12 research outputs found


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    Abstract Social Security Agency (BPJS) in health, has responsibility to carry out the national healthy service system such as promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative, in form of funding health assurance. The assurance is using government facilities and private facilities collaboration with BPJS. The purpose of this research is to gain a deep understanding of the experience of health workers in the primary health care system of Jambi city in Year 2014 type of qualitative research with descriptive phenomenological approach. Participants in this study were health workers ie doctors and nurses who work in primary facilities / health care, selected in accordance with criteria established by 16 participants. Purposive sampling method is the data analysis methods Colaizzi. Data testing was tested by Credibility test, Tranferability, Dependability and Confirmability. The results showed experience of physicians and nurses about the health care system BPJS are: 1) The procedure BPJS service not unlike the procedures Askes services and free medical treatment, 2) health care systems BPJS more beneficial to society. 3) System services BPJS cause problems for patients and health professionals 4) Health workers resolve problems directly and indirectly are temporary and, 5) BPJS service system perceived differently by each nurse and doctor. Understanding of issurance procedures sytem affect to the system of issurance itself and differences in perceptions. advice; BPJS should socialize health care system, meeting the needs of supporting facilities and SIM administration and service optimization.   Keywords: Experience, health workers, primary health care facilities, health care system BPJS.   Abstrak Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) kesehatan, memiliki tanggung jawab menyeleggarakan sistem pelayanan kesehatan Nasional berupa pelayanan promotif, preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitative, dalam bentuk jaminan pembiayaan kesehatan. Fasilitas pelayanan yang digunakan adalah semua fasilitas pemerintah dan swasta yang bekerja sama dengan BPJS Kesehatan, namun yang berperan sebagai ujung tombaknya adalah fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan primer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memperoleh pemahaman yang mendalam pengalaman Tenaga kesehatan terutama perawat dan dokter tentang sistem pelayanan kesehatan primer di kota Jambi Tahun 2014. Jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi deskriftif. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah tenaga kesehatan yaitu dokter dan perawat yang bekerja di fasilitas primer/ Puskesmas perawatan, dipilih sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan sebanyak 16 partisipan. Metode pengambilan sampel purposive sampling, dengan analisa data metode Colaizzi. Pengujian data uji Credibility, Tranferability, Dependability dan Confirmability. Hasil penelitian didapatkan pengalaman dokter dan perawat tentang sistem pelayanan BPJS kesehatan adalah: 1) Prosedur pelayanan BPJS tidak  berbeda dengan  prosedur  pelayanan Askes dan Jamkesmas, 2) Sistem pelayanan BPJS kesehatan lebih bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. 3) Sistem pelayanan BPJS menimbulkan permasalahan bagi pasien, dan tenaga kesehatan 4) Tenaga kesehatan  menyelesaikan masalah secara langsung dan bersifat sementara serta tidak langsung, 5) Sistem pelayanan BPJS dipersepsikan berbeda oleh masing-masing perawat dan dokter. Pemahaman terhadap prosedur sistem pelayanan mempengaruhi timbulnya permasalahan, sehingga terjadi kesalahan dan perbedaan persepsi. Saran; melakukan sosialisasi sistem pelayanan BPJS kesehatan, pemenuhan kebutuhan fasilitas penunjang dan pengoptimalan SIM administrasi dan pelayanan.   Kata Kunci: Pengalaman, tenaga kesehatan, pelayanan kesehatan primer, BPJS kesehatan

    Kemampuan Kepemimpinan Klinis Perawat Pelaksana Berdasarkan Pendekatan Clinical Leadership Competency Framework dan Faktor-Faktor Determinannya

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    This study aims to analyze nurses' clinical leadership abilities based on the clinical leadership competency framework approach and its determinants in the inpatient room of Padangsidimpuan Hospital. The research design in this study used a descriptive-analytic correlation. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the availability of nursing resources, management support, and work environment support with clinical leadership abilities, with a p-value for each variable, namely the availability of nurse resources (p = 0.043), management support (p = 0.000) and support work environment (p = 0.005). Meanwhile, competence has no significant relationship with nurses' clinical leadership ability in the inpatient room of RSUD Padangsidimpuan (p = 0.084). Multivariate analysis shows that management support is the most dominant variable associated with clinical leadership skills, with an Odds Ratio (OR) value of 4.476. In conclusion, nurses' clinical leadership ability must be supported by the availability of nurse resources, work environment support, and management support to obtain quality nursing services. Keywords: Determinants, Respondent Characteristics, Clinical Leadershi

    Analisis Hubungan Pengajaran dengan Mutu Pelayanan Rumah Sakit di Rumah Sakit Islam Kota Padang

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    Hospital service quality is an assessment of services obtained from patients with cost-efficient and results from the organization's organizational performance. Free market competition requires us to improve quality in all fields, especially in health services to be recognized internationally, the phenomenon of people prefering to seek treatment abroad is a big challenge in improving the quality of hospital services. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of Teaching with the services quality in Padang City Islamic hospitals. The study design used was descriptive correlation with cross sectional design. The sample of this study were 325 inpatients. The results of this study prove that there is a relationship between teaching and service quality in Padang City Islamic hospitals (P = 0.006). This study recommends hospitals to increase the active role of nurses in improving service quality with the COPA model approach, which is teaching that can be applied in hospitals

    Risk Factors for COVID-19: A Quantitative Study Conducted at Padang City Center Hospital

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    Objective: This study sought to estimate the prevalence of COVID-19 infection among hospital staff according to various factors. Moreover, it sought to identify any factors that predicted a higher probability of infection in this population. Methods: This descriptive research was conducted among medical and non-medical personnel at Padang City Center Hospital, Indonesia (n=129). A chi-square test analysis was used to determine the degree of interrelationship between the studied variables, while an odds ratio (OR) test was performed to identify more potential categories. Results: Some 31.8% of respondents tested positive for COVID-19, although this finding was insignificant (p>0.05). In terms of the OR, the following probabilities were calculated: age (OR=1.0 [0.36–2.88]); medical history (OR=1.3 [0.23–2.0]); higher education (OR=1.9 [0.2–17.6]); wearing a good mask (OR=0.7 [0.07–7.02]); good hand washing (OR=1.8 [0.46–7.07]); good physical distancing (OR=1.8 [0.46–7.07]); good personal protective equipment (OR=0.7 [0.07–7.02]); normal depression, anxiety, and stress (OR<1.0); and comorbidity (OR=1,2 [0.46-3.06]). Conclusion: No significant relationship was found between the studied factors and COVID-19 infection. However, there were more potential trends, especially for highly educated medical teams, not wearing a mask, smoking, engaging in strenuous activity, poor psychology, and comorbidity. These findings should prompt policymakers tasked with developing resources and interventions to pay more attention to the needs of medical and non-medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially the availability of masks

    Enhancing Hospital Service Quality and Patient Safety through the MIRACLE Model: A Partial Least Squares Equation Approach

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    Objective: Give a background why this model is worthwhile by briefly highlighting the current health system and how this study may help to improve this system. This study aims to assess the impact of the MIRACLE model onquality enhancement and patient safety within healthcare settings. Study Design: Employing a cross-sectional design, this research centers on four key variables and 19 corresponding indicators. Data were collected using a questionnaire distributed via Google Forms, targeting heads of work units at M. Djamil Central General Hospital in Padang, Indonesia. Method: The analysis utilizes the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) technique to evaluate variable relationships. The variables studied are Communitarian, Apprenticing Affinity, Managing, and Quality and Patient Safety, with indicators integrated into the questionnaire. Results: Communitarian and Apprenticing Affinity emerged as influential factors directly impacting quality of health servicesand patient safety, moderated by Managing variable. Research findings reveal a significant positive impact of the Apprenticing Affinity variable on Managing (p-value = 0.013), underlining its significance in hospital management. Moreover, Apprenticing Affinity significantly affects quality and patient safety (p-value = 0.00), highlighting its pivotal role in healthcare enhancement. Similarly, the Communitarian variable significantly influences Managing (p-value = 0.11), notably impacting quality and patient safety (p-value = 0.00). However, Managing alone does not significantly impact quality and patient safety (p-value = 0.15). Indirectly, the research unveils that the Managing-moderated Apprenticing Affinity variable lacks significant influence on quality and patient safety (p-value = 0.268). Similarly, Managing-moderated Communitarian influence does not substantially impact quality and patient safety (p-value = 0.411). Conclusion: This study highlights the substantial impact of Communitarian and Apprenticing Affinity, moderated by Managing, on quality and patient safety. Notably, Managing alone lacks direct influence. These findings underscore the significance of cultivating collaborative, learning-oriented environments, alongside effective management practices, to bolster healthcare quality and patient safety


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    Stres kerja selalu dihadapi karyawan saat melakukan pekerjaannya. Stres dan keadaan tegang yang berkepanjangan tanpa adanya penyelesaian yang adekuat, akan mengganggu kesehatan fisik dan mental pekerja. Konsentrasi pekerja menjadi kurang, motivasi kerja dan tingkat keterampilan akan menurun, serta biaya pemeliharaan kesehatan akan meningkat. Perawat sering menghadapi situasi yang bisa menyebabkan terkena stres kerja dan bahkan pada kondisi yang sangat membahayakan. Perawat yang mengalami stres di tempat kerja akan berdampak tidak baik terhadap kualitas pelayanan kesehatan yang mereka berikan kepada pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara faktor individu, pekerjaan, dan iklim organisasi dengan tingkat stres kerja perawat manajer di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang Tahun 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode riset kuantitatif, jenis deskriptif korelasi, dengan pendekatan cross sectional study. Sampel penelitian ini adalah perawat manajer yang berjumlah 157 orang dengan cara proportional simple random sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang sudah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dari tanggal 24 Mei 2013-1 Juni 2012 dengan cara menyebarkan angket. Responden penelitian ini rata-rata berusia 40 tahun dengan rata-rata masa dinas 16 tahun. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 59,2% tidak mengalami stres kerja,67,5% berpendidikan vokasional, 68,2% kemampuan diri baik, 60,5% beban kerja rendah, 59,9% etos kerja baik,65% pengawasan pimpinan baik, 54,8% interaksi tim kerja baik, 68,8% fasilitas kurang baik, dan 58,0% lingkungan fisik kurang baik.Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara usia, masa kerja, kemampuan diri, beban kerja, dan etos kerja dengan tingkat stres kerja perawat manajer. Tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara pendidikan, pengawasan pimpinan, interaksi tim kerja, fasilitas dan lingkungan fisik dengan tingkat stres kerja perawat manajer. Beban kerja merupakan faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan tingkat stres kerja perawat manajer RSUP. Dr. M. Djamil Padang. Saran untuk bidang keperawatan perlu mempertimbangkan faktor yang dapat menimbulkan stres kerja terutama faktor beban kerja. Kata kunci: faktor individu, iklim organisasi, pekerjaan, perawat manajer, stres kerja, Daftar pustaka: 96 (1981-2012

    Burnout In Government X And Private Y Hospital In Jambi Province

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    Background: Burnout is a matter of nursing resources that consists of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal acchomplishment. The previous survey results are burnout is a Global and Indonesia issues. This study aims to determine the difference of burnout to nurses at X government hospital and private hospital Y in Jambi Province. Method: This research type is quantitative with comparative cross sectional design. The sample was taken proportionally random sampling at 190 nurses.Results: This study shows nurses in government hospitals X 48.4% experienced high emotional exhaustion, 49.5% experienced high depersonalization, 57.9% high personal acchomplishment, whereas nurses in private hospitals Y 40.0% high emotional exhaustion, 40.0% experienced high depersonalization, 36.8% personal acchomplishment. Mann Whitney U Test results showed no significant differences between emotional exhaustion and depersonalization between nurses in hospital X and Y private hospitals, but the dimensions of personal acchomplisment significant differences. Conclusions: There were no significant differences, emotional exhaution, depersonalization on nurses at X government hospitals and private Y hospitals in Jambi Province, there was a significant difference in personal acchomplishment in X goverment hospital and privateY hospital

    Analisis Hubungan Pengajaran dengan Mutu Pelayanan Rumah Sakit di Rumah Sakit Islam Kota Padang

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    Hospital service quality is an assessment of services obtained from patients with cost-efficient and results from the organization's organizational performance. Free market competition requires us to improve quality in all fields, especially in health services to be recognized Internationally, the phenomenon of people prefering to seek treatment abroad is a big challenge in improving the quality of hospital services. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of Teaching with the services quality in Padang City Islamic hospitals. The study design used was descriptive correlation with cross sectional design. The sample of this study were 325 inpatients. The results of this study prove that there is a relationship between teaching and service quality in Padang City Islamic hospitals (P = 0.006). This study recommends hospitals to increase the active role of nurses in improving service quality with the COPA model approach, which is teaching that can be applied in hospitals