177 research outputs found

    Studi Kritis Filsafat Islam Terhadap Filsafat Ilmu Administrasi (Studi Kasus pada Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mencermati pola pemikiran (framework) kajian filsafat dalam materi ajar mata kuliah Filsafat Ilmu Administrasi di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya; (2) mengetahui pandangan filsafat Islam terhadap kajian literatur filsafat ilmu administrasi yang digunakan pada Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya; dan (3) mengkomparasikan pandangan filsafat Islam dengan filsafat ilmu administrasi, khususnya pada item yang diperbincangkan dalam literatur filsafat ilmu administrasi di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui riset kepustakaan (library research), dan kajiannya disajikan secara deskriptif dan analitis, yakni analitis dalam pengertian historis dan filosofis. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa framework materi ajar pengajaran filsafat ilmu administrasi di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi mengacu/berorientasi pada filsafat barat (Yunani). Hal ini dibuktikan bahwa (a) konsep ilmu yang digunakan meyakini bahwa ilmu murni berasal/hasil dari hasil akar pikiran manusia. Dimana sumber kielmuannya adalah akal, rasio, indra dan intusi. Yang kemudian berkembang menjadi banyak cabang ilmu antara lain dapat dikelompokan menjadi ilmu alam, sosial dan humaniora. Dimana ilmu diyakini bebas nilai (value free) (b) hakekat manusia menurut filsafat barat tidak ada kepastian (semu): homo sapiens, manusia purba (teori evolusi Darwin), (c) konsep kebenaran dalam filsafat barat bersifat Relatif, Parsial, Subjektif, Scientific logic, Scientific rasional, dan Empirisistik. (d) value system filsafat barat berkiblat pada nilai filosofis yang ada dalam ilmu administrasi terdiri dari (1) kegiatan, (2) kerjasama, (3) tujuan, (4) efisiensi dan efektifitas; serta (5) organisasi; (e) etika dalam filsafat barat mengacu pada moralitas sosial dan Situasional (etika ekonomi, etika politik, dll). Temuan berikutnya adalalah bahwa kajian filsafat islam terhadap literatur filsafat ilmu administrasi di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi mengacu/berorientasi pada filsafat barat (Yunani). Hal ini dibuktikan bahwa (a) konsep ilmu yang digunakan meyakini bahwa ilmu berasal/hasil dari Tuhan melalui Al-Quran dan hadis yang bersifat rasional, empiris. Dimana ilmu diyakini tidak bebas nilai/netral (value free) dengan tujuan mencapai kemaslahatan dengan ma‘rifat dan ridho Allah. (b) hakekat manusia menurut filsafat islam adalah melaksanakan amanah: menyembah (abdullah), penguasa (khalifah), (c) konsep kebenaran dalam filsafat islam bersifat Absolut, Universal Objektif, Universal logic, Scientific Universal, dan Metafisik. (d) value system filsafat berkiblat pada nilai administrasi islam yaitu : ta‘awun, efisiensi dan efektifitas, niat dan harakah; (e) etika dalam filsafat barat mengacu pada moralitas individu dan sosial dan universalitas. Analitis kritis kajian filsafat pada mata kuliah filsafat ilmu administrasi dalam filsafat Islam : Hakikat Ilmu. Dengan berbagai prinsip keilmuannya, ilmu administrasi jelas sangat sekuler. Paham sekular yang berkiblat pada paham meterialisme tidak mengaitkan keilmuannya dengan Tuhan (aqidah). Sedang Islam adalah religius. Demikian juga pandangan-Islam mengenai ilmu. Di dalam Islam, ilmu bukanlah sekedar materi tanpa makna, melainkan tanda (ayat) dari kehadiran dan kebesaran Allah. Manusia. Ilmu administrasi secara umum ataupun Filsafat Ilmu Admnistrasi khususnya dapat menangkap makna dan hakikat manusia yang tidak saja dimaknai basyar dan insan tetapi lebih dari itu adalah an-nas yang memiliki tujuan hidup yang mulia sebagai khalifah di bumi dan bukan hanya untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi yang prakmatis dan rektif serta materialistis. Kebenaran, menurut Ilmu Administrasi bahwa kebenaran itu harus rasional, empiris dan pragmatis. Dari kriteria tersebut secara garis besar dalam filsafat ilmu administrasi muncul tiga aliran paham yang menjadi sumber dalam memaknai kebenaran, yaitu rasionalisme, emperisme

    Analisa Spasial Pengaruh Keberadaan Minimarket Waralaba Terhadap Omzet Toko Kelontong di Kecamatan Umbulharjo Kota Yogyakarta

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    This research aim to analyze spatial aspect of distribution and to verify variable that have effect to income change of traditional stores in Umbulharjo sub district, City of Yogyakarta. Method to analyze data’s which had collected using quitionares and to prove research hypothesis is quantitative approach and spatial approach to analyze distribution of traditional store. Refer to spatial analyze method, result of this reseach is spatial pattern of traditional market was clustered with number of Zscore’s -7,85579 and there is positive spatial autocorrelation because the number of Morran index is bigger than 0,028 . Density of traditional market in Umbulharjo sub District are concentrated in Warungboto and Pandeyan. Depend on statistics data analyze, comprehensive correlation between independent variables to dependen variable is 40,8 % and there is no linear relation between them. In particular correlations, only distance which have signifianct correlation to income change in 65,2 % than others independent variables

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Harga Dan Kelompok Acuan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada CV. Tahu Tuna Pak Ran Pacitan

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of product quality, price, and reference group to decision to buy tuna in CV Tuna Pak Ran. The population is taken is consumers who visit, buy, and consume tuna products Pak Ran Pacitan. So the number of samples in this study as many as 100 respondents because consumers who came in CV Tahu Pak Ran Tuna not identified. Based on the results of analysis of product quality variables known thitung> ttable (3.942> 2,000) then this indicates that the quality of the product has a significant influence on purchasing decisions. Price variable is known t count> ttable (6,807> 2,000) hence this indicates that price have significant influence to purchasing decision. The reference group variable is known as thitung> ttable (5,072> 2,000) then this indicates that reference group has significant influence to purchase decision. Keywords: Product Quality, Price, Reference Group and Purchase Decision vi

    Oral Focal Mucinosis: A case report

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    Oral focal mucinosis is a rare lesion with less than 60 cases reported in English literature so far, to the best of our knowledge. It is considered to be the oral counterpart of cutaneous focal mucinosis and/or cutaneous myxoid cyst. Histopathologically, Oral focal mucinosis is demonsterates a well-circumscribed area of myxomatous connective tissue containing mucinous material, surrounded by denser collagenous connective tissue. We present a case of Oral focal mucinosis occurring on the buccal gingiva of the lower jaw

    Novel catalytically active pd/Ru bimetallic nanoparticles synthesized by Bacillus benzeovorans

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    This work was supported by a UK Commonwealth scholarship to JBO. BK was supported by the Petroleum Technology Development Funds (PTDF) of Nigeria. The project was funded by NERC grant NE/L014076/1 to LEM. The Science City Photoemission Facility used in this research was funded through the Science Cities Advanced Materials Project 1: Creating and Characterizing Next Generation of Advanced Materials with support from AWM and ERDF funds. The microscopy work was conducted in the “Laboratorio de Microscopias Avanzadas” at “Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon - Universidad de Zaragoza” Spain. The authors acknowledge the LMA-INA for offering access to their instruments and expertise.Bacillus benzeovorans assisted and supported growth of ruthenium (bio-Ru) and palladium/ruthenium (bio-Pd@Ru) core@shell nanoparticles (NPs) as bio-derived catalysts. Characterization of the bio-NPs using various electron microscopy techniques and high-angle annular dark field (HAADF) analysis confirmed two NP populations (1–2 nm and 5–8 nm), with core@shells in the latter. The Pd/Ru NP lattice fringes, 0.231 nm, corresponded to the (110) plane of RuO2. While surface characterization using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) showed the presence of Pd(0), Pd(II), Ru(III) and Ru(VI), X-ray absorption (XAS) studies of the bulk material confirmed the Pd speciation (Pd(0) and Pd(II)- corresponding to PdO), and identified Ru as Ru(III) and Ru(IV). The absence of Ru–Ru or Ru–Pd peaks indicated Ru only exists in oxide forms (RuO2 and RuOH), which are surface-localized. X ray diffraction (XRD) patterns did not identify Pd-Ru alloying. Preliminary catalytic studies explored the conversion of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (5-HMF) to the fuel precursor 2,5-dimethyl furan (2,5-DMF). Both high-loading (9.7 wt.% Pd, 6 wt.% Ru) and low-loading (2.4 wt.% Pd, 2 wt.% Ru) bio-derived catalysts demonstrated high conversion efficiencies (~95%) and selectivity of ~63% (~20% better than bio-Ru NPs) and 58%, respectively. These materials show promising future scope as efficient low-cost biofuel catalysts.Funded by NERC grant NE/L014076/

    Development of a measure of model fidelity for mental health Crisis Resolution Teams

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    Background Crisis Resolution Teams (CRTs) provide short-term intensive home treatment to people experiencing mental health crisis. Trial evidence suggests CRTs can be effective at reducing hospital admissions and increasing satisfaction with acute care. When scaled up to national level however, CRT implementation and outcomes have been variable. We aimed to develop and test a fidelity scale to assess adherence to a model of best practice for CRTs, based on best available evidence. Methods A concept mapping process was used to develop a CRT fidelity scale. Participants (n = 68) from a range of stakeholder groups prioritised and grouped statements (n = 72) about important components of the CRT model, generated from a literature review, national survey and qualitative interviews. These data were analysed using Ariadne software and the resultant cluster solution informed item selection for a CRT fidelity scale. Operational criteria and scoring anchor points were developed for each item. The CORE CRT fidelity scale was then piloted in 75 CRTs in the UK to assess the range of scores achieved and feasibility for use in a 1-day fidelity review process. Trained reviewers (n = 16) rated CRT service fidelity in a vignette exercise to test the scale’s inter-rater reliability. Results There were high levels of agreement within and between stakeholder groups regarding the most important components of the CRT model. A 39-item measure of CRT model fidelity was developed. Piloting indicated that the scale was feasible for use to assess CRT model fidelity and had good face validity. The wide range of item scores and total scores across CRT services in the pilot demonstrate the measure can distinguish lower and higher fidelity services. Moderately good inter-rater reliability was found, with an estimated correlation between individual ratings of 0.65 (95% CI: 0.54 to 0.76). Conclusions The CORE CRT Fidelity Scale has been developed through a rigorous and systematic process. Promising initial testing indicates its value in assessing adherence to a model of CRT best practice and to support service improvement monitoring and planning. Further research is required to establish its psychometric properties and international applicability

    Ameliorative Effects of Dimetylthiourea and N-Acetylcysteine on Nanoparticles Induced Cyto-Genotoxicity in Human Lung Cancer Cells-A549

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    We study the ameliorative potential of dimetylthiourea (DMTU), an OH• radical trapper and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor/H2O2 scavenger against titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2-NPs) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) induced cyto-genotoxicity in cultured human lung cancer cells-A549. Cytogenotoxicity was induced by exposing the cells to selected concentrations (10 and 50 µg/ml) of either of TiO2-NPs or MWCNTs for 24 h. Anti-cytogenotoxicity effects of DMTU and NAC were studied in two groups, i.e., treatment of 30 minutes prior to toxic insult (short term exposure), while the other group received DMTU and NAC treatment during nanoparticles exposure, i.e., 24 h (long term exposure). Investigations were carried out for cell viability, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), micronuclei (MN), and expression of markers of oxidative stress (HSP27, CYP2E1), genotoxicity (P53) and CYP2E1 dependent n- nitrosodimethylamine-demethylase (NDMA-d) activity. In general, the treatment of both DMTU and NAC was found to be effective significantly against TiO2-NPs and MWCNTs induced cytogenotoxicity in A549 cells. Long-term treatment of DMTU and NAC during toxic insults has shown better prevention than short-term pretreatment. Although, cells responded significantly to both DMTU and NAC, but responses were chemical specific. In part, TiO2-NPs induced toxic responses were mediated through OH• radicals generation and reduction in the antioxidant defense system. While in the case of MWCNTs, adverse effects were primarily due to altering/hampering the enzymatic antioxidant system. Data indicate the applicability of human lung cancer cells-A549 as a pre-screening tool to identify the target specific prophylactic and therapeutic potential of drugs candidate molecules against nanoparticles induced cellular damages

    Biological Convergence of Cancer Signatures

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    Gene expression profiling has identified cancer prognostic and predictive signatures with superior performance to conventional histopathological or clinical parameters. Consequently, signatures are being incorporated into clinical practice and will soon influence everyday decisions in oncology. However, the slight overlap in the gene identity between signatures for the same cancer type or condition raises questions about their biological and clinical implications. To clarify these issues, better understanding of the molecular properties and possible interactions underlying apparently dissimilar signatures is needed. Here, we evaluated whether the signatures of 24 independent studies are related at the genome, transcriptome or proteome levels. Significant associations were consistently observed across these molecular layers, which suggest the existence of a common cancer cell phenotype. Convergence on cell proliferation and death supports the pivotal involvement of these processes in prognosis, metastasis and treatment response. In addition, functional and molecular associations were identified with the immune response in different cancer types and conditions that complement the contribution of cell proliferation and death. Examination of additional, independent, cancer datasets corroborated our observations. This study proposes a comprehensive strategy for interpreting cancer signatures that reveals common design principles and systems-level properties