1,485 research outputs found

    Event Tourism, Public Policy and Socio-Cultural Development in Dublin

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    In a highly globalised, competitive world, urban strategies often highlight festivals and events as activities which can attract tourists and investors, extend the tourism season and boost the economy. Event tourism as a term is now well established in the tourism lexicon, however, it is usually employed in quite a limited way that offers only partial insights into a complex phenomenon. To redress this deficit, this paper examines the case of Dublin, where for the last twenty-five years, policy-makers have been using festivals and events to boost the city’s international standing. The aim is to investigate whether policy-makers can strategically use events to further tourism goals while simultaneously fostering socio-cultural development more broadly. Methodologically, the study reported undertakes a detailed, critical analysis of public policy documents that relate festivals and events to tourism. It finds a range of policy perspectives at play but overall, there is a clear tendency for festivals and events to be framed through an urban entrepreneurial lens that under-appreciates social and cultural issues. In contrast, a second set of findings reported from primary research undertaken at one of the main tourism–oriented festivals in the city show how festival experiences can generate enjoyment, sociability, pride, inclusion and belonging for both tourists and other city users alike, while simultaneously producing economic returns. Together, the findings of the policy analysis and the empirical case point to the need to re-think how events and tourism intersect to achieve optimal outcomes, especially in these post pandemic times when cities the world over are searching for more sustainable tourism futures. The study recommends that event tourism policy-making adopt broader, more holistic terms of reference and suggests that lessons from practice could be employed to inform better policies


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    Sistem pendidikan nasional memainkan peran krusial dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan kemajuan bangsa. Program komponen cadangan telah diperkenalkan sebagai upaya untuk mengatasi tantangan dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi, seperti kurangnya dana, fasilitas, dan pengembangan kurikulum. Namun, keberhasilan implementasi program ini sangat tergantung pada faktor-faktor kebijakan yang mendukungnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan yang mempengaruhi implementasi program komponen cadangan dalam sistem pendidikan nasional di perguruan tinggi Indonesia. Metode penelitian ini melibatkan analisis kebijakan publik dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui studi literatur, wawancara dengan stakeholders pendidikan, serta analisis dokumen kebijakan terkait. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah belum adanya kesepahaman tentang konsep pelatihan militer yang dibuat oleh Kementerian Pertahanan dan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan sehingga terjadi bias oleh publik terutama kalangan mahasiswa. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan belum adanya pedoman yang jelas serta sosialisasi menyeluruh kepada para mahasiswa di kampus tentang penyelenggaraan program Komponen Cadangan tersebut serta indikator Kinerja Utama ke-2 (Mahasiswa Mendapat Pengalaman di Luar Kampus) tidak menyebut dengan eksplisit akan adanya program pelatihan militer


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    With the massive amount of data that has been generated in the form of unstructured text documents, Biomedical Named Entity Recognition (BioNER) is becoming increasingly important in the field of biomedical research. Since currently there does not exist any automatic archiving of the obtained results, a lot of this information remains hidden in the textual details and is not easily accessible for further analysis. Hence, text mining methods and natural language processing techniques are used for the extraction of information from such publications.Named entity recognition, is a subtask that comes under information extraction that focuses on finding and categorizing specific entities in text. In this paper, bibliometric analysis of named entity recognition of ovarian cancer is carried out using information about publications from Scopus. The most productive journals, countries and authors are determined. The most frequently cited article and its citation history has been described. Also bibliometric maps based on citation network among countries are constructed. This study can assist people in the medical field to get a comprehensive understanding of the study of BioNER. It can also be utilized for reference works, for the research and application of the BioNER visualization methods

    Novel 2-amino-isoflavones exhibit aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist or antagonist activity in a species/cell-specific context

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    The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mediates the induction of a variety of xenobiotic metabolism genes. Activation of the AhR occurs through binding to a group of structurally diverse compounds, most notably dioxins, which are exogenous ligands. Isoflavones are part of a family which include some well characterised endogenous AhR ligands. This paper analysed a novel family of these compounds, based on the structure of 2-amino-isoflavone. Initially two luciferase-based cell models, mouse H1L6.1c2 and human HG2L6.1c3, were used to identify whether the compounds had AhR agonistic and/or antagonistic properties. This analysis showed that some of the compounds were weak agonists in mouse and antagonists in human. Further analysis of two of the compounds, Chr-13 and Chr-19, was conducted using quantitative real-time PCR in rat H4IIE and human MCF-7 cells. The results indicated that Chr-13 was an agonist in rat but an antagonist in human cells. Chr-19 was shown to be an agonist in rat but more interestingly, a partial agonist in human. Luciferase induction results not only revealed that subtle differences in the structure of the compound could produce species-specific differences in response but also dictated the ability of the compound to be an AhR agonist or antagonist. Substituted 2-amino-isoflavones represent a novel group of AhR ligands that must differentially interact with the AhR ligand binding domain to produce their species-specific agonist or antagonist activity and future ligand binding analysis and docking studies with these compounds may provide insights into the differential mechanisms of action of structurally similar compounds

    O conjunto JK e o planejamento em seção

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    Em outubro de 2016, na Casa do Baile da Pampulha, terá lugar a exposição “O Conjunto JK e o Planejamento em Seção”; ação desenvolvida dentro de um projeto de extensão com mesmo nome (ProExt 2015-16), com material derivado de uma linha de pesquisa ProPic FUMEC. Tratava-se de um trabalho também em conjunto com outros três projetos de extensão diferentes ProExt 2015-16: “Atelier de maquetes arquitetônicas” (coord. Róccio Rouver), “Agência Protótypos 2015” (coord. Claudia Terezinha) e “Publicação do catálogo da exposição” (coord. Alejandro Pérez-Duarte). Observava-se, porém, que o potencial de impacto na mídia destes trabalhos era limitado: depois do encerramento da exposição, seria desejável poder deixar algum registro histórico.É dentro deste interesse que se inseriu este projeto, com objetivo de criar material on-line que, no momento da  exposição, poderia apoiar a sua divulgação, mas que posteriormente poderia constituir uma memória de registro desta ação. Foi proposto assim a criação de um site de internet com finalidade dupla: divulgar o tema e, posteriormente, incorporar o material exposto, com as devidas adaptações para poder ser consultado on-line.Cabe mencionar que o conteúdo da exposição tinha já sido publicado, mas apenas nos meios especializados, como revistas consideradas “qualis”. Esta proposta visva popularizar esta informação.

    Development of ERAU VOLTRON Hybrid-Electric Powerplant

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    The energy density of today’s batteries is not high enough for electric powered aircraft to achieve an operationally viable range plus FAA stipulated reserve flight times. Hybrid-electric power generation systems may be able to bridge the gap, providing a way for these aircraft to fly distances not possible with batteries alone. There is a recognition that gasoline-electric hybrid systems can deliver specific energy and specific power that are higher than any currently available battery system. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s (ERAU’s) Eagle Flight Research Center (EFRC) is building a 70+ kW hybrid-electric power generation system using a rotary engine and Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) & Inverter. The rotary engine will be directly coupled to the PMSM which will generate electrical energy to power multi-rotor eVTOL vehicles. These results will be achieved by utilizing advanced control systems implemented on a National Instruments Compact RIO. Past research conducted at the EFRC demonstrated the ability to design and operate a hybrid-electric powerplant. The VOLTRON project will attempt to create a system with an even higher specific energy but with the compact size and high power characteristics of a rotary engine and eventually alternative fuel flexibility


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    Este estudo apresenta o relato da experiência de uma organização que adota a gestão ambiental no seu cotidiano empresarial. Especificamente, buscou-se identificar se a atuação da empresa atende às variáveis dependentes ‘lucro corporativo’ e ‘poluição’, da plataforma conceitual de Huang e Rust (2011), e se o conjunto destas ações é transformado em estratégia de marketing. Consiste em um estudo de caso, sendo uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho exploratório. A técnica de coleta de dados foi a de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os dois proprietários fundadores da empresa. No tratamento dos dados foi utilizada a análise da narrativa. Os resultados demonstraram que a empresa possui processos de melhoria contínua na gestão ambiental, adotando preceitos de turismo rural. Entretanto se observou que os proprietários não abordam esses processos como estratégia de marketing, mas como consequência operacional dos negócios. Por último, as ações adotadas pela empresa, nas áreas ambiental e empresarial não têm sido suficientes para confirmar que as variáveis dependentes estudadas ‘lucro corporativo’ e ‘poluição’ realçam o lucro, mesmo com o acréscimo do nível de consumo

    Comparison of visual and refractive results of Toric Implantable Collamer Lens with bioptics for myopic astigmatism

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    PURPOSE: To compare visual and refractive results of Toric Implantable Collamer Lens (TICL) and bioptics (ICL plus excimer corneal surgery) to treat myopic astigmatism. METHODS: Eighty-one eyes underwent TICL implantation and 83 eyes were treated with bioptics (corneal ablation was performed between 1.5 and 6 months after ICL implantation). Uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA), corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA), refraction, adverse events, safety, and efficacy were evaluated 12 months postoperatively. RESULTS: At 12 months postoperatively, the mean spherical equivalent was -0.15 ± 0.36 diopters (D) in the TICL group and -0.08 ± 0.26 D in the bioptics group (p = 0.099). Sixty-six (81.5 %) and 78 (94.0 %) eyes were within ±0.50 D for TICL and bioptics groups, respectively. The mean Snellen UDVA was not statistically different between both procedures (p = 0.909); 53 (65.4 %) and 54 (65.1 %) eyes achieved at least 20/25 or better in TICL and bioptics groups, respectively. No eye had lost more than two lines of CDVA, and 32.1 % of eyes (26/81) in the TICL group and 57.8 % of eyes (48/83) in the bioptics group had better postoperative UDVA than preoperative CDVA (p < 0.001). Safety was not statistically different between groups (p = 0.464) while efficacy was significantly higher in the bioptics group (p = 0.000). Two eyes with a TICL were treated to correct TICL decentration. CONCLUSIONS: Bioptics showed slightly better outcomes in some clinical measures such as uncorrected visual acuity, efficacy, and refractive predictability. TICL implantation shows reliable results similar to bioptics. A single procedure with TICL implantation might be preferred, eliminating the inherent risks of laser treatments and the risks of a second surgical procedure.The authors have no proprietary interests in any of the materials mentioned in this article. This research was supported in part by a Universitat de Valencia Research Grant to Robert Montes-Mico (#SAF2009-13342 and #SAF2008-01114-E#) and Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia of Portugal through a Grant to Paulo Fernandes (#FCT-SFRH-BD-34303-2007#)

    O Corpo Ganha Lugar Na Educação Inclusiva: Um Olhar Para A Motricidade No Transtorno Do Espectro Do Autismo (TEA)

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    PEREIRA Elizabeth Rodrigues de Oliveira The body takes place in Inclusive Education a look at the Autism Spectrum Disorder Motor Skills 2020 Disserta o Mestrado em Educa o Cultura e Comunica o Faculdade de Educa o da Baixada Fluminense Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Duque de Caxias 2020 This research concerns to Autism Spectrum Disorder ASD children and adolescents teaching-learning process Disorder ASD children and adolescents with emphasis on the student s potential and not what is lacking The main aims of this study are for analyzing the importance of motor skills for the ASD learner to develop as well as to discuss the inclusive perspective and to reflect on the traditional teaching method and on a teaching that treats the body in a perspective seen in a broader and less stereotyped language referring to Henri Wallon readings who guides the work with the human being in a global way Vigotski and the man s conception as someone who transforms and is transformed in relationships arising from a particular culture respecting and recognizing the differences and Michel Foucault regarding the discipline and docile bodies notion due to the fact that the school is compared to the barracks prisons hospitals because of employed hierarchy and normalizing sanction