140 research outputs found

    Actualización diagnóstica y terapéutica del síndrome metabólico.

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    El síndrome metabólico se define como la asociación de problemas de salud que pueden aparecer de forma simultánea o secuencial en un individuo, causados por la combinación de factores genéticos y ambientales asociados al estilo de vida en los que la resistencia a la insulina se considera el componente patogénico fundamental. La presencia de síndrome metabólico se relaciona con un incremento significativo de riesgo de diabetes, enfermedad coronaria y cerebrovascular, con disminución de la supervivencia, por el incremento unas 5 veces en la mortalidad cardiovascular. Con la presente revisión pretendemos actualizar los conocimientos que sobre dicho síndrome existen, y contar con un material bibliográfico de consulta docente para profesores y estudiantes de medicina. El método de investigación científica utilizado consistió en la revisión documental. Se enfatizó en la importancia de identificar y tratar oportunamente las morbilidades presentes en estos pacientes como estrategia en la prevención de enfermedades cardiovasculares

    Hipertensión arterial, estudio clínicos epidemiológico consultorio 163, Policlínico Raúl Sánchez. Pinar del río. Cuba 2006

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo longitudinal y retrospectivo con  los pacientes hipertensos confirmados en el consultorio 163, Policlínico Raúl Sánchez del Municipio de Pinar del Río, desde marzo de 2005 a marzo de 2006, los que fueron reconsultados, llenando la encuesta a los efectos de la investigación, con la finalidad de estudiar  y  ampliar  algunos  conocimientos  sobre  aspectos  clínicos  y  epidemiológicos  de  la  HTA. La prevalencia en general fue de 29,4 %, mayor en la medida en que avanzó la edad, de forma igual en ambos sexos, superior en los blancos y en aquellos con antecedentes familiares de la enfermedad, encontrándose la mayoría clasificados en el grupo I y más de las 2/3 partes se encuentran controlados

    Determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in the Multiethnic Singapore Population - A National Cohort Study

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    Background: HRQoL is an important outcome to guide and promote healthcare. Clinical and socioeconomic factors may influence HRQoL according to ethnicity. Methodology: A multiethnic cross-sectional national cohort (N = 7198) of the Singapore general population consisting of Chinese (N = 4873), Malay (N = 1167) and Indian (N = 1158) adults were evaluated using measures of HRQoL (SF-36 version 2), family functioning, health behaviours and clinical/laboratory assessments. Multiple regression analyses were performed to identify determinants of physical and mental HRQoL in the overall population and their potential differential effects by ethnicity. No a priori hypotheses were formulated so all interaction effects were explored. Principal Findings: HRQoL levels differed between ethnic groups. Chinese respondents had higher physical HRQoL (PCS) than Indian and Malay participants (p<0.001) whereas mental HRQoL (MCS) was higher in Malay relative to Chinese participants (p<0.001). Regressions models explained 17.1% and 14.6% of variance in PCS and MCS respectively with comorbid burden, income and employment being associated with lower HRQoL. Age and family were associated only with MCS. The effects of gender, stroke and musculoskeletal conditions on PCS varied by ethnicity, suggesting non-uniform patterns of association for Chinese, Malay and Indian individuals. Conclusions: Differences in HRQoL levels and determinants of HRQoL among ethnic groups underscore the need to better or differentially target population segments to promote well-being. More work is needed to explore HRQoL and wellness in relation to ethnicity

    Hemocompatibility of Silicon-Based Substrates for Biomedical Implant Applications

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    Silicon membranes with highly uniform nanopore sizes fabricated using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology allow for the development of miniaturized implants such as those needed for renal replacement therapies. However, the blood compatibility of silicon has thus far been an unresolved issue in the use of these substrates in implantable biomedical devices. We report the results of hemocompatibility studies using bare silicon, polysilicon, and modified silicon substrates. The surface modifications tested have been shown to reduce protein and/or platelet adhesion, thus potentially improving biocompatibility of silicon. Hemocompatibility was evaluated under four categories—coagulation (thrombin–antithrombin complex, TAT generation), complement activation (complement protein, C3a production), platelet activation (P-selectin, CD62P expression), and platelet adhesion. Our tests revealed that all silicon substrates display low coagulation and complement activation, comparable to that of Teflon and stainless steel, two materials commonly used in medical implants, and significantly lower than that of diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) cellulose, a polymer used in dialysis membranes. Unmodified silicon and polysilicon showed significant platelet attachment; however, the surface modifications on silicon reduced platelet adhesion and activation to levels comparable to that on Teflon. These results suggest that surface-modified silicon substrates are viable for the development of miniaturized renal replacement systems

    Chinese organized crime and situational context: comparing human smuggling and synthetic drugs trafficking

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    This article criticizes the 'ethnic' conception of organized crime and puts forward an alternative view that does not put ethnicity first, but rather social networks and situational context. It focuses upon Chinese organized crime, a phenomenon where the preoccupation with ethnicity is paramount, and compares findings from extensive research into two different transnational criminal activities that are carried out by Chinese offenders in the Netherlands. The first topic, human smuggling, is well researched, whereas research into the second topic, trafficking in precursors (the basic ingredients for the production of synthetic drugs), is largely lacking. The article highlights the major theoretical and empirical similarities and differences between these two criminal activities and discusses the relevance of the main findings for theory and research

    Rab4b Is a Small GTPase Involved in the Control of the Glucose Transporter GLUT4 Localization in Adipocyte

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    Endosomal small GTPases of the Rab family, among them Rab4a, play an essential role in the control of the glucose transporter GLUT4 trafficking, which is essential for insulin-mediated glucose uptake. We found that adipocytes also expressed Rab4b and we observed a consistent decrease in the expression of Rab4b mRNA in human and mice adipose tissue in obese diabetic states. These results led us to study this poorly characterized Rab member and its potential role in glucose transport.We used 3T3-L1 adipocytes to study by imaging approaches the localization of Rab4b and to determine the consequence of its down regulation on glucose uptake and endogenous GLUT4 location. We found that Rab4b was localized in endosomal structures in preadipocytes whereas in adipocytes it was localized in GLUT4 and in VAMP2-positive compartments, and also in endosomal compartments containing the transferrin receptor (TfR). When Rab4b expression was decreased with specific siRNAs by two fold, an extent similar to its decrease in obese diabetic subjects, we observed a small increase (25%) in basal deoxyglucose uptake and a more sustained increase (40%) in presence of submaximal and maximal insulin concentrations. This increase occurred without any change in GLUT4 and GLUT1 expression levels and in the insulin signaling pathways. Concomitantly, GLUT4 but not TfR amounts were increased at the plasma membrane of basal and insulin-stimulated adipocytes. GLUT4 seemed to be targeted towards its non-endosomal sequestration compartment.Taken our results together, we conclude that Rab4b is a new important player in the control of GLUT4 trafficking in adipocytes and speculate that difference in its expression in obese diabetic states could act as a compensatory effect to minimize the glucose transport defect in their adipocytes

    Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T polymorphism and high plasma homocysteine in chronic hepatitis C (CHC) infected patients from the Northeast of Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background/Aim</p> <p>Hyperhomocysteinemia due to Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (<it>MTHFR</it>) gene, in particular the C677T (Ala222Val) polymorphism were recently associated to steatosis and fibrosis. We analyzed the frequency of <it>MTHFR </it>gene in a cross-sectional study of patients affected by Chronic Hepatitis C (CHC) from Northeast of Brazil.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>One hundred seven-four untreated patients with CHC were genotyped for the C677T <it>MTHFR</it>. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood cells and the C677T <it>MTHFR </it>polymorphism was identified by PCR-RFLP. The homocysteine (Hcy) levels were determined by chemiluminescence method. All patients were negative for markers of Wilson's disease, hemochromatosis and autoimmune diseases and have current and past daily alcohol intake less than 100 g/week.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among subjects infected with CHC genotype non-1 the frequency of <it>MTHFR </it>genotypes TT was 9.8% <it>versus </it>4.4% genotype 1 (p = 0.01). Nevertheless, association was found between the <it>MTHFR </it>genotype TT × CT/CC polymorphism and the degree of steatosis and fibrosis in both hepatitis C genotype (p < 0.05). A significant difference was found on plasma Hcy levels in patients with steatosis regardless of HCV genotype (p = 0.03).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that plasma Hcy levels is highly prevalent in subjects with chronic hepatits C with steatosis regardless of HCV genotype and vitamin deficiency. The presence of genotype TT of <it>MTHFR </it>C677T polymorphism was more common in CHC genotype non-1 infected patient regardless of histopathological classification and genotype TT+CT frequencies were significant in the presence of fibrosis grade 1+2 and of steatosis in CHC infected patients from the northeast of Brazil regardless of HCV genotype. The genetic susceptibility of <it>MTHFR </it>C677T polymorphism should be confirmed in a large population.</p