57 research outputs found

    Assessment of effectiveness gait menagement with complex physical treatment in rehabilitation after stroke

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    Uvod: Uspostavljanje i poboljšanje funkcije hoda predstavlja jedan od glavnih ciljeva rehabilitacije bolesnika posle moždanog udara. Osposobljavanje za hod je osnov za postizanje nezavisnosti kako u aktivnostima samozbrinjavanja i dnevnog života, tako i za socijalnu reintegraciju ovih osoba. Savremeni pristup u rehabilitaciji hoda bolesnika posle MU može predstavljati primenu jednog ili češće kombinaciju više različitih terapijskih modaliteta. Konvencionalne i neurofacilitatorne tehnike se sve više kombinuju sa tehanikama koje podrazumevaju primenu intenzivnog, na motorni zadatak orjentisanog pokreta sa mogućnošću velikog broja ponavljanja tokom treninga. Noviji terapijski pristupi u rehabilitaciji bolesnika posle MU zasnivaju se na rezultatima dobijenim eksperimentalnim istraživanjima koje dovode u vezu oporavak funkcije sa konceptom motornog učenja i adaptivnog plasticiteta mozga. Poslednjih godina je pokazano da je terapija uspešna ako omogućuje treniranje pokreta, u ovom slučaju hoda, pri kome su sekvence hoda slične sekvencama karakterističnim za hod osoba bez motornih deficita. Da bi se omogućilo vežbanje, razvijeni su sistemi koji omogućuju kontrolu balansa i delimično rasterećenje pri hodu. Sistem koji je dostupan za terapijski rad se zove Walkaround, i omogućuje kretanje bez potrebe za dodatnim pomagalima (razboj, štapovi, fizička podrška terapeuta). Walkaround je električno vođeno pomagalo pri kome je pacijentu osigurano da ne može da padne, a postoji i pojas koji održava gornji deo tela u položaju pogodnom za vežbanje hodanja različitim brzinama. Cilj rada je da se istraži i pokaže neposredni i dugoročni uticaj složenog fizikalnog tretmana, koji uključuje primenu funkcionalne električne terapije (FET) i posturalne podrške telu (Walkaround), na funkcionalno stanje hoda bolesnika posle moždanog udara. Pacijenti i metod: Istraživanjem su praćeni bolesnici koji su bili na ambulantnom i intrahospitalnom rehabilitacionom tretmanu. Istreživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za rehabilitaciju "Dr Miroslav Zotović" u Beogradu u saradnji sa Elektrotehničkim fakultetom Univerziteta u Beogradu...Background: Establishing and improving function of gait is one of the most important goals in rehabilitation of patients after stroke. Enabling for walking is basic for achieving independency in activities of daily living and self-management as well as in social reintegration of those patients. Modern approach in rehabilitation of gait in patients after stroke can be one or more often combination of several different therapeutic modalities. Conventional and neurofacilitation techniques are often combined with techniques of intensive motor-oriented moves with ability for large number of repeats during training. New therapeutic approaches in rehabilitation patients with stroke are based on results gathered through experimental researches that connect function recovery with concept of motor learning and adaptive brain plasticity. In recent period, it was shown that the therapy is successful if it enables move, or gait, training, during which walking sequences are similar to those of healthy subjects. To enable training, systems with balance control and partial body weight support were developed. One of them, used for therapeutic work, is called Walkaround, and it enables moving without additional help (parallel bars, canes, and help of therapist). Walkaround is electric driven device where patient is secured from falling, and also there is a belt for upper body part to maintain position suitable for walk practicing in different speed. The aim of the work is to investigate short and long term impact of complex physical training, which includes functional electrical therapy (FET) and body postural support (Walkaround), to walking ability in patients after stroke. Patients and methods: In and out patients during rehabilitation treatments were included in this study. It took place at Clinic for rehabilitation „Dr Miroslav Zotović“ in Belgrade with support of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. Ninety adult subjects were included with dg of brain stroke. Two different.

    Destination competitivenes

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    The degree to which a country can benefit from its tourism industry depends largely on this competitive position on the international tourist market. Therefore, it is very important for one destination to realise its real competitive position on the tourism market as well as to address its weaknesses comparing them to its major competitors. There are different models for measuring the competitiveness. Among all, we follow the framework of authors Dwyer, Livaic and Mellor (2003), so called Integrated model of destination competitiveness. The aim of this paper is to present the model of destination competitiveness and results of the survey, based on indicators associated with the model. The results showed that Serbia is more competitive in its natural, cultural and created resources than in destination management while, according to the Integrated model, Serbia is less competitive in demand conditions, which refer to the image and awareness of the destination itself

    Uticaj transgenaze na kvalitet i prinos mesa kunića

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    In this paper results of the effect of transgenesis on quality and yield of rabbit meat are presented. During the trial body mass of transgenic progeny of F1 generation was monitored and compared to control group (nontransgenic animals of same age). Subsequent to slaughtering, meat yield, ratio between certain musculature parts and meat quality (proteins, lipids, water) were analyzed. Obtained data was compared to control group of animals of same age but standard genotype. Meat colour was evaluated on apparatus Specol 11 and expressed as percentage of remission on wave length of 540 μm. Content of elements in thigh muscle was established subsequent to dry mineralization in spectro-photometer UNICAM 939 Cambridge UK. Phosphorus content was measured spectro-photometrically on apparatus SPECOL 11. Subsequent to measuring and systematization, data was statistically analyzed and processed. Arithmetic mean values for certain groups of data were calculated, and their values compared using t-test (Hadživuković, 1991). Changes established in regard to content of water, lipids, energy and water binding capacity, were relative to changes in histological structure and level of metabolic processes. It is possible that these changes are result of pleiotropic effect of integrated gene. However, in order to confirm and interpret these changes, it is necessary to carry out further researches of the microscopic structure and metabolic processes of muscle tissues in transgenic rabbits.U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja transgeneze na kvalitet i prinos mesa kunića. Ogled je vršen na komercijalnim tovnim hibridima nastalim ukrštanjem Novozelandskih belih i Kalifornijskih kunića. Dobijeni podaci upoređeni su sa kontrolnom grupom vršnjaka standardnog genotipa. Posmatrani su sledeći parametri kod obe grupe životinja: telesna masa (1, 2, 5, 10, 20 i 30- tog dana starosti), klanični podaci (w-težina pre žrtvovanja, dw- težina nakon iskrvarenja, s-težina kože, sp-težina distalnih delova zadnjih nogu, b- težina polutke sa kožom, hd-težina glave bez kože, fl- težina prednjih nogu, t- težina butova, r-težina rebara (grudi), bk - težina leđa, ht- težina srca, ky-težina bubrega, l- težina pluća, lvtežina jetre, git- težina stomaka i creva sa sadržajem, gite-težina praznog stomaka i creva, f- težina masnoće, bt- težina kostiju nogu, mt-težina mišića nogu, bf- težina kostiju prednjih nogu, c- prinos mesa (obraslost muskulaturom %); kvalitet mesa butova (cw- sadržaj vode, cp - sadržaj proteina, cf- sadržaj masti, ce- energija, pH, cc- boja, bw- kapacitet zadržavanja vode) i sadržaj mikroelemenata u mesu buta (Cu, Zn, Fe, K, Na, Mg, P, Ca). Posle merenja i sistematizacije podaci su statistički obrađeni. Izvršena su izračunavanja aritmetičkih sredina pojedinih grupa podataka, a zatim poređenje njihovih vrednosti t-testom (Hadživuković, 1991). Nizak nivo varijabiliteta u svim starosnim kategorijama u obe posmatrane grupe je jasno vidljiv iz vrednosti standardne greške aritmetičke sredine. To je manifestovano statistički značajnim uticajem procesa transgeneze na živu masu pri rođenju uprkos činjenici da je apsolutna razlika aritmetičkih sredina transgene i kontrolne grupe samo 0,005 kg (0,063±0,001 nasuprot 0,058±0,002) (tabela 1). Ovaj uticaj je na granici P=0,05 u tabeli analize varijanse (tabela 2). Razlika aritmetičkih sredina nije statistički značajna kod ostalih starosnih kategorija i ona se gubi već nakon 48 časova. Može se konstatovati da integrisani gen nema uticaja na porast transgenih kunića. Statistički značaj uticaja integrisanog gena je utvrđen kod parametara koji se odnose na masu distalnih delova transgenih i netransgenih kunića (0,062±0,001 nasuprot 0,069±0,001 kg), težine glave (0,119±0,003 nasuprot 0,128±0,003 kg) i težine butova (0,405±0,010 nasuprot 0,433±0,009 kg). Kod ostalih klaničnih karakteristika koje su testirane nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike koje bi bile uslovljene integracijom gena (tabele 3 i 4). Na uzorcima mesa nogu (butovi) praćene su vrednosti koje se odnose na kvalitet mesa (tabele 5 i 6). Dobijeni podaci koji se odnose na sastav mesa (tabela 5) ukazuju da je uticaj integracije gena bio statistički značajan (p (lt) 0,05) u grupi transgenih kunića u poređenju sa netransgenim u pogledu sledećih karakteristika: sadržaj proteina (74,03±0,26 nasuprot 74,84±0,28%), sadržaj masnoće (3,66±0,40 nasuprot 2,32±0,44%), sadržaja energije (495,43±11,81 nasuprot 458,07±12,94%), kapacitet zadržavanja vode (31,66±0,84 nasuprot 35,63±0,92%). Statistički značajne razlike kao posledica uticaja integrisanog gena nisu utvrđene kod ostalih posmatranih parametara (tabela 6). Srednje vrednosti sadržaja elemenata u tkivu mišića pokazale su najveće varijacije od svih posmatranih parametara. Najizraženije varijacije bile su u grupi netransgenih kunića (tabela 7). Broj životinja ili ponavljanja je igrao veliku ulogu. Za većinu posmatranih karakteristika može se reći da nisu pokazale uticaj integrisanog WAP- hFVIII gena u genotipu kunića. Značajnije razlike pojavile su se samo u okviru nekih parametara kvaliteta mesa (tabela 8). Rezultati ukazuju da nije utvrđeno ni prisustvo rhFVIII u skeletnim mišićima transgenih kunića

    Radiosensitivity of sunflower inbred lines to mutagenesis

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    For much of the past century, mutagenesis has gained popularity in plant genetics research as a means of inducing novel genetic variation. Induced mutations have been applied for the past 40 years to produce mutant cultivars in sunflower by changing plant characteristics that significantly increase plant yield and quality. The present study is focused on generating baseline data to elucidate the role of genotypic differences in the response of sunflower to induced mutagenesis with the aim of expanding the applicability of the use of induced mutant stocks in the genetic improvement of the crop and in its functional genomics. The strategy adopted was to estimate the optimal treatment conditions (doses of mutagens) through relating the extent of damage in seedling progeny to the exposure levels of the initiating propagates to mutagens. Seeds of fifteen elite sunflower genotypes of commonly used as breeding stocks and grown on commercial scales were treated with a range of mutagens: gamma rays (γ rays); fast neutrons and with ethyl-methane-sulphonate (EMS) at different treatment doses. The three mutagenic agents affected seedling height, reducing it with increasing dosage. Based on the mutagen damage on seedling height, the 50% and 30% damage indices (D50 and D30, respectively) were estimated for the 15 sunflower genotypes for the three mutagens. The D50 (D30) values for the sunflower lines ranged from 120 to 325 Gy (5 to 207 Gy) for gamma irradiation; 9 to 21 Gy (0.1 to 10 Gy) for fast neutrons and 0.69 to 1.55% (0.01 to 0.68%) concentration of EMS

    Fertilitet krmača posle intracervikalnog ili intrauterinog osemenjavanja različitim brojem spermatozoida u dozama redukovanog volumena

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    Modern intensive pig production demands an increasing number of insemination doses per ejaculate of genetically superior boars. In order to achieve such a result the possibility of producing insemination doses in both reduced volume and spermatozoa count without decreasing the fertility of sows is studied. In this trial we studied the effect of insemination with reduced volumes of semen (50 mL) and varied spermatozoa count (4, 2 or 1x109). Insemination was performed by the classical (intracervical) or by the new (intrauterine) techniques and the basic fertility parameters (farrowing % and litter size) were measured. The farrowing value decreased with decreasing spermatozoa numbers after intracervical and intrauterine insemination. However, the farrowing value, regardless of spermatozoa numbers, was significantly higher after intrauterine insemination (83.3%, 76.7%, 66.7%) compared to the classical intracervical insemination (73.3%, 66.7% and 50%). Litters size did not vary significantly depending on the applied insemination procedure or spermatozoa number. These results indicate that application of the new intrauterine insemination procedure enables the use of doses with a smaller volume and spermatozoa number, at the same time obtaining a satisfactory farrowing and litter size. This opens the possibility of obtaining a significantly higher number of doses per ejaculate when compared to the classical intracervical insemination procedure. In such a way can be increased significantly the degree of reproductive exploitation of genetically superior boars.Savremena intenzivna proizvodnja svinja zahteva dobijanje što većeg broja inseminacionih doza po ejakulatu genetski superiornih nerastova. Radi realizacije ovog cilja, istražuju se mogućnosti pravljenja inseminacionih doza redukovanog volumena i broja spermatozoida, ali da inseminacija ovakvim dozama ne rezultuje smanjenim fertilitetom krmača. U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj osemenjavanja dozama duplo redukovanog volumena (50 ml) i različitog broja spermatozoida u dozi (4, 2 ili 1x109), posle klasične (intracervikalne) i nove (intrauterine) tehnologije osemenjavanja, na osnovne parametre fertiliteta krmača (% prašenja i veličina legla). Vrednost prašenja je opadala sa smanjenjem broja spermatozoida u dozi, kako posle intracervikalnog, tako i posle intratuterinog osemenjavanja. Međutim, vrednost prašenja je, bez obzira na broj spermatozoida u dozi, bila znatno veća posle intrauterinog (83,3%, 76,7% i 66,7%) u odnosu na klasično intracervikalno osemenjavanje (73,3%, 66,7% i 50%). Veličina legla nije značajno varirala u zavisnosti od primenjene metode osemenjavanja ili broja spermatozoida u dozi. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da je, primenom nove tehnologije intrauterinog osemenjavanja, moguće koristiti doze znatno redukovanog volumena i broja spermatozoida, a da se, pri tome, postignu zadovoljavajuće vrednosti prašenja i veličine legla. Ovo stvara mogućnost dobijanja značajno većeg broja doza po ejakulatu, u odnosu na klasičnu tehnologiju intracervikalnog osemenjavanja. Time se može značajno povećati stepen reproduktivne eksploatacije genetski superiornih nerastova


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    This paper provides some tentative estimates of the economic impact of cruise tourism in receptive countries and regions along the Pan-European Corridor VII. Examples are provided to illustrate the potential benefit to Vojvodina Region (Case study). The results of the analysis have shown that the Corridor VII cruises have positive impact on Vojvodina Province, primarily the riparian area of the Danube (only Novi Sad - the “Port of Vojvodina for cruisers”). Although the benefits exclude accommodation and food expenditure, they are noticeable within the following segments: tourism promotion (broadening the scopes of Vojvodina Province as a receptive area for the foreign market through its cultural heritage and natural values); increase in foreign tourist turnover, visitor’s expenditures; new job opportunities (adequate infrastructure and superstructure – rendering services to ships, crew and passengers) – harbors, carriers, souvenir shops, etc. / new products, business net, exchange money, invisible export, etc. The results of the research may initiate further studies on the cause and effect connections between this type of travelling and resources of receptive countries, upon which the travels are based, both aiming at adequate design and launching of the tourist offer, i.e. the optimal development of receptive countries through sustainable tourism. Also, the discussion provides potentially useful information to the different stakeholders in the evolving cruise tourism industry, particularly regarding expected (private or social) returns on investment.Ovim radom su analizirana međunarodna turistička krstarenja Pan-europskim Koridorom VII, odnosno njihov utjecaj (potencijalne dobrobiti) na ekonomiju receptivnih prostora. Studijom slučaja (Vojvodina) dati su primjeri koji to ilustriraju. Rezultati analize pokazuju da kruzevi Koridorom VII utječu pozitivno na Vojvodinu, prvenstveno na priobalnu, podunavsku regiju i to u Novom Sadu (gdje brodovi pristaju). Iako se beneficije ne odnose na korištenje usluga smještaja i hrane na kopnu, dobrobit se ogleda u sljedećim segmentima: turistička promocija (širenje pozitivnog plasmana Vojvodine kao receptivnog prostora na inozemnom tržištu – predstavljanje kulturne baštine i prirodnih vrijednosti); porast inozemnog turističkog prometa, a samim tim i potrošnje posjetilaca; otvaranje novih radnih mjesta (adekvatna infrastruktura i suprastruktura – serviseri različitih usluga brodovima, posadi i putnicima) – pristaništa, špediteri, suvenir tržnice i dr. / novi proizvodi, širenje poslovne mreže, promjena valute, nevidljivi izvoz itd. Rezultati istraživanja mogu pomoći daljim proučavanjima uzročno-posljedičnih veza između ovakvog vida putovanja i resursa receptivnih zemalja na kojima se ova putovanja događaju, a sve u cilju adekvatnog osmišljavanja i plasmana turističke ponude, odnosno optimalnog razvoja receptivnih zemalja kroz održivi turizam. Rad pruža i informacije različitim partnerima („stakeholders“) uključenim u turističko privređivanje kruzeva, koji očekuju privatnu i društvenu dobit od svojih ulaganja

    Contemporary problems in studying population of Vojvodina Province

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    This paper identifies nine contemporary problems that hamper the population research in Vojvodina Province (northern part of Republic of Serbia) at the beginning of the twenty-first century. These problems are: postponement of census to 2002, changes of the definition of permanent population, different definitions in available data of current statistics, changes of the definition of the urban settlement term, changes in the total number of settlements, decreased number of available data of current statistics, absence of the bulletin of current statistics, absence of population register and absence of regional institution for population studies. That implies that collected data in the censuses are often not comparable due to slight changes in methodology, changes in state borders

    The Phenotype Variability, of the Racka Sheep in the Republic of Serbia

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑΤΙΘΕΤΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗΨΗThe intensification of sheep production, by permanent genetic selection and the development of breeding technology, has led to the creation of highly productive sheep breeds. In this way, many highly productive breeds were created which could demonstrate their high production potentials only under perfect conditions of nutrition, accommodation and care. Preservation of indigenous breeds is of great importance in order to protect and safeguard those breeds and, in this way, it is possible to restore some of the characteristics that are lost during intensive selection, which are mostly related to resistance. The Racka sheep (Serbian: Vitoroga žuja) is considered to be an autochthonous breed and a genetic resource in the Republic of Serbia. As a primitive breed with low productivity, it offers no economic profitability and, thus, there is no great interest in its breeding. According to the FAO data from 2008-2014, the number of these sheep ranges from 500 to 1000. The objective of this study was to determine the phenotypic variability and to assess the external measurements of the Racka sheep. One-hundred fifty Racka breed ewes were included in this study. The effects of three farms on the phenotypic characteristics and their body indexes were calculated. The significance of the research is reflected in the advancement of this breed and in the assessment of the possibilities of selection work in these herds

    The correlation between body weight, body weight gain and blood parameters in pigs at birth and weaning

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    ABSTRACT The aim of study was to determine the relationship between metabolic parameters, body weight and body growth of piglets at birth and weaning. The experiment included 80 piglets obtained from F1 generation sows. Body weight was measured at birth (BW0), 24h (BW1) after birth and on day 25 (at weaning, BW2). Blood sampling was performed at the beginning of life (3rd day after birth) and at weaning (21st day after birth). BW0 and BW1 positively correlated with cholesterol and negatively with urea values at the beginning of life and RBC values at weaning. BW2 positively correlates with albumin and cortisol values at the beginning of life, total proteins, and globulins at weaning, and negatively correlates with erythrocyte values at weaning. Piglet growth from birth to weaning (BWG2-0) correlates positively with total proteins, albumin, and cortisol at the beginning of life and total proteins at weaning. ROC analysis shows that MCHC, TPROT, GLOB, CHOL and AST at the beginning of life can distinguish fast-growing from slow-growing piglets from birth to weaning period. The use of blood parameters enables early recognition of growth rate in piglets, which can help to optimize all further steps to achieve the best possible growth

    Дунайский национальный водный транспорт и его роль в экономическом развитии Сербии

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    The Danube river waterway, i.e. the Pan-European Corridor VII, is considered as one of the most significant transport corridors in Europe. It runs through ten countries, including Serbia (the Serbian part of the river is 588 km long), which is why it is one of Serbia’s priorities to develop inland water transport. The system of waterways provides a viable alternative to roads and rail systems. Moreover, it is crucial for regional development. The Danube River offers excellent opportunities for freight, passenger and tourist inland water transportation. However, the navigability potential of the Danube River still remains largely underrealized in Serbia: despite the high quality of waterways, inland water transport accounts for only 4.7 % of the total transport. This paper deals with the advantages of inland navigation and the major characteristics of the Danube waterway in Serbia. In Serbia, the Danube is mainly used for freight and passenger transportation and for the development of nautical tourism. There are a number of important projects that are currently being implemented in Serbia, such as the construction of new port facilities and marinas. The paper also discusses the negative factors impeding regional development in the sphere of waterways and water transport in Serbia, primarily the lack of funding for maintenance and improvement of the river’s navigability.Дунайский водный путь, т. е. Паневропейский коридор VII, считается одним из самых значительных транспортных коридоров в Европе. Он проходит через десять стран, включая Сербию (сербская часть реки составляет 588 км), и поэтому является одним из приоритетов Сербии по развитию внутреннего водного транспорта. Система водных путей является жизнеспособной альтернативой дорожным и железнодорожным системам. Более того, это важно для регионального развития. Река Дунай предлагает прекрасные возможности для грузовых, пассажирских и туристических внутренних водных перевозок. Однако потенциал судоходства в реке Дунай по-прежнему реализован в Сербии не полностью: несмотря на высокое качество водных путей, внутренний водный транспорт составляет лишь 4,7% от общего объема перевозок.В этом документе рассматриваются преимущества внутреннего судоходства и основные характеристики водного пути Дуная в Сербии. В Сербии Дунай в основном используется для грузовых и пассажирских перевозок и для развития водного туризма. В настоящее время в Сербии реализуется ряд важных проектов, таких как строительство новых портовых сооружений и пристаней для яхт. В статье также обсуждаются негативные факторы, препятствующие региональному развитию в сфере водных путей и водного транспорта в Сербии, в первую очередь отсутствие финансирования для поддержания и улучшения судоходства реки