3,418 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Ekuitas Merek Terhadap Respon Konsumen Pada Produk Levi’s Di Palembang

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of brand equity consists of brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, and brand loyalty on consumer response Levi's products in Palembang. The stronger the brand equity, the more powerful it the confidence of consumers use a product that will produce a response from the consumers so as to make the company a profit from time to time even though competition in the global market is very tight between the various brands. The population in this study was the use Levi's products. The sample obtained in this study was 100 respondents. Hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis with SPSS ver. 17.0. The test results showed that brand awareness (X1), brand association (X2), perceived quality (X3) and brand loyalty (X4) have an influence on consumer response to Levi's products in Palembang

    The Determinants of European Union (EU) Foreign Direct Investments in the EU Countries from Central and Eastern Europe During 1994–2012

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    This study examines whether the CEECs’ financial market development can explain the EU FDI in the CEECs during 1994–2012. The higher bank credit flows had a positive effect on the FDI in 2005–2012. This can be attributed to the major banking sector reforms undertaken before the CEECs’ EU accession. Second, the stock market size had a positive effect in 1997–2004. This is due to the fact that the EU membership announcement facilitated deeper stock market integration. Third, the higher country income, in interaction with a higher bank credit flow, had only a small positive effect in 2005–2012. The higher income CEECs have pursued much deeper bank liberalization through large-scale privatization of state-owned banks. Finally, the higher country income, in interaction with a larger stock market size, had a negative effect in 2005–2012. A possible reason for this is that the EU countries have started to divert their new FDI to the non-EU countries

    Understanding pathways

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    The challenge with todays microarray experiments is to infer biological conclusions from them. There are two crucial difficulties to be surmounted in this challenge:(1) A lack of suitable biological repository that can be easily integrated into computational algorithms. (2) Contemporary algorithms used to analyze microarray data are unable to draw consistent biological results from diverse datasets of the same disease. To deal with the first difficulty, we believe a core database that unifies available biological repositories is important. Towards this end, we create a unified biological database from three popular biological repositories (KEGG, Ingenuity and Wikipathways). This database provides computer scientists the flexibility of easily integrating biological information using simple API calls or SQL queries. To deal with the second difficulty of deriving consistent biological results from the experiments, we first conceptualize the notion of “subnetworks”, which refers to a connected portion in a biological pathway. Then we propose a method that identifies subnetworks that are consistently expressed by patients of he same disease phenotype. We test our technique on independent datasets of several diseases, including ALL, DMD and lung cancer. For each of these diseases, we obtain two independent microarray datasets produced by distinct labs on distinct platforms. In each case, our technique consistently produces overlapping lists of significant nontrivial subnetworks from two independent sets of microarray data. The gene-level agreement of these significant subnetworks is between 66.67% to 91.87%. In contrast, when the same pairs of microarray datasets were analysed using GSEA and t-test, this percentage fell between 37% to 55.75% (GSEA) and between 2.55% to 19.23% (t-test). Furthermore, the genes selected using GSEA and t-test do not form subnetworks of substantial size. Thus it is more probable that the subnetworks selected by our technique can provide the researcher with more descriptive information on the portions of the pathway which actually associates with the disease. Keywords: pathway analysis, microarra

    Reasoning in a Multicultural Society

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    Multicultural society as a way of being-with-others needs a certain form of public reasoning. Unfortunately, the current yet dominant form of public reasoning is infiltrated by biases from occidental culture. This mode of reasoning does nothing but uproot participants from their cultural identity for the sake of universal consensus. Multicultural society, however, consists of identities which are embedded in the individuals' cultural tradition. This sociological fact demands a richer form of rationality that does not deny the multiplicity of cultural values and embedded identities. We need a form of public reasoning which emphasizes cultural understanding rather than abstract consensus. We might call it a multicultural, contextualized and other-regarding form of public reason

    Pengaruh efektivitas iso 9001 terhadap kualitas produk dan kinerja operasional pada perusahaan manufaktur di jabodetabek

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari efektivitas ISO 9001 terhadap kualitas produk dan kinerja operasional pada perusahaan manufaktur di Jabodetabek. Penelitian ini melakukan uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan structural equation model (SEM). Penelitian ini memiliki sampel 30 perusahaan manufaktur di Jabodetabek yang sudah menerapkan sertifikat ISO 9001. Karena keterbatasan waktu 30 sampel yang didapat akan di gandakan (bootstrap) menggunakan perangkat lunak LISREL. Perangkat lunak AMOS 22 digunakan dalam mengelola data pada penelitan ini. Tujuan dari menggunakan AMOS 22 adalah karena penelitian ini memiliki dimensi yang dapat di hitung jika menggunakan AMOS 22. Hasil analisis penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara efektivitas ISO 9001 terhadap kinerja operasional. Akan tetapi, Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa data tidak mendukung hipotesis efektivitas ISO 9001 berpengaruh terhadap kualitas produk dan kinerja operasional berpengaruh terhadap kualitas produk. Maka dari ketiga hipotesis penelitian yang diajukan tidak semuanya sesuai dengan hasil temuan pada penelitian sebelumnya

    On the Torus Degeneration of the Genus Two Partition Function

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    We consider the partition function of a general vertex operator algebra VV on a genus two Riemann surface formed by sewing together two tori. We consider the non-trivial degeneration limit where one torus is pinched down to a Riemann sphere and show that the genus one partition function on the degenerate torus is recovered up to an explicit universal VV-independent multiplicative factor raised to the power of the central charge.Comment: 18 page


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    ABSTRACTThe problem of the teeth is a health problem that is still experienced by developed countries and developing countries including Indonesia. According to data Riskesdas in 2013 aged 10-14 years 25.2 %. One is the level of individual dental hygiene. Age 10-12 years of age who are prone to dental problems The aim of this study was to analyze the differences in media posters on the intention to act and perception. This study uses a pre experimental research with one group pretest - posttest . Research methods with total sampling . Methods of statistical analysis with Whitney test , p = < 0.05 . A significant value of p = 0.000 directing that there are different intention to act after the treatment . Is expected for the next researcher to develop in the direction of action.Key words : Poster, intention to act, perseption, dental hygieneABSTRAKMasalah gigi merupakan masalah kesehatan yang masih dialami negara maju maupun negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Menurut data Riskesdas tahun 2013 usia 10-14 tahun 25,2%. Salah satunya adalah tingkat kebersihan gigi individu. Usia 10-12 tahun merupakan usia yang rawan terjadinya masalah gigi Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perbedaan media poster terhadap niat untuk bertindak dan persepsi. Penelitian ini mengunakan penelitian pra eksperimen dengan one group pretes


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    Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor (SIM-PKB) adalah suatu sistem yang berbasiskan pada sebuah Sistem Informasi Manajemen sehingga mempunyai fungsi-fungsi yang lengkap dalam implementasinya. Tujuan utama dari dikembangkannya SIM-PKB ini adalah untuk memberikan layanan yang lebih cepat, transparan dan akurat di sisi layanan publik Pada Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor (SIM-PKB) dilakukan secara komputerisasi tanpa lagi secara manual. SIM-PKB merupakan aplikasi offlineyang terhubung dengan jaringan komputer yang terkoordinir dan terstruktur untuk menguji kendaraan bermotor dalam mengetahui standart kelayakan sesuai jenisnya. pemohon melakukan pengisian data pemohon dan kendaraan, melalui komputer user yang di layani petugas kemudian petugas melakukan pengujian kendraan yang sesuai dengan data kendaraan yang akan di uji. Sehingga Aplikasi Pada Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pengujian Kendaraan Bermotor (SIM-PKB) ini bisa melakukan pelayanan pengujian kendaraan bermotor dan operasi sesuai ketentuan yang sudah di atur pada sistem dan sesuai data yang diminta oleh sistem.di mana jenis pelayanannya dapat disesuaikan dengan data. antara lain uji berkala, mutasi masuk/keluar, numpang uji, perubahan fungsi dan perubaha