215 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic follow-up of a subset of the Gaia/IPHAS catalogue of Hα-excess sources

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    State-of-the-art techniques to identify Hα emission-line sources in narrow-band photometric surveys consist of searching for  Hα excess with reference to nearby objects in the sky (position-based selection). However, while this approach usually yields very few spurious detections, it may fail to select intrinsically faint and/or rare Hα-excess sources. In order to obtain a more complete representation of the heterogeneous emission-line populations, we recently developed a technique to find outliers relative to nearby objects in the colour–magnitude diagram (CMD-based selection). By combining position-based and CMD-based selections, we built an updated catalogue of Hα-excess candidates in the Northern Galactic Plane. Here, we present spectroscopic follow-up observations and classification of 114 objects from this catalogue that enables us to test our novel selection method. Out of the 70 spectroscopically confirmed Hα-emitters in our sample, 15 were identified only by the CMD-based selection, and would have been thus missed by the classic position-based technique. In addition, we explore the distribution of our spectroscopically confirmed emitters in the Gaia CMD. This information can support the classification of emission-line sources in large surveys such as the upcoming WEAVE and 4-m Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope, especially if augmented with the introduction of other colours

    The Gaia/IPHAS and Gaia/KIS value-added catalogues

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    We present a sub-arcsecond crossmatch of Gaia DR2 against the INT Photometric H α Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane Data Release 2 (IPHAS DR2) and the Kepler-INT Survey (KIS). The resulting value-added catalogues (VACs) provide additional precise photometry to the Gaia photometry (r, i, and H α for IPHAS, with additional U and g for KIS). In building the catalogue, proper motions given in Gaia DR2 are wound back to match the epochs of IPHAS DR2, thus ensuring high proper motion objects are appropriately crossmatched. The catalogues contain 7927 224 and 791 071 sources for IPHAS and KIS, respectively. The requirement of >5σ parallax detection for every included source means that distances out to 1–1.5 kpc are well covered. We define two additional parameters for each catalogued object: (i) fc, a magnitude-dependent tracer of the quality of the Gaia astrometric fit; (ii) fFP, the false-positive rate for parallax measurements determined from astrometric fits of a given quality at a given magnitude. Selection cuts based on these parameters can be used to clean colour–magnitude and colour–colour diagrams in a controlled and justified manner. We provide both full and light versions of the VAC, with VAC-light containing only objects that represent our recommended trade-off between purity and completeness. Uses of the catalogues include the identification of new variable stars in the matched data sets, and more complete identification of H α-excess emission objects due to separation of high-luminosity stars from the main sequence

    Visualizing the microscopic coexistence of spin density wave and superconductivity in underdoped NaFe1-xCoxAs

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    Although the origin of high temperature superconductivity in the iron pnictides is still under debate, it is widely believed that magnetic interactions or fluctuations play an important role in triggering Cooper pairing. Because of the relevance of magnetism to pairing, the question of whether long range spin magnetic order can coexist with superconductivity microscopically has attracted strong interests. The available experimental methods used to answer this question are either bulk probes or local ones without control of probing position, thus the answers range from mutual exclusion to homogeneous coexistence. To definitively answer this question, here we use scanning tunneling microscopy to investigate the local electronic structure of an underdoped NaFe1-xCoxAs near the spin density wave (SDW) and superconducting (SC) phase boundary. Spatially resolved spectroscopy directly reveal both the SDW and SC gap features at the same atomic location, providing compelling evidence for the microscopic coexistence of the two phases. The strengths of the SDW and SC features are shown to anti correlate with each other, indicating the competition of the two orders. The microscopic coexistence clearly indicates that Cooper pairing occurs when portions of the Fermi surface (FS) are already gapped by the SDW order. The regime TC < T < TSDW thus show a strong resemblance to the pseudogap phase of the cuprates where growing experimental evidences suggest a FS reconstruction due to certain density wave order. In this phase of the pnictides, the residual FS has a favorable topology for magnetically mediated pairing when the ordering moment of the SDW is small.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    Breathing Rate Estimation From the Electrocardiogram and Photoplethysmogram: A Review.

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    Breathing rate (BR) is a key physiological parameter used in a range of clinical settings. Despite its diagnostic and prognostic value, it is still widely measured by counting breaths manually. A plethora of algorithms have been proposed to estimate BR from the electrocardiogram (ECG) and pulse oximetry (photoplethysmogram, PPG) signals. These BR algorithms provide opportunity for automated, electronic, and unobtrusive measurement of BR in both healthcare and fitness monitoring. This paper presents a review of the literature on BR estimation from the ECG and PPG. First, the structure of BR algorithms and the mathematical techniques used at each stage are described. Second, the experimental methodologies that have been used to assess the performance of BR algorithms are reviewed, and a methodological framework for the assessment of BR algorithms is presented. Third, we outline the most pressing directions for future research, including the steps required to use BR algorithms in wearable sensors, remote video monitoring, and clinical practice

    Superconductivity at 5 K in potassium doped phenanthrene

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    Organic materials are believed to be potential superconductor with high transition temperature (TC). Organic superconductors mainly have two families: the quasi-one dimensional (TMTSF)2X and two dimensional (BEDT-TTF)2X (Ref. 1 and 2), in which TMTSF is tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene (C10H12Se4) and BEDT-TTF or "ET" is bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene (C10H8S8). One key feature of the organic superconductors is that they have {\pi}-molecular orbitals, and the {\pi}-electron can delocalize throughout the crystal giving rise to metallic conductivity due to a {\pi}-orbital overlap between adjacent molecules. The introduction of charge into C60 solids and graphites with {\pi}-electron networks by doping to realize superconductivity has been extensively reported3,4. Very recently, superconductivity in alkali-metal doped picene with {\pi}-electron networks was reported5. Here we report the discovery of superconductivity in potassium doped Phenanthrene with TC~5 K. TC increases with increasing pressure, and the pressure of 1 GPa leads to an increase of 20% in TC, suggesting that the potassium doped phenanthrene shows unconventional superconductivity. Both phenanthrene and picene are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and contain three and five fused benzene rings, respectively. The ribbon of fused benzene rings is part of graphene. Therefore, the discovery of superconductivity in K3Phenanthrene produces a novel broad class of superconductors consisting of fused hydrocarbon benzene rings with {\pi}-electron networks. The fact that TC increases from 5 K for KxPhenanthrene with three benzene rings to 18 K for Kxpicene with five benzene rings suggests that such organic hydrocarbons with long benzene rings is potential superconductor with high TC.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, one supplementary information. submitted to Nature Communication

    Are citations from clinical trials evidence of higher impact research? An analysis of ClinicalTrials.gov

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    An important way in which medical research can translate into improved health outcomes is by motivating or influencing clinical trials that eventually lead to changes in clinical practice. Citations from clinical trials records to academic research may therefore serve as an early warning of the likely future influence of the cited articles. This paper partially assesses this hypothesis by testing whether prior articles referenced in ClinicalTrials.gov records are more highly cited than average for the publishing journal. The results from four high profile general medical journals support the hypothesis, although there may not be a cause-and effect relationship. Nevertheless, it is reasonable for researchers to use citations to their work from clinical trials records as partial evidence of the possible long-term impact of their research

    The speed of parietal theta frequency drives visuospatial working memory capacity

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    The speed of theta brain oscillatory activity is thought to play a key role in determining working memory (WM) capacity. Individual differences in the length of a theta cycle (ranging between 4 and 7 Hz) might determine how many gamma cycles (>30 Hz) can be nested into a theta wave. Gamma cycles are thought to represent single memory items; therefore, this interplay could determine individual memory capacity. We directly tested this hypothesis by means of parietal transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) set at slower (4 Hz) and faster (7 Hz) theta frequencies during a visuospatial WM paradigm. Accordingly, we found that 4-Hz tACS enhanced WM capacity, while 7-Hz tACS reduced WM capacity. Notably, these effects were found only for items presented to the hemifield contralateral to the stimulation site. This provides causal evidence for a frequency-dependent and spatially specific organization of WM storage, supporting the theta–gamma phase coupling theory of WM capacity
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