG) through far-IR PACS observations of dust and gas. Methods. We obtained Herschel-PACS far-IR photometric observations at 70, 100 and 160 microns of 19 BPMG members, together with spectroscopic observations of four of them. Spectroscopic observations were centred at 63.18 microns and 157 microns, aiming to detect [OI] and [CII] emission. We incorporated the new far-IR observations in the SED of BPMG members and fitted modified blackbody models to better characterise the dust content. Results. We have detected far-IR excess emission toward nine BPMG members, including the first detection of an IR excess toward HD 29391.The star HD 172555, shows [OI] emission, while HD 181296, shows [CII] emission, expanding the short list of debris discs with a gas detection. No debris disc in BPMG is detected in both [OI] and [CII]. The discs show dust temperatures in the range 55 to 264 K, with low dust masses (6.6*10^{-5} MEarth to 0.2 MEarth) and radii from blackbody models in the range 3 to 82 AU. All the objects with a gas detection are early spectral type stars with a hot dust component.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 6 table

    HST/NICMOS observations of a proto-brown dwarf candidate

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    We present deep HST/NICMOS observations peering through the outflow cavity of the protostellar candidate IRAS 04381+2540 in the Taurus Molecular Cloud-1. A young stellar object as central source, a jet and a very faint and close (0.6") companion are identified. The primary and the companion have similar colours, consistent with strong reddening. We argue that the companion is neither a shock-excited knot nor a background star. The colour/magnitude information predicts a substellar upper mass limit for the companion, but the final confirmation will require spectroscopic information. Because of its geometry, young age and its rare low-mass companion, this system is likely to provide a unique insight into the formation of brown dwarfs.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters, in press; 4 pages, 2 figure

    Search for Oscillation of the Electron-Capture Decay Probability of 142^{142}Pm

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    We have searched for time modulation of the electron capture decay probability of 142^{142}Pm in an attempt to confirm a recent claim from a group at the Gesellschaft f\"{u}r Schwerionenforschung (GSI). We produced 142^{142}Pm via the 124^{124}Sn(23^{23}Na, 5n)142^{142}Pm reaction at the Berkeley 88-Inch Cyclotron with a bombardment time short compared to the reported modulation period. Isotope selection by the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator is followed by implantation and a long period of monitoring the 142^{142}Nd Kα_{\alpha} x-rays from the daughter. The decay time spectrum of the x-rays is well-described by a simple exponential and the measured half-life of 40.68(53) seconds is consistent with the accepted value. We observed no oscillatory modulation at the proposed frequency at a level 31 times smaller than that reported by Litvinov {\it et al.} (Phys. Lett. B 664 (2008) 162; arXiv:0801.2079 [nucl-ex]). A literature search for previous experiments that might have been sensitive to the reported modulation uncovered another example in 142^{142}Eu electron-capture decay. A reanalysis of the published data shows no oscillatory behavior.Comment: 12 pages (double-spaced), 6 figure

    High-spin states with seniority v=4,4,6 in 119-126Sn

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    The 119-126Sn nuclei have been produced as fission fragments in two reactions induced by heavy ions: 12C+238U at 90 MeV bombarding energy, 18O+208Pb at 85 MeV. Their level schemes have been built from gamma rays detected using the Euroball array. High-spin states located above the long-lived isomeric states of the even- and odd-A 120-126Sn nuclei have been identified. Moreover isomeric states lying around 4.5 MeV have been established in 120,122,124,126Sn from the delayed coincidences between the fission fragment detector SAPhIR and the Euroball array. The states located above 3-MeV excitation energy are ascribed to several broken pairs of neutrons occupying the nu h11/2 orbit. The maximum value of angular momentum available in such a high-j shell, i.e. for mid-occupation and the breaking of the three neutron pairs, has been identified. This process is observed for the first time in spherical nuclei.Comment: 20 pages, 22 figures, 12 tables, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Multiwavelength studies of the gas and dust disc of IRAS 04158+2805

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    We present a study of the circumstellar environment of IRAS 04158+2805 based on multi-wavelength observations and models. Images in the optical and near-infrared, a polarisation map in the optical, and mid-infrared spectra were obtained with VLT-FORS1, CFHT-IR, and Spitzer-IRS. Additionally we used an X-ray spectrum observed with Chandra. We interpret the observations in terms of a central star surrounded by an axisymmetric circumstellar disc, but without an envelope, to test the validity of this simple geometry. We estimate the structural properties of the disc and its gas and dust content. We modelled the dust disc with a 3D continuum radiative transfer code, MCFOST, based on a Monte-Carlo method that provides synthetic scattered light images and polarisation maps, as well as spectral energy distributions. We find that the disc images and spectral energy distribution narrowly constrain many of the disc model parameters, such as a total dust mass of 1.0-1.75x10^-4 sollar masses and an inclination of 62-63 degrees. The maximum grain size required to fit all available data is of the order of 1.6-2.8 microns although the upper end of this range is loosely constrained. The observed optical polarisation map is reproduced well by the same disc model, suggesting that the geometry we find is adequate and the optical properties are representative of the visible dust content. We compare the inferred dust column density to the gas column density derived from the X-ray spectrum and find a gas-to-dust ratio along the line of sight that is consistent with the ISM value. To our knowledge, this measurement is the first to directly compare dust and gas column densities in a protoplanetary disc.Comment: 8 figures, 11 pages, accepted by A&
