495 research outputs found

    Metamorphosing Indian Blockchain ecosystem

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    A blockchain is a decentralised database that is shared across computer network nodes. A blockchain acts as a database, storing information in a digital format. The study primarily aims to explore how in the future, block chain technology will alter several areas of the Indian economy. The current study aims to obtain a deeper understanding of blockchain technology's idea and implementation in India, as well as the technology's potential as a disruptive financial technological innovation. Secondary sources such as reports, journals, papers, and websites were used to compile all the data. Current and relevant information were utilised to help understand the research goals. All the information is rationally organised to fulfil the objectives. The current research focuses on recommendations for enhancing India's Blockchain ecosystem so that it may become one of the best in the world at utilising this new technology

    Image Segmentation Using Dynamic Region Merging

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    In region merging the there are two essential issues first is order of merging and second one is stopping criterion. This work addresses two issues which are solved by Dynamic region merging algorithm which is defined by SPRT and the minimal cost criterion. The process is start from an oversegmented image, then neighboring regions are progressively merged if there is an evidence for merging. The final result is based on the observed image. This algorithm also satisfies the certain global properties of segmentation. In this algorithm region merging process become faster due to nearest neighbor graph in each iteration. The performance of dynamic region merging algorithm is shown on natural images

    Ameliorating the Saliency of Objects in digital Images

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    Visual saliency is the capability of a revelation system of human or machine to choose a sub part of information for further processing. The mechanism describes here serves as a filter to pick only the interesting information related to given errands and the tasks while ignoring inappropriate information. This work uses Random Forest to know the similarity between the image patches, apply active contour model to get the approximate contour and do dynamic thresholding segmentation .The results we get consists of many small artifacts, so to remove the low level details and to obtain the more smoothness we apply gradient minimization technique

    Information seeking behaviour of journalists in north India

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    The study presents a survey of the information seeking behavior of the journalists in north India. It highlights that the journalists mostly use the newspaper libraries once a week Majority of them visit the library to consult the reference books. Most of the respondents are satisfied with the behavior of the library staff and they opine that the newspapers should be digitised

    Data Mining Based on Semantic Similarity to mine new Association Rules

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    The problem of mining association rules in a database are introduced. Most of association rule mining approaches aim to mine association rules considering exact matches between items in transactions. A new algorithm called 201C;Improved Data Mining Based on Semantic Similarity to mine new Association Rules201D; which considers not only exact matches between items, but also the semantic similarity between them. Improved Data Mining (IDM) Based on Semantic Similarity to mine new Association Rules uses the concepts of an expert to represent the similarity degree between items, and proposes a new way of obtaining support and confidence for the association rules containing these items. An association rule is for ex: i.e. for a grocery store say 201C;30% of transactions that contain bread also contain milk; 2% of all transactions contain both of these items201D;. Here 30% is called the confidence of the rule, and 2% the support of the rule and this rule is represented as Bread F0E0; Milk. The problem is to find all association rules that satisfy user-specified minimum support and minimum confidence constraints. This paper then results that new rules bring more information about the database

    Cloud Computing Issues

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    Abstract- Cloud computing is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software and information, are provided to computers and devices on-demand, like the electricity grid. It aims to construct a perfect system with powerful computing capability through a large number of relatively low-cost computing entity, and using the advanced business models like SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) to distribute the powerful computing capacity to end users’ hands. Cloud Computing represents a new computing model that poses many demanding security issues at all levels, e.g., network, host, application, and data levels. The variety of the delivery models presents different security challenges depending on the model and consumers’ Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Authenticity, and Privacy are essential concerns for both Cloud providers and consumers as well. This paper introduces the existing issues in cloud computing such as security, privacy, reliability and so on. This paper surveys the security problems of current cloud computing

    Evaluating the Performance Using Hybrid Data Aggregation Method for Wireless Sensor Network

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    In WSN environment, energy and lifetime of the sensor nodes are important factors and it is need to utilize these factors efficiently. Data aggregation at the base station by individual sensor node causes flooding of the data which results in maximum energy consumption. To minimize this problem we propose the hybrid data aggregation method, where nodes are grouped based on available data and correlation in the intracluster and cluster heads are grouped at the network level help to reduce the energy consumption.Simulation result shows, proposed algorithm provides an improvement of energy consumption as compared with Forward aware factor

    Hard and Soft Thresholding Based Genetic enthused Reactive Routing Protocol for Heterogeneous Sensor Network

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    Wireless Sensor Network has a wide area of applications but the main problem in WSN is its lifetime.To solve the issue of short lifetime of the WSN, hard and soft thresholding is infused with genetic algorithm. By using the genetic algorithm the energy consumption of the nodes is greatly reduced and the lifetime of the WSN also increases. By making use of hard thresholding (HT) and soft thresholding (ST) the network becomes a reactive network which saves the energy of the nodes during the data transmission also. Moreover the genetic algorithm has been used for clustering of the nodes and the thresholding has been used for the data transmission in the proposed protocol. The simulations of have shown increase in stability and the lifetime of the genetic algorithm (GA) based reactive protocol as compared to the genetic algorithm (GA) inspired protocol

    Study of Authentication and Authorization in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud Computing is aconvenient model for on-demand network. Cloud Computing (CC) refers to applications & services which we can run on a distributed network. This Network use hosted services and virtualized resources delivered over the internet. Cloud computing is characterized into two main categories(a) Virtualization– As the network has no limit resources are virtual and limitless.(b)Abstraction–All details of physical systems which run the software are abstracted from users.There are three categories of Cloud Computing: (a) Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), (b) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and (c) Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The data we are storing on CC must be safe and secure then only users will trust on this environment. Access Controls for file and directory, Flex list Models, SLAs etc are some of the facilities available for this. But still there are some drawbacks in security. When users access data from CC, Authorization and Authentication are very important. We call this as first stage of Security. This paper focuses on Authentications and Authorizations in CC
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