Hard and Soft Thresholding Based Genetic enthused Reactive Routing Protocol for Heterogeneous Sensor Network


Wireless Sensor Network has a wide area of applications but the main problem in WSN is its lifetime.To solve the issue of short lifetime of the WSN, hard and soft thresholding is infused with genetic algorithm. By using the genetic algorithm the energy consumption of the nodes is greatly reduced and the lifetime of the WSN also increases. By making use of hard thresholding (HT) and soft thresholding (ST) the network becomes a reactive network which saves the energy of the nodes during the data transmission also. Moreover the genetic algorithm has been used for clustering of the nodes and the thresholding has been used for the data transmission in the proposed protocol. The simulations of have shown increase in stability and the lifetime of the genetic algorithm (GA) based reactive protocol as compared to the genetic algorithm (GA) inspired protocol

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